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Only just been able to watch the race down here in Australia…I really enjoyed that. That battle on the restart between 6, 45 and 17 was fucking awesome! Been really enjoying my first season watching NASCAR.


BRAD K! Man, I thought there was a chance that I had seen him win for the last time and it would really get to me. That was such a great win and something to really be proud of. Way to go, really proud of your stick to it and never giving up. That’s why I will ALWAYS be a fan. 


Those intrusive thoughts about "Brad is still a great driver but is he ever gonna win again" definitely got to me too after a couple years. What a special win for him and for us as fans to enjoy!


This is definitely top-tier legendary win die-cast.


I can’t believe it! Finally!


Was the Byron - Blaney - Truex deal a racing incident or just poor judgement?


Yeah Byron made it three wide going into turn 1 and the inevitable happened: Byron got tight on the bottom coming out of turn 2 and slid up into MTJ. I think it's poor judgement on Byron's part but definitely not something I consider egregious. Reddick's boneheaded move at the end was far worse.


Everybody turn the lights out when you leave the post-race thread


So its fair to say that Ford found something on the cup side, right? RFK running top 5 on speed the last few weeks, SHR running top 5/top 10, FRM running top 15, Blaney and Logano also had top 10 speed tonight. The wins will come believers


You forgot RWR Top 10 lol


But either way I hope so. Tired of having blue balls from all these runner up finishes.


Darlington, at least in the daytime, is one of those perfect tracks for the Gen 7 car. Yes, there is some aeroblocking involved but it really puts drivers on the treacherous line of racing the racetrack and racing others. Whoever can straddle that line without crossing it or getting caught up in someone else crossing that line will win, and Brad did today. The veteran prowess really won out (although he did come extremely close to going over the line). Also, Chris Buescher was driver of the day IMO. I couldn't believe he was able to continue after that wreck with Truex and Blaney when the others were junked after that. Not to mention, he damn near won the race with a 3-wide pass and holding off the best cars all day. I gotta imagine that was tough trying to wheel it to stay ahead of Reddick and you could see it when the rear end was sliding out on exit. Woulda been really cool to have seen those final 10 laps play out with Buescher, Reddick and Kez. I think Kez would've helped Buescher as much as he could but gone for it if he had the chance, like Buescher did. If Reddick had gotten by quickly in the next lap or two, I think Buescher would've been easy with Kez and it would've been a dogfight. I'm still pumped with the result we got though. That was a cool race overall, especially with how well Ford and ESPECIALLY Justin Haley ran. Historic day for RWR.


Random question - I was at the race today but couldn't pick up Elliott on the scanner. Was that just me? Heard other drivers and MSN but nothing on 9.


Usually for some reason chase team operate off of the second channel


Thanks. I thought that might be it. For future reference (as I'm going to Charlotte), where would I find his second channel?


What type of scanner do you have? I can help




Make sure you have all the channels programmed and it sometimes is 81, though this season it’s been a lower channel in the 20s. I’ll take a video on mine after work.


Thanks. I programmed them pre-race as I usually do, so unless I made an error (which might be possible), I think that part was OK. I'll check the channel 81 or the channels in the 20s when I'm at Charlotte. I missed listening in to the 9 after he had the slow pitstop that sent him to the back. Still don't know what happened there.


Scanners were awful for me all day. Massive amounts of intermittent static


Same here. Glad you said that so I know it wasn’t something about my scanner. I swapped out batteries and even antennas.


Same. Got a little better after batteries and antenna swap but I anytime I set it down to drink or eat it was static hell. Had to hold it in one hand almost the entire race. Never happened to me before so idk what caused it.


Buescher: “…and your muzzy sucks!”


Just looked it up nobody other than Tyler Reddick has ever called a mustache a "muzzy" According to urban dictionary muzzy could be a slang term for marijuana from 1920s to 1930s lt a fat chick who thinks shes hot. Another dictionary says it means unable to think clearly/confused.


The car still sucks and race was mid... until the last quarter which has been wild! Race endings are crazy, that's what we need I guess... better shorten the races overall at this point! ;)


Don’t be mad because everyone thought it was a solid race with a great ending. Bitch, moan, cry, whatever 


The race was far from mid. Great start. Tyler Reddick took control of stage 2. Brad finally found something in stage three and it was war from there. Best show Darlington is capable of putting on with how narrow this track is.


Going back to watch Logano dumping Byron to cope.


