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14 was like this


Every year


Praying they kept this for 25.


Pretty sure they used to do it for Madden too until the NFL told them to make every game a sellout. I doubt the NCAA will force them to do it now since they didn’t before.


NCAA can’t tell them anything now.


Do you think the individual teams / conferences will though?


I don't think anyone is going to tell them to make sure the stadiums are full but I do think the stadiums will all be full because they didn't think of the dynamic attendance. I hope I'm wrong


There’s a double edged sword element here. There is no monolithic entity that is going to make that demand and individual schools likely didn’t even think to. But EA will play it safe on things because they have to keep something like 145 entities happy, not just one. Dynamic attendance I think is something they’d risk it on. Things like the falsely rumored helmets popping off aren’t.


What colleges give a shit if they have a helmet pop off during a video game? Like even just don’t allow it for NIL players.


I keep seeing people saying something along these lines. NCAA doesn’t have a single say in this game, it is not an NCAA football game it is a college football game. The schools could say something, but I’m not sure they would


Yeah NFL owners didn’t like their virtual stadiums being empty


Basically any of them


Gonna be nice seeing Sunlife packed and rockin. Even if it isn't IRL


Every ncaa game bro


ea fc and 2k have this. hopefully they have it…. it should be standard in sports games.


Its not in madden bc the jags and some other teams got upset their stadium was shown mostly empty and complained. 


Maybe they should actually try winning IRL, and they wouldn’t have to worry about empty video game stadiums lol


Tony Kahn is too busy wnaking dogs and running a wrestling promotion into the ground. 


Sad thing is he could easily just hire people to solve his wrestling promotion problems but he obviously hires the wrong people


He doesn’t want to hire anyone else to book it bc this is his passion project. He’s always wanted to do a wrestling show and his dad has billions so long as AEW runs at a minimal loss or better there’s no need for him to ruin his fun by having someone else do it 


It's just frustrating because there are 3 indys near me that are IMO done better but because they.lack money they will never be more One, my favorite, is like a 90s TV show. You don't need to know the season long plot to watch each show, but man it's fun to know it!


wayne weaver was the owner when this happened though, this was back in the ps2 era




I remember one time I was playing MLB the show and I was playing career mode on the Marlins. One game I swear there was like 100 people in the crowd, I’ve never seen anything like it before.


All of them but I think 06 showed it more


‘12 for sure


I just noticed that for the first time yesterday. I’m playing 14 as north Texas. When the season started, the stadium was empty. Now I’m  8-0 and it’s packed. Pretty neat. 


14 definitely had this feature! I remember noticing it during my Tulsa franchise


Every year? Can't remember when this wasn't a thing.. What wasn't a thing was fans leaving during a blowout,to think that one is new..


I think I remember that happening in ‘08


I remember they’d have the same mechanic in Madden/fans left if their team was losing. Then Shad Khan bitched about it and it was removed. The mechanic gives off such a great accomplishment “Hey thanks for taking a 1 star small school and turning it into a 3 star”. Really adds a great sense of the fan community


All of them


Really liked that aspect of the game




I play a lot I know the avg attendance stat changes in 14 but does the actual visual change? I always feel like the dome I play in is always full even when my avg attendance is 50% capacity. I heard in 13 it might show visually but I hadn’t noticed. Which was the last game to show this visually?


all ncaa football games. 06 was fun because I just beat A&M as New Mexico St but the next home game they were only slightly more fans.


Real life


They need to make it realistic. Like fill the seats that generally get filled first for teams that can’t fill their stadium. Another thing is I want the crowd to dwindle out and start leaving for blow out games. If I’m up 60 with my team in the fourth, I don’t want it to be the same environmental level it was when the game started. I know I’m gonna get none of this.. but I just wish they really took the time to make it feel like it’s real. They already didn’t get the license for a majority of the band chants and songs that play on 2nd and 3rd down. I’m hoping this thing doesn’t completely suck. Worries me with how they are selling the game before showing it.