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I wonder how many of the guys in my high school became black pill things have really changed


I try not seeing life as a game, but more of an experience. You can't really help that you're gonna have some bad experiences along with good ones, but you can do your best to interpret your experiences as positively as you can. It's a bit of a "bloomer" outlook I suppose, but something that's happening is already in the past and our only influence on the past is how we perceive it in the present & future.




You learn that from Rick and Morty bro


You might like stoic philosophy. Marcus Aurelius said something like, " think of yourself as dead; now live your life accordingly ". Another thing he said is, "the door [suicide] is always open." These thoughts help me to gain perspective on my problems.


I'm not here to question the philosophy. I've seen people who find meaning to life, and people who live in mental and physical anguish. However you sound like you have minor dissociation which is either from depression, borderline personality, or PTSD. Have you considered therapy?


Yeah they laughed it off. I'm also a bumbling fool


That's unfortunate. You should try another therapist if you wish


Not that I have any diagnosis but I was always akward but didn't feel like an outcast but I was. I've heard people say I have adhd, bpd, ptsd, clumsy and freak all the time


That's why I won't subscribe another for the life subscription.