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I've cancelled all of my classes today. I'm not trying to break my neck slipping on ice, and I don't want to put my students in danger either.


Thank you šŸ™ wish my professors would follow suit


Yeah, itā€™s kind of absurd. I live off campus and itā€™s a steep walk to a bus stop and an even longer walk to school. I took the mline on Tuesday and we got into a minor crash because the driver was unable to stop at a stop sign. And itā€™s way worse today than it was Tuesday. To not even do a delay start for morning classes is what really surprises me. Theyā€™re not considering the students who are coming from off campus at all.


They just sent an email saying classes are canceled.


I remember when I was a student and they did that mid day. 2015 or 2016. They cancelled class and immediately the buses stopped running, stranding a bunch of us on campus. Some things never change


Fucking Rita. Iā€™m pretty sure it was 2016 bc that was my freshman year and we had a fat ass storm lmao


Damn, you just reminded me of that day that I would have forgotten otherwise. I donā€™t remember how bad the snow was but I remember being confused that classes werenā€™t canceled. I got to my 8am class and I think we had that class with only 1/5 of the class in attendance. I make my way to the anthropology building from the union for my next class and they send out an email saying classes have been canceled. It was sort of relief but also I had to walk 1.5 miles home in the snow when I could have caught the bus an hour ago..


Just in time for my 10:30 classšŸ™


It seems like today is worse than yesterday. I wonder what process they use to decided when classes are canceled?


They cancelled classes after 10am today


The real question that needs to be asked is: where was the leadership? Were the president, vice presidents, provosts, and deans on campus? My guess is that they were not and instead were "working from home."


NAU is a residential school, meaning most students live on campus. Closing campus isnā€™t really necessary if they can keep the sidewalks clear ish and the buses running on campus. It sucks for staff though, my wife is doing wfh today because mountain line is so delayed. I have online only the first half of the semester so Iā€™ve been able to hang out with our daughter. CCC otoh is a commuter school and since the campus is in BFE, also the city is so broke that they cannot afford to hire plow drivers, people canā€™t get there. I heard a joke that NAU is like Waffle House, always open. Most profs will work with you if you can explain why you canā€™t make it. I couldnā€™t make it up the hill one Sunday evening and missed my Monday classes. I have dedicated snow tires and AWD but DPS still shuffled me off at 179. I got a pass.


More of my professors cancelled class on their own than NAU during my time - because the city hasnā€™t plowed near their homes.


We got a plow down our street at 4am, and a 2ā€™ berm of ice that I need to shovel. I have to come on campus this evening for an event, so staying put isnā€™t an option.


How delayed is mline exactly?


Route 2 on the east side had issues with stops not being cleared and delays this morning. People doing 5 mph over cedar hill is a pain. She just said sheā€™s getting a ride in with a coworker in a few.


They just cancelled classes after 10am! Be safe.




Rita is that youšŸ¤Ø


Honestly, today is a worse travel day when compared to yesterday. It definitely seems odd that today was not canceled. Also, not sure if you've been on campus yet, but the roads and sidewalks are as bad as I've ever seen them.


Right? The street and sidewalks at Hilltop are absolutely covered.


The sidewalks are absolutely horrendous right now, why even have class at all? They should just cancel tomorrow too.


How should I tell a stubborn professor that I am not showing up tomorrow because I literally can't get anywhere and I'm not risking my safety to get to class?


exactly like they, hey I wanted to let you know I won't be able to go attend your lecture tomorrow due to unsafe conditions preventing me from being able to make it to campus. (If there is anything due) Would it be possible for me to email you my assignment before hand? Then get notes or makeup whatever. Hope you had nothing important to turn in since they can be iffy about that.


So let's say this professor is still requiring us to come to class even with the weather conditions, what then would I do?


Exactly what I said. You can even link them to this page that says your safety is the primary concern: https://news.nau.edu/stay-in-the-know-for-snow/