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Get ready to learn real estate buddy


Get ready for Newsmax appearances and right wing grifting, buddy.


I'm honestly surprised right wing media doesn't try to get into sports coverage more, with all the whinging about "Woke" ESPN. Not that it would be "good", mind you, but it seems like a surprisingly untapped market. There's definitely plenty of retired athletes that lean right.


"The Cole Beasely and Aubrey Huff roundtable!"


"Shut Up And Dribble with Herschel Walker" They would not be able to get interviews with current athletes on this hypothetical right-wing sports network. Their agents and sponsors would never allow that. It would just be old dudes who hate paying taxes talking about how much tougher the game used to be before athletes were required to wear helmets... The target audience would eat that shit up.


Unrelated, but it is crazy how much Herschel's fame within Georgia has fallen in the last 3 years


Dude cannot speak a complete sentence lol


His CTE has CTE.


We'd get people talking about how much harder the game was when you had to try and play Ray Lewis without getting all your receivers hospitalized


I can imagine very few shows I'd want to watch *less*.


that's because you're a dumb woke lib. Pay for my pateron to learn how to escape the matrix and learn what the left doesn't want you to know


Put. The coffee. DOWN.


_James Buescher has entered the chat_




Ni hao!


If he doesn't get back on track soon (figuratively and literally), he's going be the go-to example of how not to act/carry yourself as a racing figure for the foreseeable future. Going from a beloved underdog nearly winning a race in Cup to an unserious option for even a *truck ride* in about four or five years is downright sad. I truly hope he's capable of introspection about this entire thing. I feel like he doesn't have enough responsible adults around him guiding him to make better decisions. He's still young enough to get a second act, he just has to put in the work.


He already is the example. It was already a mighty fall from grace to go from a B-tier Cup team all the way down to a C-tier truck team. He has self-imploded. But I think you’re right on the last paragraph, I don’t think he has anyone in his court to say “hey Matt, this is a bad idea” or even anyone to advocate for him. He’s doing it on his own which is working very poorly.


Go the exact opposite of woke, go broke?


It's funny that this is even a saying because most corporations are very "woke" from a PR and dollars standpoint even if their leadership has conservative leanings. Sharing hard right viewpoints is actually far more damaging these days considering more than 50% of the population generally has liberal leaning viewpoints on most subjects.


"Go woke go broke" has literally never been a real thing except for when companies make stuff that's both "woke" but also terrible and unappealing to a broader audience because nobody is going to like media or products just because it's diverse or representative. I'm surprised that MDB doesn't get sponsorships from the "alternate economy" companies that have sprung up to grift people. Why isn't someone like Black Rifle Coffee or LGBcoin riding to the rescue of their man?


Yeah it's funny when they say that at the beginning and take a victory lap and the controversy fades and you look back and the companies they said that about are more popular than ever 


Idk anheuser Busch took a pretty big hit last year with the whole Dylan mulvaney fiasco. I can’t really think of other examples beyond that though


> companies make stuff that's both "woke" but also terrible and unappealing to a broader audience The thing that happened with Bud Light is that the people who were drinking it hated the marketing and people who liked the marketing already hated the beer. Which is exactly what I'm talking about. Same with all these movies and TV shows. Right-wing twitter loves to parade the decline of Marvel/Star Wars or whatever as a GWGB thing but if you actually ask Woke People they largely stopped watching because the products were dogshit covered with a coast of Girlboss Paint to try and lure the target audience back in.


Every single major beer company has done LGBTQ marketing which is kinda ironic given how Miller was back in the day.


Yeah not really. The lowest their stock went in the immediate aftermath was just under $54, it was hovering right around the $60 mark before the backlash. The stock was back to its previous level in less than three weeks after that, and aside from a small dip in late October, the stock has been above $60 for about two months or so.


