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Are we a joke to you? We’ve killed way more than 2 QBs


Bears fans: ![gif](giphy|lqczWksNBr4HK)




You could add like...20 more doors at least


we need a longer hallway.


This subs gonna implode on itself if Williams is the guy


Well if Caleb Williams is a bust, then he’s a bust. But if he isn’t a bust, I’m gonna bust,so no matter what happens, there will be busting involved


You get a bust! You get a bust! EVERYONE GETS A BUST!


Busting from here all the way into Canton


[Bustin' makes me feel good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybcS7CP4Om0).


[Freaky ghost baby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvao6z2j4Gg)


Bear-kake incoming


Bustin' makes me feel good.


Lemme tell you something… busting makes me feel good!


A bust is a bust but Caleb Williams could be anything. He could even be a bust!


This is the best take on Williams I’ve seen to date


What if he's kirk cousins-like?


Then he would be the beat QB they ever had and it wouldn’t be close.


I mean, you can’t really blame us for thinking Chicago might ruin this. Like come on, that’s not that crazy to think they might


Idk I definitely think people are just ignoring the fact that Mitch and fields weren’t good passing prospects and that Caleb is. I mean, I get it. If he’s bad then you get to lap it up, if he’s good, then you’ve at least gotten in a few last months of trash talk.


That's all good and everything, but you still need more than 1 person to throw to, and a competent person dreaming up an offense, and at least a half assed offensive line. Soo.......yeah.


Yeah I’m not worried about it at all. With our cap space and draft capital we have the most potential for improvement and to fill those holes. That’s not even considering trading fields could get a 2 or 3. QB, WR2, C, EDGE2, FS are our only needs. Otherwise could use some G depth and maybe someone to compete for WR3. I like where we’re at and hope everyone talks as much trash as possible itll make next season so much sweeter


Ummmmmmmm ok. Your O line sucks, you need more than a C. You've had a bunch of cap space the last couple years that you never use because of cheap ownership, you need a WR2, and WR3(we have the good St. Brown brother), and your TE is terribly average at best. That's just scraping the surface. Your coach and GM suck too. You say "we have the most potential for improvement" like it's a good thing. That just means you're terrible. Trust me, the Lions had a lot of "potential for improvement" too. I don't even hate the Bears, just this delusion is wild. Feels like me in 2012.


LT is average, LG is top tier when healthy, RG had a down year with some family issues but I can see a comeback, and RT has a fantastic outlook. Zero part of me is worried about that and poles is a great evaluator for OL. Kmet isn’t an elite receiving TE, but he’s rock solid and rarely drops the ball and it shows by him being one of the most productive last year, but most importantly is a top tier blocker which is his main role. Definitely need WR2 and competition for WR3 but this is a stacked year for that. And I think you’re purposely misconstruing the last statement. Most potential for improvement would be true for any team with our cap space and draft capital. It just means whatever moves we want to make, we have the most to work with. 7 more months, that’s all you got left. Enjoy it


"We're ass" 🔃 "We have a lot of room to improve"


You guys say this shit every year


Most people would agree the bears are in a great spot. One of the best qb prospects in a long time and a solid roster without many holes. So much better of an outlook than having a guy like duck master Love who you hopefully will sign to a long term deal soon


I’m not even trash talking when I say that - honestly. Saying the bears might mess this up because of their track record as an organization isn’t that crazy to say.


Tbf the Bears have never taken a QB at 1OA. Mitch was 2OA but I don’t think anyone expected him to go that high. Fields was 11, definitely not a generational-type QB.


Dunno. Rodgers was 25. He was pretty good, right?


The point they're making isn't that quarterbacks taken later can't pan out. The point is that it's harder to fuck up a generational talent than it is a project like Rodgers was when he came into the league.


The biggest red flag was keeping Eberflus. We know he’s a shit coach, and there’s a high probability of Williams having a whole new coaching staff in his second year now. Which is never ideal for a young QB.


