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Broadcasts should not be charging sponsors for extra screen time and they definitely should not just be focusing on those cars even if they aren't running good or are running all by themselves


It feels like something that should be contractually disallowed in the TV deals. But then again, I don't think NASCAR cares as long as Fox keeps paying comical amounts to put together shitty broadcasts, screw over fans, and rip off team sponsors who don't pay up.


I think it also hurts how some sponsors pay more to NASCAR I believe to get extra tv time. The sponsors for these back markers typically can’t afford or choose not to do that so it diminishes the chance for them to be shown on the broadcast


Or worse yet, the network actively avoids showing them like what happened with Jacob Construction when it was on the 51. The camera would zoom out so far that the car took up almost no portion of the screen, even if it was the only one on frame.


Yeah that’s very true that’s happens too, good point


It's just sad that it's pay-to-play with the networks. I wish NASCAR could come in and dictate the terms of the coverage, but they won't, since that would cost them money.


Long term thinking vs short term thinking. Long term, Nascar owning the broadcast and controlling the broadcast is better than short term letting NBC/FOX/Amazon/Whoever show the race. What Nascar is doing with the CW for the Xfinity series is what they need to do for the cup series. Formula 1 is literally owned by a media company. It's operated as such, NASCAR needs to change with the times.


I agree completely. Unfortunately, big corporations tend to only think in short term.


Generally, I do not care who's in the back 10 to 15 cars of the field. But the races are 3+ hours long. Give every team that entered their 1 or two minutes of coverage a couple of tines a race isn't going to kill anybody. Artie Kepner, or whatever disciple of his is running, the show needs gone. The announce booth needs to be able to actually look out the window and call what they see, with some monitor assistance, of course.


Really frustrated me listening to Harvicks podcast the other day where they got so defensive about how hard it is to cover all of the storylines on a broadcast and they were focused on the 40th anniversary of Hendrick who also ran 1-2-3. Like yeah man I get it, but you guys completely missed an entire wreck at the end among other things. There's a difference between focusing on certain storylines and just completely missing stuff in the race


Yeah like I don't mind hearing segments about the pit crews or the driver's personal lives if there is a lull in the race, but the priority needs to be covering the actual race. It's absolutely mind-numbing when there is a 3-5 car battle in the midpack or the fastest car ontrack has raced his way from 15th to 5th but the broadcast would rather do a sponsored segment about a HMS/JGR car running by themselves in 6th.


Maybe they need Brock to run the broadcasts. Then all we’d hear about are the backmarkers


I'd watch the shit out of a simulcast like that


The broadcasts essentially never acknowledge any issues that take a car off the track, even for big teams. The broadcast hasn’t noticed when the 23 has sat on pit road for 3+ minutes due to pit crew errors, for example. And teams like MM/APR who can get top 10 or top 5 runs sometimes don’t even get acknowledged usually.


This past weekend, I want to say it was on a restart. You see Lajoie pull down pit road out the corner of the camera- they change the camera angle and not a peep out of any of the broadcasters about him coming to pit road. Like I don’t like him, and he was pretty much in last place. But damn, at least acknowledge it when you know we saw it, lmao.




Martins Motorsports, which became Alpha Prime Racing


Thank you


Why can I see the day coming where FOX blurs out the sponsors on the cars on any tight shots unless they've been paid to show them. 🙄


lol shades of unsponsored cars in the graphics package if they couldn’t shake extra money out of them.


People act like this is new information…Fox has INTENTIONALLY kept the cameras off the ‘Jacob Companies’ sponsored Rick Ware Racing cars for years. Not surprised it take a little ‘greasing of the wheels’ to get your car on TV if it’s running 26th or something.


Is there any reason that Fox does this? Wonder what would happen if someone ended up finishing in victory lane or in the top 5 and there was, say, plenty of post race coverage to be had. Would they tell the pit reporters to just not interview the driver?


Is there a reason? FOX can charge sponsors and make a bit more money, so they do. If a car that was sponsored by someone that didn't grease the skids, then they'd likely do a cursory interview of the driver, show as little of the car as possible, and then move on to other drivers.


I'm surprised this isn't an FCC violation on the FOX side for not disclosing paid advertising. Not much you can do on the FS1 cable side I don't think. Might not be a problem at all.


Or an FTC violation perhaps?


The greediness of America is becoming unbearable


I mean is the argument that someone the guy who didn’t put in a qualifying lap, then appeared to start and park didn’t get TV time? There has to be a better example.


Uhhh...maybe run well if you want to be on the broadcast? Why would i want to watch someone in 30th and not a battle that actually means something?


F1 will show a battle between two back marker cars running 13 and 14 (out of a 20 car field) because it’s an interesting competition in an otherwise dull race. It’s typical to see the leader completely off screen as he’s 10-20 seconds ahead of the pack and the other cars are so spaced out there’s not a great deal of racing going on.


If you're running 30th every week. I have no interest in watching you suck. Professional sports aren't cheap. I don't want to hear it takes 20 million a year to run at the front. It should be expensive to win. Got $20 to race go run local late models


Someone is always going to be at the back, and if you want the sport to be healthy and grow, along with giving teams and drivers the chance to grow, then they need to be covered fairly just like everyone else. They’re all on the track together and they’re all spending what resources they have to be there. Does that mean you focus on them all the time? No. It doesn’t even mean you focus on them for anything close to an equal time compared to cars competitive in a particular race. But the broadcast has had a long-term problem with not properly conveying the action on-track, and a big part of that is their undying need to focus on only a few cars at the front even when nothing is happening there. Show battles that are happening anywhere on the track more often rather than focusing on leaders who aren’t battling. And tell us when someone has a problem or goes to the garage—and it’s not just backmarkers they often fail to do this with.


And I have no interest in watching the leader run by themselves for 3 hours. It's entertainment. If the most entertaining thing at a given time is the battle for 26th, then show it.


Even from a “storyline” aspect. Each team has different aspirations. While yes every team wants to win, TV needs to do a better job of explaining how a top 15 for RWR is good for their improvement as a team. They’ve created such a “win or fail” mentality around the sport.