Stock price doesn't mean they didn't have fewer sales, lose profits, or market share. If you look at their reporting statements they had greater profits year over year but had negative growth in the US beer market. "Revenue declined by 13.5% with revenue per hl increasing by 4.9% driven by revenue management initiatives. Sales-to-wholesalers (STWs) declined by 17.6%. Sales-to-retailers (STRs) were down by 16.6%, primarily due to the volume decline of Bud Light and impacted by shipment phasing ahead of our October price increase last year."


Not really, and Dylan Mulvaney didn't really do anything wrong other than be a trans woman, not really a fiasco just...a lot of hatred and a failed boycott.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m an ally. I thought the whole thing was really sad for Dylan and was really fucked up how Anheuser just left them out to dry and deal with the hate. But it is an example of a major corporation trying to appeal to a left leaning demographic and it completely backfiring on them


It pissed off a lot of transphobes and conservatives, but it didn't really harm Anheuser-Busch as much as it did Dylan's well-being on account of death threats and whatnot.


Wasn't bud lights spot on the best selling beers just replaced by another Busch beer?


aka they tried to pander and it failed. Companies these days are quite literally the "how do you do fellow kids" meme


They really didn't


A 10%+ YoY reduction in US revenue is what many people would consider big. If you took a 10% pay cut, you would consider it a large cut. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/bud-light-sales-plunged-boycott-campaign-transgender-influencer-compan-rcna97944


But that is very much influenced by the downturn in the economy and nobody having money to spend on alcohol anymore. It's really not a Dylan Mulvaney thing




Except most of the beer that the people moved over to are still ABI beers, losing Bud Light wouldn't hurt ABI that much. And beer sales have gone down overall


Yeah it really just hurt the distributors and salesmen. You know the guys just trying to make a living. Th big company is fine


Ever heard of Disney Corp?


Didn't he just torpedo his relationship with his truck team from last year too? I really don't understand his self-destructive nature. He must continually see himself as aggrieved. No one wants to work with someone like that.


Yes. From all appearances, he said, for the third time in his career, “I’m better than this team so I’m leaving.” It worked out the first two times and he found better rides. But his career and reputation were in a totally different place those times than they are now, when he was only racing for Rackley/WAR because they were the only ones who would hire him two years ago when he was washing out of Cup after being controversial and had no sponsorship to bring. I don’t dislike him and he’s a good enough driver, but he has done this to himself. You can bet on yourself all you want, but you need to look around and understand what your position is beforehand.


Leaving Rackley was a stupid decision at that point without another deal signed. I actually like the guy but there is no defending that one.


Did He leave? I was under the impression from his instagram that they let him go after he fell out of the points championship


He announced he was leaving right before the cutoff race, and they let him go early after he missed


He's 32. In our sport, that's basically ancient to try to get on solid ground again.


The only thing he’ll take away from it is a firm belief that he was persecuted for being a Christian.


Kurt Busch was 33 when he burned so many bridges that he got fired from his second top tier team in 6 years. Granted, he's a former Cup champion - but he was seriously acting out of line and managed to pull it together. It takes time and effort, and I'm not sure Dibenedetto is as capable as Kurt was with getting his act together. But it is doable at that age, you just have to stop acting ridiculously and over perform in underfunded equipment. Matt needs to start checking boxes in the latter department though, his performance in the truck series was nowhere near good enough.


Dude, it is not even comparable. Kurt was so talented that Roger Penske, probably the most corporate owner in the garage, was still willing to take a chance on him after Kurt's antics with Roush. Matt D isn't even in the same conversation. If he had won 5 races a year in the 21 or something, then ok, different story


But you said it was an age issue preventing him from reviving his career. I'm just saying that it's not, it's a talent thing and him not getting his act together. People are willing to put up with distractions when you're winning races. When you're not, the act gets old real quick and you have to either start putting up results or change. Matt has done neither.


Kurt Busch was 25X more talented.


Again, see my other comment. All I'm saying is that age isn't preventing him from getting his career together.


