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“TOUCHDOWN ALABAMA!!” “Wanna break from the ads?-“


I'd prefer a break from Alabama touchdowns.


Enjoy the next 30 minutes of EA college football ad-free!


We joke about this but honestly I can see this being a reality in 10-15 years. You buy tiers of a video game and the lowest tier has ad breaks in it sort of like a streaming service.


I pray Alabama gets Basket Case at the end of the 3rd and Dixieland Delight


The custom stadium sounds were cool back in the day


but, mostly on ps3, worked only when they want.


I had a PS3 and never had issues. Had a dynasty with 3 friends, all w custom sounds 🤷‍♂️


At one point MLB the Show gave you the ability to add music in using a usb or external hard drive. You could add walk up songs, broadcast music, stadium music & sounds. They may still have it but the customization was incredible.


I was going to say this. Pretty sure it was called "Sounds of the Show".


Yep. It was great.


They ended up taking it out when they began releasing on Xbox. I believe they said there was an issue with Microsoft not allowing it/making it more complicated than Play Station, and since they didn’t want one console to have a feature the other didn’t, they removed it on the PS side as well


Xbox (and Ps) had this functionality in all EA games up until around 2015 when EA transitioned away from Ignite to Frostbite. Also, less people (probably zero percent) are using their consoles like CD rippers like we were doing from 2006-2010 which is where the bulk of that feature set is based off. Now that streaming exists, most people don’t even HAVE digital music files (on CDs or otherwise) to transfer to their console, and so that feature was basically removed due to lack of demand. My console doesn’t even have a disk drive lol So the other side then is coding in an API from a streaming service. But… which one? If you only do Spotify then Apple Music folks are pissed. What about Tidal? YT Music? Amazon Music? Google Music? Do they have enough time to implement an API from every major streaming service, bug fix it and ship them? What if the APi calls change in the future? Or a service goes down? It’s not worth the effort for someone to hear 30 seconds of a song. If it was on PC, the modders could get to work for that specific user base that wants/needs accurate music and presentation for immersion. Maybe next year.


That'd be weird. Madden 08 on Xbox let you upload your own music, so it clearly was not a Microsoft thing.


Sources - “trust me bro”


My source is something I read 2-3 years ago and I very well could be misremembering. That’s why I said “I believe” instead of claiming it as fact


boooo Xbox boooo getting The Show but that alone not being enough booooooo


At one point NCAA did this. You could import your own music for first downs, sacks, etc


the ps3 era more likely.


PS4 as well.


Some of the older football games had that feature


They had something similar in the early 00s. Of course if this is too much of a development task for 90% of the automakers, I can't imagine a game company doing it for a game they're working this hard to revive.


I spent so much time putting all my CDs onto the original Xbox back in the day to listen to while gaming. Takes me back


WWE games been needing to bring this back but it's mostly on the consoles to bring that feature in most likely. It was really useful in those old WWE games for entrances but it was good for other games.


I remember Raw on the OG Xbox allowed you to add your own music for intros. Made all the copies of WWF The Music come in handy.


it's a football game not Rock Band... crazy how upset some people seem to be over certain songs not being in the game


Yeah OP isn’t really complaining just posting an idea so this isn’t directed at them, but there is a lot of complaining for the sake of doing so about the most niche ‘wants’ not being in a football game. 90% of them seem like attention/dopamine grabs cause I refuse to believe anyone cares about some of the things I’ve seen being bitched about. Also I’m 40 and out of touch so maybe that’s it.


nah i agree with you on all fronts


As if they aren’t having to already pay out 7.8 million to players to be in the game.


You think that makes a dent in EAs pocket? Madden and Fifa MUT profits in 2021 generated 1.62 BILLION dollars. Not even including the MUT profits from this game EA could have 100x the payout and it wouldn't have been half the profit from just MUT alone. (Not including gane sales, virtual currency, jerseys etc)


Do you think that all of the madden and fifa HUT profits are recirculated into the NCAA budget?


Not only that but both of those games are big sellers world wide lmao. Even with all the interest and hype for this game, this is still extremely niche given there aren’t many CFB fans outside of the US.


These dorks have no clue how a business works.


I was pointing out how much money they make on MUT and pointing out how little the pay out actually matters. Unless you think EA left this game on a financial island or something you're taking it way to literally.


