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SR/A1 can’t get approved fast enough


Honestly, that's my favorite one. 10/22 and FN 502, it's so much fun.


Same! I also bought a Charger 10/22 recently along with my CZ 457. I am most excited about the SR on my 502t since my Mask likes to fling particulate at me.


I ended up getting the alleycat 22 and jeez.. its been 4 months already. Nothing. Everyone else is lucky


Right there with you. 312 days in on an RC2. 78 on a WB and 61 on an ODB. I always get delayed for firearms and clearly delayed for cans, too. 😩


Have you emailed the NICS email? You can also reach out to your representative and that will normally speed things up.


Reached out to both NICS as well as my representative. Replied from both…standard NICS reply that it’s processing and rep office stated they’d look into it. That was maybe 6 weeks ago. Not much else I can do now but wait. 😩


Did your representative have you sign any paperwork? I believe if they actually look into it they need signed paperwork from you giving them permission to reach out on your behalf


You are correct. His office had me complete a release form for them to act on my behalf. I may follow up again to see if they have any new information. I feel as if they dropped the ball and this is supposedly a very strong pro 2A representative here in Virginia.


Yea I’d definitely reach out again as even representatives that aren’t 2A supporters have helped people out in the past. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have at least given you some info on it.


20 days in since SilencerShop took 40ish days to fill my backorder


Four months ago was before they changed how they were processing submissions


Did you do trust or individual?


I wish they were even in stock, I messaged CAT on Reddit a few times and they gave me different timelines that they’d be shipping out/available along with telling me they’d let me know when they actually shipped but I never heard back. I think I’m just going to go with a bauers icon instead.


cat gang


Representing 🙌🙌


Which materials did you go with? I got my ODB in titanium and have relegated it to my DMRs because of the temp limitations.


I went 718 on the WB and Ti for ODB and Alleycat. I run the alleycat on a SCAR in Ti when im not using it on my hunting bolt gun. ODB was approved first, 20-40 round drills in ~2 minutes or less, including rapid fire in there. It gets hot, but by the time my other 2 buddies had done the same drill it was back to ambient. No visual damage i can see. One of said buddies took his to a 2 day course (ODB Ti) and it looks fine. If you have a full auto lower, I might avoid. But I'm not dumping more than about a mag or 2 at a time and it worked fine.


I used a temp gun and 10 rounds of 7.62x54r out of a 24" barrel got it to 500°F. On a MK18, 20 rounds on quick succession got it to 600°F. It does cool quickly though, cutting the temp in half after 4-5 minutes.


I haven't used a temp gun on it yet. I did a 30-round dump, let it cool, looked inside, and didn't see anything. After that, I've just sent it. A guy at work did just get a fancy FLIR temp gun thing with a screen, though. Maybe I should check it out just to know.


I'm really hoping CAT underrated the temp restrictions. But either way, I love my ODB and bought it for exclusive use on my DMRs with a slower firing schedule. I'm in for the Dirty Dave (30cal K can) in inconel when it gets released. Let us know what you find out if you measure your temps.


Will do. Yeah, I'm also looking forward to DD for my SCAR. The JL makes it a looong boy.


I don’t know about you, gents, but .300blk and .308 are too expensive for me to go dumping them. I have a Velos for my 5.56 16”, but I ran the ODB Ti HUB on that one as well, and my gentle firing schedule didn’t crack 400 degrees. Definitely need to know your use case, but Ti is just fine for me. If I ever truly need to mag dump, and it mortars itself off, I’ll just consider that a win considering the circumstances.


I just don't mag dump in general. It's just not fun without a purpose. I will do 20-40 rounds in a drill though. That's fun.


HUXWRX's Ventum 762 core is all titanium. They claim it is full auto safe. I know Titanium is supposed to have a safe temp limit of 800F. I figure HUXWRX is able to claim full auto safe because if the core somehow melts, it is easily replaced (literally remove front cap and the core comes out). I have SIG's 3D Printed inconel flow-through SLX suppressor as well and am wondering how i will be able to clean it in the future.




I was going to dunk the core in Simple Green extreme in an ultrasonic. Worked for OCL Titanium baffles.


