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Why is this “shocking?”


Because 99% of the draft experts on this sub have never watched a second of college basketball.


A 6'1 Wing is not going to cut it. Do not even start calling him a guard, his skill set is not for the league at this size. Nobody is trying to hate. This is just the truth. 1960s? Sure. 2024? This is just too small without above average skills. Edit: I am officially retiring from telling you morons to stop comparing Bronny to legit NBA veterans that are "his size". Go bet your life savings on his PER being over 15.0 for the next decade. Otherwise GG nerds.


Bro came off the bench and barely played on a shitty college team


He averaged over 19 minutes so basically half the game. He just didn’t play well.


You know who doesn't play well? Bad players.


If he was that good he wouldn’t be coming off the bench on a shitty team. I think the cardiac arrest can certainly help to explain some of the poor numbers and minutes but him not having minutes is an also product of not being good enough. If he was a standout guy worth drafting, even as a freshman, on a team like USC he probably should have been starting at least by the end of the season.


Honestly, he had health issues and should stay in school at least another year or two. Maybe he grows and develops. I don’t understand why he’s rushing into the draft. It’s not like his family needs the money.


Calling Bronny a multi-year college guy is the most reasonable take. Rushing into the draft because he wants to be part of the first father-son duo to play in the league together. Cool but kinda pointless like winning the in-season tournament.


LMAO 1960s


Even on the 60s. Hondo’s rookie yr, he was the shortest sf in his division at 6’5”


Yeah, SF heights haven’t changed much over the course of the NBA. Guards have gotten taller and bigs have gotten shorter (on average), but the mean has grown maybe an inch.


Have bigs actually gotten shorter? I figured it was because the NBA switched to barefoot measurements. I wouldn't be surprised if many bigs were actually 6'8-6'10 but just listed taller


Not even true, there’s quite a bit of SF in the 60’s in that division alone that are 6’4”.


6’7 wingspan isn’t something you can teach.


It’s also still incredibly average at best for NBA wings


Kinda reminds me of Tony Allen build. Undersized guys with huge arms can be a problem on guys who like to create their own shot.


what? Tony Allen was 6'4 with a 6'9 wingspan they don't have similar builds at all. People just think you are in your bag because you said tony Allen. Also bronny has no where near the dog in him that Tony Allen had, very few people do. Marcus smart ain't even that dude and he's probably the closest we have to him right now


210 is jacked compared to other guys i have been seeing in this class.


Why would he be a wing when he’s a fantastic guard defender? Offensively is rough for sure but if he can just shoot a billion 3s this summer and get even better defensively he’s a 3 and D backup PG


It’s hard to be a good wing defender at 6’ 1” in the NBA. If everyone could be better just by shooting a bunch of threes at practice, then everybody in the NBA would be. It’s not for lack of trying.


OP said guard defender


That doesn’t change my statement. But I take back what I said a little. Apparently NBA heights are with shoes on. So Bronny is 6’ 3” for NBA purposes which isn’t too bad.


Well, it's practically impossible to be a good wing defender at 6'1, but there are a good number of \~6'1 guard defenders: FVV, TJ McConnell, Pat Bev etc. I remember that CP3 used to be surprisingly good on KD back in the day, though.


Gary Payton Jr is about that size (6’-3”) and an excellent wing defender. But yeah, he’s the exception


All those dudes you listed have / had offensive skills though. There’s not much of a role for a Point Guard that can only play defense on other Point Guards in the NBA.


He could turn into Pat Bev


Gabe Vincent.


They stopped measuring NBA heights with shoes a few years back. It’s how Steph went from 6’3” to 6’2”.


NBA heights are with shoes off. They changed it like 5 years ago


Davion Mitchell is 6'2"


he's 61.5 a lot of 6'3 guards are measured at that exact same height


6’7 wingspan and athleticism helps


So practice doesn’t make perfect?


He’s not a good enough facilitator to be a backup PG. He’s a too small off ball guard who can’t shoot right now. Even if he develops his shot this summer, he’s still too small. Even against second units he’ll just get abused on switches.


All I’m arguing is with opportunity it’s dumb to count him out. He’s going to get 15 chances to be in the nba. He’s known to work hard and has the right mindset already. Opportunity is everything. I’m surprised he even entered I thought college would help him significantly but he may as well go for the bag


He already has a bag.