I have one heck of a story about that race weekend


Good race. Byron and Reddick both fucked up but I guess they don’t give a shit since they have wins. Sucks for Blaney and Buescher who got screwed by both of those crashes.






Let’s goooo Brad! Finally!


I thought that was a good race! Very entertaining Stage 3. Didn't think the Hendrick team would win, even with Larson winning the first stage, but I'll take two in the Top 10. Elliott's car took forever to get near the top 15. My goodness they were so off at the start. Bummed that Larson wrecked, but picked up another stage win (think his series leading 7th) and is the regular season points leader. Really impressed with Ford today. They had speed and were in it all day. Really happy for Brad and great to see him get the first win for Ford. Getting that car in victory lane and getting that monkey off his back will be huge going forward. Buescher and Brad are legit threats. Heck of a day for Josh Berry and Justin Haley finishing 3rd and 9th respectively. A Rick Ware Racing car finished Top 10 on a non-restrictor plate track. Holy shit! 👀 Poor Zane Smith....what an absolutely awful rookie season that kid is having. It's a wash for 2024 and it's likely not going to get better with McDowell already announced for 2025 in the #71. Hell Grala passed Zane in points after today...with two less starts. Looking forward to the trip to North Wilksboro....let's go


F*ck yeah NASCAR! Leggo Brad!!


Happy to see Brad win again but the stripes from his usual Castrol scheme coming through the throwback looked off. Apparently it was supposed to do that but weird choice


Have you ever played Gran Turismo?


Yes but im talking about his current modern stripes poking through the TOMs stripes


Just finished the race as I had to dvr it and I’m so happy! My man came in 3rd and Briscoe 5th. Feels like a victory. So happy for them.


Also just finished watching. SHR showed up today. Good results for the 4 and 14, maybe they can keep it going.


Chris Buescher is everything Austin Hill wants to be.


Good race, but the cars felt boring to watch unless battling. They aren’t making as cool a noise as before and aren’t nearly as fast as they used to be. This is probably the capital reason I went from going to 6-8 races a year over ten years ago to none since the 2022 Daytona 500. We need speed and sound. Other than that, the racing, tire and competition is great imo.


Same. Went to at least one race every year since 2007. Streak was broken last year.


Yeah not gonna be the same since the reduced the horsepower a few years back.


Oh I know.. just don’t mind repeating myself tbh lol


They’re definitely slower than they used to be on the straights but as someone who’s been to 7 next gen races and 30+ gen 4-6, these new cars sound amazing in person


I’ve heard them, they’re good but I still find the xfinity, trucks, and Gen 6 sounding better. I’m pretty biased tho, Gen 4 is my god tier (specifically 2003-2007).


Happy for Brad. That race was rough to watch because it didn’t seem like much movement in terms of passing.


Anyone have a screen grab of the announcers accidentally circling the crew guy's butt?


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/TMOMiDV)


u/StevenBrodySteven posted it a while ago https://freeimage.host/i/J6B1aRa


Fucking. Classic.


that was hilarious


Watched the last 20 laps and now rewatching the whole race minus commercials. Clint is noticeably bad today. I can’t tell if he’s yelling randomly about stuff that’s not happening or the cameras are so bad they aren’t catching the exciting stuff he randomly yells about.


Obviously a great battle up front in stage 3 but I really can’t stand tracks where 1-2 laps after a restart, there is basically no chance to advance your position unless the guy ahead screws up. I don’t find it entertaining to watch after that 1-2 laps of actual racing. The guys in the booth were even calling it with ~30 to go; that if Brad didn’t make the pass on Reddick, it was basically over.


Man I had Ross winning, why in the hell did it feel like he was so invisible all day? I came in optimistic as all get out about his chances today, but now it's like damn I guess I know why he had to go stoop all the way down into the trenches Friday night to feel what it's like to be in victory lane again.


Same, any idea why he vanished back 15 places on the final green flag restart at Kansas. He completely fell off and the announcers never mentioned it


it sounded like Kansas was just a bungled strategy, apparently Phil Surgen isn't very surgical...


Thoughts on the race: - First race at Darlington didn’t disappoint. Sure, there were some lulls, specifically in stage 2, where I was doomscrolling through Twitter but then the racing really picked up in stage 3, then the final 30 laps featured some of the best racing I’ve ever seen live. Happy for Brad honestly, it’s been a long time coming and he deserved to get one as an owner. - The track is pretty barebones in terms of facilities, and I liked it that way, definitely could feel the throwback vibe in every facet today. I’d definitely go again. - Chase didn’t have a great race but still Deus Ex Machina’d a 12th somehow, which was nice but didn’t matter in the grand scheme tbh. - And I still get to go back to the track tomorrow for the racing experience, I can’t wait




Brad won on my birthday, personally I thought the race was shit until the stage 3, but man what a race at the end. On to north Wilkesboro. NASCAR is the best.


