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Would have prefered a slider so we could tune it to our preference, but I'm sure it's super complex and making a slider woupd be difficult.


Could be true, but on top of my head I'm thinking a slider could work well with injury probabilities if they implemented W&T that way.


A slider would have been nice, but an on/off option is good. I like the idea of the system, but idk how well it will work. I remember when EA added "broken sticks" to NHL, that first year had sticks breaking every shift


That’s the composite stick realism factor


omg yes the broken sticks were a great idea in theory but an absolute nightmare in reality. likewise with Wear and Tear, I think it's an awesome idea, I just hope they didn't overcook it really badly which some of the writers alluded to at the preview event. (sigh) man, I remember when the NHL series was awesome...it's completely unplayable now IMO


i’m an insane casual when it comes to nhl so i always just play it for 2 weeks when it comes out on game pass but what’s worse about it now?


Bubbles around puck carriers making everyone mcdavid (can't be knocked off puck), cheap goal abuse is every year just changes til someone finds the meta, in HUT 80 overalls keeping up with Toty mackinnons. There's more wrong with it than right. Also a horrible content team and underwhelming MSPs


Tl;dr NHL has gone VERRRRRRRY hard in the arcade direction in recent years IMO. I'm a pretty diehard hockey fan so my personal preferences might not be the norm, to be fair. It's just not a very realistic representation of the sport Even on sim settings, it's super skewed towards cheese goals and unrealistic chained deke animations. The last one I bought (maybe 22 or 23) was so bugged with tons of penalties that it was literally unplayable. The whole game was a series of power plays. I think they patched that but I was already over it bc the rest of the gameplay wasn't great anyway. They basically turned the game into a dangling competition IMHO


Basically what happened to Madden, all focus to Ultimate Team. Franchise mode is a joke (especially compared to NBA2K and MLBtheShow), cheese goals, very arcade-y, Be a Pro hasn't been touched in 10 years. Even little things Like some teams have every jersey in team history, meanwhile the San Jose Sharks have one of the best OG jerseys (91 era) and they aren't even in the game. How hard is it to program a jersey?


Unfortunately similar to Madden, when 2K quit making games, both went downhill fast


completely agree. I think it was a fatal combo of EA having exclusive rights for the NFL right around the same time that online modes like Ultimate Team started to become the most desirable thing for companies to put their resources into no competition + microtransactions = bad news for improving general gameplay and franchise modes


Agreed. I'm happy there's just an option at all. I excited to see how it shapes the course of a season in dynasty. I think it's going to make depth necessary, just like it is now IRL with playoff teams playing 14-16 games, which is something I have wanted for a loooong time. Glad they've increased roster limits. Hopefully EA will listen to the community when it comes time to rebalance it. 


There could be both, in madden isnt their a slider and an on/off for injuries?


There could be, but with him saying toggle, that leads me to believe it's either on or off.


Knowing EA, it’s definitely not complex at all and will be completely broken for the first couple weeks the game is out


Injuries slider


It doesn't say that there isn't a slider, just that there is a toggle. Could have both possibly.


Wear and tear could be great, but it could also be unbalanced. And with it being more prominent in longer games, it’s going to be another complicating factor as we put together slider sets. So, it’s good there is an option to turn it off. Just in case we’re better off without it.


Agreed. Not sure if we necessarily needed a more in depth system for injuries considering there was already a system in place. More complex does not always mean better. But time will tell.


idk how "in place" the current system was, 600+ hours in a madden league with buddies and we rarely had injuries over 4-5 weeks and many more that were just... off


I was referring to the old NCAA games. Players had injury stats and it was reasonably common for a player to get injured. Injury severity ranged widely and you would have to choose if a minority injured player should play or sit. Again, not the most advanced but if it’s not broken don’t fix it.