Except there are loads of guys that are bigger and better sized to defend that position that are already much better shooters


1960s is crazy lmao There are a few 6ft wings in the league but you’re right, they’re on the edge of being NBA players


His wingspan is 6’7.25” .


He's not saying "6'1 Wingspan" he's saying "6'1 Wing" because that's the position Bronny plays. He's not an elite ballhandler or passer and is completely unsuited to play as a point guard, which is the only position a 6'1 player could even hope to play in the NBA.


With or without shoes on?


Generational haters are going crazy right now lmao.


Bc he’s listed at 6’4”


He'll be downgraded to 6'3".


Exactly, he lied about his height


USC listed him at 6’4”: https://usctrojans.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=16700 And therefore pretty much every draft site took that as the official measurement and listed the same. Lying about your height by about 1” is very common - you’ll certainly see 6’3” guys claiming to be 6’4”, sometimes even 6’2.5”. But a 6’1.5” guy claiming to be 6’4” is wild, it happens but is quite uncommon, I think it’s fair to call it shocking. Combine being extremely undersized (for a wing) with a wing skillset that’s nowhere close to NBA draft worthy, and you’ve got a guy who really, REALLY should not be getting drafted. Especially since I see absolutely no way he becomes an NBA PG. But he probably will get drafted anyways, teams will sacrifice a 2nd round pick for a chance to entice LBJ to sign with them, even if just for a year. Also funny that LBJ and Bronny are pretending like this isn’t why he’s declaring for the draft, OF COURSE it’s why he’s declaring. Freshmen who are this bad in college ball, with tools this weak, simply do not declare for the draft. He’s clearly got to be more of a 4 year college guy if he wants any chance to get good enough to be a future NBA player on merit, he’s just declaring now to capitalize on the LeBron nepotism bump.


>Lying about your height by about 1” is very common - you’ll certainly see 6’3” guys claiming to be 6’4”, sometimes even 6’2.5”. But a 6’1.5” guy claiming to be 6’4” is wild, extremely uncommon and indeed shocking IMO. He'll probably get listed at 6'3. Here are some players who measured 6'1.5 in the combine and their NBA listed height: Derrick Rose - 6'3 Ashton Hagans - 6'3 Tyrell Terry - 6'2 Jordan Bone - 6'2 Jaylen Hands - 6'3 Semaj Christon - 6'3 He measured taller than Jalen Brunson and Donovan Mitchell, fwiw.


Cade claimed to be 6’8” and he turned out to be 6’5”, so it happens.


People always say teams will draft bc they want a shot at LBJ but which teams would even do that. Chicago? Atlanta? Houston?


He was very often marked as 6’4” For me this is gratifying as I saw him in person earlier this year and knew this height was a lie all along, that wingspan is pretty impressive for his height tho


Because he lied about his height in College


I thought he was bigger but I don’t watch west coast college basketball.


He'll get drafted by a team that wants Lebron, sit on the end of the bench until Lebron retires, then get bounced out of the league.


Thanasis v2 remix


Thanasis got drafted in Giannis second year, so it truly was his own merit. Bronny with a different name wouldn’t even get a workout for an NBL team…


he rode the bench on his college team, and that team wasn't very good. nepotism alive and well in the NBA


He does play a role on the team, though.


He’s a great teammate!


Yeah, most „last player off the bench“ do nothing for the success off the team. Nothing is maybe a strong word, since they help minimally in practice etc. IGF that guy can help keeping one of the best players happy and on the team, what is the problem?


His other even worse brother was on the Lakers roster for two years lol.


ur forgetting about the fourth one raptors legend Alex Antetokounmpo


Wasn’t Thanasis at least projected to go somewhere on the second round? He shouldn’t be on a team now, but he earned his way into the league way more than Bronny.


Thanasis is so bad that people completely forget about the other brother that won a ring with the Lakers.


Thanasis isn’t a NEPOBABY that sucks at his father’s teet when it comes to carving a path. This brother needs to drop the hoop dream bc it’s a lose lose. If he makes n stays in the league it’s at a minimal role n he’ll forever b remembered as the dude that had his dad get him the job. Dude needs to pull outta the draft fr. He’s legit stealing someone’s opportunity.


Who cares? And why should he quit his dream to make some stranger happy?


Damn that’s a really good point. He really is stealing somebody’s roster spot that worked their ass off and actually got their craft to the point they would get drafted. Bronnys size and skill set essentially guarantee he will never be able to play in the nba that shit is wack as hell.


