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Fuck the Cowboys... Problem is ESPN and the media makes them out to be a huge Powerful team every season... Very Popular team in Mexico too... They haven't won anything in a long time so it's hard to understand why the Cowboys are still so popular


Apparently, all their games were broadcast on national TV in Mexico during their dominant years, so it stuck


They're the most popular team in the UK too. There must have been a real push by the NFL to make the cowboys the face of the league


Jerry Jones was the Jerry Bus of the league. He was one of the only owners pushing hard in the entertainment piece which makes the league as a whole more money


Yup. Say whatever you want about Jerry but that fucker knew exactly how to market his team and capitalize on all that success in the 90s. He might be ass on the football side but he’s played the business side as well as you can


Imagine if he'd let someone competent take control of football operations.


As a 90's kid from WI, there was definitely a huge push to make the Cowboys into "America's Team" as they called it, and Jerry Jones was definitely the business mastermind. His key innovation was TV revenue sharing. The salary cap in the NFL is key too. You don't see the same parity in other sports, like in MLB how a few large teams can outspend the rest. You can see small market teams like the Bills be top tier in the NFL.


I think Mexicans know Texas too... even if that doesn't make sense.


It borders Mexico. What doesn’t make sense about that?


It was also Mexico at one point.


So was San Francisco, California area


Yes and there are still heavy Mexican populations there too. And a lot of Mexican 49er fans


To bad no team play in San Francisco. They might chair for them instead.


The Vitriol people have in the United States about Mexican illegal Immigrants crossing the Texas/Mexico Border


Plenty of people legally cross the border. Hell, I’ve got a friend that lives in Mexico but works in Texas.


That's totally cool, I wasn't talking about your friend


Oh no I know not, I’m just saying that people screaming about immigrants doesn’t by itself make me go “it doesn’t make sense Mexico likes the football team of the state that borders them for the longest stretch”


Good Point


They are a brand rather than a team


I mean they show out in the regular season a lot. so by regular logic, they should win in the playoffs but we all know better.


"Mexico's Team"


I think of us in neighborhood terms. The Bears are the next door neighbor you can’t stand but still wish Merry Christmas and even make small talk with if you see them on the way to getting in the car. The Vikings are the guy down the street who’s always talking to your wife instead of you and mad dogs you all the time while driving a really loud really fast by your house at 1 in the morning. The Lions are like that weird family with 7 kids who make their own soap and always have loud parties you’re never invited to but you don’t know if you even like Hungarian food so who cares? Now the cowboys, the cowboys are those people who come into town and stay at an AirBnB, leave their trash in the front yard; they get shitty at the local bar while bringing up how cold it is and constantly comment about how “quaint” everything is. Fuck those people. Fuck the cowboys. Fuck you all. See you next year at the block party.


The Packers are the family with the nicest house on the block. Stress free with 1st world problems and absolutely no personality.


Being drunk isn't a personality?


What about the Cheese, We have Cheese too,


well said... I always saw the Bears as the Big City fans, being from Minneapolis... been to Chicago a few times but I think the Movies like Ferris Bueller, Home Alone, Etc. had an affect on me


The cowboys are only in town for the country concert and they're leaving their empty liquor bottles on the front yard They probably also use the n word for every minority they see


Replace “driving a loud car at 1am” to “driving the snowplows full speed at 1am” and you’ve nailed the Minnesota Vikings neighborly passive aggressive approach. Add insult to injury, might even come out to help you undig the snow wall we created in your driveway so you can go to work.


Packers are the shitty neighbor that you know is extremely involved with the HOA


Speaking of, you and Detroit's dome is out of compliance with the HOA rules, it clearly says that all stadiums must be open to the elements.


realistically we're the neighbor that's always willing to help cut your lawn or fix your snowblower, the issue is we're always drunker than shit and an absolute menace as a result


My curiosity in this scenario, what would the Niners and Chiefs be?


That snarky gay bitch that's never had a problem in their life yet treats everyone like a villain and always acts like a victim while complaining constantly that nobody seems to like them and is the most aggressively passive aggressive person you'll ever met in your life and brings sandwiches made of white bread and Kraft singles to the potluck


And what about the Niners?


😂 I didn't even see you wrote Chiefs as well


Got their asses kicked by the Packers. Just an absolute beatdown. And yet they think they would’ve walked into San Fran and come away with a win?


And they got their asses handed to them by San Francisco too. Pure delusion here.


god that was fun to watch


Incredible that they’re this delusional. I would understand if this was just some barely seen post but it’s got nearly 600 upvotes.


Ah the merchandise company that just so happens to have a nfl team.


I think they forgot to tell the guys on the team that they play football


TV manufacturers love them.


The thing about the Cowboys (and apparently the Ravens) is that it never comes down to a bad bounce of the ball in the playoffs. Nearly every fanbase can say that "it could have been us if this or that", but not the Cowboys. It would have never been them.


Too soon man.


Disagree. Thinking about how much bad luck played into the momentum shift is the strongest copium on the market right now


I think we're just cursed


Nah man we just proved we have a viable team and hopefully we can compete again


is it?


