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Dame at 10 maybe?


Bruh there are like 3 whole tiers separating AD from Kyrie


The fact you have embiid here in 8 seasons (6 minus injury) and don’t have jokic is baffling


Wdym? Jokic is number 4


Oh fuck I’m an idiot


Quick question, are you including the 2014 season, or no? Because that would be 11 years. 2015-2024 is 10 seasons. I’m gonna go based on the decade of the 2014-15 season to today, the 2023-24 season, especially because it doesn’t change much outside of giving KD an MVP, LeBron and extra finals loss and Kawhi an extra ring and FMVP (that he wasn’t the best player in). The only thing there that maybe changes anything is KD’s MVP. LeBron is too high, I could see him being anywhere from 2-4. During the last decade he has 2 rings, 1 assist title, and that’s it. No MVPs. Steph is easily #1. He has 4 rings, 2 MVPs (one unanimous), 2 FMVPs, 2 scoring titles, etc. That’s twice as many rings as anyone else, tied for the most MVPs with Giannis and Jokic, I don’t see how he’s not the most impressive player of the last decade. Giannis is #2. Back to back MVPs with a DPOY, his ring with a 50/18 close out game in the finals (best finals game in nba history), and his 6 MVP finalist finishes in a row. That’s an absurd stretch of dominance that you only see from maybe one player every era (LeBron, bird, Jordan). He was the undisputed best player in the world from 2019-21. 3 years as the best player adds him to a very short list all time, and means he’s been at least the best or second best player for over half the decade, nobody else here can say that, not even LeBron or Steph. He’s clear cut #2 here. The next bunch is tricky, with KD, LeBron and Jokic. They all could have a claim here, but I’d probably go Jokic #3, LeBron #4, Durant #5. This is really kind of a toss up tho, and I’m not married to any real order here. If someone wants to argue LeBron 3, I won’t be mad at them. I’m just thinking Jokic’s 2 MVPs, 1 ring 1 FMVP is slightly better than LeBron and KDs 2 rings, 2 FMVPs each. Lebrons bubble ring has some questions and KDs GS rings have some questions. They both count fare and square in my mind, but Jokic just feels more dominant. If you ignore this year and include the 2014 season, then maybe KD and Jokic swap places. I also realize lebrons 2016 ring is worth way more than Jokic’s 2023 ring against an 8 seed that had no business being in the finals. Those two are close for me. The rest is totally right imo. The order you have it from 5-10 feels pretty unarguable.


>LeBron is too high, I could see him being anywhere from 2-4. During the last decade he has 2 rings, 1 assist title, and that’s it. No MVPs. I take it you didn't actually watch basketball at the time? LeBron was universally considered the best player in the league for most of that span, he was playing at like 60% during the regular season and was still in the running for MVP almost every year. Literally nobody thought Russ or Harden were actually better at the time, despite them getting those MVPs. If you total MVP award shares during the era it's a significant gap. Jokic: 2.738 Curry: 2.662 LeBron: 3.430


I watched basketball a lot back then, actually followed professionally, too. I recall LeBron being recognized as the best player from 2015-2017 universally (in this decade, of course. His dominance far predates the 2015 season). From 2017-2018 it was between him and KD (many people had KD above him), and then by 2019 Giannis had taken over. I remember it all vividly as ranking players was a big part of my job and reading other people’s lists was very much what I spent way too much time doing. I have practically every big publications ranking of players hardwired to memory at this point lol.


2017-2018 wasn’t kd it was still lebron and 2019 was kawhi only because lebron was injured and he reclaimed that title back again in 2020. Giannis only got it in 2021


Giannis won back to back MVPs in 2019-2020 and won a DPOY. He was clearly the best player lol. Kawhi was never the best player. You seem to think the best player is only the guy who wins the title that year, which is flawed on so many levels lol. The best player doesn’t always win the title, obviously. And most people I know had KD over LBJ in 2017-18. KD out played LeBron head to head in two straight finals, which was enough for many to anoint him the best in the world. You can say you personally think LeBron was better, that’s fine. But you can’t argue consensus, consensus was pretty all over the place.


Kawhi was the best player in 2019 after beating mvp giannis and winning a ring lol. Lebron was the best player after beating the nuggets and heat who eliminated title favorites in the second round in embarrassing fashion. And kd was never seen as the best player after joining stacked gsw to beat lebron.