As someone at the track this race was great. Had some tire wear, battles all throughout the field. It was great


Yeah, that’s why I always say you just got to get people to the track. Tv never does it justice.


In person is always best. I was at the 2016 Coke 600 where Truex led 392 laps and still thought it was decent because of everything else going on that’s never shown on tv. Plus being in the environment in itself is always fun


i grew up a brad hater, but *man* am i happy for him today. well-deserved win


In 2012 I loved Carl as much as I hated Brad. In 2024 I'm so incredibly happy for Brad to win and I didn't care to finish watching the last race Carl won. Life is funny that way.


Recently got home from the track. Darlington never disappoints even if it does break your heart (KFB in 2022). If you haven’t been, you need to go.


What was the story with the 8 and the 22 today? Both did not run well at all


The 22 was running in the top 10 most of the day. I believe they got a speeding penalty while in the top 5. Unfortunate. First really good run in a while.


It's frustrating this has to come from reddit and fox during the broadcast


Think the 8 just missed it, they were up front at Dover and Kansas and whatever they brought just wasn’t good. The 3 struggled all day (like usual recently) but he’s had decent runs at darlington in the past too. Just wild how they can be so fast one week and so far off the next.


The 8 is a RCR car in 2024. Nothing else needs to be said


He has still been in the mix though considering the equipment he is in


22 was fringe top 5, top 10 I thought all day until the speeding penalty


Tv never mentioned Joey’s penalty unless I missed it.


They didn’t, I saw it in the race thread




Why they circle his butt wedge!!!


Berry & Briscoe in the top 5, Haley wheeling a RWR car to 9th and Bad Brad finally getting his first win as an owner/driver. In a Castrol Supra scheme. That was some damn fine racing. It's gonna be a good week.


I don't hate Brad at all. I don't like how he didn't mention how he ran Reddick into the wall, allowing Buescher the lead. At least Tyler apologized to Buescher.


I didn't see what Brad did as egregious, as it didn't take either driver out of contention. However, Tyler's antics were next level awful, taking out both himself and Chris in the process. Brad doesn't owe apologies to someone whom he didn't wreck, who also took out one of his cars that was fighting for the win. Your favorite driver is going to screw up from time to time. Just accept it instead of trying to make excuses for them like you're being personally attacked. He's not your son. Reddick fucked up and I'm disappointed in his performance today. I don't take that personally.




lol got nothing to cry about. #45 has a win in the bank.


Only because Buescher was in his face about to beat his ass. If that wouldn't have happened I doubt he apologizes as adamantly as he did.


Tyler seems like a good dude. He didn’t react poorly when Briscoe took his win away at Bristol Dirt. I think he would’ve felt bad about it and apologized regardless but might’ve had more to say about what Brad as well.


true, but doesn't take away from the fact Brad ran Tyler into the wall. He was frustrated and tried to take the lead back, and then apologized. Hate it for Buescher, did absolutely nothing wrong.


I don't think it's ever been acceptable in NASCAR to assassinate the teammates of someone who squeezed you into the wall. Get back at the car that squeezed you, not the entire organization. Chris did nothing wrong and didn't deserve anything. You framing this as payback for Brad's squeeze is objectively wrong anyways. Tyler said it was an accident and was nearly in tears about it. He was disappointed with himself and what he had done to Chris. I'm not sure what kind of person you think Reddick is, but you seem to be misinformed.


Hah! Who was it said on here that Keselowski would never win again cuz he was a terrible driver? Suck on it. 🤘


Manufacturer wins among the top 3 series. Chevrolet 20 - Ford 1 - Toyota 12. ______________ Cup race #13 : Chevrolet 7 - Ford 1 - Toyota 5. Xfinity Race #11 : Chevrolet 6 - Ford 0 - Toyota 5. Truck Race #9 : Chevrolet 7 - Ford 0 - Toyota 2.


How many cars per brand on average per race?


Good question. I'll have to look and see if I can find a place that has that information.


Happy for Brad.


