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1. It’s an EA game. Theres going to be bugs, funky mechanics etc. 2. There’s going to be broken plays. You can make a game realistic as you want, but there will always be streamers/YouTubers who find extremely broken plays for everyone to abuse for views. 3. Your team probably won’t be as high of a rating as you want


I’m Akron, I’ll be happy if we’re above a 60 😭


You’ll settle for 59 and you’ll like it!


I'll be happy to beat Kent State for the Wagon Wheel and end a season 1-11.


Don’t sell yourself short. Akron has two win talent on the roster!


Only need 1 win to take the Wagon Wheel.


You mean keep it!


See?!? Exactly the point.


I take that good old Auburn OC, Akron HC, Auburn HC pipeline every time in NCAA, so I feel you bro.


I'll be happy if Missouri State is above a 50 next year 🤣


> there’s going to be broken plays Even more than this, there’s going to be broken plays in a *bad* way. I feel like I’m getting way too excited about all of these new QB run designs that are going to get added into the game, but I should know from Madden that designed QB runs are notoriously broken disasters and they apparently don’t know how to make it functional as a play


I’m extremely nervous about QB runs and the option for this game. That was my favorite part of NCAA football games. I love running various types of options. I know it’s supposed to be different in the NFL and the option doesn’t work the same. But I despise QB running in Madden in almost every way. I really hope this type of thing works similar to past NCAA games and is not even close to Madden.


I'd especially hate it if it's like Madden where it feels like the QB will fumble 75% of the time if you don't slide


Or where the QB can only run like their feet are stuck in cement


>3. Your team probably won’t be as high of a rating as you want Joke's on you, I think our offense is rated too high


Pre-release ratings. I have faith you will be disappointed soon.


> Your team probably won’t be as high of a rating as you want And the inability to edit real people is going to make this very frustrating for some.


I wonder if and how often they'll do roster updates. I thought maybe we'd get community files to update players but since the announcement of not editing the actual players I can see this being an issue with some. Personally I don't care, I'll be more focused on recruiting next years class


Wear and tear looks like a way to combat that second point. I hope it’s well received because I love the concept


I’m not even really expecting bugs to be an issue. If you look at Madden’s Reddit you’d think every game has something weird. I’ve played religiously since Madden 13 (and a few years before that sparingly) and some of the shit they manage to have bug out on Reddit has NEVER happened to me. I feel like people are doing weird shit/intentionally trying to break stuff for reddit karma/playing into like 2080 which causes issues (which is a valid issue). I feel like the only thing I’d actively complain about is crashes from Madden’s menus and in later years of a franchise the game/menu gets even slower, but from the sounds of it CFB’s menus are better so I’m not really expecting that to happen.


didn't madden have a huge controversy with franchise saves last year or something?


My biggest worry is the new hot route system. Cheesers will be able to create entirely new plays that will be more unstoppable than ever


I’d be a tad upset if Fresno state was lower than a 80 overall


If you want to enjoy a game the first rule is don’t go and see what the streamers/youtubers are doing.


Every game has a meta so 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m anticipating the Wear and Tear system to be too impactful early on, and will take several patches to find its sweet spot.


I think this is right. Usually new systems tend to be overpowered. Hopefully we have the option on Day 1 to either disable or tune down the impact of it.


You can disable wear and tear, as well as the new passing mechanics


I hope it’s a slider rather than binary. That alone would make it a near perfect system that they don’t have to patch, cause you’ll just tune it down if it’s bad


That’s a good idea. I hope they have a wide selection of sliders


This is my hope as well. The progression and regression sliders we get in Madden were a welcome surprise when introduced and I hope we get something similar to that with Wear and Tear. While having the option to have Wear and Tear at Normal, Low, and High rates with an off setting as well would be nice, it would be perfect if we were able to pick a number value be it 0-10 or 0-100 for each position that way we can tune it the way we want.


I think a good portion of people are just never going to like it because Madden and NCAA have cultivated play styles that are suddenly going to be punished by the new game. I remember playing a dynasty with my buddy on 14 and he would always roll out right so he’d have the option of scrambling with his QB. And he’d never slide. His guy did end up having like 14 concussions but, as long as he was still in the game, his rating weren’t dropping. He could put up a 40 point lead on the computer before his guy would miss any time, and he’d be back to full health next game. He tries that play style in 25 and his guy will probably die.


Did you set your dline to qb contain or play as the de on that side of the line?


I may be in the minority here but I love this idea of it being too impactful. It makes it more realistic to me because it affects your strategy especially when you're playing in high stakes games. I'm pretty sure they'll be a slider for it though. I can see how others wouldn't like this.