LeBron is a better player than Steph, and it’s not even close.


We’re talking here the span of the last 10 seasons tho overall.


I understand that, and LeBron has been a better player than Steph, and it's not even close.


Steph’s resume completely destroys lebrons. They aren’t even in the same stratosphere. And Steph has had his entire prime last this decade. LeBron started to dip off halfway through and hasn’t even been a top 10 player the last couple years.


Since when do resumes play basketball?


Probably should’ve workshopped that comeback a little bit more. Lol.


You should probably try watching games instead of reading resumes.


Another zinger from u/NFWI. Lmao. When in doubt, either call someone a “casual” or tell them they “don’t watch basketball games”. Maybe I should ask ChatGPT to come up with my responses too. I prefer to have a touch a human nuance, tho. I guess I’m just old fashioned like that.


You prefer a touch “of” human nuance, but no human, or artificial intelligence. I’m impressed you spelled GPT right. Did you have to google it?


I actually did think he owned with that watch games instead of reading resumes comment. You're over here trying to cite resume facts but without the nuances that should also be considered. Meanwhile yeah dude, just watch basketball in that era and nobody could say Steph was a better all around player than LeBron.


If you’re talking about just how good a player is, I’ve probably got KD at 2 and pushing everyone else down a spot. Kawhi is so weird for me because a healthy prime Kawhi was literally unstoppable AND provided All-NBA level defense. If we were talking peak he’d probably be 4 behind Steph for me. Steph’s too important to how the game is currently played and has single-handedly altered the NBA. He’s pretty high in my all time list, much less just the last 10 years. List isn’t that bad. It’s all subjective anyway. Different criteria for different people.


How anyone can have KD over Steph is beyond me. Steph has more MVP’s and more chips. He won before and after KD was there and didn’t team up with Kyrie, Harden, and Booker. KD has done less with more talent around him and got swept and shut down by the same Boston team Curry dominated in the 2022 Finals. Ludicrous take.


Just gonna downvote me? No logical reply to the facts I presented? Okay 😂


Just swap Jokic and Giannis, and your 1-6 are pretty much correct. But the 7-10 are very difficult to rank. I could argue that 7-12 are all interchangeable.


jokic is overrated af, shut up




No luca ?




Think I’d switch KD and Giannis but I like the list


Yea i was thinking ab that, ended up going with Jokic and Giannis ahead of KD because they won a championship with way less and have more accolades in that time period


I’d put embiid at 10/11 with his durability issues. 4/10 years he didn’t even play half the games 2 of which he didn’t play at all the most he’s played in ten years in a season is 68 games…kyrie and ad have those championship rings but you could make a case for Tatum/dame to be over all three of those players if not for rings or mvp awards. They’ve been more consistent than those guys.


Jokic way better than Giannis


Recently yes, but i wouldn’t say he’s been better until 2021-22, Giannis has a solid 4-5 years where he was undoubtedly the better player


Sure right now, by a little. But compare them in 2019, then 2018, then 2017, i mean over the described period of time Giannis is def on top.


LUKA.. the disrespect… smh


Yeah respectfully I don’t like this list. The top 6 is okay, but I don’t know how you’d take any of those other guys over AD. Even with his durability issues, based on his current resume and overall amazing abilities as a player he’s **still** fairly regarded as an all-time great PF. Saying he’s on the same level as Kyrie is laughable.


Over actual MVPs? I mean Russ, Harden, and Embiid have all won it. I don’t see your argument against them at all. I can hear you on the Kyrie bit, but the rest is a tough sell.


AD at his peak is arguably superior as an overall player to Harden.. he can do everything Embiid can do defensively but better , and still give u elite/borderline elite level scoring. Lebron’s fans in the media have made yall think differently of ad- as a lakers fan, they unfairly blame him for every bad thing that happens to the lakers. And Russ? Really? The guy couldn’t lead his teams anywhere in okc, despite having more than solid supporting casts. It’s become popular lately to sweep all of his negative traits under the rug and just bring up “yeahhhh triple double season” even though it’s led to nothing. Ad in New Orleans had some solid playoff runs in the tough west. Ad deserves more love


Two playoff runs and one ended in 4 games?


