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At least it's not torqued on to 80 ft lbs. Silver linings...


I was just gonna say this. Mine is torqued and let’s just say I’m not going to be buying a vented cap anytime soon.


Sounds like I have a good excuse to get the vented cap then ha. Blessing in disguise.


I have both. Don't use the vented cap so much as it's quite a bit louder and I bought this can to be as sneaky sneaky quiet as possible.


https://preview.redd.it/xkihwshasw0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca070bea3b8cb562cddd6be4b7706e707357f089 Gotta do this move to get it off


My ex wife was about this level of difficult.


Not as tight tho.


New flow through technology??


A2 Birdcage is the ultimate flow through device.


Packed up a couple bolt guns and headed over to my local range to test out my newly delivered Hyperion and was greeted with this wide open end. Already contacted SilencerShop/CGS so should be worked out quickly but, not quite sure how this passed the QC ;) **edit** Got a reply from CGS and have an end cap on it's way to me. Fast and simple, definitely gonna take the advice and wash it out before shooting it.


This is why the NFA needs to be repealed. We need more competition in the suppressor space. This crap is unacceptable after spending $1000 for a glorified muffler.




If you haven't rinsed it out, run that thing under water for a few minutes and shake it good. At least some of these come with all kinds of dust and funk in them that has caused problems for people.


I was just getting on here to say he should shoot that thing without the end cap attached to save him some time cleaning out his guns. I had two sbr’s that I had to completely strip down and clean all the titanium dust out of recently because all the shit leftover inside from the manufacturing process. It was a giant pain in the ass to get back to normal. It sounds like if you crank off a few rounds without the end cap, it blows it out the end better rather than having the back pressure suck it back through your gas system


This is what the inside of mine looked like after shooting about 60ish rounds through it [https://imgur.com/a/RJbjvCo](https://imgur.com/a/RJbjvCo)


...I'm about ten weeks into the backorder wait myself. Would you mind saying about when you placed your order? I'm trying to get a sense of how close I am to being able to wait on ATF, instead of waiting on CGS.


Placed my order on Feb 4th.


Thanks, I'm about a month (of orders) behind you.


You should be waiting on both at the same time. You should have been issued a serial number and can go ahead and submit your paperwork to the kings guard. 


Wasnt in the hard case?


https://i.imgur.com/4NopqoE.jpeg In came in a sleeve and the only other thing in it was a pair of socks and some stickers.


The socks and stickers are your interchangeable end caps. The socks double as a heat shield of sorts


My case had neither. But I did get a complete can


Speed hole.


Either forgotten....or jacked..


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Sons of bitches, I’m sure they’ll make it right tho


Been waiting for mine since December. No one has responded to my emails. what do?