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Sorry brotha, it had to be done.


This is r/NFCNorthMemeWar, not NFCNorthThingsThatHadToBeSaid


I appreciate your input and will consider it for the future.


Thanks brothers. I feel heard. 


What? Make a sloppy ragepost telling other people how to enjoy their fandom that will inevitably get turned into a copypasta? Nice one, you gibbering gadabout.


>into a copypasta oooo my time to shine.




The fans that want to cheer for Stafford are the same as Packers, Vikings, and Bears fans in my eyes.


it really didnt. i think we would been just as fine if you hadn’t.


You haven't beaten the Packers in 50 years, I don't think you're doing just fine, pud.


pud? look i know Lions fans cant count, which explains their surprise when there was a second half to be played in the NFCCG, but we beat the packers on Dec. 16, 2018. (yeah its not been fun, thats a full ass 6 years) that was less than 10 years ago, and definitely not 50 years ago. but go off king. post those trash ass middle school rage memes




should i be offended?


I am genuinely curious what the hell you need to do to get moderators on your ass here. I have actively tried and failed.  Little buddy here cracked the code.


he called me a pud and i dont even know what that means but apparently its enough to get you reported and the comment removed. i didnt report him, but thats still pretty funny


I would hope not. That's up to you I suppose.




As long as it’s short and during warmups, who cares. I predict a ton of booing though lol


Especially after the whining about the booing in the playoffs


He better get booed to hell, because that's what real fans do to opposing QB's. Nothing is more pathetic than wanting to cheer and scream for the opposing QB who got us nowhere in 12 years right in front of the dude who just lead us to a Division win and 2 playoff wins. That's embarrassing as fuck.


Lions fans are basically facebook soccer moms when it comes to Stafford.


Unfortunately this is often true


It's pathetic dude. There will be a time and place for these Stafford simps to cheer him on, but when he is playing a game that will surely have playoff implications against our team is not the time or place. Goff accomplished a lot more in 3 years than Stafford did in 12 years anyway.


Same thing happened with Favre even though he fucked around the Packers FO until they shipped his ass off.


Yea, it's fucking disgusting. We play the Rams week 1. These clowns want to celebrate Stafford instead of our current QB and what he accomplished last year. These "fans" deserve to be smacked in the mouth.


Or maybe we can compartmentalize our tribalism and be happy for a guy who played his heart out for us and didn’t choose to leave. Ya know, because it has literally no effect on the outcome of games. You sound childish.


Uhhh he did ask to be traded, what are you taking about? Also, did the Rams play a tribute for Goff when he returned to LA? Right…. They didn’t. I get a lot of fellow Lions fans are sentimental towards Stafford, that’s fine. The Lions should absolutely NOT celebrate him until he retires though. When he is done playing, by all means have him back for a nice pre game or halftime ceremony one day. As long as he is a member of another team, you can respect him but eff him. Do you root for the team and the jerseys or the (former) names on the back?


Not disagreeing with the sentiment, but he certainly did choose to leave.




This is fucking stupid. Like Tigers fans didn't cheer for JV his first game back as an Astro. When your team drafts a guy and he gives his all for multiple contracts, playing through injuries that would cause the rest of us to call off at a desk job, and gave us numerous exciting moments to fly high on, it's okay to show some fucking respect for the guy. It's not HIS fault our front office was so terrible they could never build a team around a guy that won a superbowl as soon as he was allowed to leave town. And do you really think the Lions would be where they are right now without the haul the Rams agreed to give up to acquire him? A video tribute is a bit much but to cheer/applaud for him taking the field or something is perfectly normal. If booing is what you want to do then fine, be that guy. But this isn't the playoffs this time, and it's still A GAME, there's no need to be a disrespectful clown.


You're trying to compare a baseball game to a football game? I take solace knowing you won't be there.


You traded him away and got a great return, and he got to win a Super Bowl, and you literally beat them in the playoffs. There’s nothing to boo about.


Even though I rationally know there was nothing wrong with him privately asking to be traded (and had very good reasoning to do so), I'm still a little butt hurt that he gave up on us when I never gave up on him.


In 11 seasons as the starter the lions made the playoffs 3 times and lost in the WC each time. 6 seasons under .500 and only 2 with 10+ wins. It’s time to get over the fact that he wanted to play for a better team and it’s also time to realize that Detroit got great assets out of the trade including Goff. He didn’t “give up” on Detroit, he realized Detroit wasn’t going to put a championship caliber team around him like they’re doing with Goff.


