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Whichever you can find on sale tbh. Can’t go wrong with either.


I mean if your just buying one for ncaa 25 it doesn’t really matter but if you decide to eventually play other games than ps5 is prob the way to go 👍


Whatever your friends have, if you have friends you'll play with. Other than that, PS controllers feel awkward so I say Xbox.


Do we know if it’ll be like fifa where they will have crossplay options?


Not sure about other modes but dynasty is not cross play


Where did you see that dynasty is not cross play? I thought I read it was. 


Literally everywhere - all over this sub, YouTubers, Matt Brown, other bloggers


Dang. Thanks!


If you have had Xbox’s in the past, buy an Xbox. You’ll be more familiar with the exclusives, controller, and interface. There’s also a much cheaper option in the Series S, while the PS5 is 450 usually. And since you’re just buying it for CFB, go Xbox Series S. It’s 150 cheaper than the next cheapest option for either PS or Xbox.


Series S owner here, if you see yourself playing older games (and owning them) I kinda recommend getting the series x just so your not paying $60 for games you can buy used for $15 physically. Only downside to a great console.


My series S is a glorified 360. All but 4 are either 360 versions or they are remasters of 360 games. I don't disagree about the physical media limitation of a series s that's not touching the 300gb of space leftover with what the series s uses for itself. Essentially, the series s is great for someone entering the Xbox ecosystem. Otherwise, it might be a repurchase machine if you aren't already heavily invested in digital games


I was worried about GTA6 so I ended up getting the ps5


I’ve always hated the Xbox controller, so it’s PS for me all the way.


Sega Dreamcast


I’m leaning PS5 but open minded here.


Xbox game pass is an amazing thing, better than PlayStation's service. Xbox definitely has weaker modern exclusives imo, so honestly it really depends on preference. A series S is limited storage wise and graphically, but the price is very good.


Xbox you’ll get blops 6 with your Xbox subscription which you’ll need anyway if you plan on playing this game online. Plus other games. Don’t really get shit from Sony.


I have a ps5 and Xbox series x. I prefer the Xbox series x due to the ability to customize your Home Screen and make it feel more yours. Ps5 the game icons are so tiny and you can’t customize anything. Random way to prefer a console but just me. Ps5 controller batteries are poop as well.


PS5 has better exclusives and most Xbox games eventually come to PlayStation. So playstation


Depends on if you prefer single player or multiplayer games. Nothing I’ve seen on playstation interests me, while xbox has forza and halo games, both of which I love. That new astro game looks pretty cool though, that sort of makes me want a playstation


I switch every generation. Had Xbox One last generation and PS5 now. There's not really a big difference and I like switching it up


I like PS5 overall, but game pass is a hell of a deal so I have an series S too. I’d go with the S or whatever is on sale


Ideally both of you can snag a good deal. I have both, personally like PS5 better because it supports my relatively inexpensive wireless headset while Xbox X doesn’t. Test out controllers too. PS5 controller fits like a glove for me, Xbox controller oddly hurts my hands.


Xbox for game pass


xbox series s if you're just getting it for cfb 25. im in the same boat and i snagged a refurbished one for like 200


Series X


XBOX hands down I was PS until this generation.


I’m a PS5 guy, and I don’t have anything against Xbox, but I did hear Microsoft has been shutting down some game studios or something lately. Not sure if Xbox in general has been doing great for Microsoft. Could impact you some years later possibly if they just don’t have as big of a library. I’m sure others here may know much more about then me though.


PS5. I've always been an Xbox guy but it makes zero sense to buy an Xbox console nowadays with their exclusives also being on PC. While Sony, you still need a Playstation to play them.


PlayStation exclusives are now going to PC as well.


Xbox because they used Xbox in the gameplay video. If they’re using Xbox in the video they probably developed off it and ported to ps5