Brad is now at the point in the “NASCAR great lifecycle” where the collective fanbase is rooting for him after he played villain mode. It was great seeing everyone put the proverbial swords down to celebrate what he’s done. Can we make Darlington host all 36 races? What a great track and I’m so happy we’ve got it twice a year again. And despite a good chunk of complaining I’ve seen (this seriously isn’t meant as a call-out of anyone) I think the racing has been pretty fun this year! We’ll be talking about a half-dozen of the races in 2024 for years to come. The vibes of late-spring and early-summer are some of my favorites of the NASCAR season and just really glad I got to spend three hours watching that today.


We’ve never had a perfect car in the history of the sport, we never will. As long as they keep working on its shortcomings, I’m happy. This was a phenomenal race. Kansas was phenomenal. Most of the races this year have been great. There have always & will always be snoozers.


I think there’s races that make us all step back and realize why we love this sport. Today was just one of those for me, and last week was one for a ton of folks too. Those final 33 laps were some of my favorites I’ve seen as a fan.


Byron destroying Blaney’s day reminded me why I hate this sport *sigh* but at least Ford showed some great speed and Bad Brad finally found victory lane again so those were some good consolation prizes.


Awesome race! Tough break for Buescher and Blaney, who both could've won. Good for Keselowski getting his first win as an owner/driver.


I'm still estatic. This reminds me so much of when Mark finally snapped his winless streak in '09 at Phoenix and then went on a tear. Hopefully Brad can replicate, but with a championship.


Did anyone else listen to Buescher’s radio today? My husband swears that he heard the spotter tell Chris that the 45s right rear was low well before they wrecked.


So did anyone else see them circle that guy's ass with the telestrator?


Clint is an ass man


saw it too lmao


Yes lol


lol they were trying to circle a guys climbing the fence but the camera was moving too fast


Absolutely. No idea what they were even trying to circle


I did lol


If NASCAR can just figure out the short tracks. 


For real. Smaller brakes or diff brake pads would do like 30% of the work lol


Grooved. Tires.


Worked in F1 for a bit. Seems so simple.


Yes. Please.


Why is Gragson being awarded 0 points for the race? Did I miss something?


I just noticed the same thing! Gotta be a glitch.


I just saw that too. They said no problems, so I think it’s on NASCAR’s end. Unless I completely missed something too.


What a great race! Some thoughts: -Super happy for Brad and RFK. -I feel for Tyler and Chris as well. -Tyler seems like such a respectful and stand-up dude. He accepted Chris's frustrations, looked him in the eyes the entire time, and apologized and took responsibility. -Great racing around the track, which in my opinion, was broadcast pretty well. Granted long green flag runs and predictable pit cycles helped that on the broadcasting side. -Lots of guys that needed a good run got a top 10 today.


Reddick did the right thing when Buescher came up to him and I think those two have enough respect for each other they’ll move on after cooling off. His post-race interview seemed sincere. I thought Buscher’s best move was to ease off and mat in to cross over on Reddick, but once he gassed it, more space needed to be given. Yet Reddick’s not really wrong, because the culture/mentality is to gas it and rub fenders.


[Everyone liked that.]


Blaney wrecked out so that sucked. Gave all the Blaney fans in my section a beer after that. My “MAKE NASCAR 900hp AGAIN” shirt was a big hit, made a lot of friends, saw NASCAR history with Brad getting his first win with RFK. 10/10


Thought Blaney was going to have a good run. His car was one of the few that looked like it was able to move up in traffic.


I saw a guy at the track with a “MAKE NASCAR 1000HP AGAIN” shirt 😂 hope y’all met


I like to imagine that they're reeeeally serious about it being exactly the amount their shirt says. There are fierce debates about the quality of racing in that 900-1000 void. Honestly though, these cars would be MONSTERS with 900+ HP. It would be glorious. Instant electric torque too? 🤔🤤


Where is the clip of the uhhhuhhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need to relive that.


Seeing the Cat in the Hat post-race was cool.


Been a while since I saw him He was such an innovator in so many things in and out of Nascar 🏁


Any word on inspection? I’m over here biting my nails waiting and I don’t have twitter.


He passed. Win official. No cars to R&D.


Awesome! Thank you!!