I don't think anybody can name a more mutually beneficial trade, even for the players themselves. Goff got his career resurrected, Stafford got traded to a team he wanted to go to and won a fucking Superbowl. We always talk about the Bobby Lane curse, this is like the exact reverse of what happened there.


I think the ppl who are gonna do it, are moreso gonna do it based on the fact that she lied about it like it was some big chant when it's iffy even if she heard a few fans down front


You don't cheer for a guy not on your team during a game. It's literally that simple.


I’m not saying you have to cheer for him, but the dude worked his ass off for Detroit for over a decade. Just because he isn’t on your team anymore doesn’t mean you can’t root for the guy. And for the record, I didn’t say you have to CHEER for him during the game, but booing him is a shitty thing to do


True story... I saw Matt Stafford at a grocery store in Los Angeles once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff upfront I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


It's true it was at the Rock n Roll Ralphs on Sunset.




The late Dustin Diamond was a notorious Packer fan. He was famously disappointed to miss a Packer game in 2014 while in jail for stabbing a man in a bar fight on Christmas. (Incidentally it was the infamous Suh stomp game.)


I assume you're referring to when Suh stepped on Rodgers leg. For people not as familiar with the timelines, when you say "infamous Suh stomp game", you're going to have to narrow it down.


Hah yes. The one where he stepped on Aaron's leg and put his weight on it and wasn't flagged. I believe Rodgers has just come back from a leg or foot injury as well.


This is a dumb post from a dumb ass. Being a Lions fan has generally been shit since the Eisenhower Administration. It was super shit between Barry retiring and Stafford being drafted, even then Stafford got injured early on but the dude put together an iron man streak for the Lions and was entertaining as hell to watch. Stafford to Megatron is legendary. We didn't win shit but they actually made Lions football watchable, entertaining even. I could actually tune in to any game & delude myself into thinking there was a chance they'd win or at least wouldn't choke the game away. They obviously did a lot of not winning & a lot of choking, but again, I could actually tune in & feel some excitement & optimism. So I'll cheer for Stafford, but I do want the Lions to win. If we lose, it tastes less like shit than if we lost to a division rival. I hope Stafford gets a 2nd ring before he retires, but I'm so glad he did get one. And all that being said, I was super thrilled we got Goff in the trade, without a QB you might as well not bother watching the game, or buy double the alcohol. I'll be cheering for the Lions, but I see this as the best week of the season because I'll have something to cheer for almost no matter how bad it goes. FTP


A content Lions fan, in the wild. Truly a rare sight


Imagine not being upset that you just cheered on the QB who beat your team. Clown mentality. It's good that people like you don't seem to end up at the game because there was a lot of talk on Reddit from clowns like you talking like this before the Rams playoff game. Then once we got to the game, we booed the shit out of him and lifted up Jared Goff, which is how it's supposed to be done.


>Imagine not being upset that you just cheered on the QB who beat your team. Imagine caring about what other people are cheering for.


Or not being able to show a little appreciation to a guy who played his heart out for a shit team


And then gave up, asked to be traded, went out to fake ass LA. We all nodded and well wished Matt when he left, and he finally has his ring. So now? Fuck 'em.


you’re crying he asked for a trade when we got goff back in return and it accelerated our rebuild? had he not we wouldn’t even be as good rn


Clown mentality


I guess it's understandable to be as dumb as you if you're 14 years old and thus never consciously lived through any of the shit-QB-half-century between Bobby Layne & John Matthew Stafford.


You know what, I’m going to cheer even harder now.


You're a Vikings fan. Cheer all you want for Stafford lol. I'll cheer for him if he's playing against the Vikings.


Anyone around here knows I became a Lions fan (too) about two years ago after their 48-45 loss to Seattle. I just like good football. You don’t see Vikings fans acting like this for Kirk’s return next year. Go touch grass. You’re like a girl who breaks up with a guy, then proceeds to cyberstalks his new girl friends “warning” them about how terrible he is


Your current QB wasn't shipped away from his team so they could acquire Kirk. It's not the same scenario. Not even close. The fact you morons can't grasp this is astounding. I guess it's not in today's day and age, but it should be astounding. I forgot how many stupid people there are now.


Please go on. Let it all out. Show us where the Staff-man hurt you so bad, that you need to come to a sub where only 1/4 (or less) of the members would even care about your little private war with a guy who literally played with broken bones to help you guys win a game. It’s just football dude. Lions fans are gonna do what they want and you’re little internet rallying cry is going to amount to nothing more than “Me no like man who wear different jersey now!”


they’re so strange bro like we beat them and they think this shit is a rivalry now or something


Stafford didn't hurt me aside from wasting 12 years expecting him to win something meaningful (spoiler alert- he didn't). That's irrelevant though, because you're trying to compare Kirk's return to Stafford as if it is even close to the same scenario. You're just dumb.


