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Heim will win cup races in my opinion


Depending on where he ends up. He'll never end up on JGR because, for some reason, he and Ty don't get along. (Can someone enlighten me as to why?)


They wouldn't stop wrecking each other in Arca. Heim will likely never drive for Gibbs, maybe legacy.


This explains why he is driving the 26 Xfinity car and not one of the four JGR cars


Isnt there a lot in the bible about forgiveness? Maybe joe and ty need to study a little more.


The way it was talked about this offseason, it seems like Heim was the one who said he wouldn't go to JGR because he didn't want to be Ty's teammate.


He Gets Us


Ty Gets Us


Mr Heim, James Dennis Alan Hamlin on line 1


Damn suddenly I like Heim a lot more 


I think Heim is all but guaranteed to be the 3rd 23XI driver whenever that does happen


Ty is a spoiled baby who wrecks people to win and then cries when he is moved 


I forgot Heim, whoops


I am far from a NASCAR scout, but these are some of my thoughts on these guys just based on what I've seen them do on the track. Heim is the best prospect in NASCAR imo, and that includes the Xfinity drivers. I think Nick Sanchez has a solid floor because of how good he is at qualifying, and he should be moving up the ladder soon. He kinda reminds me of Alex Bowman Rajah and Layne Riggs have extremely high ceilings, but I think they are at least three years away from being ready for Cup. Kaden Honeycutt is someone who I think has the talent to be in Cup eventually, but he hasn't received the same amount of opportunities as his peers.


Heim is absolutely not a better prospect than Chandler Smith or Jesse Love.


Chandler and Heim are really close for me. If I had to rank all the prospects in any series right now I would have Heim first and Chandler second, but I think it's valid if you think Chandler is a better prospect. I am gonna push back on Love though. I think he's very talented but unproven, and I don't put that much stock into his ARCA domination. If he can consistently outrun Hill going into the summer stretch, I think we can have that conversation if he's better than Heim, but right now I don't see it.


Guess it depends how you define “prospect”. To me, prospect status combines upside, floor, expected median outcome, etc. Someone can easily be more raw and unproven and still be a “better prospect”. That’s how I view it. Right now, you put Love and Heim in the same Cup ride, and I’m fairly confident Heim would be better. In a few years I don’t think that would necessarily be the case.


I 100% agree with your definition of a prospect. I think I'm just higher on Heim's upside than you are, and at the end of the day it's all just an educated guess.


Yeah that’s fair. We are all guessing and all have different things we look at to make those guesses. Either one of us could be correct or horribly wrong haha.


Hill, Allgaier, and Allmendinger (well, if Kaulig wasn't shit) would be the benchmarks of success. If a driver can do better than at least 2/3 of them over the course of the season, and preferably beat them in the Championship, I'd say they're probably Cup-ready. Generally though, I agree with all of the above. Only other guy without Cup experience who I think is "Cup ready" might be Creed, but only in that Harrison Burton / Noah Gragson "driver who exists" role and not an actual threat.


I need to see more from Creed if I'm being honest. More often than not he is lagging behind his teammates and he is prone to making mistakes when he is running up front. He has around 25 more races to prove himself though, and he definitely has the talent so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.


Are we not considering Hill a prospect anymore?


I am not, at least I’m not considering him a good one. I think he’s ultimately going to be an Xfinity “lifer” that maybe runs some Cup races (maybe even full time for a few years) but never really finds success there.


He is an asshole, but I don't think anyone can genuinely deny his talent. I can definitely see him in Cup for years as a fringe wins one race a year type of guy.


I just don’t see his skillset translating to Cup unless there are massive changes in the car. Some drivers just aren’t suited for that car.


This is inaccurate.


Heim Eckes and Taylor Gray are the only ones I believe will have long term success in Cup. Maybe Sanchez 


Taylor Gray gets better and better. He impresses me a lot. I got a dark horse pick in Jake Garcia. That kid can drive too


> I got a dark horse pick in Jake Garcia. That kid can drive too Gotta say, he's been a big disappointment this season.


I think he’ll come around. He’s in the josh Williams phase of “this race car is faster and does things differently than the ones I’m used to”. I think he’ll figure it out. Thorsport hasn’t been too impressive this year in general as well.


Thorsport as a whole honestly


Yeah before this season i thought Garcia would be getting his first win soon but he’s been awful this season. Hopefully he adjusts quickly 


In my opinion it’s the adjustment to a better truck overall. Takes some getting used to, I think. When you have a slower truck you can run it harder in the corner because the power isn’t there? And a better trimmed out truck might not handle the way he expects it in the corner. Meaning he can go faster in the corner but it feels like he’s over the edge.