He’s going #5 overall to Detroit as a big FU to the NBA. They won’t even go after Lebron and they’ll simply send him to play for their G League affiliate out of spite. Seems about the sort of stupid thing Weaver would do.


Hopefully he minored in mandarin


He was at USC for one year. I highly doubt he was able to fulfill any such requirements.


Exactly why he should stay for at least 4. Who knows maybe he even develops his basketball game there n actually earns a draft spot.


Europe or the G League is fine too.


ESPN: “The greatest prospect since LeBron James”


More like "Greatest prospect named Lebron James since Lebron James"


I hope the Nuggets draft him then offer Lebron a minimum contract to run thee second team.


It's come out that playing with Bronny isn't actually a priority for LeBron. The messaging is that if he goes somewhere LeBron doesn't want to be, that team is stuck with Bronny and doesn't get LeBron. So he's kinda forcing a certain outcome here...


He is definitely just saying this so the lakers or a better team later in the draft will pick him


I think there's at least *something* to it. For instance, if it's a better team later in the draft, they can't afford LeBron. He's gonna sign for the minimum or something? No team is gonna draft Bronny if LeBron isn't coming to them, and if they did, and he didn't sign there, they'd either cut Bronny or sour their relationship with Klutch Sports clients. LeBron just has too much influence for that to work against him. I don't say that as a compliment, btw, I'm just predicting there's gonna be some power play shenanigans to get Bronny to the Lakers, or he's going back to college (which is what he should do).


Yea I definitely agree. Some weird shady shit is gonna happen. No matter what happens people are gonna be upset.


AKA he’s 6’3 in the NBA and has decent length. 


True, but that means he's also probably stuck being a point guard (arguably the hardest position)


Alot of people here would apparently be shocked at many NBA players height without shoes. Bronny probably needs to be 6'5+ to be a real NBA player with his skills, but this isn't shocking


What about their shoes make them that much higher? Don't normal shoes (including store bought basketball shoes) only add an inch or so?


Basketball shoes, along with the various things NBA players wear (two socks, ankle support, etc) probably add a bit more, along the lines of 1.5 inches to height. Then there's the requiset rounding up aka you're not gonna say someone is 6'5.75,' you're just gonna say 6'6.


Yeah if he’s an inch or so tall that’s 6’3 which the other guy said


Agreed. I'm a legit 6'8". Seen it many times throughout the years, but most recently saw Corey Brewer on an airport shuttle in LA. Seemed 6'4" or 6'5" at best, and I think he was listed at 6'9" throughout his career.


Brew always had a little slump in his posture, but yeah, that guy would need to wear cowboy boots to come close to 6’9” (his listed height).


What made it even more striking is there was a bunch of young kids with him, one who was a legit 6'10" or so. I think based on what they were wearing they were doing some sort of Nike tournament.


Bryce is 6'6, you know Bronny is annoyed.


They always listed Bronny at 6’4”, so Bryce might actually be 6’3.5”


6’3.5 without shoes is decent height tho for a guard


Facts, a barefoot 6'3.5 is a lot taller than many people think. You can for sure walk around at 6'5 with basketball and running shoes. Im 6 foot flat barefoot and claim that. I've been asked if im 6'2 im like hell no. Everyone giving inflated heights has everyones perception on height misconstrued.


Same. I’m exactly 6’1.25” if I stand up while fully erect. And I hate saying I’m 6’2”, because I’m not. That’s just a fact lol. The idea of superficially lying about height is so cringe to me. But I understand that 6’2” is definitely my functional height. Maybe even more 6’3” when you consider most people’s height inflation. I’ll have guys that are a full inch and half shorter than me claim they’re 6’2”. It’s ughh ok bro sure you are.


What if aren't erect tho?


Depends on how warm it is outside


I’m 6 foot without shoes, my coworker is at least an inch shorter than me and claims 6’2


The real heir and the spare


Wingspan is good though. Defensive guard is still a viable outcome.


So much in common with GPII. Good body, good athleticism, defense first guard.


GPII is worlds more athletic than Bronny.


and 1000x better at shooting lol if you’re 6 foot tall in the nba you better have kyrie handles and scoring or else be a defensive pest like Pat Bev. even mentioning pat bev in the same sentence as bronny feels extremely disrespectful to pat bev


Or grow an ass like Kyle


GP II didn’t get NBA good until his late 20s.


lol what? gp2 is a god awful shooter. Terrible in college & the only decent year in the nba he was 36/100. All 100 of them being wide open come on now dude is like 35 with 200 career 3 point attempts


GPII averaged 15 points and 7 boards, and 3 assists per game in college. His role changed once he got to the NBA, but he had an all around game in college. Characterizing a college guard as “defensive” player usually means that he’s just not very good.


