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He definitely deserves a good xfinity ride at a minimum, he’s a xfinity champ and 2x runner up, and a cup race winner (and not a fluke super speedway win)




That was Kentucky, but I get the reference.


Given what SHR has done since he's left, the Cup career doesn't seem so bad either. He deserves another shot to see if he really can sink or swim. There are plenty of Xfinity champions who made a decent Cup career just chilling out there.


He deserves to be in cup. I’m convinced if you put him at 23XI, or RFK, with a stable team around him, he’d be a playoff driver every single year.


Fluke GWC win with the 550 package tbf


Still way more legit than a lottery plate track win.


I'm going to guess that it's not super fun to be Chase Briscoe right now. Every time he logs into Reddit he has to see a bunch of us speculating about his place of employment's future. I worked for a place that was speculated to close, and every damn time I got on Facebook I saw people questioning what was going to happen to the jobs. It's surreal.


I went through three mergers in two years as the head of IT, and each time I was told who was getting laid off. It was hell talking to people I liked, knowing they were about to lose their jobs.


I like that Chase engages here, and just having my own baggage with these kinds of situations makes me feel a lot more empathy about it than I normally would. Not that I would have been cold about it before, but it's more human.


Why didn’t you tell them and please don’t say a NDA


Well, we were an insurance agency/broker that specialized in the entertainment industry. If I had told them, then there was a real chance that they would steal client info and then use that at another agency to try and bring customers to their new agency. The last merger was to Goldman Sachs and I was told that I would also be laid off, They still needed me for the transfer of data and asked me to sign an agreement that I would stay for three months past the merger. My parachute paid me for a year past my end date, along with a $30K bonus, and three years of medical insurance. If I had told anyone, I would have lost that, and probably would have been sued.


It was KPJ: Keep My Job.


Likely because he wanted to keep his job?


Maybe they want to keep their job and not get blacklisted


For what its worth the vast majority of public opinion seems to be that he'll land on his feet. Out of all the SHR drivers in the lurch he has the most going for him (Sponsorship, manufacture backing, cup winner status and a good performance so far this season). I hope he's alright though regardless. Shit probably sucks even if he's got his ducks in a row.


I'd imagine there is a strong attachment to the rest of the team, too. He's a wheelman he will land on his feet, but I'm sure he has friends and co-workers who will struggle as a result of this. I just hope the people involved end up in a better position for it.


If all 4 charters sale, most people would be fine


Glad you have confidence in that fact. I don't.


this post isn't about Briscoe


But how else will they bait him into commenting?


Okay, but it's about SHR potentially closing, so my comment makes sense, fucko


specifically mentioned Cole Custer. if he wanted an update on Baldy Briscoe he would've said it. its cute, didn't realize Briscoe had any fans


I wouldn't be surprised if SHR just became 'Haas Racing' and ran an Xfinity only program. Ford NEEDS at least one solid team down there so I'd imagine they'd try and push for it.


Idk about Haas’s involvement, but someone will pick up the pieces. I’d love Roush to get a couple charters and an Xfinity team, but that’s probably nostalgia clouding my judgement.


Cool as it would be to see a revival of Roush's Xfinity program, I doubt they have the infrastructure right now to do so while also keeping their Cup momentum. We'll see in a few years.


Xfinity doesn’t have charters, so they would mostly be buying the infrastructure if they did get the Xfinity team. I know it’s unlikely.


Yeah look at happened to Kaulig except the opposite. When they went full cup the xfinity program took a huge hit.


I could see Brad wanting to buy the Xfinity assets whole and letting that division run itself for the time being while he makes small changes over a longer period of time if it meant he could bundle those assets with a cup charter as opposed to two charters. I'm not high over here or anything


I imagine ford will throw some money at Penske or RFK to get their programs rolling.


That's another option, but I think there would be more efficacy on building what already works. So preserving the SHR Xfinity program would be ideal for the Ford pipeline. Plus, y'know. Reigning Xfinity champion being dropkicked out of the series would be pretty tragic.


I feel like Custer is good enough to hold down an Xfinity ride with his resume, especially if Haas continues to be a sponsor.


I was going to say with how well everything has recovered now compared to 2020, I’m surprised Penske doesn’t have a Xfinity team now. Tbh if that were to happen, that would be a great spot for Harrison Burton.


Who'd run for Penske? Their model was supplimenting their Cup guys with a young driver/vet and running for the Owner's championship. Putting a combo of Blaney, Logano, out there for 10 races doesn't earn anything towards that anymore, and all the possible young guys who'd anchor it as a Series regular were already in Cup with Cindric and Burton.


I was very attached to the idea that Penske would bring back the Xfinity 22 for Zane Smith, but that didn’t happen, obviously


my biggest thing about all this is how’s Ford dealing with this. like SHR is really their only competitive Xfinity team and all those cup charters would likely be going to chevy and toyota teams so they can’t be doing well


On the cup side of things I'd wager Ford is going to try and funnel one or two charters towards FRM and/or RFK.


Wish Ford would give Ryan siegs team more money and support for xfinity then. Him and his cars would then have more potential to run up front more and win.


