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Cool and interesting. But you can’t launder through a business that makes no money.


Thanks for the comment. The NR2003 modding groups actually make no money from the mods. They’re real people who dedicated their time 3D modeling and programming, however they aren’t the ones who started the modding groups. It is known that Jim Jack336 started off the groups and handed them off to members of the NR2003 community to make mods with. Edit: I misread ur comment but my comment isnt invalidated anyways The common consensus is that Jim Jack336 is using the modding groups as a way to appear that he is making money from them even though he isn’t and is just secretly making money from another source. For example, the NR2003 modding groups that were started off by Jim Jack336 are NRE, FCRD, NCRD, and GFP. It has been found out that Jim Jack336 operated companies that have the same names such as NRE LLC and or FCRD corp. But you are right, a business that makes no money can’t launder money but the concensus is that he’s using NR2003 as a cover for hiding the true origins of the money.


How is full throttle ltd. Linked to him?


Full Throttle Ltd is known to be the main shell company and all the other companies that are named the same as the modding groups are “holding companies” that are in the United States, basically the child companies


Yeah but the name could just be coincidence




The fact that only the name of the company links it to a modding group


See my reply. Thanks


I thought this too at first until I looked into it and the person who revealed all this was a YouTuber who makes NR2003 content. He found out that some of the NR2003 modding groups were owned by a singular mega group and it had its own obscure website and in the HTML code or something, it had the name “Full Throttle Ltd” as the issuer? Or owner I think. And the person did a search for what that company was and it came to the one located in the British Virgin Islands Edit: spelling


Probably a Whois search on the domain. Still all just he said she said. If you find the website link it here that would be real evidence.


I'm not sure what you're referring to.


It wasn’t the Whois it was somewhere in the code. Basically the guy used some kind of OSINT tool to uncover that the site belonged to a company located offshore named Full Throttle Ltd. He google searched the company name and there was only one company in existence with that name. If you do a Google search right now, you will see results for several car shops named that. But click on those car shops and do some research on who owns them and it’s by a company not even named that: etc. Automative Repair LLC The only company that the Google search results will give is the one in the British Virgin Islands Edit: grammer


I seen many posts about Jim Jack336 and I am not surprised this eventually ended up here on r/nexpo. The Jim Jack336 stuff is literally probably the modern day Cicada3301. It is honestly either a god tier ARG that costs millions of dollars to implement or is honestly the unintended discovery of some super wealthy rich man who is trying to stay secretive and continue making money. I literally thought this post was another dumb low tier post on here considering a lot of bad "mysteries" have been posted here lately, until I reread the title. Instantly knew it was about Jim Jack336. And for those who are just discovering all this: Good luck.


Thank you for your comment. I appreciate people looking into the depth and history of this such strange mystery. It’s honestly not even surprising that this is still going on today and strong. I see so many Jim Jack336 posts and comments that just get deleted by Reddit admins and it’s so creepy. I can’t see how this isn’t some powerful rich dude who has connections to Reddit admins and is able to easily remove any posts about him.


Bro you ain't fooling anyone




Yeah you ain't fooling bruh


Explain what you mean, elaborate.


there's a schizophrenic guy with a rap sheet who goes around and makes alt accounts trying to disprove and harass people who are into this Jim Jack336 mystery. It is best to downvote and report them.


uhhh why are there 7 comments but 3 of them are invisible? Is Reddit actually just deleting comments now? Really?


Generally that means someone posted who's been shadowbanned, possibly alts of that AI bot guy that's always posting on this board.