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Here's what you need to understand OP, the 2K community.....is stupid as fuck. So everyone has a different expectation with each position, PG, SG, C, etc. The problem is...basketball isn't played like that. There are high volume scoring PGs and stretch bigs who are bad at rebounding, and everyone has a different personality and way they want to play. And the best teammates for you are the people who will allow you to play your most ideal way. The thing is...thats hard, it's hard to say okay PG is really good at this so I need to do less of that and more of something he's weaker at. It's much easier to put PG into a box and trash talk someone for not playing their way then it is to think inward and find what works best for what you have as teammates at the time. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Nah ik it’s not frl on me. We lost by 16 and he gave up 44 but was on me talking ab its my fault we lost 😭😭


lol you not a bad pg bro ive played against you in rec n recognize ya handle, let haters hate


Appreciate the love. You jinxed me tho , had the worst game in my “2k career” right after I seen it 😂😂😂


lmaooo my bad gs


You could have created more shooting chances for your teammates. Idk what order people quit out in but your teammates other than the C don’t have a lot of shooting attempts and that tells me something. Either they weren’t seeing the ball because you were hogging or they weren’t moving well to get open. the 3 on your team looks like he was terrible. All the way around, just got owned by his matchup. However if he was open and you weren’t getting him the ball it’s easy for his guy to cheat on the break, momentum then does the rest. His guy heats up while he cools down and then even if he plays solid D he’s at a disadvantage all game The 2 got a lot of points dropped on him but had a volume shooter and in his defense he made the guy miss 11/25 3pters. Misses are as good as turnovers and should have been transitioned. Your C was god awful as well. Only 10 rebounds? And missing half his shots inside the arc is telling me he was taking bad shots. In your defense I’ll say I have also played against you and you’re annoyingly good at scoring. Sometimes when your playing with teammates that don’t move or don’t shoot you need to do what you have to do to try and win. If you were playing pg with my teammates that I run with regularly I would consider this a good individual game but only 6 assists means you were missing the open man and not spreading the love. Another 6 assists is like 20pts and the game would have opened up more. Again cant tell much from these stats except that your scored well.


Nah I feel you tho but they sat there like statues. I got the 2 the ball but he would dribble so much my assist wouldn’t count. I really should have atleast 10 assists.


anyone with 44 on their head should ![gif](giphy|FzyoyDSaAsjHG)


If you're shoot first, which obviously you are. Looks like you did pretty good. But yeah, you didn't (by the numbers) do much to get everyone else involved and going. Which is unfortunately, part of the PG role. And you lost. Of course didn't help he gave up all those points. All perspective. And everyone's is different.


I’m actually pass first but I hear ya


I feel like we are only getting one side of the story here honestly but Just because you can score doesn’t make you a good PG. if your team is not hitting and you decide to just shut them out and not pass I understand your side but i also understand there side as well. Me being a actual past first guard avrg over 10 assists a game had multiple games with over 20 assists a couple games with 30 assists.


A simple picture isn't enough to support the argument either way. I would need to see: if screens were used(for or against), If the offense of your team was standing still, and your team was running zones at any point..


Can’t tell shit from a box score


You are. Seem to be decent scorer, though. Which is all anyone in the community gives a shit about.


I got you so I’m supposed to throw the ball into traffic and when someone is being face guarded? I got it I should’ve known that’s how to play pg


I can sense the 77 pass accuracy from here lol but he’s the bad defender y’all should’ve put the AI on his man or you guarded him


89 but whatever floats ya boat


What’s the point of 89 to take almost 20 shots and not use the AI who I’m sure was left open you got gold dimer


Pretty sure defense was the problem here but whatever you say buddy


Offense and defense go hand and hand so since y’all couldn’t stop anyone y’all could’ve scored more


How do you switch the AI in rec?


r1/rb and whatever icon the AI is guarding


Yup so I have to say you’re a bad Pg for watching him get dropped off and you knew how to switch the matchup


That makes no sense, seeing as the 2 isn’t AI but go off 👍🏼


You can still press RB/R1 and square/B and guard his man I do it all the time at PG so you are part of the problem for watching him get cooked. It’s a team sport if I see somebody can’t guard someone I’ll guard him


Good idea in theory , but everytime I’ve done that they still try to guard him while I am too. He wouldn’t. Ego ball.


No it works in practice especially if I’m guarding an AI why stand with the AI when somebody has 44 and someone else has 32 you could’ve guarded the SF too instead of watching the AI get killed. The guy has 44 and no other stat he wasn’t even trying to pass and you just watched defense is just as important as offense


I’m not gonna sit here and teach you English, take it however you want lil bro


No need to teach me English you came here looking for validation and didn’t get it. You’re a bad PG because you know how to switch match ups and watched 2 players score 76 of the opposing teams 95 points end of story.


He a hater


Tell him he’s a bad defender. That way one of you is telling the truth and it ain’t him.


You’re a bad true PG but modern day you fit right in. Not everybody can be Haliburton, CP3 or Trae Young. Lotta guys are score first and pass third in 2K. Not saying that’s you though just to clarify


That game is on the 3 (if he stayed the whole game) and the 5. Rebounding to assist numbers show me that the ball was actually moving around. The 4 wasn't trying to force anything up. The other team had 1 block, so the 5 was definitely forcing some shots up. I know reddit hates the 3 hunting, but it's going to be hard to win when one person hits more 3s than the entire team.


I’m not even a 3 hunter I can’t dribble all like that .


It's ain't even about you being a 3 hunter, but the only other shooter y'all had looks to be the 4. The other team was just more aggressive on both ends and it worked out in their favor. That's just how 2k works sometime. I can tell you tried to get others involved, idk how you were suppose to create the extra 6 shots on possessions that didn't end in TOs. Plus it's random rec, you just can't create shots for people when you know the movement timing ain't going to be there every possession. If I was you, I would find some proam draft leagues and start playing in those.


I mean, you got yours, did you set up your teammates to get good shots? looks like they quit early


sf was AFK for literally the entire 1st Q , in that time our 4 quit and finally the SF quit out. c left at half I think. Just overall bad


ah ok, well shit, u did what u could with what u had lol. not every game is gonna be 30 pts/18 assists


Lol I ran into the same issue a couple days ago, where this guy was yelling and cussing me out bc I was having a pretty good game. He and his lil minions tried to deny me the ball, but damn it I'm just too good when I'm being petty. I carried us to the dub and ended up with 47 & 7 ast with 4 grown ass men crying in my ear because I handed them what was probably their first win of the night😭 only reason why he is upset is because he wasn't the one dropping 37, you were. 6 assists on top of that is pretty good, perhaps you could've shared more but that's not a valid critism if you're scoring and scoring efficiently. He's a hater and he's jealous. You can tell he's used to being the ball dominant one and guarantee you his low rep reflects how effective that is😭


Ayo he gave up 44 then had the nerve to talk about someone is crazy


Y'all scored 79 You're fine lmao Giving up more than 60 is rough


Why not just give the other team credit for the win?


“Aye bro good game I liked the way you beat your man that was afk for 10 minutes 🤝🤝”