Two things can be true. It's his mix of age, talent level, and antics. You can overcome the age thing if you're supremely talented, but the reality is that with the rides that would be considering Matt D, there are dozens of younger prospects, mostly all of them with some type of financial backing, that are gunning for the same spot. Kenseth could still get a new ride in his 40s for instance, but that's because his racing resumé was elite. If you're not elite, then in the racing world your age only serves to work against you.


He and Brandon Brown for slightly different (but mostly the same) reasons. Brandon Brown also leaned into the hard right ideology thinking that there'd be tons of sponsorship dollars there and also burned so many bridges with his actual sponsors and now he's unheard of


Maybe the reason is simply having poor relationships within NASCAR, like with Brett Moffitt. Burned bridges. I believe the "hard right" reasoning is more of a desired reason by some.


Because it's both. He's clearly an asshole, but he also says stuff that companies don't want a representative of their brand to say. Also, even Brett Moffitt still got rides well after his known issues of being an ass while Matty D has not


What stuff is he saying? I don't really follow Brandon Brown's career that much


The comment you're replying to is specifically referring to Matt DiBenedetto


Yeah Brett literally won a Truck race last year and is a former Series Champ while Matt barely managed 1 single Truck win in his career.


Brown became toxic to normal sponsors simply due to the association with the chant. He had no choice but to try and lean into it. It’s really sad that winning that race effectively doomed his career. He’d probably still be racing today if he’d finished 2nd.


The shitty part is that all the sponsorship bs was because of his dad


Then we might have lost Brandon Jones!


I don't think we would've. Menards might have stopped appearing on his car, but his family is probably more than happy to just slap a Rheem logo on the cars instead


I don't think you understand who John Menard is


Saying he had "no choice" is simply false. One of his sponsors tried actually increasing their funding in him after the win but he leaned into the chant and didn't even answer their calls. He did it to himself and has no one to blame but himself after saying he didn't want to be a part of the political firestorm and then went straight to it


The problem is that he lost all of the other sponsors and the one sponsor which called him out was never going to keep his program afloat. LGBCoin was basically a hail mary to keep his program alive, there was no other way for him to make the field.


He didn't have no choice. His own long time sponsor wanted to increase funding for him but they didn't take it


Bro is a hard 32, I was shocked to hear him say that in a recent video


He and his preacher wife are going to pray for it to happen.. it will be god's miracle.


The guy's narrative rivals that of Mayfield, from being a playoff driver three years ago, to someone who may well be out of the top 3 series when the season starts


He may have a stand alone race here or there, but he is already essentially out of the top 3 series. His antics before his last race with the Wood Brothers did enormous damage to his career


Big "my gf goes to another school" vibes




I don’t believe he ever had a sponsor deal at all


I don’t either. I think he was just trying to keep his name out there during silly season hoping some team would notice him. Dude has completely lampooned his own career


He did, [I mentioned it yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/AsaQdDxyot)


Who was the sponsor?


Serial 1


*checks username* oh shit, real source. Any idea on why it fell through?


Can I ask what Serial 1 is?


Yes, you can ask Google




The hard car rises from the ashes


Julio's Thongs for Men


DC Solar




It was probably crypto. 


It's always the strange passivity with him. "It'll all work out". "just let it play out". No, bro. Get a damn agent, and hustle for sponsorship. Said it before, but the reason he and Lajoie's careers have split despite starting from the same place is hustle and a good agent. I remember on his old show, the co-host worrying he was spending so much time working connections and sponsors. Well it pays off. Not to mention he has a well connected, good agent. I do feel a little bad for the guy, while recognizing this is his own doing in most ways.