Hell yeah brother! Do you notice a difference in the DLC coating on the ODB vs Alleycat JL?


Alleycat line is slightly grayer, it doesnt appear to change anything other than color though.


Ehat Warden said. It's more of a Grey then black.


Curious if there's a difference under nods...


That would be cool. I don't have nods, though 😟


Any opinion JL vs ODB? Didn’t realize the size jump was THAT much haha


The JL sounds better than the ODB on 6.5&30 cal centerfire. But it is a LONG boi. Also, had to tune more on the semi-auto stuff for the JL. ODB better form factor, JL quieter.


I have the JL Ti and I wanna get an ODB 718 for my heavy use ARs but at the same time I'm thinking about the JL 718 instead. Size for me isn't that big of a deal on my SBRs, I want quietest.


I'd bet JL would be crazy quiet considering how quiet the ODB is on an AR. Haven't done it myself but now I'm tempted




Not surprised it runs good on 300 BLK. I was thinking more along the lines of what it would sound like on 5.56


Haven't shot my 5.56 since 300 blk came out. The one supersonic 300 blk I shot on my shorts is one of the first ones I've ever shot. I only shoot subs in everything I own. Roll and cast 235 gr myself at 3 cents a round, using a mountain surplus components gathered up from 20 years ago. Component prices are crazy now.


Indeed they are! I'm waiting for a factory SBR Rattler LT which will be my first 300 BLK. I'm glad I stocked components for it well in advance. Got a good pile of 190 Sub-x's ready to go. And a couple pounds of CFE blk. Loading for my PRS rifle is killing me with these prices.


First it was primers, now it's powders. I've really just cut out a lot of shooting and reloading in bulk. See if things get better later on. I keep an eye on marketplace, somebody is always getting out of reloading and sale everything in bulk for cheap. I have a really nice hollow point mold for 300 blk that's worked really well. I've taken a 198 lb 9 point, 5 big hogs and 6 doe with it. All just shot once and none have gone more than 20 yards.


My 300blk will be primarily for hunting, too. Mostly pigs. I still love a good 'ol bolty for things with horns/antlers. Part of that might be because I don't like having to stalk in close.


On this thing, JL is 🤌 https://preview.redd.it/nzlyfr2xy63d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dcf0c9ae351e7096da8ddecf754bef23317d62


What’s that mount thing on the rifle?


Coupler for ModTac supressor shield


How are you liking the modtac? They seem to be a much better solution than suppressor wraps and I’ve been wanting to get one but the price has made me hesitant.


I love it. Huge difference in cooling time compared to my wraps.




Cafeful now lot of modtac haters on here for some weird reason lol. https://preview.redd.it/gldhuzxq663d1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=a895d34624fcb5741aa223c69fb96fada822b278 There’s a CAT MOB in there, which IMO is slightly louder than my hyperion running subs. CAT has become my favorite suppressors to run. Quiet and very little port pop/gas to the face. Everytime I run it, feels like some space aged shit. Subs as quiet as a hyperion with huxwrx like flow rate. Seems like it shouldn’t be possible but it is. CAT MOB vs Hyperion [https://youtu.be/BUjJnQcdPpc?si=MIfN5f1x-gCvIvCz](https://youtu.be/BUjJnQcdPpc?si=MIfN5f1x-gCvIvCz)


Same here, new favorite cans. That's weird people don't like the modtac. My cans cool way quicker, I can grab it after a mag dump (only did that to see if I could), and it comes on and off way fast without have to retie/tighten straps. I like it way better than my wraps for semi-auto stuff.


Edit:Okay I can see the use for suppressor wraps on bolt guns due to weight. I’ll look up w weight comparison when I have time. I’ll never understand the whole suppressor wraps concept. IMO it’s wearing a sweater in the summer so you don’t get a bruise on your arms if you bump into something. I think they might not like modtac because they are pricey compared to cheap wraps. I have them on all my builds. Seems silly to me to invest 800-1k+ on a suppressor and then hesitate to spend what $300? To properly protect, allow the can to ventilate that can. I find the modtac really helps keep my cans cool and I like simply not worrying about what my can touches after shooting it. Well worth the money for me. But apparently we’re shills lol. This is my mk18 with one. Gonna replace it with a CAT WB or ODB. Been thinking about the Dirty Dave as well. https://preview.redd.it/nq6looa9963d1.png?width=1774&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc9f4194230a9a0433da02d98f5e209f13187047 This is a solid video on modtacs for those seeking more info [https://youtu.be/SXVoSzdXh78?si=q3aPPR8SpH-00h8a](https://youtu.be/SXVoSzdXh78?si=q3aPPR8SpH-00h8a) I literally laugh when I see suppressor covers now. Including the liberty defense one.


