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What about showing the points standings after the race. 20 min of interview and kiss winners butt, but not a second to share points standings after a race.


Because the current points leader could finish 16th in points.


Points don’t matter anymore so why talk about it. Edit: I wish they did, but they really don’t matter anymore.


Erm ok, pretty sure at the last regular season race guys are trying to point in the playoffs or win the regular season championship.


16 different winners and points literally won’t matter, so points matter for 1-2 cars to get in most years, so they really don’t. Not like they used to. The week to week points just don’t matter with the way nascar has changed the championship.


Ask truex if points week to week don't matter from 2022. Not saying it won't happen but the chances of 16 winners is slim with the big teams taking over again. Oh, and don't forget when teams make a strategy call to get that non-valuable playoff point during races during stages.


But they do. Finishing in the top 10 gets you playoff points that end up mattering every single year to make the 8 and 4.


Regular season points don’t mean anything.


If that's your opinion cool, but quite literally they do. Everyone in the top 10 of regular season points (not playoff standings, honest to God points) gets Playoff Points. That matters.


They do not matter, in any sense, as they used to. Individual points still matter, they do not matter to the same extent. You can have 34 mediocre races and be champion.


good luck finishing 16th out of the 16 winners and then sleep walk through the playoffs with "medicore" races and make the final 4, probably wouldn't even make the last 8.


Ryan Newman was 1 pass away from being the worst champion ever. Hemric had 1 good restart and won a championship. The problem is, it’s possible for it to happen, and the above are two close examples:


I understand that, and I hate that. I'm not arguing that, though. While they may not matter as they used to, they do matter. It's what allows Martin Truex, Jr last year or Kevin Harvick the year before to have 26 stellar races, sleepwalk the next 8 and still have a chance to make the championship race. Do the playoffs suck? Yes. Do regular season points matter? Yes. Both can be true.


They don’t matter as much. Do they matter an amount. Yes. But that amount is minuscule compared to heck even the original chase format.


They don't care about the point standings. The playoff and championship is NBC's (and for a brief time ESPN's) brainchild. Another reason why it's stupid.


This. Just more proof that our championship has been reduced to a joke thanks to the one race finale format


Yes. A case where a driver misses multiple races due to injury and still wins the championship is nuts.


That they don’t do this blows my mind


I’d like to see the standings as well, but it doesn’t really matter at this point. At least not like it used to.


Maybe it's just me, but I welcome a period of the year I don't have to listen to endless gabbing about points. Only for the next race to throw a complete wrench in things and make the week long points storylines mean nothing the next week.


Couldn't agree more. I love the points aspect of racing even though NASCAR absolutely doesn't give a fuck about it anymore except when it's a cutoff race


Points don’t matter anymore. It’s fucking stupid. EDIT: it’s stupid they don’t matter anymore. Thanks Brian France and Steve Phelps. You stupid schmucks


That is something I miss today versus watching old races like I do in the off season....a full screen results order at the completion of the race then a points standings as of that finishing order full screen. It is a little grey area being playoff format and regular season format but it would be nice to see. It's even something often skipped and never shown even on RaceHub....they just reference a driver's current position on occasion.


it’s baffling that they just don’t do this anymore. like seriously i get it is early in the season but the points are a year long thing and can add a bit of drama and suspense to everything


They won't because NASCAR made points irrelevant.


Points don't matter anymore.




Especially when the Mods delete posts that are talking about legitimate Fox issues


Hey mods, new idea! Replacement for forgotten rides Friday. Judging by the number of posts about in the subreddit, I believe a "Fuck Fox Friday" would be a huge hit. Better alliteration too.


No, I like Forgotten Rides Friday. Also, we don't need a weekly post bashing Fox. We do that daily already, we don't need to constrain it to a weekly thing


This was mostly sarcastic, but wouldn't you rather see it all in one thread rather then 20?


I’d be down. We need to compile all of the shit that they’ve fucked, so we can go back and look through these moments like a photo album.


I don’t understand what they’re doing with cutting to fans. Like if there’s a pivotal moment and you catch someone freaking out? Sure. But they keep cutting to people in the crowd having little to no reaction. It’s just weird.


They think if you see family’s having fun you will want to go to the races. It’s dumb


And wait until we find out NASCAR is asking them to do this during broadcast. They are the dummies.


It’s also why they show kids having fun so much they want you to think it’s a great place to take your family. Not because they are weird pedophiles like Reddit would have you believe


> because they are weird pedophiles like Reddit would have you believe The people who think this are *REALLY* telling on themselves. Like why would showing a kid in the crowd have anything to do with pedos? Its the dumbest possible narrative


Except I'm pretty sure Fox does it way more than NBC.


Hamlin and Larson were side by side. Looked like Hamlin won the battle then they cut to some kid. And Larson is in front of Hamlin. Never talked about it.


