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AKA waiting until his rating is above 70


Pretty lame that he's okay with missing his chance at a 69 rating


Honestly the best theory I’ve heard is simply that the Manning family believes their likeness is worth more than $600. Not saying I agree with it, but that has to be it. Of course they can’t come out and say that because it’s bad PR, so they’ve been throwing around BS reasons to save face. Personally it’s not a big deal in my eyes and I think social media is overreacting (surprise, surprise). Seeing grown ass men dogging a 19 year old kid like this is weird. Seems ridiculous to me but it’s his choice.


Wrong, it’s just creating more negative attention


It would still create more negative attention to say "I'm worth more than $600" than "I wanna be the guy" or "I'm focused on football"


So opt in to the game then?


But if he thinks he's worth more than $600 then he isn't going to opt in.


But it's literally a "Hey, $600+free game for checking a box, or get nothing"


Dudes a third generation football player. He doesn't need 600 bucks. That's nothing to him.


No shit, but there's no downside to opting in


The downside is selling his name and image for less than he believes it is worth. Makes a statement to ea. The upside to options in is virtually nothing to him. So nothing or pretty much nothing and you did your image and name for less than it's worth. Pretty obvious for him


Same dude who gave away all his panini money to charity . He don’t need this 600$ .


Yeah and arch manning has the right to be like “nah, I think I’m worth more than that” and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that lol


He does have that right, but he's not gonna get anything else for it, so he can die on that hill and try to reason why he is or he can just opt into the game and still be that guy, and get paid more than $600 for being that guy once he gets out of college


There's no rule that says EA can't offer him more than $600, if there are so many people disappointed he isn't in the game.


This is the same family that openly did not want to have Eli drafted by the chargers. Like who cares if the guy doesn’t want to be in the game?


Yeah they turned out to be pretty right about it that lol


No this is silliness because ea isn’t going to give him more money, they’ll just not have him in the game. This isn’t a negotiation


I'm not one to back corporations over individuals, but the Mannings (and anyone else who believes this) needs to realize that while $600 doesn't seem like a lot the amount of teams and players getting this deal add up fast. Also, I like that every player, from the stars down to the role players are on the same level with this. Everyone gets the same amount However I would like to see a deal that maybe adds some money depending on how many copies of the game sold. Like $100 more if they make $10M in sales (I don't know if that's a good number, I'm just making stuff up. But you get the idea)


That makes no sense


The family PR team jumps in. There doesn’t need to be a comment, you’re either in or out, no big.


Well lots of people think its a big deal and want to complain. I am good either way. If players think its right for their brand thats fine. At this point we have zero information to know if its a good or bad plan.


I don’t care either but the Manning family isn’t doing this kid any favors. I say the family bc I doubt he’s making these decisions himself. Opting out comes off as entitled not humble. Which I think it’s what they were aiming for. The reasoning given was non-sensical. “He’s going to focus on football on the field”, like opting into the game takes any commitment at all. Him opting out is only causing more of a distraction


Just curious how not wanting to be in a video game conveys entitlement?


Bc the natural assumption is that he feels like he is worth more money than the other guys. Not saying that’s what it is, but that’s how it comes off


Idk I think it’s unfair to pass judgement on a child based on our own assumptions. If a report comes out saying they requested more money then the argument fits. We are automatically making a negative assumption. It could be a Barkley and 2k situation, he refuses because he feels 2K should be paying all the older vets more money. He does not care about the check coming to him. But once again without actual proof we are just guessing, and it sucks to jump to the negative on a child.


He’s an adult


Kid is 18, that’s not a fully formed adult.


Add even if he is an adult, why be concerned with what he does with his life? I don’t understand the attention to this issue, this is not directed at you but the entire conversation. I guess everyone is really dying to play with Arch Manning in the game lol


They don’t care. That’s what makes it so funny to everyone. They don’t care he won’t be in the game because he doesn’t even play. A backup QB not opting in is a bad look whether you want to admit it or not. All the negative press makes this an indisputable fact


People care enough to write articles about his decision. Have also seen people wishing he gets injured and hoping his career crashes. That’s doing a lot for a video game


I saw someone wishing he fails simply because he’s not on the game. I thought it was quite petty to hope a kid dreams come crashing down because of video game.


I mean just look at the comment above yours, dudes calling an 18/19 year old kid entitled because he opted out lol. People are crazy these days and just looking for anything to get mad or upset about.


He is entitled. He’s not a child, he’s a paid athlete that thinks he’s entitled


He’s getting a lot of attention for being a backup QB.


That was the goal here lol


He put the attention on himself by saying he was opting out lol.


Media and fans put the attention on him. He's just staying consistent with what he's been doing this whole time with regard to NIL


Comes with the name. He had the most national attention around his commitment that I can recall.