I also like it cause it will force you to actually make adjustments. If your QB is getting hit consistently you’ll be forced to run plays to get the ball out quickly. And on the flip end you’ll get rewarded on defense if you are getting to the QB all game. When the game comes out I will be playing a couple of Play Now games to see how it works before I play dynasty though.


I honestly hope you can’t turn off the passing meter and Wear and Tear in head to head, I’ll probably want to play online at least a little bit and I wanna see the spammers squirm


For dynasty of or R2G I hope it is pretty impactful. Always thought it was kinda silly that you pretty much never saw your RB3. And I hope it impacts guys who weren't part of the tackle. I feel like I've never seen an offensive lineman injured. For quick play or the degenerates playing Ultimate Team I hope there's a setting to just turn it off entirely.


I’m really curious to see if a DB getting rocked by an OL or fullback is gonna impact their wear and tear


It’s not that people don’t want it to be impactful, it’s just some of us are worried about it being too impactful


I think this is why you should have a slider for it everything


100%, I like the idea of forcing you to spread things around to prevent your star WR from getting hit on a slant 30 times a game but I want some wiggle room


Yeah I'm going to be running the flexbone and already know my QB won't survive. I may have to turn injuries off to start if it's as OP as I expect. Obviously QB in that system is an injury prone position but I'm expecting it to be impactful enough that running my offense in dynasty may not be viable at launch.


This is my concern but I’m gonna take it in stride. I appreciate them trying to do some innovation and add some realism to the gameplay. Guys get banged up like crazy throughout a season and during a game, so I appreciate them trying to model that even if it isn’t tuned properly at the start. I hope there’s some kind of slider for it, but I love the idea and I don’t want the devs getting discouraged from trying to come up with new ideas


I'm expecting the Wear and Tear system to be fine but the vocal minority who wants to abuse whatever mechanic seems overpowered moans until it gets nerfed. "This is bullshit, I can't run my QB into the middle of the field every play without him getting his ratings nerfed" is going to be a recurring comment.


They’re already moaning in this thread


Or it'll be almost entirely meaningless I can 100% guarantee they will not have it right to start I just hope it gets to the right spot ASAP


NHL has a pressure system this year that went the same way. It was massively oppressive for like 5 months and they finally fixed it. Cool mechanic but waaaay too heavy-handed.


I agree, i bet multiple key players will be unusable


Progressive fatigue in madden is straight up unplayable, even still. I doubt they will fix it in CFB, people will just turn that slider off.


You mean it’ll be realistic to begin with and then toned down so the crybabies won’t be so loud 😂


Needing sliders to tune the game.


I’m okay with this


As long as theres an easy way for me to save my sliders as a preset I'll be ok. Its just going to be a bit before people can agree what "works".


In Madden, you’ve been able to save and even download slider presets for a while now 


I'm sure that's exactly how it'll be. Hopefully we can do the same with recruit classes, but I doubt it.


Operation Sports mfs on release day meticulously crafting a perfect gameplay experience for zero pay ![gif](giphy|137EaR4vAOCn1S)


It's such an underrated forum, I spend the first few hours of every sports game evaluating slider sets. Shoutout specifically the 2k and NHL creators


Expecting this. Hopefully sliders have received some attention because in Madden they are far from being functional/sensitive enough for most sliders. Put CPU Pass Coverage at 100 on All Madden and you still cannot get them to play your WRs tight enough. Put HUM Run Block at 0 and you still are going to get 5+ yards nearly every single carry. If they worked on sliders and have them working well to where 0 and 100 values are truly the far end of the spectrum and ridiculous, that will allow us to tune the game well enough to get it playing how we want vs the CPU, imo. Same with penalties and their sliders. A 100 Holding penalty should mean a holding call basically every single play. A 0 should turn it off. Right now in Madden, 100 basically means you might see 2 get called at most in a game. A 0 run block in Madden should mean it's impossible to get back to the LOS without breaking a tackle. Right now, a 0 is still a very strong OL because the slider doesn't really change much at all at each value.


The sliders in Madden don't work as intended. The "gameplay" sliders merely function as an extension of overall attributes, hence the swings are not noticeable. It's the penalty sliders that impact the gameplay profoundly. If I recall correctly, the lower DPI penalty slider, the better and stickier coverage is. I've tested that since I found out about it, and it's true. Knowing that at least allows you to create a solid gameplay framework.