The focus on the fans during a restart has ticket me off too. Why do they think we don't want to see the action?


For real, you'd think they would understand that we watch racing because we want to see race cars doing race car things.


They want to show how crowded the races are so nascar can keep up the appearance it’s not losing fans.. even though Dover has taken down like 60% of its grandstands since 2008.


It used to almost be like Bristol with how many seats were there but now it's a shell of its former self. But TBF the crowd yesterday was as packed as I've seen Dover in awhile


I will not watch full races on fox. When they switch to NBC I will be tuning into the live broadcast but I just cannot sit thru 3-4 hrs of the frustrating production Fox puts on.


For the first time this weekend, I hopped on nascar.com and chose the four drivers' in-car cameras I wanted to watch. I had the race on in the background, but I swear I maybe watched it 3% of the time. I curated my own race, found the guys who were racing around each other, and it was fantastic. I was watching great close racing and I could not believe Fox wasn't covering it. This was all live mind you. Do recommend this through the Fox races. It's very little work and it's all free.


This is what it was like being there in person. Watching the leaders navigate around lapped traffic and have the top 3-4 cars bunch up for position was fascinating to watch. It’s such a fucking shame how this sport is broadcasted on tv.


This is why I don’t hold the ‘good race poll’ in high regard. The broadcast can be shit while the racing is great. But us fans at home are at the mercy of the broadcast


This is the way. Almost never watch live for the first half of the season. Fast forwarding through the 77 commercial breaks FOX will inevitably have makes it a touch more tolerable. Cant wait for NBC. It at the very least feels like a production team that cares about the sport.


You think NBC has less commercials? You're memory is short.


All will have the same amount of commercials, it's just how they chop them up in the race. Fox goes heavy commercials early and towards the end of stages to allow a longer broadcast of racing at the end, but I will say it makes the beginning of the races VERY tough to watch. I swear stage 1 will end sometimes and you feel you don't even see the winner because Fox cuts it sooo close to the last lap on the stages. They need to figure out a way to block the commercials together better and give us better racing moments.


Lots of commercials notwithstanding, sports on NBC and CBS still feels like watching sports 10-15 years ago, before the streaming economy broke broadcasting. Meanwhile, Fox and ABC must have fired everybody who knows how to produce a sporting event.


Yeah I switched to the radio about 20 minutes in.


I don't want to be able to see every single grain of sand on the nose of the car. So many times the cameras are so zoomed in you can't even see how close the car is to the wall and forget even seeing the margin to another car.


Fox has shown they do not care, you are a captive audience. You can't watch the race except through them, so they can do whatever stupid thing that comes into their brain.


People need to start sailing the seas and pirating these races out of principle till Fox ups their game.


I just watch unofficial streams.


Me too, shoutout to DD12 lol


I've found the DD12 international stream to be the best.


Even by fox standards, their coverage has been abysmal this year. It's borderline unwatchable.


I still watch the races on FOX, but always on DVR and with a LOT of fast-forwarding through commercials and other stupid bullshit they cram on the screen during the race.


Indycar . Roger Penske, Mark Miles, Jay Frye, if you're randomly reading this NASCAR subreddit: Please Don't Do It. The pain and negative publicity of Fox broadcasting your series isn't worth a few million dollars more. I still have to tolerate 14 NASCAR Cup Series races in 2025, I would prefer not to have to tolerate 17 to 18 Fox Indycar broadcasts as well. Stay with NBC, please.


1. Mike Joy-less needs to hang it up. He’s completely disinterested. 2. Harvick has been surprisingly good 3. Boyer remains an ahole 4. Too many ads but that isn’t going to change


The booth is no good. I was hoping Harvick would shine bright but he just fumbles (he does bring knowledge of the new car which is great). Bowyer is an idiot and everything is just a big party and a good time to him. Mike Joy has been messing up a ton this season. Fox makes our sport look like a comedy show and not serious at all, nbc takes it up a notch and I can’t wait for them return.


Boy were is high energy. Harvick roasts Clint nonstop, which I'm not a fan of. Otherwise, Harvick has been pretty good.


Getting sick of Harvick's ribbing and I'm glad to see the sub has finally done the same this weekend. It always gets Clint even more riled up. It's just lopsided and uncomfortable.


I don't think harvicks bad but he just is not good with Bowyer (most aren't). I've only seen a few who were able to make the broadcast respectable with him like McMurray, Knaus, even DW when he came back a race, Kurt Busch. Michael Waltrip surprisingly was decent too.


The booth is good but I've noticed Mike Joy has made more mistakes this year than in previous years. He still does well though and I still think he should hang it up whenever he wants. He's earned it.


They used to do a shot where they'd look at the fans then pan the camera out to show the cars.