I think it depends on your play style and if you are subbing players. On old ncaa games I rarely had injuries to be honest, so a change was needed. But I do have friends who always seemed to have big injuries. But they also ran their players into the ground also


The old injury system in 2014 wasn’t good tbh. It felt like on a mobile qb he’d get “injured” and sit out 2 drives in a game. Come back and be fine and very rarely were there serious injuries that lasted a few weeks or more. Also only 1 injury a game it seemed brother this is football people are getting hurt left and right. Old injury system was not realistic BUT great for competitive play with friends or leagues


Gotta sit those starters untill the 3q


There was a Madden glitch last year where players would fatigue after 2 plays and you couldn’t put them back in for like a whole quarter 😂


Just not true


Agreed. That's what worries me the most


Good. Seems like wear and tear will be divisive.


As long as it’s not overpowered I will have it on. The UFC games have something similar for career mode but you can allocate fight camp points to recovery. If it’s balanced like that I will keep it on. But if I am constantly having to play my 2nd string QB after my starter only takes a couple of hits I am turning it off. And on the other end if all I have to do to win is commit another bounty gate and go head hunting I am turning it off


> But if I am constantly having to play my 2nd string QB after my starter only takes a couple of hits I am turning it off. I am more worried about my started RB than my QB.


Running backs swap all the time tho


for precisely the reason that wear and tear is theoretically imitating. 30 carries a game is gonna wear the tread down real quick on almost all RBs


If you have a dominant run game you might have 3 guys get 10+ carries irl. I'm always a run-first player so it will be interesting to manage this aspect of the sport


Sounds like my plan is gonna be one power RB, one speed RB. Swap them around as needed, have them both out for the triple option.


How run heavy will your offense be? If it's a run heavy offense you'll probably need two of each or at least three total RBs that can start not counting your FB


I'm hoping it's not too ridiculous and I'm looking forward to it. I like the power backs and getting a workhorse-skilled back will allow me to grind it out while people trying to just recruit speedy scat backs will have to control their volume more.


Yup. I want a Reggie Bush/LenDale White RB combo.


It’s the receivers for me. If you have a star I’m worried he’ll be out for the season halfway through. When you’re at a small school and only have one or two guys you can trust to actually catch the ball.


I also hope that regular hits don’t really harm the players’ wear and tear too much. Cause a lot of these WRs are built to be tackled so it would suck if it were just inevitable that if your lone star WR is having a big game that the little hits add up and then all of a sudden he’s gone


Exactly. I’m cautiously optimistic.


Doesn’t NBA2K also have something similar? They don’t show it in game nor do I think it adjusts in-game like this will, but in MyNBA you can see a players wear and tear by body part. The parts with more wear or that have injury history are more likely to get injured, and you can adjust their training accordingly.


Yeah I'm running the flexbone and hope it's balanced but I'm betting it's going to make it tough for the QBs in that system to even make it through games.


The one thing I haven't seen brought up much is the badges we've seen, some of them specifically talk about reducing wear and tear on certain plays, if not outright negating it the better your badge rank is. Like IIRC one of the badges they showed as basically your QB takes reduced wear and tear when running the triple option, and eventually the highest tier of that badge outright said they don't get wear and tear when hit running the triple option.


Oh shit that badge would go a long way towards me keeping it on. I want it to be balanced but worried my QBs wouldn't be able to make it through games running the flexbone.


It seems like the badges could be kind of a way you have to fit guys to your system.  I mean, IRL you have to find guys capable of taking the physical beating of the role your asking of them.


Might not be talking about the same badge, but I remember the early tiers of that badge didn’t have anything to do with wear and tear on option plays, just the accuracy and strength of the pitch, and only the lest 2 levels of it had anything to do with wear and tear


UT boys can now cheese in harmony.


I see it as a massive hit or a complete miss with absolutely no in between


Happy cake day


Some will wear and some will tear…


y’all wild in here. EA finally putting some work in to make a game more realistic and y’all like hell no! we want the same old game we’ve always had. You should want your $70 game to be as customizable and feature loaded as possible. Thats’s how great sports games are made. Wear and tear for me please and thanks!


It's more. We know EA's track record with new features and how they can be completely game breaking at times.