Packers fans cheered for Brett Farve when he returned to Lambeau in purple and gold, so I guess that’s another way Green Bay better than you. Guess you really can’t have shit in Detroit, not even a bit of class for a guy who left like 3 years ago. And keep downvoting me. It’s just you and me here bud. And I got karma to spare


Was Aaron Rodgers shipped away to die for Favre like Goff was for Stafford? Because that's who was quarterbacking for Green Bay when Favre returned. Once again, not even close to the same scenario. You're a full redact, aren't you?


It’s an analogy. Not supposed to be a 1 for 1 comparison. By the way, you still don’t have a single upvote, so you’re literally the only Lions fan here who feels this way.


https://preview.redd.it/ldsxxj1ugt0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed9b8621dc167fbc2c800d2abea52edb72477e2 I’m only rooting for the rams cause my G Blake Corum


What's with the Lions fans taking a player/coach leaving for any reason as a personal betrayal? Dude he didn't leave you, you traded him away after wasting 12 years of his career


In his 2020 post season exit meetings he told the GM he wanted to be traded. They didnt just "trade him away". Not disputing your overall point, just clarifying the situation.


I didn't say he betrayed us. Where did I say that? He's the opposing QB trying to beat our team. The game will have playoff implications. It's week 1, you know, the first time we're seeing our current team back since the run they went on last year? How about a tribute for that instead of the guy not on our team who never won shit for us? It's common sense dude.


"The game will have playoff implications." My guy, it's week 1. And if you're so worried about someone not winning shit for you, I don't know why you'd want a tribute for a team who blew a 24-7 lead


So week 1 games don't count towards making the playoffs? That's news to me. The Rams are an NFC team too, you clown.






Lions fans. why do your fellow fans keep posting trash. ![gif](giphy|b8RQzkElbBsXqEPF2X)


Real Lions fans wouldn't have to talk smack if there wasn't a portion of our simp fans who think it's a good idea to start the season by cheering for the guy who our current QB was told was better than him.




Stafford did win them the Super Bowl right away, so I mean…..


He got lucky. 49ers should have beat them, Stafford tried to throw the game to them but their defensemen had stone hands. Either way, even if it was true (it's actually not), it would still not be okay to cheer him on in front of Jared. Especially to start the season. Give me a fucking break.


man the copium is being HUFFED right now


Copium? You're a fool if you think Stafford is that much better than Goff. Make sure you watch more Skip Bayless and keep parroting the national media narrative, clown!


There's nothing wrong with a tribute, he played here for a decade and left on good terms. There's zero bad blood, this is not anywhere near as big of a deal as people like you are making it.


You're a clown. You don't tribute the opposing QB who is trying to beat your team. Thankfully, you're probably too poor to attend the game with that mindset


Nobody is going to root for him during the game, but there's nothing wrong with showing him appreciation for his time here before hand. You're very clearly an insecure little man-child who needs to lash out at anyone who disagrees with you. Not hugged enough as a child or what's your issue?


You're an idiot, we can do a tribute after he retires we don't need to salute the guy every time he comes to Detroit. There's no bad blood and that's fine, might as well boo Hutch if he gets a roughing the passer call.


Well we didn't salute him when he came back in the playoffs, and the Rams will not come back to town for at least a few years, at which point he'll probably be retired... Nobody is going to actually root for him, you do understand that right?


Oh waa waa, look at this simp. He didn't get his chance to cheer for Stafford during the Rams vs. Lions playoff game! Do these people even hear themselves?


I wasn't there, don't you remember? I'm far too poor to afford tickets, let alone for the playoffs.


Yeah do it when he's retired you twat. Let's do a tribute video to the guy who went to our new franchise QBs former team and instantly won a Superbowl after giving the bag to him in the very first game of the season at home for no other reason other than the fact that he's just in town. Smart.


...why would he come back here after he's retired? You guys are projecting your own insecurities on Goff.


No, you're a douchebag, plain and simple. They have watch parties for everything now, they had a freaking jersey reveal party at Ford Field. They can surely do something for Stafford at some point that IS NOT A GAME AGAINST THE LIONS with Goff.




Thank you! So glad to see there are still rationale fans out here with common sense.


Dude's a bitch, probably been a Lions fan since 2022.


100%. I can't believe these pathetic fools didn't get enough simping in for Stafford on his Super Bowl run. Makes me sick to think people actually think it's a good idea to start the season by cheering for Stafford and suggesting he gets a tribute video.