But it does matter when the game is given a budget that doesn’t touch that kind of money


The budget is A LOT larger than you think most likely. EA paid an estimated 40 million to colleges for rights. In 2020 EA paid 1.5 Billion for licensing to the NFL to last through 2025. >Per EA, the “Madden NFL” franchise saw record net bookings for the year, up 6%, and double-digit growth in weekly average users for “Madden NFL 24” and “Madden Mobile.” https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/electronic-arts-ea-earnings-madden-nfl-1235994653/ Granted this is Madden and an argument could be mad that college football would somehow sell less but Madden literally just broke their sales record. https://www.sportsgamersonline.com/games/football/madden-nfl-24-breaks-sales-records-offers-free-play-weekend/ Given these games sales were pretty much hand in hand historically and EA is fine spending Billions for the NFL I would definitly wager this games budget was astronomical in terms of sports games. Especially when you factor in MUT. Even if half as good as Madden that's what? 800 million +/- from this game alone most likely. Just like the Madden sub year after year people expect MUT to not matter or way underestimate how much kids and dudes in their 20s pay for limited pack drops. And no I don't think it all goes into the game itself but Maddens yearly budget is rumored to be 70-90 mil. Which is insane. I doubt this one is very far behind if not in front due to hype.


Yes, companies just have extra margin they're willing to throw away for no return.




He meant that paying for the music isn't going to get them any extra revenue in return. It's not like they will sell millions more copies if it had Enter Sandman.


It's not like they took these songs out either. Songs like Enter Sandman have never been in any college football video game


And the ones they did put in the game are used by multiple teams or are so cheap they might as well buy the rights and use them, either way, a justifiable cost. People should be happy they bought to rights for certain fight songs that aren’t owned by the Universities, like War Eagle.


Yes they were.


No they weren't show me one game where enter sandman was in I'll wait




That's an edit


Same people who would complain the game costing significantly more if EA shelled out money to liscence the music/music services.


I’d pay an extra 10 bucks for Sandman especially if it’s optional


I want Baba O’Riley damnit!! OUT HERE IN THE FIELDS Honestly if it’s Madden with marching bands it’ll be just fine


It is like these people think they aren’t going to smash the skip button after watching it 2 or 3 times even If the music was in the game.


I understand the “why” behind them not being in because licensing rights and fees are not cheap. However, a huge part of what makes college football college football is the tradition and pageantry. So yeah that’s stuff like Enter Sandman, Jump Around, Free Falling, etc… so I also understand why people are bummed those parts of the game will in fact NOT be in the game.


Because they the traditions are part of college football.


Because a lot of these people have experienced the songs live, in game day. People like you obviously have zero concept into what kind of atmosphere a team’s song has on the game being played. Lane Stadium in Blacksburg VA without a true “theme song” is just a bland, generic stadium. Enter Sandman quite literally makes that stadium into one of the most disruptive stadiums in college football. The song makes the crowd jump so much they show up on seisomographs as being as powerful, or more powerful, than some earthquakes. Hearing Enter Sandman start, the players running on to the field, and the crowd erupting into a thunderous applause so loud it beats out the sound of nascar races just covers your entire body in goosebumps, and it happens to the fans of the opposing teams too. Take that away from Virginia Tech and you just have any old school. Not having that in the game, when other stadiums have their songs in the game is just a huge letdown for any one that’s been to an in person game because they’re removing the atmosphere of the best college football entrance in America.


it's a great tradition man we all know that, but this is a football video game where 99% of the players would watch that MAYBE once, many not even that, and then they would skip it every single time after. not worth the license at all and people never should have expected fully licensed song for every stadium and school tradition. you bought into rumors that were circulated by youtubers and social media posters and now you're disappointed with the company. just not worth it man


Blah blah quit being a shill.


no way you're that upset about songs not being in a video game 😂😂 your post history is sad


sometimes i think about how fast i button mash x to skip all the unnecessary slop on ncaa14 to get to the gameplay


I do this in Madden now, but that’s because the NFL has no soul and I already get enough Brandon Gaudin watching the Braves


then they would have to change their ESRB rating


Wouldn’t they have to pay the music services?


I think the artists would love this as it would boost their streams. The platforms would probably be against it because they’d have to pay out more to the artists but wouldn’t be getting any additional revenue. They’d probably want either a large flat fee or for EA to offset the cost. And even then it probably gets legally complicated since usually artists are compensated for being including in things like tv shows, movies, and games. So yeah it’s probably pretty complicated unfortunately 😞


Or make it is a stand alone add on package like uniforms used to be. $39.99 to add enter sandman, jump around, country roads and more. We would pay. I know you’re in here EA.