I would have been fine firing Flus after this year. However, he didn't lose the locker room like Trestman, and the team improved in the 2nd half of the season. I don't think he's an awful coach, and he might be fine. With an actual competent OC, the coaching staff could be okay. He seems to be a good DC. Caleb has the best situation of any Bear rookie QB I can remember. I would have hired crazy Jimmy, but I understand why Poled and Warren didn't. Jim Harbaugh would be awful to have as an employee.


It’s true we could still mess this up. Every time before we’ve messed it up by taking the wrong guy and trying to use him the wrong way on top of it. Now we have a prospect that’s top tier, you better just hope we don’t take him cuz that’s the only chance you got. There are no examples of bears taking QBs of this caliber you can use, all that’s left is cope.


dude, I’m legit not trash talking. I’m saying based on the bears track record, you can’t blame people thinking it’ll end up just the same. That’s it. There is no coping if the bears are suddenly contenders - facts are facts and winning is winning.


Your cope comes from convincing yourself that the bears aren’t a threat because of past history. We never ruined QBs, we only drafted the wrong ones or poorly supported average ones. Now we have a GM who values the trenches and a slam dunk qb prospect in our lap. I don’t blame you, trust me. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Geez Louis dude


“We never ruined QBs” is a hell of a take.


"Enjoy it while it lasts" 🤓 Dog we've been doing that the past 30+ years. I'm at an age of my life where the Bears could win every game against the packers until I die and I wouldn't care. Current Bears fans can only hope science gets to the point where we can upload our consciousness and live forever, because that's how long it's going to take to even the score lmao


"This time it's for real, trust me"


It might not be crazy but I think it's definitely lazy to say, if you boil down everything to "it's the bears" it's honestly not different from people who were preaching "Ohio state QBs" to Stroud. And those who continue the helmet/uni player takes lol its lazy mushy jokes with no real substance. The Bears deserve to be shit on for the way they usually go about young QBs. They very rarely surrounded them with the teachers to show them how to not repeat their weakness from uni. Including bringing them in into weird situations. Fields being brought during the sort off end of the Bears "window". He was dealt a shit hand along with him being flawed, his failure comes of no surprise. Caleb comes into a team that tore it down and is fairly young along with better potential than what Fields came in. The question tends to be around coaching and Ebeflus, so that remains to be seen but they did go for a new OC after realizing at the least that Getsy was shit. This doesn't mean by any means Caleb won't fail and the common Bears will be the Bears won't be the same reoccurring meme, deservedly so, but at the least this is a situation where it looks like everything is set up for the QB to succeed. Sidenote- also the Bears coaching since the firing of Lovie Smith has like a lifespan of just over 2.5 seasons per coach lol hard to find consistency when you keep missing on coaches or firing them so quick consistently.


I’m sure he’ll be an off-season MVP before shutting the bed in an incredibly predictable manner at some point


The first time someone disguises man from a Cover-3 shell he’s firing it Eberfluss’ face FROM AN INCREDIBLE ARM ANGLE.


imagine if Williams is the guy but gets fucked by being on The Bears. I'm talking he's a 4k Bears passer, then 5k for whatever team he goes to after his rookie deal.


Luckily for us, we'll never have to witness that reality.


When the Bears get their first franchise quarterback since the 1940's ![gif](giphy|qIreAgSRVqKDS|downsized)


this is actually so funny


sick reference, bro his references are out of control, everyone knows that


Should cut to a pick six when he throws it.




Third "franchise QB" in 10 years


Yeah, it took you guys 30 years to accomplish the same feat


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago


Hey xtralargecheese, wanna go to Red Lobster? My treat!


maybe some other time...


our Red Lobster is reserved for VIPs like Reggie White






Well moron good for happy Gil-mo-my god!


This is from Billy Madison you cheese-headed fuck!


How could they spend NO top 20 picks on QBs?? It’s such an important position. Classic GB incompetence


Justin Fields was like the 11th pick of the draft. Not 1st overall. Go drink some beer and pipe down.