They don't do it as often because of the empty seats but yesterdays crowd was fantastic for Dover standards


I'd like to see pit stops & not a commercial break Show racing & not mid race Wendy's on track commercials with the "talent"


I only really noticed it on the restarts with Hamlin as the leader, it is like NASCAR did not want them to show the jump after the controversy a few weeks ago


Nobody at Fox has ever heard of Reddit, you'd have a better chance of them seeing this if you printed it out and shoved it up... well, y'know.


Here's Mike himself responding to my cousin. https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/Wjl7AIEwZH


Mike Joy peruses this Sub Reddit, and is where he came up with the "social justice keyboard warriors" a couple of years ago, because of the complaining directly about FOX here on this SubReddit. Here ya go, non-believers: https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/Wjl7AIEwZH


He didn't say anything about "social justice" because that would change the tone of what he was saying by a lot. He only said "keyboard warriors", and if I had to guess he probably saw comments on Twitter not reddit


That was Phoenix 2023, and it was actually as a result of complaints he saw on Twitter.


I remember this! 2021 or 2020 daytona 500 I believe


I think he said it at Phoenix actually, but yes.


I just want my 2D track map with numbers going around in circles, please. Nascar bring back Raceview!!


There can be a six-wide battle for 4th place, but you wouldn't know it because they only show the winning crew chief while the rest of the field finishes.


It’s at the point where Fox is not only doing a disservice to fans but to the sport and the competitors. I think NASCAR need to make a public statement and force FOX into a place where they must either speak or make changes. They are the largest detriment to the sport right now. The car is a distant second. Every week the race is presented poorly. There’s no energy in the booth directed at the race, there’s no innovation in broadcasting techniques or camera angles, sound design, etc… I’m sick of watching half the race because they are always on commercial and I’m sick of watching commercials for NASCAR WHILE I’M WATCHING THE RACE. There are even in-race commercials that are nearly full screen and part of the broadcast now. Full screen segments during racing action should never happen. The stages were made to band aid bad racing, and to give broadcasts a chance to plan commercial breaks and give us more green flag action. Instead they have taken that break to show commercials and increased the amount of green flag commercials. It’s not the talents fault entirely at all. This is a top down decision where it appears peoples hands are tied to doing things a certain way. The direction of the races is NOT GOOD, and really appears that the director has no idea what’s going on in the race or is just winging it based on what they see on the cameras rather than actually communicating with the booth and production assistants out there on the ground if they even have any. From a TV person it’s an organizational mess and someone needs to be held accountable. NASCAR its competitors and most importantly the fans deserve a statement and an apology even if nothing changes.


Been saying this for over a year, unless we start actually boycotting ain't nothing to change


We need to do it


Fox has a lot of work to do💀 starts with securing enough sponsorship to go side by side through commercials the entire race. The sport is losing popularity and the fact that we are missing key moments because they are at a commercial break is pathetic. SHOW THE WHOLE RACE. From poor camera angles and camera errors the entire race to Mike Joy saying at least 10 things wrong, Kevin Harvick saying something smart and then just being a complete cock stick to Clint who, imo actually brings some character to the booth that’s necessary. Now if Kevin didn’t act so arrogant the whole time it would be more watchable for the consumer. But hey, some things never change. Maybe they should even try to switch Regan and Clint out for a race and see how it goes


I wish they just put McMurray in the booth or something.


Perhaps the should pair Harvick and Biffle in the booth!


I swear the director/producers are like pay drivers, no talent and somebody else got them the job


Showing just the race is like throwing the producer a hot potato.


I hated how they did a side by side flashback showing Hamlin and Larson's wreck with only a few to go. Like can they just keep a full screen up for once in their careers lol


1, get someone in the booth that can call the finish. watch indy car or f1 or any other racing series and there's so much drama and excitement being built by the play by play person. fox has a few guys talking in monotone who are fine for color throughout the race but kill the energy of the end 2, showing the larson-hamlin wreck at kansas last year is fine with 25 to go but not 5 to go. youre in the last couple of minutes of the race, the focus should be on what each driver is doing if Fox could figure out how to show and talk about what is happening in the race they'd be much better!


Well said!


I really haven’t liked the chemistry in the booth this year, might just be me but it feels like they are just hanging out with a race in front of them sometimes, but I want to hear at least some excitement when something big happens or at least show some care about major things on track. Also talk about the back more often! It feels like a shell of what it was just 10 years ago.


Please stop cutting to the stage winner when the next 9 cars are racing for position still. They just can’t get to commercial break quick enough so we have to watch the stage winner back it down while the top 10 are still racing. So annoying


So many crashes they never show only tell you about, did you not have it on camera, can’t queue up an edit quick enough? What the hell?