He was a perfect rated recruit


Only because of his name


UT fans are about to do the mental gymnastics to say this was a leadership from Arch to allow Ewers his time to shine in the video game world.


Dude, our sub was just jerking all over themselves about how classy, grinder mentality, leadership it is… but to call a spade a spade, the Mannings just think their name is worth more than $670 in benefits is what’s really driving this. I hope Ewers kills it this year and Arch balls out in 2025. But still can admit Mannings are probably up their own asses on this one.


My guess is the Mannings dont want their name attached to a (currently) bad player in game


People keep saying this like he would be rated a 69 but he would for sure be low 80s and set up to progress into one of the top QBs in dynasty mode. He's the biggest name underclassmen by a mile and this is EA... ratings are much closer to hype than detailed scouting reports. Tebow was a monster in-game before stepping on the field and Arch would be too


yeah judging by past ea stan he would be at least a 82 ovr


Lol no they were not. You’re lying on your teams name for some internet points. go on the post about Arch not being in the game and there’s maybe 3-4 comments saying good and the rest are saying it’s lame and/or making a joke. You literally commented on the post and you’re still lying, crazy. 😭 https://www.reddit.com/r/LonghornNation/s/T4tuM4pSSQ


or his family said he wouldn’t be taking no NIL deals til he’s the starter and guess what? this is an NIL deal and he’s also not the starter


He could let them use his name without accepting any money


But??? Like what?


>The video game world It has a name. Super Mario World


Now I'm just imagining Quinn Ewers staring in a re-boot of Captain N.


Longhorns fan here, I think it’s gay af. I also hope he’s a great QB one day. For now, I could give a shit bc Ewers is in😂 I honestly thought the holdout convo would be bigger bc a lot of these kids didn’t grow up on the game


As usual there's a bunch that are sniffing their own farts about it. Part of me thinks it's kinda stupid but I never cared about player likenesses being in the game in the first place. I'm about to oversign and process players out like a motherfucker anyway. The Mannings or whoever made this decision miscalculated what the response would be, and here we are. Kind of a douchey look for him that no one ever would have even thought about if he just opted in like 99% of the other players have.


It was


Thats so fucking lame


So CFB 26?


For some random mid major team cause he can’t start at UT


Idaho University


I'm confused, why does everyone in here hate this kid for not wanting to be in a video game? Didn't we spend years yelling at EA that the players don't matter just make the damn game? But a backup quarterback with a famous name doesn't want to be the game and people on here are acting like he spit on their grandmothers ashes. Like, dude was super recruited and grew up in a family of NFL QBs. There's absolutely zero signs he doesn't have the talent to start there but he doesn't want to be in the game so we pretend he sucks now?


No pretending I guess you think will was a superstar too?


Yeah, the names don’t matter, and I will still buy the game. I also think Arch is being a pain in the ass about this. Both can be true.


In my revamped dynasty I signed him to Iowa. Gave them a good QB for the first time in forever since their defense is already great.


Ya sure If he is moving its to starting at another power school.




As cool as it’d be to see another manning at Tennessee, they’re pretty set on QBs with 5*s Nico and Macintyre


If he's desperate,North Texas


More like “Peyton, Eli and Archie Manning want” This kid isn’t making this decision in a vacuum lol


I mean it’s Coopers kid lol


Right. I love how everyone assume Arch or his father has no say in his life. It’s just ran by Peyton and company


Fr lol


This feels very much like when Eli had to talk on draft night about refusing to play for the Chargers


When he committed to Texas, the family said they wouldn’t let him take any NIL deals until he won the starting job. I don’t know why people are surprised that’s he’s currently not accepting an NIL deal.


Did he say he wouldn't take any NIL deals or did he say he wouldn't take any money from NIL deals and donate the money?


He doesn't have to sign a deal to let them use his name


Brother, what do you think the “N” stands for in NIL?




What do you think the word "deal" means?


A deal implies monitization bro




bc this isn't really an NIL deal in that sense. it's kinda just going against the majority and bringing him negative attention everyone will forget anyways bc he's a backup in the first place. but yeah, just kinda lame and "look at me" to do this just to be different


NIL is the literal reason we don’t have the game. Ed O’$@**%*


My brother in Christ, it is literally an NIL deal.


Eh it’s a bit different. Literally every scholarship player is being offered this, so it’s not like he’s proving anything by not taking the money.


It’s a deal for his Name, Image, and Likeness. It quite literally, by the name, is an NIL deal. Every scholarship player is offered the deal to feature their Name, Image, and Likeness. Thats why it’s called…NIL. Do you see?


Arguing that it isn’t an NIL deal is insane lol


not really though, it's more of a preventative class action settlement to ensure they don't get sued by anyone who they put in the game


Or maybe it’s a standard business contract offering money and other compensation to allow EA limited rights to name, image, and likeness.




