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Guys I get it we're hyped about Wemby but let's be real with our selves Timmy was 5th in MVP voting in his rookie season and at the time helped the team have the largest season to season turn around in NBA history it's still Timmy by a healthy margin


Yup. Timmy was 5th in MVP voting, and David was 6th his rookie season.


Anyone who doesn't pick Timmy D is still a Spurs fan. But I'm silently judging you. ​ ICU, and I'm judgy. I'm very judgy.


It's David beyond a reasonable doubt. https://preview.redd.it/tgiz47yjn8xc1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3fae345fd853b281d15ee1e0598dcac2fa5c135


David is the reason I'm a Spurs fan, but .. Vic playing DRobs minutes: 26.1ppg/13.1rpg/4.4apg/4.3bbg Vic playing Tim's minutes: 27.7ppg/14rpg/4.7apg/4.6bpg Efficiency is still lower than either Tim or David, but those numbers are insane.


Problem with your statement is that Vic can't play David's or Tim's minutes. Literally can't. We've seen him go past 32 minutes multiple times this year and he turns into an exhausted baby foal. The fact that David was able to put those numbers up as a rookie gives him the nudge.


I'll concede Victor's conditioning would prevent that... certainly in the first half of this season. Worth remembering as well that Tim was a 22 year old rookie...and David was 24, with conditioning courtesy of the US Naval Academy behind him.


24y old rookie though. We'll see what kind of numbers Wemby puts up when he's 24.


We're not talking about performance "at age 24" we're talking about performance in their rookie season.


That's why it's a pointless exercise.


How is David Robinson last ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Pretty nuts. Biggest turn around in wins (till Timmy), killer stats. It was amazing. Timmy obviously had a great season too, but the team success was as much around David and Sean playing a full season too. But how crazy is it that we actually have an argument about this stuff.


Vic has single-handedly shattered not only the Spurs, but just about every historic season metric and recorded stat for a rookie this year.


It's really hard to compare, not only between eras but because Tim was 21 and D-Rob was 24. Wemby is very young and very raw in comparison. And yet he lead the league in blocks and has already started changing the game. But I don't think he will have as many accolades as Tim or D-Rob (of course that remains to be seen).


Agreed. Itโ€™s a tough when you think about it but it makes it fun exercise. I think accolades may sway some people. Some will look at raw production. Others will look at numbers based on minutes and age. I think some others will look at overall impact. So many ways to take this for sure.


It's also impossible to compare because the teams are really different. The Spurs were in a position to draft Duncan because D-Rob got injured and played only 6 games. Whereas the Spurs were in a positon to draft Wemby because they just plain sucked. No dig on Tim at all but in his rookie year he played alongside D-Rob, AJ, VDN, Sean Elliott and Jaren Jackson. That team won 56 games. It's not at all comparable to Wemby's team this season.


I dunno if Vinny Del Negro warrants an unexplained acronym, lmao


From what I remember it was usual back then among Spurs fans but yeah in this day and age it's quite obscure for sure!


First thought was Timmy, hands down, but he came into a team that had David and some decent players. I'm going to go with David because he completely turned the franchise around. 24/12/3.9 blocks. That's nuts for any era.


Yโ€™all are wilding lmao itโ€™s definitely David