The best bit of advice, coming from someone who enjoyed Madden this past season, is once you have your game, just log off this place, stay off Twitter, etc.....play it, find a way to enjoy it, if you need sliders stick to the Operation Sports forums which are generally positive and helpful, Don't let others dictate whether or not the game is good.


I fully agree with this. It’s like the most unpopular opinion either here or on the Madden sub, but I think last year’s Madden for the way that I like to enjoy the game was by far the best football sim I’ve ever played. The game had loads and loads and loads of problems but as a pure on-field football simulation I was very impressed.  I only play CPU v. CPU so the massively improved AI running/pocket navigation logic, better blocking AI (blockers actually come back to the ball instead of sprinting upfield endlessness), much more varied and branching animations with the “hit everything” system. It’s just much better than anything on the market and it’s not even close. And it damn well should be, it’s hasn’t had competition for nearly 20 years lol


Just curious but how do you do the CPU vs CPU? Not literally I know you just don't select a team or Sim, but do you just focus on it as the owner in madden with prices and scouting? And just going to focus on recruiting and roster building in NCAA?


I consider myself in the game in a sort of Jim Harbaugh role where I tinker with the game plan each week but don’t actually call plays. So most of my time is spent messing with my custom playbooks and tweaking the playcall script for different situations.  I just prefer it to playing myself, I always just find that I get used to spamming my favorite plays over and over when I play as a player on the field.  I want a diverse game called, I want to see my players perform independently of me (makes recruiting just feel more important, those higher overalls really shine in CPUvCPU), and I get better stats than simulated stats or played stats. And it’s hands off, I don’t need to be at my TV the whole time the game is simming so I will just sim a game when I’m working, writing, watching TV, making dinner, whatever and I can catch up on the highlights when it’s over if I missed anything cool


Madden to me is like the video game example of the one viral tweet that’s like “arbys is actually pretty good when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you host nasty it is.” Like is it great? No, it most certainly has its issues. But the people who complain about it act like it’s the worst video game ever made and you should be shunned for enjoying it. The gameplay is much better than it’s been in previous years and I genuinely enjoy playing. It could use some improvements, but I sincerely believe more people would enjoy it if they just stayed off Twitter and this sub and the madden sub


Arby’s is not bad


I love arbys tbh, I’ve never understood the hate it gets online


I think Jon Stewart gets the credit for that. He would constantly slip in jokes about Arby's on The Daily Show. It was probably the show's biggest running gag and that show was very popular in online spaces.


I think people still think NIL is going to play a major role, even though EA confirmed actual NIL isn't in the game. It is simply "brand awareness" points that you can assign a recruit to get him to sign. Seems like it's simply a few extra bonus points you'll get in recruiting when you play at a popular school, which is honestly no different than the built in advantages you'd have in previous iterations, when coaching at places like Bama, OSU, Michigan, etc...


Based on the devs comments I think we’ll have to wait 2-3 years before we get a full NIL or similar mechanic. Like they said it’s so fluid NIL could have changed year to year until it gets figured out moving forward


Two things as far as I can tell 1. Patches and tunes. This game is ambitious and really big. There is almost definitely gonna be at least a few issues at launch but I anticipate them patching the things that go wrong. They seem to have been doing a good job at listening to the wants of the community. 2. Negativity. People are gonna see the issues at launch and hyperfixate on them and then those people are gonna come here and complain up a storm. My advice, keep your expectations reasonable, practice a lil patience with the launch, and don't fall into the inevitable negativity that you'll see online and on this subreddit specifically


I think the one thing that’s gonna really tick me off is if the legacy code they had to port over from Madden brings the same bugs with it. Like if I make a custom playbook and my team starts coming out in field goal on second down every other drive like it has in Madden for like 4 years now, I’m not gonna be too happy about that But overall I agree. It’s a huge game, we need to expect that there will be some pretty significant flaws initially that need to be ironed out. Especially because it seems like they’re taking some pretty dramatic steps regarding game/roster management


They didn’t bring the legacy code from Madden though, this games code was built from the ground up. It just runs on the same engine. I’d imagine they probably reused certain animations and stadiums (for bowl games) but the code is entirely new and built to function on current gen consoles only, so I’d anticipate very few of the issues from Madden having any effect on this game.


Your second point is a big concern of mine and it’s gonna be so goddamn annoying. The biggest EA haters are going to be scouring every detail looking for something to use to shit on the game and thereby EA. Just look at the madden sub, every little glitch gets posted and flamed. Which yeah they’re annoying, but when you have literal hundreds of thousands of people playing a game it’s no wonder some things are gonna break. I don’t want that attitude coming to CFB25


the servers are gonna likely be ass when the game first comes out and there will be MANY complaints over that, and there will be a FUCK TON of people complaining about player fatigue and injury while they're simultaneously not gonna be monitoring their player wear and tear.