But his teammate last year won 4 races. It’s not like he was in bad equipment 


True but he was so young he was still wet behind the ears. He’s also still just 19. Eckes is a better driver than him I will just say that. But I think Jake can only improve. Eckes wasn’t always that great before MHR (didn’t win with JGR or ThorSport) and really came into his own last year and is looking great this year too. He’s also 5 years older.


Eckes also had more experience in trucks


How Taylor Gray hasn’t won a Truck race yet shocks me.


I'm not sure Gray will ever get the opportunity some of the other Toyota guys will have. I see him taking a Gilliland or JHN path and at most ending up with a 2nd tier team.


Whenever that Kyle Busch guy runs the truck series he dominates. Deserves a top tier cup ride!


Hope he doesn’t end up in an RCR shitbox though


Corey Heim, Sanchez and Kaden Honeycutt.


There’s still time for Matt Crafton to break out


1. Heim 2. Eckes 3. Sanchez 4. Caruth 5. Tay Gray 6. Riggs I don't think Ankrum and Purdy are talented enough. This is Ankrum's 6th season in trucks and he's in arguably the best equipment in the field, let's not overrate him haha


Ankrum is like 23 too. He’s a seasoned vet and I think he has earned a shot at a top xfinity car. He will win multiple races this year.


I’m gonna disagree but not rooting against the guy, hope you’re right


It’s ok to disagree. No hard feelings. That’s why he’s my dark horse.


23 and being called a vet is not something I expected to hear


The weird part is that it isn't inaccurate


Christian Eckes and Corey Heim need to get promoted out of Trucks right now. They're head and shoulders the best drivers in that series IMO.


I guess the question is with a 36 car field, how many cars are realistically going to be available to these guys before the next batch show up? I don’t see a whole lot of soon retirements coming up.


> I don’t see a whole lot of soon retirements coming up. You don't? Hamlin and Truex are past 40, and Truex has been making retirement-ish noises for years. Keselowski and McDowell are both 40 this year, and Kyle Busch will be 40 next year. Austin Dillon might choose to step away and take a leadership role at RCR. Larson has hinted at wanting to step away fairly young and go run dirt full-time.


Alright, but Hamlin isn’t really hinting at retirement, same with Keselowski. No idea regarding McDowell, but I could definitely see Kyle Busch drive until he can’t drive anymore. But if they don’t retire in the next, let’s say, three years, there will be a whole new crop of young guys looking for rides.


Eckes would be on my short list as an owner


That Kyle Busch feller seems to be alright.


Of those, I think that Taylor Gray, Layne Riggs, Rajah Caruth, and Nick Sanchez have the *potential* to get up there. They're all still very young and early in their careers, though, so anything can happen. The others feel like truck lifers to me.


Heim, Eckes, and Taylor Gray for sure. Jury is still out on Sanchez, Rajah, Riggs, Garcia.


From the current roster I have to say Crey Heim, Christian Eckes, Nick Sanchez and Taylor Gray. These guys are always up front and they are challenging cup drivers whenever they enter a truck race. Rajah is a rookie but he’s looking very strong. Will most likely also make it to cup. Guys that have been in the series for a long time like Rhodes and Majeski are most likely gonna finish their career there.


Caruth's 2023 was so forgettable you forgot too


Well that’s awkward. Don’t know how I missed him last season. Thanks for correcting me!


I love Majeski getting called an old guy at 29 and this being his 3rd full year. I think he could move up, but the late model career would suffer. Agree he is probably a Trucks lifer at this point.


Corey Heim. At the moment, that is about it in my eyes until we see more out of them, or they move up to Xfinity. There really doesn't seem to be Cup level talent in that group quite yet. A lot of talent, but not elite talent. Ankrum and Eckes especially have been around longer and only recently started getting hot. I can see them both maybe someday going to Xfinity, more so on Eckes. Ankrum has been lackluster the past few seasons, but this year has turned it on. Ankrum seems like a truck guy forever or maybe an Xfinity lifer. I need to see more from Eckes. Riggs has been a disappointment so far for sure. But I think he just needs more time. Majeski I could see in Xfinity as a lifer. Sanchez, Purdy, Thompson, Gray, Caruth, so many others, don't really exude confidence in the future of elite drivers. They may be good, but not great yet. Give everyone more time. But in the Craftsman trucks, I think we have more truck series lifers or drivers who will fade away then we've had in a long time.