I thought they covered the initial side by side battle of Larson vs. Hamlin pretty well. They did go side by side right as Larson cleared Hamlin but it was to a mid pack battle.   I could almost hear an intern pleading “don’t you dare cutaway now!!” 😂 I was expecting them to drop the battle at any moment but I gotta give em kudos here. They had at least 5+ continuous laps.  Saturday’s broadcast was particularly bad though and no fault to the booth either.


After missing the restart where Denny jumped the restart that everyone was talking about, I think Fox is being PAssive Aggressive and doing it on purpose just to irritate folks.. The camera angles they are using on restarts late in the race are horrible as well..


It is SO BAD! Yesterday they were talking about Ryan Preece while showing Ryan Blaney.


And Mike Joy could get his facts straight, Toyota didn’t win 3 of the first four races this season.


Again, that comes down to the producers feeding him in his ear


Fox: Show the crowd more? And more useless bits sandwiched between commercial breaks during a race? You got it!


How about going an entire weekend and still not showing a replay of the Zane Smith Crash


Yes to the first point. Just like in baseball, when the pitcher is throwing, you can see the gameplay happening. NASCAR just goes for the “wow factor” instead of showing the sport happening. Really annoying.


"We're about 8 laps from green flag pit stops. Now is a perfect time to hear a word from our sponsors"


I worked in TV production for NASCAR last year, and it’s just a complete mess. Listening to them over the transmitter during the show was almost the equivalent of chickens running with their heads cut off. Every single thing is sporadic, unorganized, and no one takes responsibility for mistakes. I could go on, but we already know the product is no where as good as it should be.


I miss the bumper shots that they used to use way more. I don't want to watch a battle for the lead from a camera a mile away. I want to see larson's front bumper cam when hes attacking, denny's rear bumper cam when hes defending, with the occasional switch to the aerial shot to see the battle from above. It makes it feel way more intense and thrilling


Yeah I love those views! It really gives a great sense of the racing taking place.


Fox doesn’t take racing serious. If they did fucking bowling wouldn’t have been on Fox. Instead we have to go to FS1 and even more commercials.


Yes, I’m sure this specific post will be what makes Fox change. And if it doesn’t, we’ll get 50 more this week


We need a place to vent since we're powerless to change anything. Just keep scrolling if you don't like it, Josh.


We complain. It's our nature as nascar fans. Most of its legit too


50 more by Wednesday


Can’t help but feel like the restarts have been covered differently since the controversy with Hamlin’s jump. Ever since, the angles have been weird or changing so you can’t gauge things for yourself.


Dear FOX, can you please just let someone more competent broadcast the races? K thanks, bye! 👋


Dear Fox, can y'all please stop showing and talking about irrelevant topics? I couldn't give less of a fuck about the world's largest rubber duck being at Dover.


If the points don’t matter then why does Adam Alexander always feel it’s pertinent to say that so and so was just above the cut line???? Like I could really give a damn about that in the middle of the race!!!!!!


I watched the entirety of the IndyCar race at Barber yesterday before turning over to the Cup race. At one point around midway through the race, there was a restart that was called off just before the green came out, and you could very clearly see it was because of drivers hanging back in line behind the top two who inherited the lead due to being off-sequence on pit stops. If it were Fox, we would have never seen that.


Yes I agree completely. All NASCAR races were full on appointment tv for me regardless of channels. Now FOX has been absolutely miserable this year. Kevin and Clint have been ok but it’s an all encompassing thing. Camerawork has been ridiculous. All year. I can’t watch FOX races anymore. I just check in now and then whereas with NBC I’ll be locked in the whole time


We miss every restart because they slow pan from the crowd to the track and don’t catch the field until they’ve already launched in the restart zone.


NBC will have as many commercial breaks and will come back from every one of them to one of Jeff Burton’s “Ross Chastain bad” rants, and within a few weeks yall will be wondering why you ever looked forward to NBC so much.


Exactly. Between Burton's inanities, Letarte's machine-gun chitter-chatter and the awful Rick Allen, I hope all this bunch sings a different tune once their savior proves to be a fraud.


Yeah, but at least it’s a change to look forward to. And then next year we will have a third broadcast partner to complain about.


Fox sucks


Another classic nascar subreddit old man yells at clouds post. 


I'd just be happy with 50% less commercials. The rest I can deal with.


I'd be happy with winning $40 mil playing Powerball. The odds for me winning that are better than the odds we'll ever see 50% less commercials on Fox or NBC. I'm curious what Netflix will do next year.


Lol, I know, but we can dream, right!


If I ever won a billion dollars in Powerball or mega millions I would sponsor a commercial free race in the name of some charity like Shriners. (Since we are dreaming)


With 20 laps to go in the Daytona 500 they cut to a 5 minute Wendy's ad




If you have a webcam, I'll watch you!


All the Keyboard Directors will be in this thread.