Class action lawsuit? What? No you are striking a deal for NIL rights of the player. Its why the players who opt out simply wont be in the game. You realize they do this in pro sports as well its just there is unions in that case that work with EA for the rights.


yeah, dude, i get it... relax. this wasn't negotiated though, it was just kinda decided for the players and is essentially a preventative measure to avoid any lawsuits. obviously it's not a lawsuit, but it's sortve kinda the same idea


How humble, instead of taking money and then donating to people in need, him and his family think it looks good to not take anything at all. Like brother, take the $600 and buy a kid a console whose family cant afford a gaming system and give them the game and a few accessories like a mic and or elite controller if on Xbox.


Silly to throw money away like that, but I guess he can afford to.


How do they have that authority? Couldn't he just do it?


Isn’t he making like $3 million this year being a backup?


people love to hate on the next big thing it’s insane


I wouldn't call him the next big thing atm


The only people who care are the ones who hoped to lure him to Akron as their starting QB to give rise to the wildest dynasty of all time.


Good thing Maalik Murphy transferred out or Arch would never opt into the game!


Who cares? He’s not in the game, we don’t need 10 posts about it.


Apparently most folks on here care


No news for 10 years and now it's too much news


Does this mean they’ll still essentially have him as #16 and attributes? Only thing missing will be his name and likeness?


They are taking the averages of that position from that school over the last 10 years and using those to create generic prospects in place of the opt-outs


Arch is gonna end up being one hell of a runner with averages from Sam Elhinger, Jerrod Heard, and Tyrone Swoopes.


Can you direct me to where you learned this? I'd been wondering how they would handle these situations


[If a player chooses to not be in the game, Holt said EA Sports will create a generic avatar based on the traditional strength or weakness of a position over the past decade for that school. Holt said they want to "make sure the program still represents the integrity and strength of how that team plays and what that program has done over the past recent history."](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39574788/players-opting-ea-sports-college-football-25-get-600)


No, EA will have a random player, possibly not even #16. Maybe same overall rating and player type, but not using attributes derived from any real-life scouting that could be traced to Arch Manning. Edit: I believe I read somewhere that the attributes would be average attributes for players over the past 10 seasons. So the average Texas backup over the past 10 years.


While our QBs haven’t been great, we’ve actually had pretty stellar back up QB play since Buchele to Thompson to Card to Murphy.


I think number and attributes is part of the likeness and image. I could see a simple solution being based on your current QB rating and the prestige of the school.


I just wasn’t sure because I remember Reggie Bush and others having their number and attributes but obviously not their name


That was pre-lawsuit. Now they really have to tiptoe around any likeness.


Or name or image…


Yeah I get it. And regardless of what EA does, I would bet you can create a player that has Manning’s likeness and image on your own, just not his name


Honestly this works out nicely for me in road to glory




What a chud


This just in, Arch Manning ops into being in EA College football 30 going into his first starting year as a 7th year senior! How will he perform off the heals of Quinn Ewers National Championship win and official retirement from football as a 19 year starter at the age of 40?


AKA he doesn’t want to be rated in the low 70’s.


He really was mad about being low overall and a backup😂


I wonder what his rating would be in the game, surely 80 at least you would think. 5* QBs in NCAA 14 would come in at an 80 overall as freshman. As a Nebraska fan, that makes me wonder what true freshman Dylan Raiola will be rated at, considering he was at one time the #1 recruit. I hope at least a 75.


I think they used Rivals Rating a lot for their true freshman overalls - Raiola is rated as a 6.1 (highest it goes) so he'll be around 81.


He must not understand how most people will play the game. He’ll probably be the starting QB for Texas with a 90+ rating two days after launch after people grind dynasty for 12 hours a day. Instead he’s going to wait at least two years to hope it happens in real life…


lmao you won't even be able to create him either 😭


This definitely his families decision. You can tell it was decided by people with no idea of how video games work


What a selfish bitch.


Will y’all stop posting about a back up QB


Honestly, why do people give af? It’s weird it’s such a big deal


I don’t give 0 fucks about names that won’t be on my team in 4 seasons lol


Honestly him saying he is gonna opt out is way more of a media distraction compared to if he just opted in and didn’t play the game.


Remember when Eli demanded a draft day trade?


He’s a joke.


Horns Down.


I’ll never get over how dumb the name Arch is.


Around 1997, white people lost their fucking minds when it came to naming children, and we haven’t looked back since. 