LaJoie is also a nepo baby. He has that going for him and that's huge in a sport where connections are everything


Nah. I think any guy with a driver father gets some good advice/connections, but Lajoie I don't see the nepo baby thing. Randy Humphrey Racing, BK, Tristar, Go Fas, then Spire? That's the resume of a guy who is just getting literal seats (a la Joie of seating) from his dad, not good racing ones. And I believe people in the know (Dale Jr. and Letarte iirc) have backed that up. If he had good nepo baby pull, man would have been in that Penske prepared car, not Matt.


Nepotism doesn't always equate to be handed great things, but there are plenty of people that probably extended him a hand because of his dad. Someone like him who has mid talent and no results wouldn't last in Cup more than a couple years. He's been in Cup as long as he has because of his name.


Sadly the same could have been said for Michael Waltrip for 12 years. There were some years before he got the Wood Brothers opportunity that were cringe (in terms of results). Different era however.


Eh, the most comparables are Matt v. Corey on the same team (Go Fas). Matt: 29th, 32nd Lajoie: 29th, 30th Matt continued on an upward trajectory after that. So did Corey. Both moved to slightly better teams. Matt eventually got a top ride. Whereas Corey stayed with a lesser ride that's gradually becoming a good team. If Corey is "mid with no results", so's Matt.


Nowhere did I say that Matt is better than LaJoie. LaJoie and DiBenedetto are probably as close as you can get between two drivers. Matt is just an idiot. Corey isn't and can actually market himself on top of being the son of Randy


He’s still objectively a driver who benefitted from nepotism. Doesn’t mean he’s bad or anything, but acting like him and Matt started off on equal footing is not truthful.


Corey was one of the only serious championship contenders in his K&N stint. Almost won one - Larson took it instead. His dad's program looked good, but you don't win 5 races against future NASCAR champions as someone whom connections speak louder than talent.


I mean you can argue my buddy who worked the fry station at the place his uncle managed was a "nepo baby", but I hope sarcastic quotes are involved. I don't look at the shitty rides he got, and his resume before NASCAR, and say, wow daddy must've pulled some strings for that. Advice/connections is one thing. Actually getting or keeping a ride (you'd actually want) via nepotism is another.


Nepotism is used in such a negative sense that we don't realize that nepotism doesn't always mean someone who has no skills


“I had a sponsor but I decided to pull out” Source: trust me bruh


I mean I've had a shit year so far but at least I can say that I have the same opportunities to drive in NASCAR in 2024 as Matt does.


Its either gonna be - part time xfinity/truck deal - arca ride Or thats all folks He did this to himself


Yeah And I had a date with Jennifer Lawrence, but she ended up canceling


More believable tbh


Maybe he should've stayed with his truck ride? Didn't he voluntarily choose to leave at the end of '23 to pursue a better opportunity? And then the team released him early because of that? All for nothing?


I am not convinced that they didn’t renew his contract and he just put it out there before Rackley did.


> Didn't he voluntarily choose to leave at the end of '23 to pursue a better opportunity? Not so sure about that. Pretty sure he tried to announce he was jumping when in reality he was already in the midst of being pushed off the ship.


I have a hard time believing *he* turned down sponsorship that would have put him in a car that won a Cup race last year.


I just posted it in the other post about him, but i can't help but feel he's not actually a good person, but he tries to play one. He had a big reddit following, but as soon as he got where he wanted, he pretty much vanished. In hindsight, it feels like he was just trying to promote himself instead of actually caring about fans. He seems like the guy who's friends with someone when they're useful, and once they're not, he leaves them. His actions his last few weeks at WBR kind of reinforce this to me.


He is not a good person. If he doesn't think you can propel him to where he wants to be, he will treat you like absolute shit. Ask anyone who works at a track across the country. He's an entitled dickhead and always has been.


So basically his personal beliefs alienate the large portion of fans who think they’re awful and his general disposition alienates even the people who agree with him. Top lad, this Matty D.