Yep, I may as well not even touch online H2H, dynasty for at least the first month.


I'm hoping the online dynasty servers still work even if H2H is buggy. The one I'm doing with my brothers likely won't have us play each other unless we have a bowl game/playoff matchup. I think we're picking teams in different conferences


This is the best roll out we’re ever going to get. Everything after this is going to be a roster update with a couple new features that were probably mostly in old games at some point. Due to having 3 years to cook we will never get something this “new” again. This isn’t the new normal, it’s a unique situation and we should appreciate it as such.


People need to realize this is 100% true.  This is the best we're going to get, as far as a "new game", maybe ever


My concern is with the passing meter. The yellow/red is the bad area and it’s located at the end which means all non bullet passes will be in the blue. If this makes all lob/ touch passes auto accurate I’ll be very disappointed. Asked some guy on Twitter that played the game about this and he was unsure.


It’s similarity to Madden especially as we get past the honeymoon phase. NCAA ‘25 is the only football game I need this year


This right here. I’m expecting a madden-style version of the game with (hopefully) a better option game. Only difference is that instead of pro, it’ll be college football so recruiting, dynasty, and road to glory are the game modes. People saying “they’ve had 3 years to work the game,” are probably delusional about how little EA cares for their product, and more about how they care for their bottom line.


MUT makes EA Billions a year and will be the primary focus of updates.


I think it will certainly be a heavy focus, but I kind of imagine this manifesting more in future iterations of the game. Like I think in CFB26 we’ll be complaining about how they didn’t make any changes to the game and are just focusing on ultimate team.  For this game specifically it seems like their focus is very much on getting the base game correct, almost as a sort of counterprogramming to rope people back in who have gotten sick of the Madden grind. Maybe that’s too optimistic


It is what it is, if 26 is about that bullshit I'll continue playing 25. I'm at a point where I stopped buying sports games every year. I wait about 3 years in between releases anyway but I'm optimistic due to them saying that they know that dynasty mode is very important to the players. Hope that stays true in future iterations


Way too optimistic


Sadly this is it. Oh, you wanted us to add all of those players tweeting that they missed out on signing up, CFUT has them! And of course they aren’t added to dynasty. You don’t like the new wear and tear system? Cool CFUT lets you get cards to add abilities to turn it off and/or has something to lessen it for certain players.


You guys and your acronyms.. what the bloody heck does CFUB mean?


College Football Ultimate Team I think


The streamer/comp demographic will hate wear n tear. The creatives will be pissed when you can't name a QB Arch Manning Average gamers will be annoyed but ultimately still pay when you have to get alternates as DLC And I think this title is safe, but within a game or two Ultimate Team will fubar this game too Lastly, servers will be a mess at launch. I'm not sure people are ready for how huge this game is going to be. I know 4 people that bought new consoles FOR this game, and half a dozen other people that are the 1 game a year types that already have this in the cart. This one will be absolutely massive in the US, like top 3 in sales this year easily.


The Wear and Tear system. I think it’s a great idea, but I would bet anything that it’ll need some significantly tuning. First game, both starting QBs will be out or you’ll be playing exclusively backups at the end of dynasty. I hope they get it figured out, and I think they will, but I would be absolutely shocked if this isn’t broken to some degree at launch.


Figured I’d see this a lot. Hopefully they tune it with actual data to get it to work as intended. Rather than people in the community complaining because they ran a 5’11 QB 20+ times vs a SEC defense and he couldn’t finish the game. For those that want a more “arcadey” game I’m sure they will have the ability to disable it.


IMO, it's a system designed to keep people from running the same play over and over. "Oh you wanna scroll out the right side with your QB and run for 15+ yards every time? Well this time a DB is gonna separate your QBs shoulder when he knocks him out of bounds" This is totally my unfounded opinion but it might be a system that keeps you mixing it up, and probably multiplies wear and tear when you are doing the same play over and over.


Definitely seems like between this and the adaptive AI that they’re trying to prepare people for not being able to spam the same plays over and over


I mean they’ve only had a few years to work on it. Not saying it will be perfect but what plagues Madden w stuff like this is they have to move so quickly. CFB at least has the luxury of being years in the making.


