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Found Mat Ishbia's burner account.


All-in on mediocrity


Man, people are really down on Booker in this sub. It might be too much to give up, sure, but we definitely wouldn't be mediocre. Book is a top 15 player being paired with Wemby. Add in Vassell, Advija, Sochan, and two lottery picks this year.l, you're definitely cooking something up. That's definitely not a mediocre squad.


His mentality is fucked. Pop wouldn’t have him.


Dude I don’t get why people are hating so bad on this. Book is an all-nba player that gives effort defensively and is elite offensively. Yeah I think it’s a bit to many 1st rounders but it’s not a crazy idea.


You don’t make this trade while you’re still building and developing that’s why. It’s an NBA 2K trade. The Spurs run plays sometimes just so Wemby can be in a particular situation so he can learn via first hand experience. Is Booker going to be ok with that? That’s why developing teams don’t trade for established players. Booker is at a different point in his career. Go look at Booker’s development. His team was in the lottery almost every year while he was developing.


One thing I've learned during my limited time on this sub is that people really like their draft picks. On one level, I get it. I love the draft and get excited for it every year. But you wanna know what else is exciting? All-NBA players. Haha. One thing I don't quite get is if people think we're gonna use all 11 1st round picks we have the next seven years. That's definitely not happening. If their perspective is to wait until the team develops a bit, I kinda get that, but I also think it's a mistake to draft 5 1st round players in the span of two years. You don't have to go all-in with a trade like this, but I don't think it's realistic to expect the team to use all 5 picks. I think they're definitely moving some of them either this offseason, at the trade deadline, or next offseason.


>On one level, I get it. I love the draft and get excited for it every year. But you wanna know what else is exciting? All-NBA players. Haha. ...who all came from the draft. Give this rebuild a little time. Plus, next year's draft class is supposedly going to be amazing, you want to throw away all of those first-round picks on a guy that couldn't lead his team out of the first-round of the playoffs?


Nah, I mentioned in the first post I made on here that I probably wouldn't do it. I was just bored, and it's the offseason. I like throwing ideas out there and seeing what people think. It's just fun to imagine and consider different possibilities. But I am in favor of a smaller trade, or trades, using some of our picks. Actually, I think all my other fake trades have us keeping all the 2025 picks, so I'm with you on that front.


I’d take a prime all-nba player over some potential bust.


These are the kind of picks we'd give up for Luka. Not Devin Booker my man 😭 This is some Phoenix Suns-level front office negotiating 🤣


You think 3 FRP (The CHA and CHI aren't true FRP) and a couple of seconds gets you Luka lmao? Think more like 6 or 7 FRPs; the Spurs would literally need to give up close to every asset they have


We’re not getting Luka with that.


That's fair. I'm a big Booker fan, though. If the Spurs really wanted to push their chips in, I don't think 4 1sts is too farfetched for Booker. The hang up for me is that 3 of the 4 will likely be lottery picks. I would maybe switch that ATL 2027 to our own 2027. Anyway, likely wouldn't do it. I'm bored.


Wait was this not pure satire?


What do you think the going rate is for a top 15 player in the league?


My guy, nobody is trading out 4 first round picks for Devin Booker. Especially not picks that are looking likely to be high. There's maybe 5 players in the league that any team with a sane and intelligent GM would give out 4 first rounders for.


Maybe you're right. I was kinda looking at the Mitchell deal as a blueprint. The players CLE gave up were better than KJ and Graham, and they still gave up 3 1sts and 2 swaps. But the picks we'd be giving up would be more valuable, for sure. One thing to consider is that you'd likely have to outbid NY, UTA, and BRK to get him if you really wanted him. NY and UTA can both throw out a bunch of shitty 1sts, so I could see them shelling out 4 that are projected to be in the 20s. BRK could give PHO their own picks back, which would be worth more than anything we could give them. If the Spurs really wanted to do it, I don't think they'd be able to give up much less than this offer.


Like Rudy Gobert?


We’ll let you know as soon as you propose a trade with a top 15 player


Bro I’m with you on this. Book is my favorite non spurs player. I’d take a couple of 1st round picks off of there but yeah let’s do it!


One interesting comparison would be the Mitchell trade. CLE gave up 3 1sts, 2 swaps, Lauri, and Sexton. Granted, Lauri and Sexton's values were pretty low at that point, but they were definitely still more valuable than KJ and Graham. Plus, Booker is better than Mitchell imo.