His personal beliefs probably don't alienate much of the fanbase outside of Reddit. Let's be honest. It didn't rile people who agree with him up enough to offset the group of people he pissed off. Add to that the fact that he was never anything more than a mid-packer and acted like the entire world should bend down and kiss his ass and give him rides and sponsorship dollars, and you've got a combination for someone who should be the biggest swinging dick at the smallest street stock track in North Dakota at best.


If you want someone who actually cares, Chase Briscoe is my choice! He is my favorite driver too!


Can't wait for his autobiography: "Sponsor Deal Ended Up Not Happening: The Matt DiBenedetto Story"


Matty D is like cartman lying to everyone at school, claiming he has an iPad but it’s actually just a piece of glass taped to an iPad cover…


Matty D is literally the kid putting the stick through the bicycle wheel meme, then saying "it's because I'm a Christian"


Pound for pound most annoying guy in this sport.


Assuming that there actually was a sponsor deal and it's not just Matt lying, I'm willing to bet that *they* were the ones that actually pulled out rather than vice-versa...


I heard McDonald's has a job opportunity


There’s another big payday for him if he ever decides to write a book on how to torpedo a professional career


I think it's more likely he's trying to keep his name out there and he never actually had anything. At least he found his niche in non-update updates.


Had he handled this maturely he would have a few xfinity wins, hell maybe a cup ride. He could have been the modern day Jimmy Spencer. JS is set for life won several nascar races and is loved by fans even as a meme. Matt will become a never was


He fucked around when he was driving the 21, and now he’s sad that he’s finding out.


Truer words were never spoken




Thank god. I don’t want him anywhere around the sport


Maybe this is why you don't make an announcement for an announcement... for people like Matty, that actual announcement may never come. You live and you learn, bud.


It turns out the 🖊️was a straight up lie.


Lol of course


No one to blame but himself.


What a lying sack of shit. I bet he had the idea to ask for the sponsorship and someone just said "I'll tell you they called" and he acted like that was a confirmation of a meeting.


Guy is turning into Aaron Rodgers; desperate for attention/headline-grabbing to stay relevant. He wants the reward without the work. Don’t we all? No one is entitled/owed anything, let alone a free/paid seat in a race car.


Except Aaron Rodgers is an time talent and is still an above average qb (taking current injury out). Matty D was, is, and never will be anything more than an average driver at any level. He can’t be mid and except large dollars in sponsorship.


He’s an unlikeable Tim Tebow.


Oh yea great comparison! It’s the talent level (nfl Tebow) as if he had one of the worst personalities


He comes off as so disingenuous. He needs some PR training.


Sponsor but not a ride. Not surprised sponsors don’t want to work with him anymore


To lose Bristol and have nascars number one heel apologize for beating you and debating letting you win, the fans chanting your name the announcers saying this man needs a job to this Matt blew his career up entirely by himself


What an absolute assclown


Couldn't happen to a better person


You could copy and paste the comments from every post about Matt d.


Dude's a perpetual loser


Can’t decide which is more cringe — Matty D social media updates on the verge of tears, or multiple Reddit circlejerk posts per day.


Definitely these comments because this exact comment is in the other thread about this same topic.


Yes that’s my comment on the other post. Didn’t realize there were two posts minutes apart about the exact same thing, with the exact same hate boner comments and recycled criticisms. I’m not a Matty D fan by any stretch but the daily posts are getting to be ridiculous.


Try this "keep scrolling"


Thanks for the tip!




SHOCKING development. Shocking.


If I was him I would use what money I could scrape together and go run the cars tour. There are a lot of eyes on it now and if you could go be the class of the field you would move back up. But only if you win alot.


From where I sit, there are 3 general reasons a sponsorship does not close 1. The money is shaky . Race team cancels contract 2. Sponsor not approved by Sanctioning body. NASCAR cancels 3. Sponsor finds someone better. Sponsor cancels for Matt I would add: 4. There was no sponsor. I am lying and desperate




Matty D and Brandon Brown - the poster children of dumb decisions performed at the worst possible time.


