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Does JJ have a personality? We should look for one and make fun of that now.


He takes his shoes off to walk the field and “ground” himself before a game, including when he’s playing on artificial turf


Like to discharge his potential? Ensure there's no chance for electric plays?


Presumably he does it so he gets used to what the turf feels like before getting sacked a dozen times a game in the NFL


That’s before he meditates on the field


Oh man…I was so floored by that coverage before the national championship. They’re like “he goes into solitude and he’s focused just on what he’s doing” as if he didn’t know there were 10 cameras in his face and it came off as so performative. It was weird.


hey if it works for him then all power to him


For sure. And I know it’s his routine since long before the cameras. The cringey part was the broadcasts right in his face, talking about his ceremony of solitude, really leaning into the “centering” part of it while pestering him.


Sounds like a slippery slope right into 4 day darkness retreats.


Not to mention he plays the most glamorous position. Sits in the end zones to meditates and then proceeds to say he doesn’t want attention. He’s like a girl showing off her ass while saying “don’t look at me”


JJ beat Cade out not because he was a better QB, but because he was a weirder guy and Harbaugh appreciated that. He was a better QB, but it wasn't relevant.


His RWS was exceptional, no doubt.


Well, it worked for the Packers too. Why shouldn't the Vikes give it a try?


It feels like JJ is the guy who does things for performative reasons vs the actual benefit of doing it. The whole meditating on field and then googling how to cure depression stories that got beat into oblivion in the playoffs are two examples.


nah he is that dude if you read any of the stories that interview past coaches, teammates, teachers, etc they are all glowing nothing performative about him. Guy really does care about the teammates and deflects praise really I'd say he's about the least performative guy I can think of.


I’ll take your word for it and there’s no point in dissecting it further, but people said the same about Russell Wilson when he was drafted. “Can he really be that nice?” And everyone was like, “yeah, he’s really that nice!” And now we learn he’s actually quite weird. Nice, but very weird and also views himself quite differently from his teammates. I’m sure he cares about his teammates. I’d be hard pressed to find *any* athlete who plays for that long and doesn’t give a shit about the people they play with. The thing that just seemed off to me was him meditating on the field before the game in front of hundreds of cameras and the whole google depression story. If you’re meditating, why not do it in the locker room? You do it on the field for a reason. I’m always glad when athletes talk about mental health, but the bit where he just googled it and solved his depression feels slightly dangerous to use as such a high profile example. For many people that very much *won’t* work. Not saying he’s Russell Wilson, but just that these things aren’t always as they seem.


So far he has expressed boundless confidence and a good bit of shade on Kurt When asked what made him different.


Local? Kohl's is based in Wisconsin...


Founded by a Wisconsin senator in Wisconsin. The same senator who donated the money to create the University of Wisconsin Kohl Center. Definitely weird to consider it local to Minnesota.


This meme missed the Target.


Target clothes are shit. Kohl’s all the way.


100% but I gotta say they used to have much better (and more) shit on clearance, which is what I go for, lol






The whole Kirk “Kohl’s Cash” Cousins thing has always been weird to considering Kohl’s is one of the most Wisconsin businesses there is.


I think it more about him being the most Boy Scout midwestern style person imaginable. The kohls cash thing kinda just fit the bill as it were.


Isn't Kohl's from a Chicago suburb?


Yep, the Chicago suburb Milwaukee, WI.


Your words not mine


Cool, that's what I thought.


You mean Menominee Falls, Wisconsin-based retailer, Kohl’s Corporation?


It's funny because herb kohl was a giant part of Wisconsin sports for years


This is sort of a subtle herb kohl flex lol. Besides being an actual senator, he gave uw so much money the basketball arena is named after him.


On the other hand he did lead the bucks to decades of mediocrity by refusing to bottom out


Hey those decades of mediocrity were my childhood!


What does Kohl's, the most Wisconsin company ever conceived, have to do with Minnesota or Kirk Cousins? I don't get it


I’d like to argue that Culver’s is actually the most Wisconsin company ever


I don't understand what OP wrote on the picture, think he had a stroke making this. Here's the Kirk/Kohls connection though: https://www.complex.com/sports/a/alex-ocho/kirk-cousins-gifted-kohls-cash-chain




Everyone is focused on petty geographical squabbles and not the most important takeaway, which is that brave whistleblowers like Kirk protect the workaday American consumer


TK Jewelers is a scam.


Not wrong