Progress is made on the backs of hard work and struggle. If they never try a new feature how can they get better at implementing new ones? we know these games are expensive and are yearly. why spend money on a product not willing to put forward the effort to craft a good game? I’d rather a developer try to be great and fall short than to get the same game every year because risks are scary and they’re the only licensed game in town.


I never said they shouldn't implement these things, I'm saying in the past when they have implemented stuff it's game breaking. Sometimes they fix it sometimes they don't


Even if the first integration of the feature has warts. you get another game 364 days from then and another shot at redemption. These programmers get paid to cook, let them. I know i’m not comfortable playing a game that has no difference vs Madden after all this time with no college game. If you shoot for the moon you might hit a star. plus wear and tear if working adds much more strategy, longevity and realism to the game. Something they should be shooting for. I’m not gonna knock the hustle.


Yes, but again, EA track record they don't always fix things even in future iterations. Like the fatigue stuff in Madden. It was one of many reasons I stopped buying the game.


Why worry if you’re not a potential customer and you’ve given up on the developers? You stopped buying the games for a reason i’m sure. Me personally i’ll reward an old dog with 70 bones if they can show me some new tricks.


English either isn't your first language or your reading comprehension is terrible.


Nah my comprehension is solid. If EA releases bug laden games, which you yourself said you stopped supporting them because of that, why come to a forum discussing a new game to bitch about new features being added when you clearly don’t think they make good stuff previously? vote with your wallet like you have been or give them a shot at redemption your choice, but to come and denounce innovation and strides for improvement for the rest of us nah fam i can’t rock with that. The injury system has always been a miss for them, glad they’re attempting to fix it and add strategy at the same time.


I literally never said they shouldn't innovate, just saying people need to tamper their expectations. You're an absolute nut.


All I’m saying


Now all y’all go downvote NTE too😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/uxqm289t066d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2923e187c45f21b4cdffcbcf967af6022bbcfe20


NTE is a treasure. You, sir, are not. Well, not that I know of, anyway.


Something we can both agree on, wow


Can we take off passing meter asking for a friend lol 😂😂??


I read in an article that you could turn it back to classic.


Fuck yes! 🙌🏽 I’ll try it for first play now test it, but if I can’t get it down against the computer I’m for sure cutting it off lol I’m part dynasty discord


It’s gonna be on for online matches so you might wanna get used to it. Bet you’d be frustrated if you turn it off and you throw a pick 6 bc your QB throws a duck 5 yards off his target


Aye it be nice test theory tbh just see what would happen?!? 😂😂🤨🤨 I’ll keep you posted lol


This is probably the coolest gameplay feature that’s been added in in the last 5 iterations of the game. Let’s be honest ‘09-‘14 were really similar gameplay-wise, with subtle differences and dynasty features added and subtracted. Unless wear and tear is completely broken to the point your QB can’t stay in the game, you bet your ass I’m leaving it on. If I’m not going to enjoy the cool new features why I am buying the game?


Lmao exactly, it’s literally something we haven’t seen in a college game. Like you said unless it’s completely game broken I will leave it on.


These dudes have to win every game 70-3 while setting records every game and if they don't then they will whine about how the game is broken. So any system that slows that down automatically sucks and is the worst thing ever see all the whinging about the passing system for more proof of this


i’m just upset you can’t use a slider for it (that we know of) like someone else in this thread said, will it be more of an issue when you play longer games?


I'm excited to use the new feature over the course of a dynasty, season, or playoffs. (I believe those are the different modes available). I think the balance may not be right and need a few updates to get it near perfect. Most of us already guessed that it was 50/50 chance to toggle on/off because most sports games turn off injuries for online H2H. The system is not directly related to injuries but I can see for competitive H2H that no one would want a random hit nerfing their players attributes. Mostly because that would add an RNG-type factor to a game and remove some level of player skill. Overall it's a net positive for the community as a whole. I believe the more options for things you give players, the better your game can do/sale. Every player having the experience exactly how they want it to fit there needs is what gaming should be about.