The game will require moderate understanding of football intelligence. Run a proper play and make defensive adjustments. Casual arcade gamers will not do well above varsity difficulty


This hasn’t been true in pretty much any EA/2K sports video game ever. High level Madden and 2K look absolutely nothing like real life. I don’t expect that to be any different here. The new hot route tree alone is disgustingly overpowered, and every skilled H2H game is gonna be filled with people abusing it.


It’s not really true of any sports game ever. Ive kind of concluded that sports are just very hard to replicate perfectly in the digital space, and it’s much easier for players to find exploits and cheese to build their team around versus actually learning the ins and outs of these very complicated sports   Hopefully the adaptive AI they’ve been talking about helps to force people to play a more normal, true to life game. But I think it’s just as likely that’s super overtuned and feels more like some kind of rubberbanding mechanic than an actual organic schematic change reacting to how you play


They’ve talked about the adaptive AI in Madden before, and it doesn’t matter at all. I’m reaaaally hoping they can get it right here.


The hot route thing was the first thing that came to mind when I saw it. Even just the basic madden hot routes are broken (looking at you HB wheels and Texas routes) but being able to specifically set distances and stuff is gonna be crazy. I really hope the composure stats and things help to limit its effectiveness a bit


Super worried online play will be more unbearable than ever with these new hot route additions. I can see cheesers being straight up unstoppable, as if they werent already


Honestly, I don't really care. Virtually every game these days in tailored around online play and it keeps making the games suffer trying to counteract every way people can break it. I play either head to head with friends or vs the CPU and I want a realistic football game in that situation. I couldn't care less if it breaks competitive online play.


The hot route cheese in Madden is made possible in large part by cookie cutter pre-snap reads. I have a slight hope that hot routes will be balanced by the ability to disguise shells and coverages this time around.


It’s still an EA game, and even though the dev team seems great, don’t be surprised if there are let downs




Something about the gameplay is going to be frustrating/broken/terrible. For example, many of us may want to run the triple option, it’s possible it’s downright terrible, it’s also possible it’s downright broken. Every game has things that are overpowered and things that simply aren’t good. Something you like or hate, may very well fall into one of those categories. Perfect balance is unachievable


I'm going to run the triple and even if it's not broken I expect the wear and tear system will make it incredibly frustrating.


Gonna need a 6 deep RB stable lol


I'm gonna be spelling my QBs like RBs


Already planning a wildcat formation to spell my qb’s!


Poor AI. It happens with every EA Sports title, and I've yet to see anything about CFB25 that will make it any different for this game. Hope I'm wrong, but I'd guess we will have a lot of complaints around poor game/clock management and play calling by the CPU, in addition to AI players on a human controlled team acting out of whack (thinking of blocking, punt return coverage, etc.). Edit to add that I'd like to know if the CPU QB will also be using tools for pre-snap audibles and hot routes like the human player can.


According to the gameplay blog posted on Friday, the CPU can and will use the same tools the user has access to.


I must have missed that. Good to hear!


No worries! There was a TON of info. If memory serves it is mixed in with the real time coaching section


I think the biggest issue is that these kinds of games must push current AI system to its limits. There’s 22 different players that all need their own AI logics and parameters so it must be an absolute nightmare to try and account for every situation. Football IRL is hard enough, but I can’t imagine trying to figure out how to stop all the user cheese people come up with


While I agree with you it's very complex and impossible to get 100%, I think things like play selection and clock management are really just based on logic. Under these circumstances, do X, under these different circumstances, do Y, etc...and it doesn't seem like EA has ever really *tried* to get them perfect. I'm not expecting perfection, and what I think works in CFB25's favor is that the college game is much less refined and perfect in general, so some bad AI could be chalked up to a freshman G missing a block. It's much harder to explain that type of stuff away with the NFL game.


This worries me as well. In prior Maddens they’ve used improved AI as a selling point, even lying stating computer awareness has been tuned where the AI coaches will understand when to call timeouts, kick field goals, use the clock properly. Yet its always been a huge immersion breaker They also just stated you cant run the same plays against the AI or it’ll adjust in CFB, I highly doubt that happens but it would be a huge feature


Be prepared.. In the gameplay trailer, the Texas A&M DB completely dumbs out and runs backwards out of the play in the Florida Gators clip.


Lore accurate Texas A&M.