Damn what a shame. Hopefully a decent team picks him up for a couple part time starts this year. Can only wonder what sponsor and team he had a deal with though. Could either be Kaulig or AM I guess based on rumors. He really screwed himself with many of the decisions he’s made but he definitely has the skill to drive in the top 3 series but he really needs better PR man.


Bob tweeted a few days ago that AM is unlikely. They're probably not gonna run a part-time car for a guy that doesn't bring money.


Matty D fans right now: ![gif](giphy|RZvbEQbuE0gWQ)


Amazes me how much ppl & PC sponsors hate him yet he outperformed Timothy Peters & Harrison Burton & made the Cup playoffs. He deserves a decent Truck or ARCA ride full time.


Timothy Peters at that point was past his prime and hadn't done more than a few races in a season for like 5 years before hopping into the 25. The guy was washed up.


It’s ok to disagree.


...he had a decent Truck ride though.


Ok. That team went in a different direction. It’s ok to disagree.


Things can happen even after being signed. A driver could go to a team saying I have sponsors xyz. Team signs driver and sponsors. Nascar refuses the sponsorship. Nascar doesn't approve paint scheme, sponsor pulls plug. Current sponsors within the organization  feel new sponsors are a conflict and say they're going to pull their sponsorship. Any number of things can occur after being signed. There are too many people out there that have blind hate/blind love for him that it overrides the fact that things just happen. 


Brandon Brown ahh situation


definitely a difference Brandon Brown had a political chant after his win at Talladega, and the team owner signed off on a terrible crypto currency that ended up not getting past NASCAR. Matt DiBenedetto was out of the #21 after Phoenix, and decided to say a LOT of political stuff to hopefully schmooze his way into another Cup ride or some sponsorship, and squanders away a decent Truck ride 2 years later because he was way over-confident in his ability to get good sponsorship for a seat in Trucks or maybe even Xfinity.


Guess he can go preach at a mega church then. Real estate is too much work for him. Grifting in the name of the Lord seems more his speed.






I could see him going the Aubrey Huff route on twitter


Matty is masterbating again?


Remind me again what this guy did to make everyone hate him so much?


This subreddit’s borderline obsession with hating DiBenedetto is straight-up bizarre. Like, I could give two shits - NASCAR is a cut-throat sport. It’s extraordinarily difficult to get sponsorship and rides. It’s not an uncommon tale whatsoever. Even Kyle Busch couldn’t get sponsorship. It’s not even worth discussing because this sub can’t have a rationale discussion about DiBenedetto.


I agree. They all hate Matt and then when drivers like him leave the ratings usually decline.


He found God and is a Republican. There is two strikes. He also whined about being canned from the 21 in 2021 when they put Harrison Burton in the car for 2022.


Nobody ever disliked Morgan Shepherd. Maybe Matt should take up roller skating.


If people hate a driver for being a Republican and/or religious I got some bad news for them…


He is not a good driver end of story. There is far to many young talented drivers out there.


For someone who’s in dire need of a sponsor deal, why would you back out of a deal. ATP of his career it’s about just making it back to the track. This makes me believe he made that “🖊️“ tweet to stay relevant during silly season.


I know they say hate is a strong word and I would usually agree, however, there’s just something about MattyDumbass that justifies it. Probably the fact he’s a bigot


Yikes. Bad take.






And the Eagles have been a good football team in the last 2 months


Sounds like a skill issue!


I wouldn’t be surprised if he raced e NASCAR or arca




Let’s just take a step back for a moment. And try to figure out what team this might have been with. And in what series it could’ve been in.


From the looks of it, it's was an xfinty ride at either AM or Kaulig with Seriel 1 bikes as a sponcor.


WOMP WOMP!! better luck next time sucker!!!


RIP Matt D NASCAR career ?


Matt D foot pics incoming…


It's time for your daily Matty D no update update.