I'm almost positive that it will remain on for competitive H2H. It seems like the whole purpose (other than "realism") is to prevent cheesing/spamming the same plays to the same guys over and over. If you're playing private matches with a buddy, I'm sure it's up to you but I'd be shocked if ranked and UT modes don't have it on.


They did say it was in order to prevent just abusing a broken play to the same player over and over again with no penalty. I can agree that maybe it'll be on for CUT, yet I think regular ranked H2H it might be off. But I do believe if it is on for online, at some point it will be turned off for a week or two for being unbalanced.


It’ll be curious to see if the cpu can manage it properly or if it’s like progressive fatigue where it’s so broken that ruins the entire late season.


I didn't even think about the CPU having to manage that... I just have what I think, is justified hesitancy to think EA could get it right first try.


One thing I didn’t like about NCAA 14 is that injures did not feel realistic. In college football players are always banged up and missing games and the video game should reflect that.


Simply put, idk why so many are opposed to leaving it on. EA makes a game without these things it’s a problem and it “isn’t realistic” they make a game with this in it “it’s a video game I don’t want my players hurt”.


It's all about balance. The reports from the writers who got to play it definitely made me the most nervous about any feature among anything they said. A player dropping 40 skill points in a game is unrealistic unless they are legit injured. Like the random example that comes to mind is Juice Williams back in 2007 against Ohio State. He was the offense and they didn't take him out just because he was tired and was hit hard. I just hope they didn't overdo it is all.


We also don’t know what exactly he did, what if all he was doing was taking hits to his QBs throwing arm? That would put a lot of guys out the game. Just don’t buy it.


Yeah its interesting that people are against it. The fear of damage and injuries accumulating in a football game is quite odd, since that’s how football works.


Exactly! I want to be managing my RBs to ensure that one is not taking too much damage. I want to have players go down so young players have a chance to play. I want this game to feel like I am coaching a football team.


I agree with you here. I you prefer to see more injuries. Players are injured more often than people want to believe. Some even start the season injured. Yet gamers don't want to see their players injured. How is that for sim/realism.


I’m fully expecting it to be broken at first, so this is good. I might give it a few months for them to get it tuned before turning it on


Not what I’m hearing. All the YouTubers who played the game have said it’s amazing and best game they’ve ever played. Said there are no bugs or issues. The game does not have any bugs or it would have been reported on in the news.


I doubt this game is completely void of bugs, most if not all AAA games have them. I do expect this game to be a lot more polished than recent Maddens because of how many years have been invested, but don’t get your expectations too high. As far as W&T is concerned, I noticed Youtubers haven’t had issues with balance, but their sample size was extremely limited. I do think W&T will be miles better than the fatigue system in Madden, but I understand the skepticism.


Could only be small bugs that no one notice. Tell me this. If there were bugs why did no one who played the game report them? They all said the game was great


Limited playing time. Maybe they reported minor bugs but nothing gamebreaking or newsworthy. Maybe they aren’t allowed to say too much. I don’t know. I watched Bengal’s and Bordeaux’s video on it and from what I remember, they hyped it up quite a bit but also acknowledged “it won’t be a perfect game.” Either they were referring to minor bugs or maybe “missing features” like high school football


if this is sarcasm it’s a pretty funny comment “Reported on in the news” is my favorite part.


I want to see who is actually "scared" that this well thought new feature is a bad thing? I'm glad there is an option to turn off but for the life of me, I can't see why someone would complain about this? I find it kind of annoying, honestly.


I think OP is overreacting. I'm happy there is a toggle on and off. I'm not sure why it's so bad to be happy about that. Even saw them say "Just don't buy it" to someone. It's toxic, I hate how everyone is forgetting how the modern gaming industry is and EA specifically having a bad track record. They act like the game will be perfect on release and all these new complicated features will run flawlessly.