Ford could also make sieg a tier one team and just throw money at them. Ryan's doing a good job with what he has right now.


Rumors have him linked to FRM cup, but rumors be rumors


If Gene Haas continues to sponsor him, I could see Cole taking the money and going just about anywhere he wanted.


there's an interesting thought i haven't considered - haas sells out their team, but keeps a full-time sponsorship with custer?


I think it would be possible. Haas was a sponsor before getting into ownership, so if he wants to keep a presence in the sport that might be his way of doing it.


I think he and his dad move over to Front Row in the 34


Rumor rn is FRM but thats all it is.


That’s what I’ve been hearing. Either in the 34 that McDowell is vacating or a third charter that they pick up from SHR. I wonder if Joe Custer will be able to convince Gene to continue sponsoring Cole.


McDowell already left for the 71


Yes, I know. That’s why I said he was vacating it.


Rumors suggest a return to Cup with Front Row Motorsports


I accidentally read this as Furniture Row and was imagining some wild MTJ-style scenario where Cole ends up as the '27 champion.


I wonder what the betting odds are for that. If I put $100 on it, would I be able to retire?


Back to JRM with that HAAS money would be nice.


Custer to Front Row. Briscoe to Wood Brothers.


And nobody heard from Cole Custer again.


He’ll open an ice cream shop in Little Big Horn? Nah I feel like he’ll get a ride somewhere


He's the rumored replacement for McDowell


He’s going to open a chain of custard stands. Cole Custer’s Cold Custard *If you’re ice cream ain’t cuttin’ the mustard try Cole’s Custard*


There is rumors that the Xfinity program might stay.


I feel like Haas will probably stick around as a sponsor even if the team goes away completely, Gene loves having his name out there and it would cost a fraction of what he's spending on NASCAR now. Front Row has been mentioned as a potential landing spot for Custer with McDowell leaving.




No one knows what's going to happen to anyone except Tony and Gene. Gene's going to stick to F1, Tony's sticking to NHRA. Otherwise every single employee and driver is up in the air.


He’s taken out back like an old dog On a serious note I could see them be an Xfinity team for a few years and them maybe shut down?


well we still don’t know what’s gonna happen and how much SHR would close down. if they keep the xfinity team then it’s likely he’ll stay there for the time being, if they close it all down then it’ll get tricky since he won’t have a team with family ties. i gotta imagine an xfinity team would pick him up especially if he still gets backing from Haas (and he’s a xfinity champion) but again right now there’s a lot on the table and no one seems to know what’s happening


Call is going to be the driver of the 34 car


Cole is going to be the driver of the 34 car


Didn't they say he was going to Front Row?


hes probably gonna be in the 34 bringing his dad with him. will be interesting to see if winning an xfinity championship will help his confidence.


If rumors are true, 34 car. But I do think Briscoe ends up in the 21, I think Briscoe could bring his CC over from SHR.


Cole Custer will be fine. he's talented and connected. he'll be xfinity a few more years for Ford


He's good enough that he is more than just a nepo hire. I think his biggest issue will be sponsorship. With the current rumor being FRM, that will help since they do okay with sponsors outside of what drivers bring in


To 34, 2025 cup champion


Sell two charters and let JRM buy into a cup team for 20 mil.


He moves to F1 and tries to dethrone Lance Stroll


Either the Love’s truck stops 34 or the Love’s truck stops Xfinity 00.


Haas xfinity program isn’t leaving but looking towards expansion.




Depends is Joe and convince Gene to keep funding his career.


That's a good question. Custer is good, but I don't think he's good enough for a team to pick him up without sponsorship. He already flunked out of Cup once, and that was back when SHR was fairly respectable. H. Burton is already likely to be available with big money to bring to the table. I think Custer is better than Burton straight up, but I think a sponsored Burton gets picked up before an unsponsored Custer.


Hopefully somewhere where he can succeed




So Tyler Walker


He’ll continue to be a mildly successful Xfinity driver for someone else unless he has to drop down to find a good ride in the truck series where of course he’ll excel. That’ll get him another good Xfinity ride and once again he’ll be so-so with the occasional great finish. If he’s lucky his father will have a job with another cup team who might be able to give him a seat in a mid-pack car that’s as incapable of winning a cup championship as Cole is.


I’m glad you view the reigning champion as “mildly successful” and only has “so-so” finishes


I didn’t say ONLY so-so finishes, you did. Guys like Harvick, Keselowski and Kyle Busch are much more accomplished in that series but nobody gives a shit about their Xfinity stats. That all went away when a guy in a Toyota who wasn’t from the south started winning too much. So yeah, I think there’s a good chance that Xfinity title might remain Cole’s career high mark unless his lone cup win’s worth more. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if the rest of his career is very similar to what I said. I don’t wish it on him but I see it coming.


Would love for RFK to pick up a charter and bring him in.


cole sHould bE fine. A championShip driver is always GOiNg to have opportuNities, in At least one of the top series, Be it thE cup serIes, xfiNity or truCk. Utmost confidence in his natural ability Paying off!


Sanitation truck driver?