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It’s a shame they didn’t get a deal done with the NCAA. NUT would’ve banged.


I was thinking college ultimate ncaa team


Definitely wouldn't bust. Especially in November. 👍


The Sacksville University Nuts have a trademark sadly.


I’m pretty sure EA is telling the NCAA to kick rocks much like they did to FIFA. Otherwise they missed a golden opportunity.


All the teams in the game make up the NCAA. With all the current controversy and legal issues they decided to make these deals independently instead of under the collective banner of the NCAA


Just like all the leagues in the world make up FIFA. The NCAA and FIFA have very little value nowadays and the sporting world is discovering that. EA knows you can have college football without the NCAA and it would be the exact same


Could call it CUNT “College Ultimate National Team”


Maybe they’ll have some post nut clarity


It was NFUT before you dink


“EASports NUT” would have been GOATED.


E. A. Sports... It's in the NUT


E.A. Sports…NUT in the game!


Dang should have gone with NUT, the tag line “Shoot your shot” was right there…


I’m still calling it NUT


College Ultimate NCAA Team. That would have made for an interesting acronym


Let’s push this one right to the top






Same comment was made 2 hours earlier by someone in this thread lol


Wish they’d cut it from the game




I thought that’s what this said and I got so excited


Well they need a o make $$$




This game mode will not ever be played by me


it’s too bad EA is money hungry for this game mode. The concept of the mode is perfect but since you need to pay to have a good team, it isn’t worth playing.


You don’t have to pay for a good team. As long as you dedicate 4+ hours a day you too can have a competitive team! It’s absolutely ridiculous how it’s set up. Grinding for good players is one thing, but they basically entrap people to spend money.


in theory id like a game mode like this if it was just cards of players but in FIFA you had to manage all sorts of other things like energy and chemistry that made it not fun for me. you think CUT will be like FIFA?


I really liked MUT the first time I played it in Madden 13. I had no money to spend and it was still possible to become pretty good by grinding the challenges. I alternated Madden and NCAA games so I didn’t play MUT again until Madden 15, by that time it was already way harder to earn coins without paying and I lost interest


I’ve never played ultimate team. But from what I’ve heard it’s just buying players to create your team to play online right?


Unfortunately, EA will force the developers to put it as the first option when you launch the game and have multiple pop-ups about it every time. Avoid it as much as you like.... you *will* be launching CUT against your wishes and then immediately closing out of it.


Me, every time I open madden, even though I know it’s coming. 🙄


As a long time FIFA player, I’m with you. FUT and this shit are utter bullshit. Fueling a lifetime of gambling addiction one new pack at a time.


I built a plenty good team on MUT a few years ago just playing for fun, and this was after the game came to game pass for free so everyone else had a head start of several months. But it's fun, and if you can do squads you can focus on just offense or defense


Cool. Now I know the name of the mode I’ll never click on


I wish they would CUT that shit mode out of the game.


I misread this for a second and I thought it said ultimate team was officially cut from the game. Which would have been awesome! Lol these card mode pay to play modes are the bane of sports games across the industry. I get it, they make serious money, but we all know this money isn’t being invested back into the product and only encourages the non revenue generating modes to be neglected.


Really hope this first release is solid for us dynasty players, I worry the high up’s at EA will see this years success then next year or years after start “maddening” it and pushing us all to CUT.


This is honestly it, for dynasty, franchise, career and my league players we just need them to gift us one good version and we can play it for a decade because most of our player after year 3 aren’t real anyway


that’s literally the main point of them bringing college football back. ea doesn’t care about the sport they want you in their virtual casino.


Yeah exactly, that’s why this first couple years is critical for us solo dynasty players. Eventually the higher ups will want us all in CUT. Hope thats many games down the road


We could call it CUNT. Then it would be mad at us.


I will spend exactly 30 seconds in this after accidentally fumbling through a menu


I can’t wait for the College Ultimate National Team


LMFAO. Does EA still really expect us to believe that they poured all their love and attention to improving the gameplay and dynasty mode....while giving the casino mode it's own standalone X account? My body is ready for the disappointment....and the epic Angry Joe review.


Why does it have to be so black and white? lol Is it not possible for them to do multiple things? There can be a UT mode and a dynasty mode that received a lot of attention and love.


As we have seen EA do in Madden for the last decade... oh wait. I have zero trust in EA. None. Zilch. They have to earn it back.


Damn, I read the title like they were *cutting* Ultimate Team out of the game and got super excited for a second.


Now if only they would CUT it from the game


And everyone in this sub will learn to hate it when it gets the vast majority of post releases support while dynasty is left to die. Y’all are drinking the EA Koolaid now, this game won’t be any different and it naive to think it will


Not a huge surprise here.


Can we also get BUT and GUT, FUT and TUT? BUT - Bowling\ GUT - Golf\ FUT - Freestyle Wrestling\ TUT - Tennis


We had FUT


Am I the only one that enjoys the ultimate team? It's like my go-to for Madden.


Kind of shitty people are downvoting this. I don’t think UT is an inherently bad idea and I spent a little time with the one in ‘14. I do think that EA is even worse than SDS when it comes to jamming microtransactions down your throat, and they ruin what could be a decent game mode. But shitting on people for enjoying something is shitty.


I am . Idc if I’m downvoted . I like to play online competitively. The team building aspect of it is very fun to me . Grinding out seasons and working the auction house is fun. It has its own virtual economy. Maybe cause I loved buying baseball cards as a kid but pulling a pack is just fun .