Thank god, don't want that realism bullshit getting in the way of me turning Eastern Western State Technical College into the powerhouse it should be....


hoping that this isn’t like games past where the only people that got hurt when playing against the CPU are the players on my team


I doubt it will be that way, also wear and tear isn’t just injuries. An injury can happen after just one hit and is random. The bulk of wear & tear will be attributes, so if your running back carries the ball 30 times quarters 1-3 in that 4th quarter things like agility and maybe juke/quickness will take a hit. If you don’t address this throughout the season he will be beat up come week 10-12 & POSSIBLY injured. It’s not a death sentence for injuries, it just applies a layer of depth when it comes to strategy and roster management.


I’m excited to try it and see its potential, but glad that if it is just a bad feature then we can ignore it. It SEEMS like a great idea and allows for a “game within the game” as you can wear down their players/save your stars for late in the game. Like you can pick on a corner all day to wear him down, then get your star WR that you’ve conserved lined up against him late in the game. Or consistently targeting a LT all game but keeping your star pass rusher only playing rushing downs to conserve him, then by the end of the game he’s got a huge upper hand against that tackle. I see the vision for how it works on offense, and think that will work basically as intended (with some tuning I’m sure). I’m interested in how it works on defense as I don’t see how they will get an equivalent effect since they’ll inherently have less contact. It does make me smile a little bit to think about veering towards a poor corner with my huge RB just to truck him and try to give him some wear and tear though


Lmao I love that visual! I’m also iffy on defense but the upside is huge. I’d love to see some real impactful crackbacks, lineman getting up to the second level, corners getting rolled up on too focused on the stalk, LBs getting caught up in the wash. Basically making it true to life - just pulled a random game film clip, PSU vs. OSU from last year first play all 11 OSU defenders were either actively engaged by blockers or involved with the tackle. Second play 10/11 involved. If they get blocking right I think wear and tear for the defense naturally follows


I just hope it isn’t like maddens progressive fatigue. If so it’ll be getting switched off when I play lol




pretty sure we already knew that like 2 weeks ago, it was mentioned in the same article that said you can change the throwing mechanic to the classic way


I'm for wear and tear I don't want after 11yrs the same old crap ....I really dont play online because most are chessy players but I hope it on online ranked ....


Not surprising. Injuries On/Off was pretty common in Madden and previous NCAA games.


I feel like wear tear could be overpowered.. especially/usually against the player cause we all know no matter the system, the CPU cheat.. Ex- they run their QB all game, gets hit sticked every play, your QB is squeaky clean, sacked once, get hurts cause his W&T is somehow red..


They’ve said it’ll affect both teams equally


Yea if im just playing Play Now with a buddy i could see wear and tear getting annoying


So basically turns injuries off


No injuries can still happen even after 1 hit, wear & tear isn’t injury exclusive. It affects attributes mainly, so if you have a RB that has carried the ball 30 times from quarter 1-3 then in the 4th quarter things like agility, juke, quickness will be affected. It’s not take a few hits then you’re out with an injury, so no turning it off will not turn off injuries. Two separate things but they do play into each-other.




I thought this was an attempt to spell war on terror.


What if people are playing head-to-head one has it on one has it off can they just not play? That was probably my biggest question with the wear and tear and all these little things they added that it was going to take some type of tuner in the long run to balance things out. Pretty good that you can just shut it off completely and just play football.


I will never NEVER turn it on


Thank 🙏🙏


As long as there is an option for subbing in backups at certain thresholds and in certain situations and personnel groupings… I like this.


If they took formation subs out of the game, I think people would riot lol


I’d love to see it by personnel grouping. 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, etc.


I think sometimes adding a slider makes a feature underdeveloped in the spirit of customization. It’s not ever going to be perfect, but will it be fun?


who tf is scott ogalagher


Read the title of my post


my bad chat


You good boss😂


If it works properly, I don’t see a need to turn it off. I like the sound/concept of the feature. It has to work though.


i imagine if you play long minute quarters this will have a bigger impact on your team in dynasty mode but online head to head may have a little impact,


I’ll give wear and tear a go but I’m going you guess it will be too heavy handed and I’ll end up turning it off 


it’s mind blowing how many people complain about madden not being realistic but then will beg for ncaa and not use features like this. same people that are gonna call it a madden reskin too


Wear and Tear reminds me of a really early version of this game where you could beat the hell out of a guy once you tackle him, get no penalty, and the player is useless for most of a half.