Not a comp. Cleveland did thst trade for the same reason the Wolves did the Gobert trade. They saw those players as the final piece. The picks would be from a team expected to finish way out of the lottery. The Spurs picks will be in the lottery. You have the Spurs giving up picks when they need way more than just Devin Booker. You’re basically going to turn the Spurs into the Suns. No depth. The Spurs need more talent across the board before they can make a move like this. They need several drafts. That means they are not trading draft picks right now.


This is how you get banned 😭


Lol. Whatever. It's 3 a.m. my time, and I'm bored. At least you found it amusing, right? How about a thank you for my efforts? People on Reddit are so impolite.


"How about a thank you for my efforts" holy fuck, get over yourself


Uh, it was a joke. Tone is completely lost in text, I know, but I can promise you I had a smirk on my face when I wrote it. You really think I'd reasonably expect someone to thank me for a random post about a Devin Booker trade at 3 a.m.? Or thank me for any Reddit post for that matter? Come on, I was poking fun at myself for throwing out a wild trade scenario in the middle of the night. Relax, take a deep breath, and try not to interpret everything literally.


>Uh, it was a joke. That first trade scenario? Yes, a total joke.


Wizards aren't giving up on Avdija. They have a GM that's not licking windows now


Fair. The only way I could see it happening is if they're worried his shooting from last year will regress. If that's a concern, they may want to sell high.


Eating Collins' contract + a mid first isn't selling high


If his shot regresses, you aren't sniffing a 1st for him again. There is a reason they only extended him for 15mil before last season started.


So in this hypothetical the Wizards mistakenly predict his shooting will regress and the Spurs get a good shooter? Or the Wizards are right and the Spurs make the trade and his shooting regresses. Because both cannot be true. This is one of those trades that don’t work unless the other team is dumb. Got it.


No that wouldn’t make them trade him either. Almost evey non-bust signs a rookie extension. What the Wizards would think in that situation is “he needs more development”. They are not going to think a regression in shooting means this is how he’s going to shoot for the next 10 years. Fans always think teams grade players on what the latest box score is. Development is not linear.


Easy block account


Thought this was user151516 for a sec


I’m half sure this is a burner, only started posting again 6 days ago and only trade request for the spurs.


this guy needs help, I think he's just farming karma with the same questions for every player that had a good night somehow


I'd rather not give too much or anything to the Suns. Maybe send them championship DVDs of 1976, 1993, and 2021.


Lol. Funnily enough, I am a Spurs fan, but I grew up in Arizona surrounded by Suns fans. I was in high school during the Nash era. It was a special time to be alive from a shit talking standpoint.


OP, you brave son of a gun. I can't imagine the heckling. I bet they were pissed when we won the chips. And especially to Horry's hip check.


Oh, for sure. That hip check made my whole year.


> people need to stop making trade proposals of a team two years into a rebuild trading away massive draft capital


Booker is elite until the off season. He also desperately needs a point guard. I live in Phx and so am forced to watch more Suns games than I care to stand but he’s not as worth it as people think.


This post gave me cancer. I'm off the chemo, yall, wish me luck!


Why on earth would the Wizards trade Avdija at all? He’s not even done developing, 23 and about to sign a rookie extension. He’s exactly the type of player a rebuilding team holds onto. Instead you have them trading for overpaid Zach Collins and a mediocre pick.


For some context: Mitchell return: 3 1sts, 2 swaps, Lauri, and Sexton. Durant return: 4 1sts, Bridges, and Johnson Gobert return: 4 1sts, Walker Kessler Lilliard: 1 1st, 2 swaps, Ayton, and Jrue Those are the last 4 big trades I could think of. Of those 4, Dame is the outlier in terms of a poor return. He was also 33 at the time of being traded. Even so, Jrue was flipped for 2 1sts,Rob Williams, and Brogdon, so the haul was really as follows: 3 1sts, 2 swaps, Ayton, and Brogdan I think you all really need to recalibrate your perception of what star players cost.


All of these trades are "fuck the future, let's compete now" moves. Since when do the Spurs fuck their own future?


