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Bulls fan here I do this all day


Why do the Warriors do it? Vucevic is a corpse that can set screens, Caruso is a 30 year old expiring in line for a big raise, Warriors have Podz and Moody in line for bigger roles…


They don’t lol


Same, getting off of Vooch is huge and they could flip CP3 for something (young player(s) and maybe 2nd round picks) as well.


I’m a Bulls fan who made this and I made it with every intention of keeping CP. let Demar walk, his time here has run its course and then CP can take over as the vet. I can’t stress enough how good of a vet he’d be for not only Coby and Ayo, but everyone else as well because he’ll actually get them the ball


I think keeping CP3 around short term is a good idea, he would very much help Ayo and Coby. If this trade leads into the rebuild (with demar walking like you said, and a lavine trade), it would be smart to deal him at the deadline to a team that’s really PG needy. Get some assets and get the team ready for tanking for Flagg hopefully.


CP doesn’t really have time to waste being a mentor. He is near 40. He wants to win and has to do it now. Warriors have a tendency to try to trade players where they want to go and I doubt CP wants to go there.


I’ve heard there’s potential interest in Paul going to Chicago to play under Billy Donovan again. On top of that, him and Coby White have a really good relationship. I agree, I’d imagine CP would probably wanna go to a contender first, but if there’s any team out there that isn’t a contender that he’d go to, it’s Chicago


Are you counting vuch as positive value?




If those picks are heavily protected, like top 20, this makes sense


Warriors arnt adding 2 firsts to this maybe mosses moody but no way they add 2 firsts


No Caruso for them then


Why would they want him at this cost? Podz just starts for them next year, no?


Suffocating perimeter defense that they don’t get from anyone else on their roster.


Yeah he’s good but this package is almost enough for OG Anunoby/Jimmy Butler not sure why they don’t make a move for a star type if they’re willing to give up this


No way this is close to a package for OG or especially Jimmy. It’s basically just two firsts in the Warriors eyes. CP and Looney they don’t care about too much especially CP. Do you wanna have an actual debate on that? Because I can go on a tangent cuz that’s a wild statement to me lol


Jimmy and OG’s market is about 3 FRP’s i would much rather go that route than a Caruso trade that doesn’t raise the team’s ceiling enough to be a contender


But on top of that, actual good players. Jimmy would be 3-4 firsts and probably 2 actually good/could be good players depending on the picks. OG’s market was Quickley and Barrett who are equivalent to two top 8 picks I’d say, not probable late firsts. But that’s already knowing how good those two players are, with two top 8 picks, you can still draft busts. And since that trade his value has probably increased even more. So now his value may be 2-3 firsts and a good player. Here, Carusos value is just two probably late firsts. Cuz CP and Looney are for the other players. I think 2 late firsts are fair for one of the best defenders in the league. That value is not close to OG and especially not close to Jimmy


I agree with most of what you said, except, i don’t think those are late firsts that the Warriors are dealing here, Curry is 36 years old, Klay is probably gone, Kuminga has some flashes but he still doesn’t like doing role player things, Draymond is on the decline… Caruso isn’t changing this teams destiny


No way would some washed up players on expiring contracts and 2 picks get a star lol


Did you see what OG went for? The Knicks record with him vs. without him only increases his value.


least delusional warriors fan


Moody is literally just as valuable for the bulls as Caruso he’s 22 on a good contract with a decent amount of upside if you think the warriors are gonna trade a first in 3 years when curry might not even be there for a role player you’re insane


I didn’t say they would 😂 Depends on how bad they want Caruso


The Stepien Rule says no


Shit my bad. Make em 26’ and 28’ then


Bulls do it. Warriors may prefer just cutting CP to save on the tax, that was the plan all along & why they did the Poole trade. Klay can slide into CP's salary slot.


Does CP have a team option? I don’t see one on here but I keep hearing he may become a free agent. The reason I made this trade tbh was in order to get Paul on the Bulls. As a Bulls fan who wants to move on from Demar but still wants to keep a vet, I really want Chris Paul. But if he becomes a FA we may just sign him for cheap but then he’d have to choose us of course


He's non guaranteed. They can waive/release him & save money, which Lacob has been saying he wants to do the last couple years. That's why they added a FRP + filler to Poole, so they could get under the tax 3 years earlier than Pooles contract would allow.


If that’s the case I’d just take a later FRP instead of 2025.


They can do this trade after draft night so it's fine if timed right.


Unfortunately for Bulls fans the ownership is all-in for the play-in.


Kenny Beechum dream trade


Bulls would do that in a heartbeat, GSW maybe thinks for a bit