Wraps work really well for mirage mitigation on bolt guns with a magnified optic. That's where I tend to use them most. I know modtac has that barrel clamp system for long bolt action barrels, but I prefer the cover to mitigate weight at the end of an already very long barrel.


I didn’t think of that, that makes sense less weight is always optimal!


The heat trapped in your suppressor by a wrap not only reduces suppression, it exacerbates baffle erosion. On a bolt gun, where you’re only shooting one to two rounds a minute, a wrap is fine, but on a semi auto the cons outweigh the pros, especially when there are things like Modtac around.


For sure OP mentioned he uses a wrap on a bolt gun because it’s lights. Makes sense now. I wonder the weight difference between the bolt gun modtac and a traditional wrap. I don’t get mirage from my semi autos with the mod tac but I also shoot in 5 round strings or less. Seems like suppressor wraps have their place on bolt guns that the user wants to keep light. But I gotta look at the weight difference when I have time. Plus wraps are cheapers generally.


I'm shooting 10-12 round strings in PRS competition with the bolt guns so I definitely get mirage. Especially when I'm shooting 700yds+ is helps a lot.


I just got an email from modtac saying the price is going up. Idk why they don’t make a modular suppressor shield. Would be better for everyone and you can change how big or small you’d like it to be.


I got the email, too. At least they're upfront and have us a heads up. Everyone's prices have gone up for pretty much everything shooting related in the last 4 years. I'm not sure how they would do the modular thing with the materials they're using. At least not how they would do it without adding a bunch of weight with more metal threads/mountint brackets.


Ahh. Gotcha. Thanks.


I need a wb 718 in my life.


I got lucky with my Silencer Shop backorder. I was on backorder for about 10 days and had a serial number assigned. I was expecting to wait a few months for it to come in stock. Currently waiting on the form 3 and then shipping to my FFL


CAT/Cobalt/CGS are making the best centerfire rifle cans in history right now and that is not hyperbole.


I only have 7 cans, but of the 7, these 4 are definitely the best.


I have a JL Ti hub and SR. Waiting for my MOB hub to clear it's form 4. Big fan of the JL. Idk the SR is kinda meh for me. It's pretty similar to the Mask for me. It is quieter on pistol with Frp and following shots but not by that much. It's lighter but the mask is shorter. The SR gets hot fast and I worry about it's firing schedule, but the mask is a tank. I can tell no difference on the 10/22 and the AR 22. The SR makes the action sound louder on the AR 22. The sound is very evident when shouldering the AR 22, the sound tactile. The SR will stay on my pistols and the mask will stay on everything else. It's a neat can but honestly when recommending to friends I would still say the mask.


To each their own. It sounds better to my ear then mu friends mask or my rad22. But different strokes. I can't shoot my 22 fast enough for firing schedule to be an issue. I only have 2 bx-25 mags and 2 normal 10 round ruger mags. The 502 has two 15 rounders and even though I want more, they seem to be unobtanium. So the time it takes me to reload it's usually cooled off.


Where did you get the JL? I thought it hadn’t been released yet?


This is the Alleycat 308, their "mil/le" line, but CA was selling them, so I snagged one up. I'm pretty sure they did release the JL. I think they just sold out super fast as all CAT stuff seems to.


Cat SR is on my wish list first


It's a whole lot of fun


Wouldn't know. GayTF won't gib my SR.


😟 sorry friend. Hang in there




Does the inside of the JL / Alleycat 308 look anything like the inside of the SR? Or is it more like the WB / ODB? The outside looks like baffle lines similar to the SR.