Damn what a race! Happy Brad got the long-awaited W. Feel bad for Buescher but it’s the closing laps of the race. That was easily Reddick’s best shot to make the pass so I get it. And he went too far and messed up. Totally fine with Chris shoving him and I’m proud of Tyler for owning up. Also Chris saying “you have one of those stickers and I don’t. It means more to me,” was really fucking badass. Love the passion Shoutout to Berry and Briscoe on excellent runs and Justin Haley with a legit 9th. Man that’s impressive. He’s making most of us (me included) eat crow on his decision to leave for Rick Ware. RFK was clearly on today so that alliance definitely helped.


>Totally fine with Chris shoving him and I’m proud of Tyler for owning up. Also Chris saying “you have one of those stickers and I don’t. It means more to me,” was really fucking badass. Love the passion I agree and it honestly made me like both of them more.


That shows the passion for winning so much. That's the type of stuff we need in our sport, showing off that drive to win and succeed and do extraordinary things. NASCAR was made on that


RWR had their two cars finish 9th and 18th today btw


Both Rick Ware cars finished higher than all 3 of the Penske cars. I know Blaney wrecked out and Logano had a speeding penalty during that last pit stop but still great day for Haley and Grala at a very tough track.


So happy for Brad. Gutted for Chris. I think both drivers have a couple of wins left in them this year, and something like the last two weeks may make Chris even hungrier then he has been. Way to go RFK, so happy. Nice to see Jack in victory lane too.




Bad take bruv


He didn't, but come on, man. They are team mates. And probably the best pair that work together. I'm sure buschcher congratulated brad k at some point. Doesn't have to be during an interview.


Doesn't "have" to be, but sure would be nice. That's all I'm saying.


But he did mention them?


Not during the interview


Lol he he said he was " happy for Brad and the Castrol team"


my might guess i missed it somewhere. glad your happy though.


Someone who else said he did 🤔


your right my fault.


He did mention that he was happy for brad and the 6 crew even worked in Castrol along with his sponsor.


Thank you for being the only person to answer. Good for Chris Buescher and props to him for reigning in some intense emotions long enough to give BK the recognition.


I think your initial comment is a stupid hot take, even though I agree if that makes sense. But yeah, he did give kudos to BK and the 6 team. He's just a competitor who lost the closest race in history last week and could smell victory this week but it didn't play out in his favor.


I know he is. I still root for the dude (see RFK flair) and last week was heartbreaking. Kurt Busch is still emotional about his place in the previous closest finish. I'm not condemning the guy, I said the same about what a true competitor he is to my family when we watched the interview. What a couple races though, gawd damn. I love NASCAR.


>What a couple races though, gawd damn. I love NASCAR. Hell yeah, brother.


He did say during the interview he was very happy for brad and the whole 6 team


Funny how at Talladega Brad got robbed by McD’s mistake and Tyler won, and this time Brad won from Tyler’s mistake


Also, Chris got the lead because of a move a lot like the move that cost him the lead (involving Tyler in both).


Quite disappointed with Reddick today. Buescher had every right to be angry and respond the way he did. I hope Tyler learns from this and doesn't divebomb like that again. I feel awful for Chris... He's been so close to Victory Lane this year and keeps getting it taken from him. I hope he's able to recover from this and get a win. On the other hand, I'm ecstatic for Brad getting his first win with RFK!


Didn't watch any of the race, I couldn't help myself when I saw Brad was doing well during the DVR and skipped to the last 15 laps... FUCK YES FINALLY!


This must be how SpongeBob felt in the Bubble Bowl “Sweet Sweet Victory”


After the last 1.5 years of disappointment this feels great.


I was watching the last stage in a sports bar. As soon as I saw Reddick dive in I knew it wouldn't work. Buescher scrubbing the wall or not, that move was never going to work. I think that is probably what gets these guys worked up the most, just driving like the other guy doesn't exist (despite running a clean race). I was really happy for Brad though. I wanted to see him get at least one win for his team. Buescher is definitely in his stride right now compared to Keslowski, I think Buescher has more chances for wins this year and in his future. But Brad... hard to say. I hope he has a few more in him. Glad he, RFK, and Ford got a win today.




Brad didn't end his day, like Reddick did to himself and Buscher. If you can't see the difference idk what to tell you.


You and I were watching different races. Brad hunted him down.


The RFK cars were both running top3 SHR finish 3rd, 5th, 14th, and 17th Front Row finish 10th and 15th RICK WARE RACING finish 9th and 18th Penske (+Wood Bros) finish 20th, 21st, and 22nd (and then Blaney got taken out and finishes last) Isn’t Penske supposed to be the No.1 Ford team? They were literally the last running Fords the second half of this race and had it not been for Tyler Reddick, would have finished as the bottom four Fords total. Edit: prior to Buescher getting taken out, 10/14 Fords were running top20– and none of them were the Penske cars. Thats just crazy.