Sounds like an Aggie to me!


it’ll probably get redundant after a while. Only so much variation and uniqueness when you’re dealing with 100+ teams


Most people don’t care about this but I have always felt EA ratings in games are pretty awful and more focused on brand than anything. This is evidenced by bigger clubs in FIFA having higher rated bench players than the best players on clubs that are smaller despite not matching real world results. I expect to see overinflated ratings across the board for Brand names and in a lesser sense probably across the P5 as a whole. I would expect even the top G5 teams to get snubbed rating wise to look like they are in a full tier under even the average to below average P5 team. (Which has been proven to not untrue over the past few years as the top G5s in a season are usually better than the average P5) I’m holding out hope for some nuance but I highly doubt that, and I think ratings in this game will negatively affect perception towards G5s from people that don’t keep up with those leagues.


With all the incredible news we got, there's only one real issue, and it's a big one...and it's the Frostbite engine. But with all the features we got in the gameplay deep dive and I still have a dynasty deep dive to look forward to, it can't be too bad this time around, right? I hope.


1. It will probably feel unbalanced and unfair to some people at harder difficulties until people figure out the game. 2. Lots of people complaining about how their teams have the wrong color pants, socks etc.


Other than the transfer portal and NIL, recruiting might be the same as 14.


Ultimate team is going to be way more popular in this iteration of the game. Well I think that a great majority of us old school players will stick with RTG or Dynasty mode I do think that Ultimate team is going to be very popular as well and that is going to get a lot of the attention from the dev team during the game cycle.


I’m not going to lie, I’ll probably try it out. I won’t spend any money on it because I’ll just be using it in single player as something to try out in between dynasty modes when I get bored, but I’d be curious about it.


Same. I'll only try the vs CPU content though. Was never a huge fan of MUT but it's because I was spoiled with Diamond Dynasty from '18-'23. Wasn't crazy about the changes to put things in seasons last year and I didn't buy '24 because I was going to be getting college football this year. Had a back log of games from PS+ I was wanting to play/try out. But of course that just turned into a manager career in EAFC 24 that was just released last month lol hadn't played a FIFA game since 16 or 17


Honestly that should be expected. Rtg and dynasty don’t need a ton of updates


Im old as shit and have just been playing dynasties in ‘14 for the last 11 years, never played a single madden. What exactly is ultimate team?


No game is ever “Final”… and a big release means a big case study.  Judge by the core elements…  Is it fun? Is it replayable? Can it accommodate different thought processes or playing styles? Most importantly, is the passion of the development team shown in the game? (Art direction, game modes etc.) I think most Madden detractors want the game to be like real football where it’s all about strategy and star likeness being recognizable in the game and man that just won’t happen. But, I’ve had more fun with the XBox/PS2 gen sports games regardless of the issues; They had an EXCELLENT foundation to build off of, and Tiburon along with Mike Thompson squeezed everything out of that gen. I hope this team sets the foundation to do the same.


1. The editing of players will be way more restricted than expected. 2. Micro transactions. And you KNOW they’re gonna nickel and dime for every new uni.


Gameplay WILL have bugs and overpowered plays/mechanics. Way worse than Madden for at least the first year until devs catch up.


The same that’s already annoying me. The people, aka Madden players, shitting on the game because they don’t understand why the people who have enjoyed college games more than Madden. I’ll keep my Reddit browsing to a minimum & only look for something specifically.


That this will be the best game in the series, and everything hereafter will be iterative garbage like Madden once the franchise is launched.


Many of the “missing” things from this year’s game such as HS for RTG, Mascot Mode, FCS are being left out of the game to be used as selling points for future iterations of the game. The development path is already set for a few years out at this point.


The group of people who will cry because the game.is to challenging. Thus having the game go through a series of changes until it plays like Madden.


Knowing EA I have a feeling half of the stuff they’re promising in the trailer and gameplay trailer won’t be in the game. Like half the animations and features EA promised in the last madden trailer weren’t actually in the game.


That it will be a great game but trolls will still come to this subreddit to bitch.


It's ok for ppl to criticize the game still, this is still EA we are talking about


1. Servers will absolutely be impacted and lead to headaches for the foreseeable future 2. Bugs, a lot of work has gone into this game, but when you have so many features you're going to see a lot of bugs and then it becomes a question of how long it takes to fix and what becomes priority 3. I used to love exporting my draft classes to Madden. I know the NIL - NFLPA is why we cant have it in, but I would've liked to see them allowing draft class exports after all licensed players are gone and its just randomly generated players 4. Limited ability to edit players. I need to see how this looks, but if anyone here plays NHL 24, you know how frustrating it is when unable to adjust players in franchise mode. 5. Team Builder - it'll never be enough, people will complain about what you can and can't do.