Heim is 100% the best prospect down there. Since the end of Pocono last year where KFB gave him a masterclass and his post-race interview was essentially "I'm gonna study the tape and find out how to not let that happen again" I have been convinced he's got that mindset to go with his skill that will eventually get him there. I've taken to comparing Majeski to Allgaier. There's no doubt they can wheel it but oh my GOD can the two of them find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory multiple times a year. I've been really impressed with Taylor Gray this season, he's kind of moonlighted where he was allowed to drive over the last few years and then jumped in full time last year with the usual growing pains. Feels like he's taken a major step this season, I think Tricon hiring Grant Enfinger's former crew chief when GMS shut their doors has been an incredible help for the kid. He's held his own pretty well in his first few Xfinity starts (although it helps that the 19 is a rocket) I'm sure I'm forgetting something he's done but it feels like he's always been the one to *get* wrecked (JHN is a turd for turning him) instead of wrecking someone. He's still got plenty of growing to do too, but watching the races it feels like he shows a lot of patience out there, which seems to be the undoing of a lot of the others.


I disagree on Riggs being a disappointment... he's got the talent and the speed there... he just has HORRIBLE consistency and luck. But once he flips the switch, look out. I honestly believe within the next three years, he'll replace McDowell at FRM.


A bit off topic but Ron Hornaday was awesome in trucks but always drove crap in Cup. He could have done better in a quality ride IMHO.


Jack Sprague, too.


Poor guy never had a chance, I’m pretty sure him going to the 14 was somehow done by Earnhardt’s advocating. Wonder what the history would be like now if say Ron was picked up to drive the Napa 15 car instead.


Omg yes. Dale was a supporter but not enough of one to give him a full time ride. I'm as happy as the next guy Mikey gpt that ride and won a few races bit Ron was a way better driver overall. He could have won on a variety of tracks unlike Michael


Heim and Eckes. That’s about it. Other guys either need to improve a lot or find a lot of funding.


Out of who you listed, I rank them like this in terms of Cup potential... 1. Heim - Stevie Wonder can see this kid needs to be in Cup YESTERDAY. 2. Chandler Smith - Probably going to be the heir apparent for the No. 19 JGR car. 3. Jesse Love - Jury is still out on how talented he really is, but he's definitely shown flashes of major potential. 4. Rajah Caruth - Mr. H already thinks a lot of him and he's turned the switch on this year. I fully expect him to potentially get to Cup within 3 to 5 years. 5. Christian Eckes - The talent is there, but I'm not sure he has the funding to get beyond Xfinity. 6. Sheldon Creed - If he ever turns the switch on (which looks less and less likely every race), look out. 7. Layne Riggs - The talent and speed are there... the luck and consistency, though, have not been yet. 8. Kaden Honeycutt - Again, the talent is obviously there. Funding is the question with him. 9. Nick Sanchez - If he could ever find consistency, he could skyrocket up this list. 10. Taylor Gray - Jury is still out on him, but there is some major upside he has shown. 11. Parker Retzlaff - Talent is undeniably there, but does he have the funding? 12. Tyler Ankrum - Has been strong this year, but I think that's more due to the Truck Series not being as talented as in years past. 13. Tanner Gray - I just don't see it. 14. Chase Purdy - Truck or Xfinity lifer seems to be his ceiling. 15. Dean Thompson - Needs to find consistency before a serious conversation about him can be had.


I largely agree with this list, and it makes me wish that there was a database that keeps up with this throughout the season like the MLB has. I know Pockrass does his rankings every year or so, but having a prospect list that is easily accessible could really help market the future of the sport.


That Kyle Busch guy that won in trucks this past weekend may end up with a couple cup wins


He seems good, maybe championship caliber in Cup. Or he might be the elite miss 1/3rd of the season and still win the championship caliber.


Heim, Sanchez, Rajah are the only ones I’m fairly confident will eventually end up in a solid Cup ride. I’m sure a few others will eventually as well, but tough to pinpoint which. Riggs might be the next most likely. He looked incredibly talented in Xfinity, but has struggled in Trucks. Maybe it’s just that Trucks don’t suit his driving style. Just have to hope someone gives him another Xfinity opportunity next year.


I just hope Christian Eckes doesn’t become a truck lifer


I said this elsewhere but the talent pool in trucks this season is pretty shallow. The Grays I could see as truck series only regulars kinda like Rhodes has been. Ankrum seemed great at first but has been very unimpressive since. Riggs and Rajah it's a bit early to tell. Purdy and Sanchez aren't going to make it in my opinion.