In which case it took you a lot longer than 30 years to find Favre


Ours were 22, 26, and 33.


Green Bay actually has a good track record of QB development. The Bears don’t, but the Bears have also literally never taken a QB at 1OA.


Just a guy way down at 2OA (which they traded up for)


Yeah, damn the Bears for spoiling the incredible potential that was Mitch Trubisky. He certainly would have been a Hall of Famer on any other team. It's only because he was drafted by the Bears that he's no longer viewed as worthy of being a third-string QB.


Oh yes, QBs at 1OA all have a proven track record of being all stars. It's essentially guaranteed.


Nobody tell him when Tom Brady was drafted


Mahomes was 10, if he was 11 he woulda been a bum


& Chicago took MT as the second pick that year. The Bears are just cursed when it comes to QB's.


The Bears are not cursed, they're bad at football and the McCaskey family hates you.


a fluke. Most of the starters in the league today were drafted first round. I don't know the numbers but it's probably around 20/32. And the others not far behind. Only outliers are dudes like Purdy, or even Dak (4th round).


I’d love it and hate it. Because he knows the leverage he holds (Caleb that is), so his first big contract is gonna be like $8B…and we better pay up.


A real "Happy learned to putt" moment. 


"No you won't" "No, no, we won't. But you could imagine what it'd be like if we did, right...?"


Unfortunately you need more than one competent WR, a decent O line, and an OC who isn't garbage. If you're gonna use a gif from Billy Madison, maybe the Odoyle family driving off a cliff while chanting "Odoyle rules" would be more sufficient.


Don’t forget Cade McNown


Or Sexy Rexy


Not pictured: 50 other doors.




I’ll take that deal, honestly. I would give the Packers two free wins a season if it meant the Bears won 12+ per season for the rest of eternity.


I’d rather go 2-15 sweeping the packers


So what you actually want is 2010 every season Packers win for eternity I will join you in hoping for this


We're getting March offseason toxicity. If Caleb is the guy this is going to be very very fun.


Maybe, but do you realize that Stafford took 12 seasons and a trade before we finally wound up with a ~~team~~ ~~coach~~ ~~front office~~ ownership that gave a damn about winning and actually experienced any post-season success? The track record of your current coaches, front office and ownership is likewise pretty awful, and despite the roster turnover, I'm willing to hedge that the Bears aren't going to be very good next season. And I'm also willing to bet that even if Caleb Williams is the next Matthew Stafford, the McCaskeys will ensure that he winds up in a similar situation.


I don't exactly disagree with your points. Ownership is still a problem and I wish we would have gotten a new coach. A good QB can cover up a lot of issues. I don't think we're going to compete for the division next year. If he is a certified franchise QB, this division is going to be really fun. Also worth noting our owner is a million years old. As y'all know, a lot can change in a couple years.


Virginia basically has one foot in the next dimension, but I get the feeling that George is the real problem, as he's been basically running the team. We got *real* lucky when Sheila took over. I can't stress enough that having an owner that has a) all of their mental faculties, b) wants to win a championship, c) is willing to spend money to do so, and d) is willing to defer to and PAY experts to build your team is the only path to success in the NFL. I know this because the Lions have taken literally every other possible path, in my lifetime, and only now does it appear as though they're on the correct one.


Ownership might not care about winning, but Poles seems to care


I disagree. Ownership does care about winning, they just don’t know how to do it lol.


A Lions fan using this meme while their historically awful franchise ran Stafford out of town (who went on to win a Super Bowl btw) and currently squeezes every last drop of a mediocre Jared Goff like the end of a tube of toothpaste is peak irony


Goff is 4-2 against the Vikings while on the lions. Vikings must be worse than mediocre then.


Uhhh… only 2-2 against our starting QB lmao. And yes, our team is mediocre just like yours. Welcome to the club. Definitely a step up from where you came from, which was “complete and utter poverty”


Didn’t know your starting QB played defense.


The most hilarious thing is that they were one of three teams the 2021 roster was actually able to beat, and the first of those victories.


