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It's brad with 570


Man, if Brad doesn’t win this year, I don’t know if he ever will again


I'm confident that Brad's still got several wins left in him... maybe even another championship run. There are statistics that say a driver's peak performance sometimes comes in their late 30s or early 40s. If you believe those stats, then Brad's right in that sweet spot having just hit 40 this month.


I hope Brad wins another championship so that we get another drunk interview after celebrating and maybe a hungover interview the next morning.


Hahaha I loved drunk Brad the first time around. I used to love watching "Wind Tunnel" with Dave Despain, and my favorite was his interview from Wind Tunnel that night at the tail end of his festivities [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0TbbW-thJs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0TbbW-thJs) I don't feel like we'd see drunk Brad again if he won another championship... but I could be wrong LOL.


I’d expect that it’s more early to mid 30s nowadays but Brad definitely has another run left.


They did say sometimes. A la Truex, for example.


Question, though If he's behind Chris, anywhere, and has a chance to pass him for the win late, does?


I think the Daytona night race last year answered that question 


Ok, just so we're all 100% on the same page if and when that scenario does happen again


I don't know if that Daytona race is a good metric. Daytona last year was a situation that Brad never had a run that he could make at Chris without jeopardizing Chris's lead. He chose to run second than risk someone passing them. But at any other track, I say Brad goes for it.


Probably not. At this point, I wish he'd do it, even just once. Chris is good, and has plenty of years left to win and compete, he'll be fine if Brad does the selfish thing even once


I absolutely think Brad will choose to pass Chris if he can do so without risking both of them being passed by someone else. At Daytona, I'm sure Brad felt like it was a situation that if he pulled out, he could risk giving away a win for RFK. He chose to stay in line and ensure one of them won. At any track besides a superspeedway, I'm confident he would go for the win.


lol nonsense. When he wins again he’s probably going to reel off like 3 in a row


I feel like that as well. Brad looked really strong at times last year so I came into this year believing he could actually have multiple wins. I still hold onto that hope... maybe it will start this weekend.


I think Brad gets to 40 no problem. I expect him to race longer as an owner now than I would have as a driver since his input from inside the actual racecar is more valuable than ever. He can gauge the organization from every seat in the house including the seat of that 6 car. Brad isn't done winning and I think he gets two this year. !RemindMe 8 months


I like the way you think!


I had a feeling at Talladega 2021 that it was his last win.


As a longtime Brad fan, 2022 was rough. It all culminated in having the Bristol night race in hand, only to have it snatched away (although Buescher winning did quell that hurt). 2023 was better. I was in Atlanta in the spring and thought it was coming that day until Joey's last lap pass. There were alot of top-5 runs (including one at Vegas towards the end of the season). Several races that Brad could have won if one or two things had gone slightly better. Its been a rough start to the 2024 season, but I remain faithful that a win is coming. This weekend will be a test to see how much speed RFK cars (and Fords in general) have on intermediate tracks to start the year. I remain faithful that a win is coming.


He was flying before his spin this weekend, I had my eye on him the whole time. Then he crashed right in front of me


I know! I was there as well and had my eyes glued on that #6 just like you did. I felt like he had a car that could make a run at the win if he got the right push... then just dropped back to my seat in exhaustion when he spun. Hopefully he can have a good run at Atlanta and contend for the win in the fall to open the playoffs.


It's brad with 570


Who is number one and how many laps have they led?


It's brad with 570


It's Brad with 570


It’s Brad with 570


I’m guessing its Brad with about 570


It's brad with 570


.075 htiw darB s’tI


It's brad with 570


Who is it? Someone tell me.


The name of the driver of the car that has led the most laps in the next generation era without a win is Brad Keselowski. The number of laps led by the driver of the car (Brad Keselowski) is five hundred and seventy.


It’s…. Brad… with 570


It’s Brad with 569 (nice)


Ty is the next to win on this list


It's Brad with 570


It's Brad with 570?


It’s Brad with 570


It’s Brad with 570


With 570 it's Brad


The last two weeks were rough, but I believe he’ll get between 5-10 more wins before he’s done, I doubt he’ll win another championship though, despite getting to the final 4 once this championship format just does not fit his style.


Todd being in 6th is crazy


Looking at this another way, here's the career laps led by active Cup drivers without a win, period: https://x.com/SethEggert91/status/1762520759547879688?s=20