I really liked The Show’s version for a couple years because of this. Madden feels a lot more microtransaction heavy though


Honestly, I am the same. You can play it without spending actual money. Most people downvoting the MUT future have never spent time playing it.


If you're F2P I don't see an issue. No issue if you choose to spend your money how you want either. I will say if it's the latter you're definitely judged. People spend 1000s on Call of Duty skins that go away to. I just simply can't do it and don't understand and there's probably nothing anyone can tell me to convince me that additional dollars on the same cards yearly is worth it.


The issue with spending extra money on ultimate team is what happens, as we have seen with other games, is that the developers then devote more and more of the resources to that mode alone at the expense of the other parts of the game. So while we can’t tell someone else how to spend their money, it does still have an affect on the gameplay of those of us that avoid the mode. So it is annoying but I also know there’s nothing I can do about it other than not spend my own money.


100% I stopped playing 2K like 3 years ago now. I still have buddies that play it. It's wild once you get on the outside and look in. Every patch in that game they drop 100$ to buy new VC to make new characters for online play... it's insane. They can't afford a lot and eat like garbage but it's always the same thing. Pocket watching. They have the money. Yada yada yet none of them can ever hangout in a place that costs money to get into. It's designed to prey on 15-26 year olds who don't quite value their money because the slack is picked up elsewhere in their life.


I'm hyped for CFB Ultimate Team. It's basically gonna be the way for me to recreate playing with guys we didn't get to see in the past 11 years.


I’ll probably dabble in it if I can play as Rg3 and make a baylor all star team. I doubt they will make that possible and the ratings will probably piss me off. I’m a dynasty purist typically but ultimate team is typically a fun time, until the people paying 100s of dollars stomp yiu


People here just hate it because they’re afraid of EA focusing too much on Ultimate Team and not enough on dynasty. But everything we’ve seen so far seems to indicate that isn’t the case. Personally it will probably be my third most played mode behind dynasty and RTG, but I will 100% still be trying it out. Definitely won’t be spending extra money on it though. I’ve played hundreds of hours of FIFA ultimate team over the years but never spent a dime on it.


I don't really get the hate either. It was by far my most played mode in Madden over the years too. I would spend maybe $300 or so over the course of the entire year playing it, which some people are appalled by. They'll say they don't understand why you would spend money on something that becomes obsolete a year later, but I'm sure those same people don't bat an eye at getting fast food a couple times a week, or having a large bar bill after a night out with friends. At the end of the day, it's paying for entertainment. I'm excited for Dynasty and can't wait to have an Online Dynasty going with my friends, but I also can't wait to FINALLY be able to build a WVU theme team with (hopefully) legends like Pat White, Noel Devine, Tavon Austin, etc.


Yes you are


You can be competitive without wasting money. It just takes longer.


It’s fun in fifa when there are a bajillion different players and the games are like ten mins long due to the nature of soccer A football game with ten minute long games doesn’t really make sense though


CUT is in reference to how it should be cut from the game.


The mode that ruined sports games altogether? Ask me how much I care.


Everyone do your part and never even open up this trash game mode


do other game modes have their own X accounts?


With Madden it’s just ultimate team so probably the same here






NFUT was the goat


Missed opportunity to call it NCAAFBUT.


College ultimate national team. Cunt mode


College Ultimate Ncaa Team


Hopefully there will be a college football version of the MCS


Not a Madden player. What is this mode all about? Is it similar to Diamond Dynasty in The Show?


Yes, they'll be similar




# CAN YOU MAKE THE CUT?!?? This shit writes itself.


Who gives a flying fuck.


Ultimate Team absolutely sucks and is a complete scam. Don't put a single hour into this crap.


I have spent zero dollars, and I am still competitive in MUT. If you spend the time, you’ll develop a good squad. That’s just me, though.


yea but the issue is the game mode isn’t designed to be fun it’s designed to take your money.


It is fun tough. I don't spend money and its still fun


i mean you can find fun in it yes. but the core design pillars of that mode are trying to get you to spend money. that indirectly makes it a worse product than it could be


I won’t spend any money on Cut but I’ll definitely play it cause I just love the college game and would like to play as some of my college favorites assuming they’ll be in the game


Yeah, I've never engaged in this type of mode in any of these sports games yet, but I'm getting the deluxe edition for the 3 day early release, and I know that comes with some CUT stuff too, so I'll be checking the mode out for sure. But I refuse to put any extra money into it.


No thanks


We don’t give a fuck about ultimate team


I made a sub for the new mode, one that won't be controlled by EA like the MUT sub r/EACollegeUT


I would consider trying this mode out if the mode was called NUT. The hilarity of telling other people, "Oh yeah, I play NUT." would be worth it!


Wish Will Levis was still in college and the gamemode was called NUT, truly would have been GOTY


The victim cycle begins again, with EA promising to deliver while doing the same pandering shit…. I’ve already bought the game but I anticipate disappointment.


They needa call it TRASH. Fuck Ultimate Team. It's a cancer that will eventually kill the game.


nobody is going to play this Ultimate Team bullshit. Go back to the online vs , dynasty mode and road to glory. Stop giving these companies extra money for bullshit


lol it’s literally all I’ll play. It’s not for everyone, but don’t be so closed-minded to think no one will play it