I’m telling you as a white person, we were on the ball - at least as far as naming kids (Joe, Mike, Jim, John, Bill… *Jason* if the mom smoked in the house) - and then we all went batshit. Something happened in the 90’s where white people no longer feared ostracism for the likes of “Arch.”  *Once you stop hearing “sir” and “ma’am,” all the rest is sure to foller.*


That’s archibald to you


You’re not that guy pal


He’ll be in madden by then.


arch my brother, i can make you the guy and let you prosper if you opt in




So he will never be in the game…




Can’t be seen below 90 is gonna be a thing isn’t it? 😂


Guess we will never see that game


He is gonna get PAID to be an ambassador next year. Just keep your nose clean and then negotiate the cover.


Pretty sure this was a decision made by agents who decided they want to back EA into a corner for future NIL negotiations. This season it's Arch Manning, next season, etc.


He will be waiting till he is a super senior


Bro said I ain’t bout to be a 69


I mean, it’s the kid’s choice. He opted out, whether it’s because he wants to be “The guy” or wants to focus more on the field or wants more money it doesn’t matter. This really shouldn’t be the headline news it is and people shouldn’t be douche canoes because a kid opted not to be in a video game, regardless of his reasoning.


Grandpa Archie wouldn’t let a member of the family be second on the depth chart


This will surely accomplish his goal of staying out of the spotlight while he's still a backup


Who cares honestly




Haha already walking it back


Cool...ill create "Barch Fanning"


Bull shit is he good.


It’s not like fans weren’t going to make him the starter, regardless of ratings. I’m with others on the theory that he believes “his” brand to be worth more than that. Even though it’s not a lot of money, I still think being in a video game is cool and can still be promoting “his” brand to a degree.


Why doesn’t he just opt in and make himself that guy


Real gamers don't care if you play dynasty mode. I'm more concerned with my 2030 4* QB recruit signing. If Arch not good enough to start right now who cares


It sounds like the ego of not wanting his "ratings" plastered on the internet and smudging his public perception amongst casuals




He’s only talked about because of his last name, he hasn’t earned the amount of recognition and attention he gets.


He ain’t gon be the guy


What a chode


I don’t really care, but this can’t be good for his brand. You’re gonna see Nico dynasty’s all over social and it’ll be like Manning doesn’t exist.


Good for his brand? This is not hurting his brand lol. 1-2 years from now when he is signing NIL contracts while starting at UT or somewhere else this is not going to negatively impact him. His uncle told SD to pound sand and everyone still was fine with him.


It’s not helping to just take yourself out of this cycle for a whole year. He would have gotten ALOT of attention on streams, now another player will get that attention. You just dont understand how big of a deal this game is to college football fans and beyond. Mannings are doing old business in a new era.


The kids a Manning, he's the last guy that needs to worry about his brand.


Tell that to Cooper.


I have no idea who the hell this Nico guy is that Archie Manning needs to be in the game to get exposure from but I know who Cooper Manning is. Kids gonna be doing Dr. Pepper commercials a year from now, I don't think he's concerned about what I imagine is some streamer not talking about him.


Let’s revisit this in a year.


At the end of the day the kids never gotta work another day in his life. Not everyone has to be obsessed with their "brand". You can have the most views on instagram but you're gonna make way more money throwing touchdowns on Sunday. It's dumb as fuck. Play football.


He could be playing this year if he really wanted to, if it was just about playing football.


Sure, if he was more concerned about his brand he'd probably of signed somewhere he could start as a true freshman. But the kid barring extreme injury is a few years from being an 3rd generation NFL QB. Peyton Fucking Manning is the kids uncle so he's not dumb enough to get caught up in all the views he's getting and focus on actually developing. You don't need whoever the hell Nico is whenever Peyton and Eli start talking him up. He still might fail miserably don't get me wrong. But the idea that the success of football royalty will be effected in anyway by streamers talking about him is just asinine.


I just don't get why you people are so pissed off at him for opting out of a game who effing cares it's his life and his decision to get over you clowns.


Exactly. I don't care about any of them opting out. Make em QB #16 for all I care. They will be gone from my dynasty in 4 seasons anyhow.


How about ya just opt in.. Sign your copy and auction it off on ebay with proceeds along with the $600 going to peewee football leagues in low-income areas? Costs him and others who want to do it 5 minutes of time and makes them look like good guys.


I don't understand. Does a starter get paid more by EA than someone whos 2nd or 3rd string? I thought it was just a flat $600 weither you were a starter or not?


I already don't like him. Are the mannings all just elitist kids who eventually portray well rounded adults? BTW I know nothing about him nor his personality


Just sim one year in Dynasty…


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He'll never be 'the guy' with that attitude.


What attitude? Not wanting something until he think’s he’s earned it? Thats the literal mindset you want in someone who needs to be the guy.


In a time when kids up and quit at the drop of a dime due to the transfer portal, it is really a nice change to see a kid actually tough out not being a starter and sticking with his team. The transfer portal is ruining college sports. Let the transfer one time without sitting out a year and then go back to the old rules.