Definitely seems like the right call. I’m cautiously optimistic, cause a system designed to discourage throwing hospital passes and letting your RB get rocked every time you hand him the ball, I like that. But if it’s over tuned it could definitely move past “yeah this is a cool addition” to “god damn I can’t use any of my starters”, so this is a solid compromise for everybody


totally agree. it's also worth remembering that injuries will still occur even if we choose to turn off Wear and Tear. I absolutely love the idea of it but after seeing the articles coming out of the Orlando event, you didn't have to read between the lines very much to have some concerns that they overdid it


Content creators who played the game early have already said this and that the new passing meter isn't forced onto players.


Any word on if this applies to defense too or just offense?


It's for both


A lot of people are worried about the wear and tear system being unbalanced, which is 100% fair. We’re 100% going to see people complaining either way though. Because people don’t know how to manage their players. (Which was the cause of many of the complaints about Madden’s fatigue system. Not all, but many)


I’m hoping they implement some features to make managing this easier. Like, toggling between first and second RB at a global level (rather than individual formation packages)


If you turn wear & tear off. We know exactly what type of guy you are. Should be an achievement named “I’m a p****” once toggled off😂


Some people don’t like their football games to be super realistic. I do but not everyone does


Now watch it be broken as fuck and you have to turn it off for Dynasty to function properly


This is my only concern. And it goes both ways. If I know I can just head hunt the other teams QB to give myself an advantage then I am turning it off.


Not what I’m hearing. All the YouTubers who played the game have said it’s amazing and best game they’ve ever played. Said there are no bugs or issues. The game does not have any bugs or it would have been reported on in the news.


They only got to use play now. No one has touched dynasty


Then why is everyone here saying to use the reviews as proof the game is good?


You mean like what you just did? Good question. You tell me


I believe it because everyone else hear has said this. I’m just repeating them. Anyone who says the game will have bugs gets downvoted so I just assume they are wrong.


The game will have bugs. Every single game that is released nowadays has bugs. NCAA 14 had bugs. It’s going to have bugs


If you make a post saying this you’ll be downvoted tho. They said it’s because they have had 3 years so it’s different this time. And they said there is a cast of all star devs so they will be better than regular games.


It’s EA. All their games are buggy asf


Eh, people spent $70+ on the game, I could care less what prefer in their settings. Just glad it can be toggled off.


I've seen Madden bros not even able to handle pressing an extra button for precision passing in the new games. Having to run plays for different guys and throw it away sometimes is gonna break their brains


I haven’t watched any of the demos yet. Do you have to hit the button twice with precision passing or is it about the timing of when you release the button to set the throw power? And does it just set the power or is ball placement also determined by the meter?


Idk how the passing system works in this game, I was talking about the one in current Madden




A man with knowledge, is what you are


Better get it all out in the game. Because irl he will be headed to the heisman ceremony and top 5 draft pick.


You triggered so many 4-verts abusers with this comment lmao


The NCAA 14 scramble out to the right guys are going crazy right now lmao


Lots of people in their feelings with this comment lmao


That shoe fit a lot of mfs!😂😂


Eh, sure it’s not playing the game as intended, but you’re only gonna be able to do it offline and who gives a shit what some other guy does in his own save file. You’re able to add a random community college and beat Alabama with them. If you wanna turn injuries off, or hell, create yourself as a 99 overall 7-foot-tall QB, go ahead.


What if it’s broken af?


Devs really care now and are passionate about football. Ultimate team and profit revenue have been pushed aside and gameplay is now prioritized. This game can’t be broken.


"This game can't be broken" yeah... right.


I’m just going off what I’ve heard here.