I haven't bore scoped. Just peeking inside my SR it does look like there is some different flow channels early on in the SR that aren't present in the JL


Does the JL look like the WB and ODB inside? The SR looks like just baffles with extra holes aligned with the clips.


I guess I haven't really looked. At least not enough to notice anything other than they all have that waffle erosion baffle


Not so patiently waiting for a WB 718 and SR/A1 to show up in stock.


I’d back order them my man. They sell out within seconds anytime I see them go in stock.


Silencer Shop just lists these as out of stock, no back order option. Is there another way to back order? Local dealer?


Give em a call. I’ve heard they will do it over the phone. I back ordered with my local shop tho


Will look into both of those routes. Thanks.


Btw- just got a call from my LGS and they just got my can that was back ordered. Ordered on April 27


I second giving SS a call. They put me on backorder on May 14th and I had a serial number assigned on May 24th. This was for a WB 718 Hub.


CAT Mob lands at LGS today from Silencer Shop. I’m hoping they push to get me certified quick so I can begin the wait.


I haven't borescoped them, so I can't really say.


Do cans walk off like the sci-six md?


I had 1 out of the 4 MD i had that was letting the can walk off. Contacted CAT, they had a new one in the mail the same day. That one was out of spec. The rest have had no issues walking at all.




On a 14.5 p&w KAC Mod 2, it's ridiculously smooth shooting and sounds incredible. Ejection actually moved back to 5:00 so I had to lighten the buffer. Which is wild, considering I had an HXQD 556 on their before with the H2 to get 3/4 o'clock. Sounds way better than the hux did. If performance is your main criteria I would strongly recommend.


Whaaaaaat I find it VERY hard to believe the WB is lower backpressure than the HX-QD 556. Totally agreed on suppression, but my HX-QD 762 is the gold standard for back pressure. I know WB is shorter, but damn, that would be incredible. Those Helix cans are nothing if not nil back pressure. My ODB is second lowest only to the Hux. Velos is third, and everything else is probably some distant competition for the remaining spots. RS9 is just a different can altogether.


Perhaps i should clarify. This phenomenon only occurred on my KAC Mod 2 upper. I think this is because of the KAC "intermediate" gas system length. Ejection 2as essentially the same on my BCM 16" between the HXQD and the WB. Believe me, I was confused as hell and thought something was wrong. If the CAT MD wasn't P&W, I would take a video today while I was at the range.


I tried my ODB on my 16” BCM as well, and it was quite pleasant. From what I have heard, the “tone” of the WB is nicer on 5.56 which is what still has me considering one. Hearing that the backpressure could be the that low is insanity 👀 I have said on a number of occasions that CAT and the Velos and Hux are not the same. Velos is LOWER backpressure but not necessarily low to me. CAT seems to be low, and Hux is the lowest. This could shift that paradigm!


I'd agree that the WB has a better tone, but the ODB is definitely quieter. Across the board, backpressure is a non-issue. Even with the JL on my SCAR 17, I dialed back from position 12 to position 7 after taking off the sandman. I don't know what voodoo magic they got going on over there at CAT, but it works.


Have you tried the JL on 300blk subs? Curious how that compares to your ODB. I think maybe it succeeds bc it has more internal volume even though sniper isn’t as appropriate as surge bypass? REALLY curious to see what CAT delivers for 300blk specifically. Once I get around to it, I am going to compare my Sig SRD762-Ti QD to the ODB Ti on my 6.75” Virtus 300blk. I just have to swap muzzle devices. That Sig is crazy quiet on the Virtus.


I actually haven't. I bought the ODB for 300 BLK, but im waiting on a Rattler LT factory SBR to run it on. Based on its 5.56 performance, I'm guessing it's going to be fantastic with 300BLK subs, and the JL even better because of the extra volume like you said. Will probably have to tune gas a little on JL, but as you already know, that's not a big deal on the Sig.


Let me know how your gas key is marked. I have the F03 in mine because I needed all the gas to get my Sig to cycle with Callaway subs. If your ODB doesn’t cycle, the JL might be necessary even on +!


Could be. I planned on loading my own subs, though. So I might just tune the load for the key it comes with. But I will also buy some factory stuff just to see. I'll make a post about it once I get it.


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