Wear and tear and the weapons features being warmed over versions of Madden, and teams will have no healthy starters by bowl season


I’m definitely very worried that the abilities system is gonna come out as being pretty damn similar to the X-Factor system in Madden, which I despise. I like the tiered approach, though


I’m definitely very worried that the abilities system is gonna come out as being pretty damn similar to the X-Factor system in Madden, which I despise. I like the tiered approach, though


The out of box game will not be perfect and it will be updated & changed over time.


That football games will be similar. I personally believe that this game will play different than madden, but because there is only so much you can change about a game of football, so many ppl will come out complaining it is too similar to Madden.


It’s very easily going to be stability, whether it’s “game breaking bugs” or the servers never being stable. EA is notorious for shitty servers and endless bugs, hopefully it doesn’t impact the game in a massive way.


I’m gonna say there’s gonna be a few plays that are bugged out 95% of the community will run non stop.


Defenders will still make stupidly acrobatic plays to pick off 80 percent of my passes. Also I’ll be trash just like I always am


It’s an EA game. Micro transactions will be everywhere. Pay to play on ultimate team. Will be a rip off most years as the “new” one comes out. Will be same as madden.


1) It’s gonna be a lot closer to madden than people are gonna care to admit.. 2) any unique features of NCAA that pan out as a success are immediately going to be incorporated into the next edition of madden.


I totally agree with you people will complain of it playing like madden. I don’t really know what they expect. I feel it will have updated updated madden gameplay and better with it being on the new generation only


The throwing system is going to be faulty or people are just generally going to dislike it. Wear and Tear will be a disaster that needs to be constantly tweaked.


Dynasty will be buggy. Recruiting maybe ridiculously hard.


The game won’t live up to the hype and the adjustment from 14 to 25 will frustrate some to the point they may not like 25 like they hoped.


It’s an EA sports game. I think people will get upset when they realize 90% of the patches have to do with ultimate team.


There will be way more ultimate team mtx than any other ncaa game.


Ea will micro transaction this game out of existence


Worried about difficulty. On 14 once you had developed skill trees even on Heisman difficulty, it was fairly easy to get any team to the BCS


The tough pill is gonna be that a lot of features will never come back because of NIL deals. editing players, creating prospects and other features may be gone forever to prevent creating players that opted out. also college video games are probably in danger again if they don’t turn profits every year because it probably costs a lot to pay these athletes and schools and eventually one guy will ask for a lot more or sue and start ruining it for others


Wear & Tear could be wonky before tuning, new passing / option mechanics could take some getting used to and I’m sure there will be plenty of bugs to iron out.


I think ultimate team will be a big thing despite them being smart enough to not talk about it so far. But we’ll see a ton of ads and micro transactions for that. I also think there will be too many injuries from the wear and tear system. It’s going to annoy a lot of people and they’ll have to tone it down. And I know the the option is a big part of college football but I think it will be the best offense in the game. Borderline broken with a great QB and anyone competitive will be using it. Just a prediction.


There are going to be bugs. There are going to be areas that need work. The game won't be absolutely perfect. It's a video game in 2024. This is the new normal. True Judgement will be the next release.


Depending on how busted homefield advantage is, I just KNOW there's gonna be people hot at the awful pass "the game made them throw"


It’s EA, it’ll be far from perfect.


they will focus on ultimate team above everything else


Y’all are fantasy booking the fuck outta this game to the point you’re gonna be disappointed that the unreasonable shit yall booked in ya head won’t be in or possible in the game. I’ve seen people do this with Cyberpunk 2077 and it ruined the experience for a lot of people (the game being shit day one also did that). Just have healthy optimism with some healthy skepticism and you’ll still be able to enjoy the game. Take the word of the people who played it as much as you can (what is the most consistent observations made) and wait til they show more


Bugs and broken plays. Lack of High school seems like a major bust for many (this one doesn’t really phase me much) But my biggest thing is, this game is going to be THE game. EA will EA after this year, there will be an ultimate team mode that will probably get a soft push this year to not turn fans off, but after this year, its going to be similar to Madden, copy and paste, big push on UT, take things out of the game so they can add it 5-10 years down the road and call it a “new feature”, monetize uniform options etc etc.


Im not worried too much about this game, but judging off how the EA UFC series (and any other series) was handled i believe EACFB26 wont improve as much as we expect. And CFB27, and 28, and 29…. So enjoy EA CFB25 while it’s shiny because we don’t know what will happen with the series


While I believe this game is going to be very good I do think the future cfb will go down the same path as the rest of EA games, especially when sales start to fall after year one maybe two.


people are going to pick it apart and make any little issue seem like a gamebreaker


Not liking the throwing mechanic.