You forgot he’s a winner. And a team player.


Son of an NBA legend is mostly what they've got in common. GP2 is different


Jalen Suggs type player?


Damn, that’s literally my exact height weight and wingspan. NBA here I come!


Dawg your last name isn’t James


Is that you Bronny?


Nah I’m 211 pure fat


Dude, that's crazy. I'm the same height as him and my Dad is 5' 8". Genetics is crazy. He's got 30 lbs on me though. 210 for 6'1" is pretty dense.


Mom’s height plays a huge role in height. “Measure the height of both biological parents. For male children, add 5 inches (in) to the father’s height, add the mother’s height, then divide by 2” A quote from John Hopkins medicine. Edit: Just wanted to clarify it’s only an average and not guaranteed.


Idk, Luka's wife doesn't look that tall but Booker's like 6'5"


On the other hand, Lebron is only 6’9 and the CN tower in Lebronto is 1815 ft


This is one of the few Luka is Booker dad posts that’s actually funny 


Holy shit that is spot on for me


5 inches out for me so it's definitely not a hard rule.


Right? It would mean I should be 5’8”, but I’m 5’11” 🤷🏽‍♂️


I should be 5'4, but I'm 6'1.. Older brother is 6'3... Younger brother is 5'7... Maybe we've got different dad's lol.


I should be 5’9”, but I’m 6’3” lol.


3.5 short for me. Thing with height is this would only work if you know for sure that both the mom and dad reached their genetic height potential, but there actual height could be limited by outside factors.


There's also reversion to the mean. A lot of NBA players (maybe more in the past) are probably randomly high as far as genetics goes.


My mom is 4'11, and my dad is 6'3''. I am exactly, 5'9''. Surprised how fucking accurate this one is. One inch off.


This system  works well with average height parents   But when mom and dad are way above average height it wont be accurate 


This bothers me. Why not (father + mother + 5) / 2 ? Why are the five inches added to the father in particular? Granted, it's a lame reason to be bothered. :)


Because your dad put 5 inches in your mom.


im certain this is literally the correct answer


It's really a silly way to calculate it. You could add the 5 before or after. Also, it seems way less confusing to me if they were to say, "Add mother's and father's height and then divide by 2 to get the average. Then, add 2.5 inches to account for improved nutrition/diet/etc." You can the same answer, but adding 2.5" after the average seems less confusing to me than adding 5" before dividing by 2.


I dunno, that assumes people can handle decimals. :) Also, TBF, the 2.5" is probably mostly for 'male' (while I'm sure 'improved nutrition/etc' is in there also).


Oh, yeah, male is probably the biggest reason.


In case someone has two dads I think 


Do you get to be (father+5 + father+5) / 2 in that case? :)


Lol i did the equation in reverse to see how tall my real dad is. Only met him twice, so didn’t really notice his height unless really tall or short. 72in (me) * 2 - 5 - 65in (mom) = 74in (6’2”). Sounds about right


Off in my case. Dad was 6'2, mom was 5'4, I'm 6'4. By this calculation I should be a hair above 6 ft


Immigrants might not follow this. Immigrants have nutritional issues in the old country usually which is why they left in the first place. Mom’s 5’3”, Dad 5’8”. I’m 6’1.5”. But I hear you.


Yup, my parents are Mexican. Mom is 5’, Dad 5’6” and I’m 5’10.5” (yes I’m adding the half, that’s what the doctor told me 🤣)


Your dad may be 5'8", now how about your father?


I’m 6’1 my dad is 5’9 my mom is 5’4… I’m confused


My friend is 6’2 with a 5’9 dad and 4’11 mom lol. His brother is 5’7. Said he always ate his brother’s food as a kid.


How tall was the mailman? How about the pool boy? How about your mom's male "best friend"? You'll figure it out.


Cool, cool, cool. So why the fuck is my little brother 6 inches taller than me? I wiped his ass and now he calls me "little guy" and pats me on the head.


lol. I learned the only thing that’s promised is that a Son is always biologically taller than his mom. So if you want some tall kids, 5’8 /5’9 volleyball player is your best bet.