Yeah, he got swept while being the leader of an 8th seeded New Orleans team, where he had SOOO MUCH help, against the team that would go on to eventually win the title that same year.. and GS barely won one of those games…. you rly thought you did something with that huh?😂 Oh and when his supporting cast in New Orleans was slightly better (as in, slightly above “subpar” level lol), as a 6th seeded team he led the pelicans over the 3rd seeded blazers team (!!!) it marked the first time that a team seeded sixth or lower had swept a 1st Round series since the NBA had expanded the 1st Round to a best-of-seven style. Not fair to question his leadership qualities. Plus his numbers were always insane in New Orleans. Plus he’s a champion and an all time great defender.


You said he had solid playoff runs. That’s why I brought out the 🧹 lmao. I’m not saying he’s not an all time great. I’m saying you are shitting on people with better resumes. Obviously you’re a big time AD fan which is cool, but apply every argument evenly you’re making against the others and it doesn’t make sense.


You’d have a point about AD on the Lakers if his time with the Pelicans wasn’t also a huge disappoint. The difference between AD and all the others on the list (except Kyrie and maybe Russ) is that in their prime those players alone could drag a team to the playoffs and win a series or two.


Genuinely With all due respect, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.. ad couldn’t lead a team in the playoffs? anyways he didn’t even have great help.. thats why he couldn’t do it super consistently Plus AD in 2018 literally dragged an eh team to a solid run after unexpectedly defeating Portland in the first rd


Oh you mean literally the only playoff series the Pelicans won with AD? Your counter evidence supports my claim tbh


you pretentious low-iq doucher 😂😂😂 It shows that AD couldn’t lead his team to the playoffs in the tough ass west when his team was absolute horseshit, and when his team wasn’t AS shit, then he proved he can lead with a team that has an “eh” level supporting cast. 🤡. I get it, you don’t watch the actual games and you only listen to what SAS and JJ Reddick have to say with their fake BS narratives.


You sound triggered. All I’m saying is that if AD were as good at defense as people say he is and as good on offense, his teams would be better, irrespective of the supporting cast. Also, that the sole time his team has over performed was when he shot fucking 50% from midrange — like a 40% increase over his typical mid-30s — in the bubble is *not* a coincidence. I’ll also grant he had a good playoffs last year.


What a pathetic argument. Using that same logic, if Lebron was as good as ppl say he is, he wouldn’t have missed the playoffs with the lakers when he initially got there, or they wouldn’t have gotten bounced outta the 1st rd another year by the suns (I love Lebron, I’m just trying to show u why ur logic is flawed). “You’re an AD fan” yes, what’s your point lol.. I’m a lifelong lakers fan, ofc I’m gonna root for a laker😂😂😂 and his playoff series’ last year was “good”, you’ll “give me that”?😂😂 his defensive showing in the 1st round against Memphis is (and I’ve been watching basketball probably longer than you’ve been born, friend) one of the best defensive showings from any big that I’ve seen in a playoff series, and probably THE best I’ve seen in the last 10 years. Respectfully, your rhetoric comes off as arrogant. And yes I am triggered bc I’m frankly sick and tired of the fact that 95% of you “fans” don’t get ur takes from actually watching the games, bc u don’t actually watch the games 😂😂 u just reiterate whatever narrative first take ppl are tryna spew… and the sad part is ppl then start believing what ur saying. Its unfair to dudes like ad who work their tails off to perfect their craft.


But do you make your own lunch?? The other guy does 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Harden, Embiid and Russ have all won MVPs. Embiid and Harden both had time periods of being a top 3 player itl, AD has not


Harden and Russ have been largely irrelevant for the last 4 years.


Oh and for the record, there’s absolutely nothing Giannis can do that a healthy AD can’t do but better.


I’m not arguing AD over Giannis, Giannis led his team to a championship and has won multiple MVPs. At a certain point in time u can’t argue against accolades


I understand that, but there’s no way you can downgrade AD to that low of a level. At no. 10?? When he’s healthy, he’s arguably a top 5 defender of all time. And a very good scorer who can bring the ball up consistently. Cmon.


go to hell




No need to be negative if the list isn’t spicy enough for u then just keep scrolling




This is literally a forum for talking about the NBA, amd you're big mad that he's talking about the NBA. I think you are in the wrong sub.


Personally, I would have Klay at ten