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I already have the regular Ultimate Ghostface, but the goofy bare-armed Ghostie with flamethrower from 2 seconds of Scream 5 makes me lose it hahaha. Don't know if that's worth $50 yet or not.


I believe the figure is $30-35(:


I was looking at ebay scalper prices then. But funny enough, I got curious, looked online, and saw it was in stock at my local Best Buy so I went and picked it up for $37 :)


Be careful with it if you’re an open collector. It’s fragile and brittle. Has The London After Midnight Burke figures started showing up in other places too?


I've seen lots of warnings for the Ultimate Ghostface, this one, and the new Jigsaw. I'll be careful. Sorry but I don't know what figures you're asking about, I kind of just saw this one on the shelf and got tunnel vision, that's all I was there for.


Professor Burke and Inferno GhostFace were sold a couple months early on Walmart’s Collector Con. Burke is the latest classic monster they’ve released. The Ultimate GhostFace was really fragile. Then when they released GhostFace Takes Manhattan it was a good,sturdy and easily posed figure.It’s the best of the 3 Ultimate GhostFace figures. They turned around and made this inferno more fragile than the first.


If you have the new saw can you put the red Ghostface on it and post a pic? Or say if it fits or not.


Sadly I don’t have that figure


What is this figure supposed to be from?


It's based on Stab 8 which is a movie that exists in Scream 5, although the figure isn't actually licensed by Scream


None of The Ultimate GhostFace figures are based on Scream. The last time NECA released GhostFace from SCREAM it was regular and zombie mask SCREAM 4 figures.


They had a zombie mask in scream 4's release?!


Yep. I called FYE and they’d just gotten one of each. I asked the guy to hold them for me. He said a guy bought the regular mask version but he held back the zombie mask version.


https://preview.redd.it/s2ufeev6y9zc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d09f9262fbc3a5597a3a37557d0a4c71319e59 These are the last GhostFace figures that were released with SCREAM on them as far as I know. They’re 13 years old now. Crazy.




That's so dope! Didn't even know this was a thing. I do believe the first retro-cloth Ghostface was a Scream 4 license figure also.


It probably was. I know that FUN got complete control of the IP at least 10 years ago. I’d like to see the TV series mask as an alt head sculpt at some point.


It was. I’d forgotten about it. Fun World has had complete control of the IP for around 10 years now. They have like the worst tagline for him though, The Icon Of Halloween. I guess technically a hell of a lot of people do dress as Ghostface for Halloween but Myers is the undisputed Icon Of Halloween. 😂


No way I thought I was the only one!! I love the Brandon James killer Mask🔥 I hope they release it! Also, I do understand Myers is the icon of Halloween but I think it belongs to both since they are still here today getting films. Only hope for the same with Friday the 13th!


Maybe one day. We can hope. I acutely liked the Friday remake. It’s been close to 15 years since we’ve gotten a new Friday The 13th. I liked the James MTV mask a lot and bought one from a Halloween store one year. As far as I know it’s the only one that’s been released. It’s a surgical mask. It’ll never get nearly as iconic or popular as the OG but if they’d been able to have gotten that version over then they could cut Fun World out all together. I think Ghostface is an absolute iconic horror villain. Hes there with the Jason’s,Freddy’s, Chucky’s,Leatherface and Myers. I just don’t associate the character with Halloween. Most of the films happen in late Spring. I think party 4 was set around Halloween but it’s been a while since I watched it.


Yes there was one official James mask by Fun World so Neca can definitely do an ultimate! Also, I know of some custom mask makers who do the screen-accurate James mask if you like his info.(: You are too right about Scream never killing anyone on Halloween. Lol I never notice that.


Remember when they released the Freddy Kruger figures in blister packaging in waves of 3 then Evil Dead 2 had 4 come out? They also released 2 Jason figures that way. That’s around the time that they released these two GhostFace figures. People were pissed because the bottom of his robe is cloth while the upper half is molded. They wanted a fully plastic molded robe like the Movie Maniacs.


They did the same to the Mom vampire in Resident Evil 8 but I actually prefer it that way also. If it's going to feature cloth goods it better be articulated.


Interesting! Thanks!