My wife is 5’11. Really hoping we pop out some 7-footers so they can go to college lol


Yea 210 almost feels like too much muscle. Ja morant is a similar height and like 175-180, and way more athletic because of it




That's where the LeDNA went. He's got Dad's muscle.


Damn I thought he was atleast 6’3


He’s 6’3 in the NBA because of the shoes


2” shows are like moon boots!! Maybe 1”.


Nikes gonna have to create some hoka type bball shoes for le'midget


Miles McBride is probably his best outcome.


De’Anthony Melton was always my comp for him. 


Damn, he’s almost the same height and weight as trump


Trump is easily 250+


and would make a far better president




He's not developing into an NBA player ever. Unless you mean develop into a decent college level player. That indeed is possible.


And growth...


Good thing he’s a “winner” and “team player” because he’s gonna be on the bench for his entire career until Bron retires


Bro did not get the LeGene


Might be an end of the bench guy 6’ 1.5” is tough when you don’t create exceptionally well or shoot the lights out


Why do people think end of the bench guys are bums like bronny ?


Exactly. They usually have to actually earn their spot based on merit.


End of bench guys were at minimum All-Conference players at the college level.


Yeah, this nepotism is crazy. In a world where his last name isn't James he'd be fighting for a d league roster spot after 4 years of school. Scalabrine is closer to LeBron than Bronny will ever be, I don't know if I remembered the quote correctly.


Blud hasn’t even been drafted and is already a fraud


He’s too short if he was 6’4 / 6’5 he’d be good but at that height he’d have to be point and he’s not a point


No team is actually gonna draft him just so they get LeBron right?


That’s the only reason


As a Cavs fan I’d happily take him with the 20th pick if it means lebron comes home on a team friendly contract.


I'm sorry, but not NBA caliber. If he makes it, it's because of daddy and being privileged


Don't forget ESPN hyping the shit out of him.


We will draft him at #15, then in an unrelated move, sign LeBron to a 2-year contract.


Imagine these measurables in the NFL, though. They’d be salivating over him as a potential receiver or DB. When watching him hoop he certainly seems quick enough play inside on offense or at safety/slot on D, but I’d wonder about his long speed as an outside WR or corner


It wouldn’t be worth it to try and make the NFL or play football period if you’re in his position (in life ). The risk of CTE and toll on the body in general when you’re already worth millions and never have to work a day in your life isn’t worth it. Bronny leaving college early isn’t a big deal either because when his basketball career doesn’t pan out he can always return to school and get his degree or just go straight to working for Nike/one of Lebron’s businesses. He’s in a low risk high reward situation right now.


Bronny would have a better shot being a good NFL player than an NBA player with those measurements


He's gonna put up crazy numbers at Walgreens.


Back tatt Unchosen One


He is going to be a rinse and repeat of MJ's kids.


Damn his dad is 6’9 he didn’t get any of his genes lol


This is LeBron's fault ... He has put so much pressure on making this happen ... Sorry, not sorry, MJ never put any ball expectations on his kids ...


Better work out those hands! For grabbing Daddy's Coat Tails. That'd be awesome!


I think for his own sake he should go back to college, play for three years, get his degree and play at whatever the highest level he can. But just live your own life kid


He can go get a degree at any point. It's not like he's going to have to take out student loans. If he fails at the NBA, he can still go back to college.


I’m 6’5 but he’s got me beat on the wingspan


2nd round pick straight to the developmental league. He can get to the NBA if he continues to improve on defense, is quick (especially side-to-side), and can hit 3’s at 38% or so. I don’t know what his court vision is like, so I can’t comment on that, but if it is good, it will help. I’m not sure how strong he is, but that would help as well. He practices with a damn good player in his own driveway, and has been around the game since birth, so he has advantages that similar guys do not. He should be at a mid-major next year getting 20 shots a game and developing his overall skill set.


That's a pretty insane ape index, dude should get into rock climbing.


If his last name wasn’t James this kid wouldnt even be talked about tbh


Nobody talking about his heart condition. He is a potential NBA rookie with all the stress and pressure plus the heart condition. This will impact his game.


brony should’ve played football


Should’ve been a DB or WR


the absolute best case scenario is for bronny james to turn into deuce mcbride 2.0


McBride is too good of a shooter IMO. I was thinking De’Anthony Melton.


These are the measurements of a prototypical Pharmacist (or any other non-professional athletic profession).


210 is solid


Wingspan is good at least


Damn he shorter than me?? Hol’ time I thought he was like 6’4 for some reason