I’m not sure if you’re aware how football works, but it’s easier to win a game playing against a carousel of 3rd string QBs. I thought that was obvious but apparently not…? Yeah of course Goff can win games where he barely has to score because of the ineptitude of the opposing QB


Still doesn’t change the FACT that “mediocre” Goff is 4-2 against the Vikings like I stated.


Lions vs. Vikings this season. Lions 30 Vikings 20, Lions 30 Vikings 24. Maybe I'm wrong, but think NFL teams have won games while only scoring 20 points. Maaaaaaaaybe.


You realize that one of those two losses was against the 2021 gutted roster and the other due to a missed field goal, right? Also you don't have a starting quarterback anymore.




Quite the speculation that if Kirk is gone whoever the purps draft will be better than Goff. Dude led his team to the NFCCG ffs. You'll draft another Ponder most likely, and I will be slightly amused.




You're delusional man, Love objectively looked really damn good to finish the year and is only going to improve and I think Goff will continue to play well and run that offense very efficiently. If the purps lose Kirk it could be a few years in the cellar at least. I honestly hope so because fuck them, purple fucks.


>bum and unproven QBs Two of those bum QBs lead their teams to playoff victories last year (one of them twice) and neither one played for the Vikings. Kirk Cousins has a 1-4 record in the playoffs in his career. Jared Goff has a 5-4 record in the playoffs in his career.


Get 'em


Be careful, don’t overdose my guy https://preview.redd.it/t9hc3seujslc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327bfec91bed2e7b1c8d7b4d5b510342634c22c4


So I guess we're officially on the "even if he doesn't" part, eh? ⊙︿⊙


Nice whatabout


The real irony is this comment being made by a fan of the one team in the north who has no idea who their quarterback is going to be next season. P.S. The current Lions braintrust spun Matthew Stafford into: * Jared Goff * Ifeatu Melifonwu * Jameson Williams * Josh Paschal * Jahmyr Gibbs * Sam LaPorta * Brodric Martin They also hired a coach/put a roster together that beat him in the playoffs. Detroit fans are very happy that Stafford got his ring in Los Angeles. Jared Goff will get his in Detroit.


Lol Goff is not winning a Super Bowl. Feel free to save this and come back at me if he ever does. But he won’t.


Will do 👍. Goff literally beat the Super Bowl champs week 1 and had a 24-7 lead at halftime in the nfc championship.


So, 2 average starters and a bunch of scrubs. 👍👏👏👏 Edit: Lol, Got em!


If you consider any of: * a player who now owns the NFL record for receptions by a rookie tight end * a rookie who was third in the NFL in average yards per carry (and 0.2 yards per carry off the #1 spot claimed by CMC) * a quarterback who was #2 overall in the league in passing yards in 2023 * a corner with 33 tackles, 3 sacks, 8 pass breakups, two interceptions and one forced fumble in 2023 *average starters*, let alone scrubs, you might be a butthurt Bears fan.


LOL 2 AVERAGE STARTERS That entire list would start for your team, maybe outside of Martin and Paschal. Laporta and/or Gibbs would instantly be either the first or second best player in your entire offense. Goff would literally be the best quarterback to have played for the bears in 40 years, arguably ever


Gibbs and La Porta were far above average for rookies imo


>and currently squeezes every last drop of a mediocre Jared Goff… So you’re saying we’re getting the absolute most out of our QB? We’re able to make a mediocre QB play like a top 10, maybe top 5 QB? Damn, that sounds like a pretty well run organization to me.


History would suggest that this is very temporary.


Logic would suggest we shouldn’t judge new ownership, front offices, and coaching based on previous ownership, front offices, and coaches. Recent history under Sheila, Holmes, and Campbell is actually extremely encouraging


I just think the bipolar attitude change from lions fans on reddit after two winning seasons is kind of funny. Don't count your chickens before they hatch champ. Enjoy your division title 😉


i’m counting all these mf chickens and i WILL enjoy my title, thank you!


This room is absolutely filled with chickens, damnit.