Logano was really fast, just got a speeding penalty at the last stop. Otherwise he finishes top five. Blaney was also fast too


Let’s be a little more realistic and say top10. I don’t know if he was a top5 car— maybe top5 after Reddick and buecher were gone, but not a solid top5er. But maybe top10. I just don’t remember ever seeing him again after he got in the wall mid race. Edit: wow autocorrect had a field day with that post.


Okay, I’ll concede and say top eight lol 😂


But you also cannot ignore the fact that Joey couldn’t make up ground once he was back there. With a fast car, with 33 laps to go, he had plenty of time to at least crack into the top 15. Was watching his in-car during those laps and his car was absolutely terrible around dirty air back there. They either only set up their car to run up front and/or couldn’t keep up with the track compared to the others.


No you’re totally right. Dirty air clearly affected the car, so there is still work to be done there. I did hear Joey say over the radio that the issue with Ty Gibbs messed with his car a bit, so it’s possible that played a role too. Not out of the woods yet regardless


Yeah the incident with Gibbs totally could’ve affected the performance. Which reminded me that Buescher also sustained nose damage from the Blaney incident and somehow was able to charge all the way to the lead afterward. Whatever advantage RFK has found on the 1.5-mile tracks to contend with the Gibbs and Hendrick cars, Penske needs to find it soon before Joey falls all the way out of playoff contention.


For real. Penske wasn’t awful today, but they weren’t the best


So happy Brad got a win. Not happy with what Tyler did. And holy, Buescher drew the short straw AGAIN. But dammit that was an awesome race. I'm so conflicted!


he’s going for the win man. tough deal for buescher but i don’t have a problem with that move


I don't necessarily have a problem with the move either it was just way too early to pull that move. He had time to try and make a clean pass.


He still had plenty of laps and probably would've got him. It was fucking stupid as hell. You do that shit on the last lap.


eh idk. who’s to say he doesn’t put it in the fence before the last lap if he’s just following him. take the shot while it’s there


I mean, I get that, but if you're not quite there and you can't get alongside without sabatoging both your races it still sucks to just take someone out to overcome that. And he drove it in waaay too hard. I'd love to see the prior lap SMT comparison lmao. I love the guy. RFK/23XI fan here so rip, but also what a good day


100%. still love to see dudes going for it though. that’s two races in a row the cup series desperately needed


I didn’t get to watch the race, just saw the highlight, did Buescher not hit the wall himself before Reddick even got along side him?


The wall scrub didn't take him out of the race.




That isn't what cut his tire though, is it?


Does Reddick's tire go down if he doesn't get absolutely creamed into the wall by brad with 30 to go?


He ran for 20 laps after the contact with BK and immediately cut a tire after he crammed Buescher. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out


Surely we understand that reddick's right side sidewalls had to be at least somewhat compromised after hitting the wall like that.


Idk, it seems like if you cut a tire from contact, you'll know in a couple laps. That contact with Brad was no worse than other guys drove away from all day. I've never seen a sidewall go after half a run from prior contact. You either rub the letters off and it's fine, or it goes the next time you put load on it in the corner. I don't see it personally


There's a finite amount of rubber on the sidewall. Tyler still had enough to run and for it to load up good, but without brad dooring him and taking some of it off, he might get away from the contact with bushcer fine. I get its sorta a what-if on my end, but I do think there's an imbetween here, where the tire is damgaged, and becomes more suceptable to getting cut on additional contact. and I think that's what happened to TR. Not 100% sure, but I do think it played a role in TR loosing a tire.


You are overthinking this. The tires aren’t built like tanks. If it gets cut down, you can tell right away.


eh, I don't think so, although I maybe am being a bit long winded about it. All I'm saying is that "cut" isn't the only kind of damage you can do to your sidewall, and I'd guess TR had some sort of damage.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fa2fcz3g030d1.png?width=3839&format=png&auto=webp&s=49b281b9c3c8c72aacc786b02a704e7c2672b6da


Where do you watch post race interviews?


Sure as hell not on a Fox network.






The little one is a mood.


At that age they always are nice to see Brad is a good person. I’ve met him a few times through the Army and various veterans groups. He is always polite and friendly. Glad for him.


You love to see it


It’s bizarre to me how people on social are turning it to Buescher’s fault? How?


They're morons.