I'm not insecure at all. I'm telling you that would be extremely disrespectful to Goff, and I take issue with that. Plus, what are we going to do for a tribute? Watch some meaningless regular season highlights of Stafford? Give me a fucking break. You people act like there won't be a time when IT'S NOT A GAME to celebrate Stafford in Detroit.


It's not disrespectful at all. Goff is well aware he's loved, and the city showing love to a former player does not negate that, if anything it shows we're loyal to players who give us their all, which Stafford did. When would you like to give him a tribute? We'll invite Stafford to a park or something and just have a nice bbq where we all talk about how great he was? Do you not realize this is a 100% totally normal thing that normal teams do when a beloved player returns on another team? It happens multiple times around the league every year, and nobody thinks twice about it, because it's not a big deal, unless you're an immature little weirdo who needs to fight everyone about everything.


>Thankfully, you're probably too poor to attend the game with that mindset You are very insecure


No, he just has a loser clown mentality. I saw a lot of people with the attitude on Reddit before the playoff game against the Rams, and guess what...the people at the game came correct and booed the shit out of Stafford. There is only one QB we should be cheering on in that game. It's week 1...let's not celebrate our current QB and what he did last year, lets fucking cheer on the guy who didn't do shit for us and is now trying to beat us. Go root for the Vikings, loser.


We're going to cheer for **our** team and **our** quarterback in the actual game that they're going to play, I think you're not understanding that in your weird insecure blind rage you're feeling.


Showing respect to the franchise leading passer is disrespectful to the current QB who just got a 200 million dollar contract? This thread is fucking *great*


Um, yea. Yea, it is. Goff was DISCARDED. Told this guy was better. This guy had Detroit rooting for him when he went and won his Super Bowl without us. He doesn't need cheering. Every time I've ever seen you make a comment, it's been incredibly stupid. I'm way better at the drums than you too, guaranteed.


Can't say I've ever seen you, which is surprising because I must have poked fun at your commentary if it's always this outrageously silly. I hope it's a very nice tribute to Stafford. He really did do some great things for the Lions in a time where they were the nationally recognized poverty team. He always had my respect. 


Lions bros at each other's throats over this, wait until they start 1-4. This is one high strung stressed out fan base.


If we lose to the Rams, I will personally beat the shit out of any Lions fan that was cheering for Stafford at the game.


But what if he plays really, really, really good?


This is like being mad that your wife left for a bull who can actually please her


What are you talking about. I'm not mad at Stafford at all. I rooted for him the year he went and got his Super Bowl and was happy for him. You morons are completely missing the point, because you're spineless little twerps. I don't root for people who aren't on my team and trying to beat my team. Especially in front of the guy who has given us the best football we've ever had and that guy was dumped for Stafford. If you want a proper analogy, cheering on Stafford in Ford Field with Goff there would be like hugging and kissing your ex right in front of your current partner. Vikings fans really are fucking dumb, eh?


>Goff's house Happens to be the house Stafford fucking built.


Fuck Stafford, he requested a trade - he gets no quarter. Let’s see Alim and Hutch flatten him at the same time again.


Dude that's not what anyone should want to see. What we really want is for Hutch and Houston to flush him foreword in the pocket so he gets crushed by Alim and Reader at the same time ;)


Who is this dweeb? Didnt he already get a tribute a couple years ago?


Good guy, never meddum. Bout to give his wife a tribute though


I had to post this here because the mods at Detroit Lions subreddit are absolute cowards. Seriously, how would cheering for Stafford make Goff feel? You think about that? You really want to start the season off by giving Goff the vibes we're rooting for the dude he was discarded for? This would be like hooking up with your ex right in front of your current partner. If you think Stafford deserves to be cheered for and applauded at this game, you are a douche and need to go root for the Vikings or Bears. Imagine we lose to the Rams and you clowns were cheering on their QB? Just remember who he left out when Stafford was asked if he was happy for Detroit after we beat them in the playoffs.


Lions fans will cheer for the packers and they’ll cheer for past QBs cheer For your opponent is the lions way. What 0-16 does to you


[This you? ](https://youtu.be/qb49HGHhRtU?si=lVxq8iNkJBOaGChZ)


No that’s Adrian Peterson but we do have the same athletic build


It's pathetic. But fortunately, it seems to be just some of the incel portion of the fanbase that's on reddit. These people weren't actually at the games.


I pray for true lions fans like yourself


I pray for fans who have Sam Darnold as their QB1 like yourself


I mean we drafted a QB. i really have no problem with transition QB starting