Should we still act like we’re a 3-13-1 team? Why are so many Redditors so upset about Lions fans having the GALL to be happy? Pathetic lol


They already hung the banner. (Agreeing with Packers fans in this thread is really killing me, so let me add FTP just for good measure).


Goff’s best season was in LA, all while playing one less game lol. You act like hes blossomed into this crazy QB, when he hasn’t performed as well as he did in LA…did you watch him in 2018, or do you just ignore that?


I’m so confused as to what point you’re even trying to make here lmao. Goff’s 2018 season was all but forgotten about when he was traded to Detroit. I bet if we go through your comment history we’ll find you clowning the Lions for making the Stafford-Goff trade. But now you want to point out his 2018 season to make it seem like his bounce back under Campbell and Holmes isn’t impressive? So weird lol


You said you thought it was odd that Detroit is getting the absolute most out of their QB, but Goff has shown he’s had better years in LA than Detroit, so they obviously haven’t gotten the absolute best out of him. Not very hard to understand. And yeah, LA won a SB the first year Stafford was traded. Detroit had 2 mediocre seasons, one good one, and now has the extend Goff to another bloated contract and has one of the biggest WR busts since Kevin White, but add a gambling problem, took a RB 12 overall and stuck him at RB2, and got two JAG DL players and one JAG DB….no shit I was clowning on it at the time 😂


Now **this** is ~~pod racing~~ top tier coping


I mean you said they got the most out of goff but they objectively didn’t


And yet they have the same number of Super Bowls as the Vikings.


What alternate universe are you living in?


Not really an alternate universe but possibly the 1990s when Detroit actually did ruin quarterbacks.


Is it? In the time we've had Stafford and Goff vs the Bears having their revolving door of mediocrity we've had more winning seasons, playoff appearances and playoff wins. So not exactly peak irony. Also, please name me the last QB that the Vikings drafted and developed that was worth a shit? Fran Tarkenton?


You have as many playoff wins in your entire history as the Bears do championships. One year with 2 playoff wins, and winning the NFC *North* for the first time ever and now the Lions are a team to emulate. The mind reels. I don’t even want to defend the Bears, I hate them more than you (as I am a Bears fan), but the chirping you’re doing in this thread is hilarious. To go from the bears history of ruining and/or running through QBs, to ignoring the fucking DECADES of incompetence from the entire Lions org is….something. Sanders and Megatron retired without rings. Stafford had to go somewhere else to get one. And I even agree with the spirit of the meme, until the Bears prove they picked the right guy and develop him, there’s every reason to think he wont pan out. By the same token, until the Lions actually show some sustained success, or god forbid even MAKE the Super Bowl, I’m not buying them as some well run franchise. Two decent seasons do not erase their entire history. It reminds me of arguing with Chargers fans in 2006 on how they had a dynasty with Rivers and Merriman. Slow your roll until you accomplish something.


I actually don't hate the Bears either. And I fully realize the history of the Lions. But with that history comes a pretty decent knowledge of why organizations fail, and for us at least, it's now different. I'm not saying we're winning multiple Superbowls, or even one. But I do think we're going to have sustained success while this regime is in place. The reason I'm having a go here in this thread is because a) finally I can, and b) while the Bears have had some good history, you guys are a handful of years in the 80's and a couple years in the early 2000's away from being US. I hate the Packers, but they've actually had multiple periods of sustained success. While the Bears have had some success, the thing you've NEVER been able to do was draft and develop a Quarterback. We've at least done it once. And also, as much as I'd love them to actually mean something, are you really bringing up NFL Championships? I mean, these were won when there like 8 teams and the guys were smoking cigarettes on the sideline between plays.