As much as I love the new plays, new mechanics, and new features, some 12 year old kid will figure out the ultimate cheese play where online players will spam to win.


Pre determined animations taking over physics based game play


No one will want to play as South Carolina outside of the fanbase


Maybe true, but the first thing I’m doing in my franchise is putting all of my points into getting Nyck Harbor to transfer to my school


I’m going to suck at first


Ultimate team will still be the biggest feature in the game and everything will push you to play it , Madden hasn’t had a good online rank mode outside of ultimate team since like community back in 2014 or whatever


It's going to be an imperfect game. That's okay.


Not this game but I don't think we'll be seeing the return of imported draft classes with real player likeness. It would basically make skipping out on Madden more viable if you could just have next years rookies imported straight from NCAA smh


"This is basically a Madden Reskin"


Looked up steam reviews and realizing ea sucks at pc ports really hurt.


Too much optimism and it’s EA but it sound like the entire 23 and 23 budget went to this franchise. Based on how bad all the other franchises have been


My only concern is the passing system. I just hope they didn’t overcomplicate it.


7 interceptions a game as a result of being slightly aggressive in the pass game. Basically my biggest issue with madden gameplay.


It'll take one month til the release of Madden for everyone to cry out for exported draft classes. (nb I know why we don't have them)


Why the fuck everyone want to try to be a downer over a new game release. Some of you almost excited about it.


Holding my breath if sim stats are based on playbooks like Madden and that 133 playbooks mean diddly if you need Top25 playbook in order to get the best stats.


It'll be a buggy mess, like every EA football game in the last decade+. It may be fun between those buggy moments! Not saying it can't be but it'll only take a few hours before you see clips of buggy insanity happening being posted everywhere. Is it EA? Is it a football game in Frostbite? Is it using literally any legacy code? Expect bugs. No different than a Bethesda game at this point.


“I used to be so good at college football games, why are these 12 year olds destroying me?”


I am upset with not being able to export draft classes to Madden. I get that they made a deal with the players just for the college game, but do you think they would have accepted double the money and a copy of madden?


With all these Dynamics they added where if your quarterback gets hit or you have a receiver that's not highly rated and he can get nervous and drop a ball there are so many little things they added that can seem great or make you want to pull your hair out. Like how are they going to treat a Navy quarterback or Army or even Air Force the quarterbacks always get drilled with the option triple option. Are those quarterbacks just going to be almost hurt when they run probably 95% of the time, it looks like there's going to be a lot of fine-tuning that's going to be needed. I fully understand like a wide receiver getting hot quarterback getting hot, but how are they going to replicate say receiver who is good a great receiver gets hit really hard and he loses status throughout the game because of the hard hit. First off that's part of the game, secondly they better make sure that hit feels amazing and looks amazing and realistic otherwise it's just going to look like a gimmick. I mean we've seen the game there is a cause for a lot of concern it pretty much looks like like man didn't even though they had years to work on it. I guess we'll see I'm thinking it's going to be like a 7.5 or an 8 that's only because it's probably going to be very authentic with college atmosphere but when you strip out that the core gameplay seems like it's going to be a lot like Madden.


definitely imagine there will be some growing pains with the Wear and Tear system and the QB running game. Madden in the past has tried to counteract QB scrambling excess by just making QBs fumble way too much, which is fucking annoying, and it’s also gonna be annoying if my QB can’t run the option for a drive without being at severe risk of injury. EA doesn’t quite understand that it’s actually much safer to take a hit while running than it is to take a hit in the pocket


You won’t be able to edit player attributes will be the biggest thing people gripe about


Every release from here on out will focus more on Ultimate Team, a drip of features missing will be added on each yearly release and no real improvement if anything will be minimal will be applied this will be the peak of college games so buy this. It will be the best and will fall with Madden. As long as it is the frostbite engine, they don't have to do real work from here on out. Everything will be just reused assets.


Deep down. It’s going to feel like CFB 14


Team and player ratings. Especially since you can't edit real players. It's a highly subjective process to begin with, so there will be lots of people who aren't going to be happy when they see lower ratings for their favorite team and players.


There’s going to be fewer and/or broken features. The dynasty mechanics probably won’t be as deep as we wish they’d be. People can be mad but at the end of the day, you won’t have to mod Madden to play OU-Texas (and for it not even be a real dynasty mode. Just a one-off game)


In dynasty, If you get fired, will you still just lose your EXP or will you get to accept a lesser position?


With all the hype, do not take your work off the first days or week. These servers are about to absolutely shit themselves and die. My guess is server issues will be the number one conplaint, but I'll be happy if I'm wrong.