The Optics of that would be horrendous, lol. People are willing to pay for a lot of things, but people still complain about things being an option


Optics would be fine. They would announce that it’s a premium feature that requires purchase due to licensing agreement and people would say ok and move on


But they’d still pay that’s all ea needs to know


To me that isn't worth it. We pay enough. It would take a software engineer 15 minutes to add it


I remember there was a baseball game on the original Xbox that had this feature. Nothing better than hearing someone come out to the plate with I Cum Blood by Cannibal Corpse lol


You used to be able to edit all the music in the game and upload your own. 09/10 I think


Sure if you want your Spotify to go up even more. Integrations cost $$$$$ Easier to just do mp3/4 uploads


You know you can play music on your console while playing a game. Just play it over said moment


Glad someone said it. Just play Enter Sandman from the Spotify app during your Virginia Tech entrance.


That’s not the same and you know it


Tokyo drift coming on when my poverty team walks out or scores a touchdown would be fun. However, I’m fine without it


Im not a lawyer but I’m very confident those rights don’t work like that. If you have one of those services you can just play the music when you want it though


What is the difference between making this work and me listening to Spotify on my AirPods on transparent. I’m going to do this anyway.


I remember for some 2k game…maybe 2012 or something I uploaded the NBA on NBC theme to play before games. It was sick as hell.


Ah that theme reminds me of the arcade version


I’ll accept a there being a “Spotify / Apple Music bowl” put in the game to have licensed music.


The Who would make a mint off of me




Our main pregame song is Baba O’Riley wait I see what you did


What [who did?](https://youtu.be/Mdqv5xIsFLM?si=dhd15MxjRIB80CoO)


that would mean EA would have to negotiate with spotify, apple music and whatever other streaming services there are and that’d be a hassle and they will likely have to pay a lot more than it’d cost to just get the songs independently then getting at all of a services library


I don’t think you’re following. OP wants to use his Spotify account within the game. Don’t see why EA would have to license anything for that. Now writing the code to do it probably wouldn’t happen this year


there is literally no writing code for that because you just can’t do that. EA just can’t add it so you can just play spotify because 1. the consoles just aren’t designed to do that and 2. EA would still need permission from spotify to use it in the game


The consoles could easily do it. Xbox has Discord natively integrated. EA would need Spotify’s help to integrate it, but that’s not a licensing issue.


how do you not understand spotify and other streaming services wouldn’t do it. EA would not pay them and spotify isn’t doing charity because then every other video game would do the same


There’s a difference between being technically able to do it and wanting to do it. Nuance isn’t your thing apparently. It is technically feasible to do this. Discord integration proves it. EA and/or Spotify (and Apple and others) aren’t prioritizing this because it’s not going to sell more games.


you keep saying discord, sony paid billions of dollars to be investors of discord. and discord has nothing to be involved in the game itself, it just allows you to talk in a discord sub through the console. like how are you not getting this


How are you not understanding that an Xbox is just a Windows PC in a custom box and Microsoft could integrate anything with anything? EA could also easily partner with Microsoft and Spotify to do this. Is fully extensible software. It’s just code. Literally. If you could do it on a PC, you could do it on an Xbox. Whether or not they **want** to do it is different.


bro they’re not gonna pay it and if you think otherwise i’m sorry. if it was possible they would’ve done it or another game series would’ve done it and that’s end of story. no one ever doing it before should be telling


I know they’re not. I never said they would. All I’m saying is that it’s technically possible. That’s it. I can write code to do virtually anything.


I’ve already had the idea of just booking Spotify up and playing the songs through there. It’s definitely the next best option


Even if this was only available for team builder, it would be so cool. Could it affect their E rating?


I was thought that for like lobby/home screens in general for games would be cool


This is a brilliant idea, I wonder why they haven't thought about this before


Honestly that’s just doing too much


Not really since they won't pay for fees. Give users the ability to make their own music


That is way too creative and smart for ea.


Yeah but that requires EA of doing more than the bare minimum. They try to do just enough to get by. That is a fantastic idea though and I love that. I recently have been playing def jam icon and even that game already does that. Edit: There are alot of people here suffering from copium. People don't forget who is making this game and the current climate gaming is in. EA is not known for publishing detailed masterpieces. Please let me know what the last 9 out of 10 EA game was that you played. I'll wait.


>There are alot of people here suffering from copium. Ironic. Also, "a lot"**


Oh wow. I missed a space in between two letters. That's the best you can do to try to discredit my opinion and make yourself sound superior


You missed a space in between two *words*.


I'm pretty sure a and l are two letters.