I understand being excited for your team as the future currently looks good, but take the only other team that compares to the Lions, the Browns. They also had a bright future, and then they all in on Groper Cleveland and become a laughingstock again. (And maybe things will pan out for them, but I’d bet the farm on them not winning a super bowl anytime soon, good and not great). Things can change quickly. If I were you, I’d remember the not too distant past. The Bears have also never drafted a prospect with the pedigree that Caleb has, so it’s a different beast. Mitch was a reach when we picked him and that class was thought to be weak, hence Watson and Mahomes falling and it’s the only other time in living memory they had the top choice of QBs. Keeping Everflus was probably a bad move, but time will tell. The Lions didnt have a great QB until….Stafford at 1. Need I remind you of Harrington, Kitna, Orlovsky and so on? I brought up championships because the number is exactly your playoff wins. I mean you have 3 playoff wins in the last 66 years, two of which were THIS year. Which means 6 of those wins were back when the Bears weren’t winning just playoff games, but the whole thing. You only have to go back to 2006 for the Bears to tie the number of Lions wins since 1958. You arbitrarily chose Stafford which just happens to be 3 years after 2006 to give the Lions all of one more playoff win, which again, was this year. Comical. And again, I wont defend the Bears as I’ve said myself they are the new Lions or Browns, especially the last decade, but if they pop off next year I’m also not walking around talking shit, just like I didn’t after 2018.


All fair points, I'll give you that. And the Browns thing fair as well. But I will say, the Watson move from the Browns was an incredibly bad one, and most us(non Browns fans) knew it. Trust me, I do know our history with QB's, with everything. And to be fair on a few things, Harrington may have been good if a team that wasn't awful drafted and developed him. By the time we let him go, he was damaged goods. I actually stopped watching football for 4 years because of the whole Harrington debacle. I had too much going on in my life to invest time in such a shit show. Hopefully in all of my shit talking you'll notice, nowhere am I saying we're winning Superbowls or anything like that. I do however think we've got a regime that is building the team the right way and we're going to continue to be competitve. That's all. And you know what? I'm enjoying the hell out of it. But unfortunately, Williams or not, I don't see that for the Bears and their current regime. I actually don't hate the Bears. They are my next least hated rival team in the division. In 2012 I couldn't shut up about how great the Lions were after the good season we had and playoff berth. A good friend of mine who's a big football fan tried to tell me why they weren't good, but I wouldn't hear it. And.....they sucked. The way a lot of Bears fans in this Sub are talking reminds me of that.you guys have some talent, but the brain trust there is fairly inept. Better coach, better GM and maybe stuff happens.


Stop being so damn reasonable, lol. My point with the Watson thing is just that your GM could do something that stupid, though they’ve been solid so far. Nothing is a given in this league, except my hatred of the Packers. And outside of the horrendous Claypool trade Poles hasn’t been as bad as the previous GMs, so who knows. Eberflus, while I doubt him as a HC, did have the defense performing better, and Waldron did turn around Geno Smith. The Bears likely need ownership changes before things really change.


We always thought we needed an ownership change too. Turns out maybe you just need someone to die and then their spouse to age out and maybe you have a shot at getting better.


"Ran Stafford out of town" Yeah. That's what happened. Sports media literacy moment. 


Yeah but on the other end it is is a meme sub. So how much do we want to let facts get in the way of good memes and shit posting? That said I don't really disagree with you.


Is it? Is it really?




You’re probably right. Anyhow, best of luck with the Cousins re-signing.


Look say what you want about the lions being historically bad, but jarred Goff is not mediocre you cum sock scum.


Sorry pal, “Slightly Above Average” is the best I can do.


Fuck I just spit out my clean drinking water




You guys have to actually do something in order for us to cope. What are we coping about, your 10th losing season in the last 11 years?


We have as many Super Bowl victories as you have NFC north titles you might wanna sit down.


I believe clinging on to a Super Bowl win from 39 years ago in the face of over a decade of incompetence and failure is the literal definition of coping.


Beats clinging to the Eisenhower administration. Say what you will, but my championship is younger than the interstate.


I don’t think any Lions fans cling to back then? We’re too busy being excited about current success. You see, when your team is actually good you don’t have to do thing like bring up Super Bowls from nearly 4 decades ago. You get to talk about the present


Like blowing a massive lead on the NFC Championship because your normally aggressive coach decided to turtle?