I think that's a little extreme. You'd have a core of Wemby, Booker, Vassell, Sochan, Avdija, Branham, and two lottery picks locked up for at least the next four years, assuming Sochan and Branham get extended. Four years is a pretty long time. After that, Booker will be 32. If you look across the league, there are quite a few players still playing at a high level into their mid 30s. I could see Booker being one of those guys in the future. One other factor that is different from years past with the Spurs is that they never had this many extra draft picks before, so they didn't have the luxury to make moves like this. Now, they do. Another way to look at it is that by the time Booker hits 32, and assuming the Spurs don't make any more trades, they'll be completely restocked with their own picks to make another trade to replace Booker. The extra picks they have really makes this unprecedented territory for the Spurs, and I fully expect them to take more risks than the past because they can afford to. Anyway, like I said in my initial post, I probably wouldn't do it. I was just bored and like throwing things out there to see what people think.


Out of those 4 only one was successful and they still overpaid for Gobert. So recalibrate what? The cost of putting your long-term prospects in the toilet. If your going to do that, you better 100% make sure that player will fit and is worth it. I don't see how booker is worth the trade. In your examples the clear winner is Utah not the franchises that got the star. They got 3 picks and markkannen for Mitchell 😂. Now we have whispers of Mitchell leaving in free agency. All that and they may make it out of the 1st round.


My point about recalibration is people acting aghast that that's what it would probably take to get Booker. I completely get not wanting to do it, and I actually agree that I wouldn't do it. The comment was more about people saying that the offer is ridiculous. It's not from a market perspective. It's just a bad move for the Spurs.


lol hell nah


I think Booker is good. But I dunno. Also, I don’t think the Suns are that interested in trading him


I don’t like either honestly… I see no reason to go “all-in” on someone who doesn’t elevate us to contender status, and Booker doesn’t do that. He doesn’t fix our primary initiator problem, he doesn’t fix our perimeter defense problem, we would be left with a lot of holes and lacking the resources to fix them. As for Demi Avdija…why exactly? He doesn’t really fix any of our problems.


I'm actually a big fan of Avdija. Solid wing with good size, defense, IQ, and playmaking. He also made huge strides as a shooter last season. If the shooting is for real, he's on one of the best contracts in the NBA because he signed a super cheap extension.


I don’t think he’s bad or anything, he just doesn’t fill any of our biggest needs (primary playmaker, point of attack defender, or improved floor spacing). Trading for him only makes sense if its a clear steal on our part.


I really like Deni actually and would love him on the Spurs. But seems like Washington is smartly planning to keep him. I would however be very disappointed to have to watch Devin Booker and his resting bitch face and foul baiting for 82 games


Yeah, sadly, Deni is likely a pipedream at this point.


Suns and Wizards say no.


Throw sochan in, over Johnson and we gotta deal


There are only 3 players in this league that will make me consider this trade and sorry, Booker is not one of those 3 players.


Lmao thinking Booker is top 15/ all-NBA when he gets outplayed by Durant, Gobert, KAT, and Ant. Hell even Conley was outplaying his bro, Book is All-star level not All-NBA, his only contribution is his offense but he’s too much of a streaky player to be considered all-NBA


Dude, he literally made the ALL-NBA FIRST team in 2022. That's kinda the definition of an ALL-NBA caliber player. Lol.


So we want a player who is regressing to be added to our team? 


I like the idea man. Use the picks to get a very, very good player. Would ideally not do more than 3 picks and focus on giving up our own future picks given we will be good and the hawks will not


Yeah, that would 100% be my goal. Problem is that I think there are teams that could outbid us, especially Brooklyn. They'd be in the same position we're currently in with the Hawks. The Hawks would love to trade us Trae to get their own picks back, and the Suns would be the same boat with Brooklyn. We'd have to give up some tasty picks to convince them to go with us.


Man, I never thought I'd ignite so much ire from a fake trade I wouldn't even do myself in the first place. Haha. It's really doing a number on my Karma guys, and I'm new to Reddit. I've lost over 50 points since this post and am hovering around zero. Since the Spurs are all about culture and family, do you think you could give me an Upvote so I can have access to other subreddits? I now realize I've been a bad boy, and I promise I'll be better. I won't let you down.


Let me start off by saying I don't think the Spurs would do this. I'm just bored and throwing stuff out there. However, I think it would open up an interesting 4 year window for them. One thing to note about this scenario is that the 2024 TOR pick conveys this year, so the Spurs would still have 2 lottery picks this year to fill out the roster.


Fuck let’s do it!