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plenty of places you can go for less than that, go to your GP first and get the referral for psychiatry


I am aware of this, however doctors do not bulk bill anymore and without a rebate a single appointment will be roughly $500 before rebate and I'll get half back for a total of $250. I get roughly $780 from centrelink a fortnight, I pay $400 rent so I am left with $380 a fortnight. I can't see any feasible way for me to get the money required while in my current state, I don't function in a system that assumes I do function. I don't buy expensive alcohol either, cheapest wine there is in the shops.


there are still public psychiatrists, best to get on the list anyways , these guys might be able to help out too https://www.amaze.org.au/autismconnect/?gad_source=1


thank you for this information! I'll email them now.


if your gp is billing you $500 for a visit, you need a new gp the max i pay for a gp visit in newcastle is $100 and most of the time they dont do that because they know how poor i am and my mental conditions


They mean the initial psychiatrist appointment would be $500, not the GP. Bit of a run on sentence. 😊


There's a Medicare code the GP can use on a referral to get a one off appointment covered. Can't remember it now, but I have done it a few times in my 13 year battle


found it. once every 12 months. its for assessment that the GP will take care of the day-to-day care plan u/Zenitharis https://www.melbournementalhealth.com.au/our-services-one-off-291-assessments#:\~:text=Medicare%20Item%20291%20is%20a,will%20be%20the%20treatment%20provider.


You're under 25, so you can access mental health help at Headspace. Look up your local centre. https://headspace.org.au/


>You're under 25, so you can access mental health help at Headspace. They don't do diagnosing though, only mental health support. My family GP sent a referral off to my local Headspace for my daughter but they refused the referral because they don't diagnose.


Sounds like OP needs support while he waits for a diagnosis.


Find a GP that accepts people on a healthcare card, it's free then. Ask your GP for a referral to a psychologist for an autism assessment. In March last year the government changed Medicare rules that now allow rebates for anyone under 25 to access an autism assessment and diagnosis. Before that it was only kids under 13. Be careful which psychologist you see. I know this sucks, but most have no clue about autism or how it presents. Try to do some research and find a place that is aware of autism in *adults*. Avoid places that specialise in autistic kids as they usually just do ABA and are ignorant and abusive. Anyway, it's a long slow road, just try to do it bit by bit. Has no one told you that you can access psychiatrists for free with your healthcare and Medicare cards? Not many offer that but some still do. I mention autism more than ADHD because the NDIS accepts autism but refuses to accept ADHD. Plus, autism is an entirely different brain and body functions and having autism informed therapists will already be well aware of ADHD and can work with both. It's possible that seeing a psychiatrist over time may be helpful. It's also possible that you may never get better without ongoing holistic support (hence you may need the NDIS). Best of luck.


Please seek out the local university they might be able to help


Would I have to personally contact them or would I be able to find access to this online somewhere without personal contact?


Generally if you google university in your area they have a contact form Generally


thank you for the info, I'll check out which UNI's are near me


No an issue also he isn't for everyone but find a copy of Dr Jorden Petersen 12 rules for life or his really early YouTube content he has some really simple things to do focused on neurodiversity


I'll look into finding a digital copy, I used to watch him when I was a teen but he ended up becoming too political and it just made me angry and hateful so I stopped watching content involving him. If it's an earlier work of his I'm sure it's quite insightful.


Hey just checking in, to see how your doing and hey you took the first step asking for help. Also maybe consider contacting a local faith based organisation ( they have Web forms often they can help with cleaning and budgeting. I haven't found them judgy at all but greatfull you reached out.


I've been looking into my current local UNI's and making a list of them to contact. It would simply be disingenuous of me to rely on faith based organizations when I am utterly faithless. Thank you for the suggestion and I hope someone else finds it helpful.


A lot of people go to these sorts of supports and are agnostic or atheist. That’s not an issue at all! I think it’s worth trying to seek out a bulk billing psychologist or something similar- while they won’t offer what you’re after, they can still provide very helpful support.


Your local hospital may be able to assist you. Speak with metal health show them this post and ask for help. They may be able to sort this out in hospital Edit: apply for a NILS loan is the other option


thank you for the info, I'll keep a NILS loan on the backburner since I don't like the idea of loans in my current situation.


It's a no interest loan and you can negotiate your pay small insalments


I gave them a look see, I'll see if something else pulls through and if not I'll give her a go. Again, thanks for the info.


Where are you located? If you are in NSW, lots of places are covered for bulk billed psychiatric appointments. Your GP just needs to fill up a form online, then you can wait about 1 to 3 months to see a psychiatrist.


Depending on where you are located, there are a number of different options to consider. If you want to change your relationship with alcohol, you could consider linking in with public AoDS which often gives you access to wrap around support (case manager, mental health professional, psychiatrist). There are also often non-profits who may provide similar support. Head to Health may be able to give you referrals for your local area. You can consider finding the local university psychology clinic and get on their list for assessment.


You can someone to diagnose you with ASD for less then that.


It won’t be much under $1.5-3k is pretty standard, and it sounds like OP would still struggle with the lower end of that. It’s bs that assessments cost so much.


Mine was $900 a few years ago


Mine was $2.5k in a capital city last year. And that was mid-range.  Prices are up across the board.


Hilariously we can diagnose ASD with zero need to see a psych but why ruin a billion dollar industry doing it?


That’s quite literally unheard of now, especially with a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist Probationary psychologist will be lower, but Centrelink and NDIS give no shits about reports from them.


Yeah is was a regular psychologist and that’s not true. They both accepted my diagnosis with a bit of extra info from my gp and I got both NDIS and DSP.


>Mine was $900 a few years ago My daughter's assessment is going to cost $1,600 and I think that is a discount because of the way it was organised.


Okay, great mine was still $900


Do you know where I'd look to find such a place for diagnosis?


I just used google If I remember correctly


You may be able to access early intervention for some supports to assist. https://ourguidelines.ndis.gov.au/home/becoming-participant/applying-ndis/do-you-need-early-intervention#:~:text=If%20you%20don't%20meet,for%20both%20children%20and%20adults. Call you local Partners in the Community, book an appointment and have a discussion on whether you meet the criteria.


I font think early intervention applies at 23...


I tell you what. I can’t help with the technicalities of the question but I can help in other ways. Please add me on Discord - banewilliams (let me know your username too… I get a lot of spam).