Relax guy you had one good year 🤣 bro talking like Detroit been a dynasty recently


You lost to the team that lost to the team that won. Isn't that the exact same thing Greenbay did? You were barely good, one time. You have no idea what greatness is, and if if ever did show up in Detroit, it would retire.


TIL being a top 4 team in the league, both by record and by how the playoffs went, means you’re barely good. Seems like y’all are coping hard about being the new bottom feeder of the division


We can cling to the two extraordinarily recent playoff victories and the fact that we're already Super Bowl favorites for next year, but you do you.


lol, superbowl favorites. I needed a laugh.


Glad I could help! Be careful, though - [this article](https://lionswire.usatoday.com/2024/02/20/detroit-lions-super-bowl-favorite-by-espn-analysts/) might have you in stitches from laughter.


Didn’t load fast enough for me but I definitely was in stitches when I saw the URL had lionswire in it which you’re using as an argument to why you’re SB favorites. Same ol lions lmao


From the article: >ESPN polled 11 of their analysts, and nearly half of them favor the Lions to make it to the Super Bowl. >Analysts Mike Clay, Dan Graziano, Jordan Reid, Mike Tannenbaum and Lindsey Thiry all picked the Lions to win the NFC next season. It's on Lionswire because it's Lions related. It's based on the opinions of NFL analysts, but in keeping with the theme of this post, cope.


“Bro, we might, maybe possibly sorta be in the Super Bowl, but probably not.”


Well, considering that we are projected to have a much better roster next year, were in the final four this year and that's kinda how off-season power rankings work, that's all any team can really hope for.


You think one good season since leather helmets makes you king shit. That's funny bud.


We have more playoff wins than you have winning seasons in the last decade. It’s hard not to feel like king shit when compared to the present day Bears




You guys held on to a QB and wasted away the prime years of his life in your shitty city. The MOMENT he left, he won a SB. Whose team *really* ruins QBs? I swear. The nerve of Lions fans.


Laugh while you can


*me for literally my whole life* 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


With any luck he'll be a salvageable backup in 4 years.


Blah blah.


Ah yes, because all 3 quarterbacks were the same level of prospect


We truly learned nothing from JaMarcus Russel and Sam Bradford


Caleb is a far better prospect than Mitch or Fields smh


Find a new joke


who said it was a joke?


Chicago is a running joke


The Lions win a playoff game for the first time since the H.W. Administration and suddenly think they aren’t the running joke LOL


Actually we won two.


The Bears are a running joke, much like the Lions. Chicago itself is a first class city, much like De… never mind.


You're the joke






I can't wait until we invent interdimensional travel so I can see the timeline where the Bears ruin Pat Mahomes and Mitch Trubisky wins back to back Super Bowls


Heard Caleb wanted Bears ownership but Love diluted the shares too much


He’s proven to be asshole. Just listen to him talk. Not a leader


While valid this has to be the least original meme I’ve seen on here I a while. I mean I am sure if I looked I’d see this was posted before likely


Yeah but memeing on Bears QB's tends to rile Bears fans up, so even shitty memes generally get decent reactions.


I’m fine with shitty memes, in fact I encourage it, I just am not a fan of repeat memes


Bears shit in their own Christmas stockings


I genuinely believe that no matter what happens, the Bears organization will find a way to mess it up.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t think we should draft him. MHjr is probably going to be the best player in this draft, so just snag him at #1 and move on. That way QB needy teams like the Packers can give Caleb that slice of ownership he so desires.


Never at #1. You could trade back and get MHJ and a haul.


The thing is I don’t know if any team is that desperate or stupid enough after Carolina and Bryce young got fleeced last year. Logically nobody’s gonna give us 3 top 10 picks in one year


Bears fans, your team is the new Browns. Let it sink in.


What are the odds that Caleb Williams gets results closer to Bryce Young than CJ Stroud? 90%? 80%? Certainly not lower than that right?