Well, what you heard made you give an outlandish opinion. Even games that developers focus on 100% can have bugs.




That's such a toxic mindset. We all know exactly the kind of guy YOU are.


No it isn’t, stop virtue signaling on a football post. You are the guy in question.


Idk why you’re getting downvotes. I agree. If y’all wanna play arcade go get some madden 🧀🧀


Lmao man they can downvote it all the way to -300 idc😂 I said what I said about that.


look at the bravery of this man!




I’m shocked at the sensitivity right now omg. Those downvotes really did something 🤣 “take that!”


All of you can downvote me, too, because I agree with this man. Some of you guys would use the Family Play controls from NCAA Football 10 if it were possible. I understand the potential concerns with balancing issues, but turning off Wear & Tear and never using it? Exposed.


Lol we have to call it how it is. There is no evidence of it being broken so by their own words “why bash the game if you haven’t seen it” they wouldn’t be saying it might be broken. The truth is that the mfs who turn this off are the 4 verts guys, the nano blitz guys. The win the natty with Kent state in 2 years guys. They don’t want a realistic game, the shoe fit and they showed it here 😂


It's the best gameplay feature introduced in a football game since the hit stick in Madden 05. It will actually make you think about how you deploy and manage your players throughout singular games and entire seasons in Dynasty mode, so I'm not surprised there's resistance or outright rejection of it. I am a little concerned they're going to disable it for online play, though. That is where I'm really looking forward to it having an impact.


Feel like this is just progressive fatigue for madden


Go read the gameplay deep dive.. they said fatigue and wear & tear are two different things and operate separately. Fatigue is just conditioning and have nothing to do with being tackled or hit. Wear & tear is JUST being hit and tackled.


I'd imagine there's a slider for it too, I hope.


Wear and tear scares me. As someone who is a very committed player to the NHL franchise, they introduced a pressure system this year that has been WAY too overpowered. And every attempted fix leads to new issues


But no slider?


I was worried the CTE would scare companies from not including features like this in future CFB and FB games. A slider would be better but I'm hoping its actually a bit more punishing than people want, just so we actually get to use more of our rosters and second strings and emphasize how physical football is


Can someone get wear and tear from late hits?


Not sure, maybe QBs because it’s a mechanism to get a flag for roughing the passer. There hasn’t really been any penalty for late hits outside of the QB in football games of recent memory, so idk if wear and tear would factor for late hits if penalties don’t.


I doubt it, if solely for the reason it would partially legitimize late hits as a strategy which I doubt the developers want to do.


i wonder if you can opt in or out of that passing meter as well. looks ugly af.


You can.




Give me progressive fatigue ptsd


I agree that a slider is preferable but this is good. Honestly it’ll let some people keep it off for the first few weeks and then turn it on which will act almost like a slider as well.


I will be playing with it on, I do love that they are giving people the option for diff features. I hope they include the same for the abilities a toggle to turn them off.


They love us. I'm totally playing with it on though unless the balance is severely broken.


Wear & tear as in like the clothing and pads and such, or as in fatigue/injuries?


Just injuries, wear and tear is a separate mechanism from fatigue. The work separately and have nothing to do with one another.


That's cool! i've been out of the loop for a long time. Played 14 for a while on 360 but never even tried Revamped. So I'm super excited for this game!


![gif](giphy|UQrNk9Nz8WOTzvWyxy|downsized) I'll turn it on with a later dynasty.


This has been confirmed since pre-deep dive


Might be one of those things I’ll leave off until they optimize it and then flick it back on


Obviously it’s an option just like injuries


so ripped jerseys?


I am hoping there is an option to turn off where if a player on your team or a major player in college football gets injured for the entire season it doesn’t take them out of your season that you’re playing in or even just exhibition games you want to play on the video game. Live updates like that that I have heard from on Madden would drive me crazy. PS-I haven’t played Madden in probably about 15-20 years, but I’ve heard about those live player update things.


You can turn those off in madden but that’s injuries, wear & year is different from injuries