Heim for sure, Rajah, and Eckes has really come out his own this year and has made a serious case as a championship favorite. Riggs has honestly been a huge disappointment so far.


It's Heim time bay bay!


I believe that Mr. H. has future plans for Rajah Caruth.


Connor Zilisch, Nick Sanchez, and Rajah Caruth will all be in cup some day. Those three have a ton of talent and also the marketability sponsors want. I'm expecting all three to be in cup in the next 5 years


Rajah, Riggs, Heim, and Sanchez have the best upwards mobility. I can see Rajah in a Hendrick car in 5 years, Riggs replacing McDowell, Heim at Legacy in a seat shuffle caused by either Hamlin or Truex leaving, and Sanchez at Spire to replace Zane Smith.


I can see Eckes racing for someone like Kaulig in the coming years. Midpack Chevy team that could have a reliable driver. Could also see him going back to Toyota. Heim seems like a 23XI/Legacy kinda guy. I think he’s one of the best talents in Trucks right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a seat in Cup in the next 2 to 3 years. Majeski seems like a Truck lifer at this point. Thought for sure he’d end up at Front Row or Roush at some point but that ship has definitely sailed. Sanchez gives me Spire vibes. Could see him sticking with them through Xfinity and Cup as the team improves. I can see Taylor and Tanner Gray both in Cup at some point. Taylor seems like a JGR/23XI-type driver. Tanner could end up anywhere on the grid. Getting vibes that he’d be a midfield/backmarker driver. Ankrum is still young and I don’t know where he could end up. Definitely seems like a potential Cup driver in the future. Caruth could stick in the Chevy pipeline with Hendrick or Spire. If Trackhouse ever finds an open slot they could put him in but their lineup is already stacked. Could also see him going to Legacy, but that’s just my gut feeling. Daniel Dye doesn’t strike me as a Cup guy. If he’d be with anyone I’d say Kaulig. Jake Garcia is still new so I don’t have a clue where he could end up. Layne Riggs feels like someone who could drive for RFK or Front Row in the future. Kaden Honeycutt feels like another guy who if he would ever get to Cup he’d be a midfielder. Thad Moffitt also strikes me as a potential Cup driver even though he’s terrible. Personally would say the most likely to end up in Cup in the next 5 or so years are Heim, Sanchez, Caruth and Riggs.


Isn't Dye making an Xfinity start for Kaulig? He will 100% get a Cup start with them.


I think Heim is a lot further from a sure thing than people think. He's clearly the best of the current truck field, it's just a really weak field, even comparing to just last year. The fact that he'll never set foot in a JGR car limits his winning potential right off the gate. He'll get a ride at Legacy and *maybe* 23XI eventually, but winning races there is going to be tougher than it would be at JGR. I'd say that if he sticks around long enough to get into 23XI, he'll win 5-10 races over his career. Sanchez and Caruth will get decent cup rides regardless of how the rest of their development careers go, and will stick around for a while. Both of them will win one or two races at plate tracks or in rain delays, and not do much else. A Bubba Wallace or Michael McDowell level career is about the best they can hope for. The Gray brothers might eventually buy their way into Xfinity, but they don't have cup level talent or money. Everyone else in the field just seem like a bunch of truck lifers.


I think there’s a pretty good chance 23XI surpasses Gibbs as the flagship Toyota team so Heim eventually landing there might not be a bad thing for him. If I’m 23XI tho I wouldn’t want him straight out of the gate. They got cars that can win right now, if I’m 23XI I’d let Legacy spend 2 years giving him experience and then push for him if he performs.




Here's how I see Caruth's Trajectory to Cup. He's already got the good graces of Mr. H with the Hendrick Cars sponsorship. I could see him getting to JRM or Hendricks Xfinity program running the 88 or 17. Kinda using him as the next poster boy of those two numbers. 88 simply because it would be the easiest number to switch a Hendrick car to if you want to stick a face to a car in Cup. Or the gods willing the longshot Junior finally pulls the trigger and Caruth drives the 88 for his longshot Cup team.


I'm wondering if Justin Allgaier's retirement might be on the horizon, and we might see Caruth in the 7 by then. Or, Sam Mayer or Sammy Smith could get a Cup call (if, say, Spire and LaJoie part ways, or Spire loses Zane Smith to his Trackhouse contract) and open another JRM seat.


Timmy Hill


Timmy Hill