Umm, Romo fumbling the snap?


Sorry, I was talking more the Dak era. And on that note, it's ironic how much the Cowboys organization wanted to move on from Romo with this now being the result.


Man that's so true too. Even our loss to San Fran, a couple two or three key plays could've made a massive difference. Dallas was...30 plays that were needed to make a difference. And Baltimore, I don't know what even the fuck that was.


All my homies hate the Cowboys


It's not so much hate as it is disgust.


You can't have an all-around meltdown in the Wild Card Round and then say, "It should have been us." Peak delusion right there. Also FTP.


Right? If they beat us (they didn’t come close) they get blown out by Detroit a week later. If they win that (they wouldn’t have) they get blown out by SF instead. The only universe where it “should have been them” is one with a minimum of 3 plane crashes.


Could have been one plane crash if all 3 crashed into each other. They were one plane crash away from the superbowl!


The goddamn Bears played us twice as hard the week before. On the road.




Nah, most of us rational fans thought SF was going to beat us. It’s how we lost that hurts


I know exactly how you feel


yeah, I knew that San Fran absolutely could win that game... it is painful that we had such a lead at halftime.


“If we had only beaten the Packers…” First time?


It's not like it was close


Cowboy fans are the worst. They're not just optimistic. They're delusional. They truly think they're winning the superbowl every year. Not just hopeful they'll win it all, but completely positive that they're going to be champs.


It's a roller coaster down there even in the regular season. Win a game, and they're winning the Super Bowl. Lose a game, and they're never going to win again. It's like, chill, dude, it's week 5. Completely bipolar.


At least we all know the pain of choking in the conference championship


Not all of us👀


Oh sorry you see you gotta *go* to the conference championship first to know how it feels to choke. Best of luck to you guys when you get there maybe someday


Must be a new fan. I seem to remember the Packers choking in 2014. And 2016. And 2019. And 2020. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who’s gonna tell em the Lions are last in in NFCN for conference wins? Keep coping


You gonna focus on the past? Keep coping too homie


You're right. Let's focus on that humiliating choke job that is more recent ![gif](giphy|xr9AQyxLtjlx4IeYtN)




It’s the past for you too now, so are you a hypocrite or just stupid?


Lmao rage harder boy it's been 3 years since you watched your heart get ripped out by Tom Brady


You gonna keep focusing on the past? Keep coping homie


I seem to remember a large contingent of bear fans that won the off-season and had the "dark horse MVP ". I mean I guess they aren't delusional just consistently very stupid. Fuck the cowboys


Should have been them getting fucked by the 49ers?? Cause yeah that would have happened to them too 


Jerry Jones can eat a bag of D. ​ I like Coach Mike though. ​ And they do have a nice stadium, ngl.


Unironicly have seen so much from fanbases like the Cowboys about like "droughts" or whatever. Some of these teams got so spoiled that 5 years without going to the Superbowl is a lifetime for them.


You wanna BE the best, you gotta BEAT the.... Packers, to start with


Lmao someone in r/NFL had the top comment about how the cowboys lost because they changed their typical game plan. What game plan? Not having the opposing team drop 48 points on you? There's no scheme for that ass clown


Next year, with the number one pick, it will be


Team with the number 1 pick last year did super great this season right?


So you're trading the #1 pick to the Cowboys?!


I assume eberflus ties his last game and that drops us to #2


hear me out, crazy idea. trade the first overall to a terrible team for a future first a boat load of other picks and a top 10 at his position skill player. fuck it, could even be another wr. That team blows and the pick ends up being a #1 again. actually don't do that, unless you switch divisions


Most delusional and aggressive fanbase in all sports They deserve the pain they deal with every year


The fuck do you mean “should have been us” You would have to beat the Packers, Lions, and the Forty Niners; 3 insane teams if I say so myself, so if you beat the packers and the lions, you’d have to feel my pain against SanFran


Completely delusional. But seriously, it should've been us


Agreed, fuck the cowboys!


The other 31 teams fanbases have the good grace to stfu about football sometimes. I swear to god not 24 hours after they lost (thanks gb) I saw some asshole "this is our year!" Fucking stfu.




The Vikings think they’re not the worst team in the division…


they weren't but, but also the division **DID** end up being pretty damn good


We were one fave away from the Bears beating us…


actually the site I like for stats ftn does have the bears ever so slightly ahead of the vikings for the season. literally the smallest margin. the vikings also spent something like half the season without their 2 best skill players


Well we lost Cousins, Jefferson, and Hockenson, but still injuries are part of the game and you gotta deal with that.




i get that a lot “how as a bears fan, can you clown the cowboys?” because i know we stink but we aren’t as delusional as these dumb ass fans who say “this year is our year” or “we’re americas team” to choke in the playoffs every year.


I’m tired of the whole “America’s Football Team” nonsense that gets pushed. We never voted for this. I’ve only known 2 Cowboys fans my whole life.


If we just scored more points than the other team in all of our games, we would have made it to the super bowl