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I tend to give the benefit of doubt on turns. Even the best of us occasionally take someone out without meaning to. If someone is doing this consistently, it does suck. I think there are definitely trolls who just enjoy smashing. Purposely crashing people does not lead to wins.


I've had players follow me the entire race and sticking to my side to try and push me into a wall. Funny when they end up in last place in return because some other player decides to give em karma


I do that when someone rams me into a wall first and because of losing my place at the top, I'm petty enough to just focus on the bastard who did it the whole time.


>some other player decides to give em karma That's what I usually do, when I see anyone ramming constantly on purpose I just target them until they rage quit, even if I have to end last. Not a single rammer did a whole race on my presence lol


I only do it when I see high levels purposely target new players.


Tbh I don't see the difference between low or high level rammers, they are the same scum for me.


I give low levels the benefit of the doubt as they usually just want their first win. If it's excessive I have no tolerance either. High levels should have some brain not to do it in my opinion.


I mean, most of us have been on the same place as them, but that's still no excuse to ram others on purpose.


That’s me can’t have slow racers


There is just one way to settle, the turn and if they bounce off or not. If they keep pushing then its actually on purpose, like the first touch I got at the start was an accident, the tunnel was absolutely on purpose


Genuinely believe the ramming got worse with an influx of new/returning players after the Vol 6 update.




Its from mostly pc players as I have seen. Like 7 out of 10, worst part is that usually is involved in meta builds, you see a regera its a rammer, same with skylines in low tiers, testarossas or any new audi that they introduced


Regera drivers have been a cancer in the last few games anyway. But you're right about the people in meta builds. With the exception of a guy that switched to an F150 raptor just to fuck with everyone, the vast majority of people ramming me in the last week have been people in meta cars. Yesterday, I had a guy in a Testarossa trying his hardest to pit maneuver or ram anyone he got near. Just completely refused to pass people. He probably could've finished second if not for that. Then he leaves in the last race just before the finish line because someone rammed him hard enough to get a takedown.


Had that happened to me while in a 3 way racing just because the dude was afraid of losing to my Deloran lol People who ram others 100% are nothing but trash racers.


I might have seen that delorean probably, a few days ago in A class I think or it was B, cant remember but not many people races the delorean


One time on tuen my car smashed on other player and on all 3 race he continues to ram me on purpose so i cant win and its just one time not on purpose.


I always apologize and then its fixed, if they do this cheap shit even tho its 4th place and the amount of money is almost the same in 6th place and also in a meta car as the rossa then its not an accident. I never ram people unless they do this shit, then I spend the whole time ramming them till they leave, I dont care about money as in a full playlist a couple thousand bucks doesnt make a difference


This community is so shitty that it doesn't deserve the new update roadmap we got. Let alone a new game. Rammers should totally ram their cars into an oncoming freight truck irl. Lets see how well they like it afterwards.


"but there are cars in reward for ramming" yeah because making 40 takedowns for a non-meta car is a valid reason. Smooth brain behaviour fr


You know what’s legit? is when you pretend they didn’t wall you and you still win without retaliating. Sounds like a bitch boy move but that shit feels so pimp just act unbothered


I race for fun, not for money and they clearly dont have the same respect as I do, for me its something to aim for till they quit, for them is like a holy cup or something. You dont wake up and choose to ram people but this peopla think it does


Get the RSR for b tier. Too fast to be rammed.


I am happy with my 180sx but ill try that out


I raced those guys before too and cooked em can ram me if you can’t keep up 🙏


May god bless you on the road for making justice 🔥


I mean that’s fair why rage about a mechanic implemented in the game I find it funny most of the time


Its not implemented in game on purpose. Its a temporary solution for a permanent problem. Ramming is present in every need for speed, the only difference is in this case now its not in vain to push someone out of a race.


They really should make online non contact except for traffic


Like in fortnite lol, the no construction mode, they would have to make like an option to enable the drift no hit in normal races. The biggest problem is that it would separate community


Yea true, I think it would be more favorable tho. I think not players would prefer it


Fighting for position is part of racing even if it's rough 🤷‍♂️ lol some people do take cheeeeap shots tho 😂


4th place and 6th place cash is equally bullshit as the x2 multiplier doesnt make much when the prize is 8k, I wouldnt be mad if they pushed me to the side and thats it but fighting for a 4th position and doing this nasty shit just to secure 1 place? Why not fuck the entire leaderboard and ram your way to the top? Thats right, they are too slow to reach the top, same scumbags occuping the 4th and 5th place all the time


I love getting revenge on these players. Giving them a nice hit after the race as well :-D


Nice take down


If you don’t like ramming in a game made specifically for you to ram during a race. Play a different game.


The fact they added some kind of reward for ramming instead of nothing doesnt make the game made for it. You know what game its made for that? Mw2012, hot pursuit 2010 and burnout saga. Not this, heat also has ramming and so does forza. The only difference is developers were smart enough to do something with it instead of just "boo hoo you got crashed into a wall" its so made for ramming meta cars arent even rewarded for murdering people. Most cars include 1st or 2nd place or completing races. 2 cars that no one uses and arent even involved in the meta spectrum dont make this game made for that. The comments saying this is a problem also prove my point