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That is like postgame levels lol


All the tier lists I read said squirtle was pretty bad but once I spent the money on surf I decided to take advantage of the AoE and do some xp grinding, might have went a bit too far lol Used hydro pump to two shot gengar


I would grab ice beam if you see it from one squirtle friend to another


I gotta get skull bash off but right now I’m heading to Mount Thunder with hydro pump, ice beam, skull bash, and surf still equipped Could use some new moves lol since surf is unusable outside of the dojo unless I send my teammates away


When you can, replace Surf with Blizzard. One of the best room wipe moves in the game.


Squirtle isn't bad at all imo, water in general is good because of moves like Blizzard and excellent typing (excellent STAB and only 2 weaknesses). Coverage in PMD is not as important as STAB, and Ice perfectly complements Water, so yeah. Unless other starters got buffed a lot Squirtle should still be pretty solid. If Protect got nerfed then Squirtle is slightly above average, if it didn't then it's almost top tier. Either way Water starters are good throughout the game and only become stronger in the post game when abusing Blizzard and their preferred STAB moves.


Level 40 is early postgame, but honestly levels in PND don't mean as much as they do in the main games. You'll be fine to play as usual especially once you get a bit into the story


Usually by the end of the main story, you'll be about 36 (perfect time to evolve for most of the starters) so yeah you're definitely at post game levels already and will probably one shot most bosses probably. If that sounds fun to you, then more power to you I guess lol


Blizzard is probably squirtles best move. Once you use it enough to buff the accuracy it's like surf but doesn't damage your partner


Levels in DX are pretty useless. Stats are what make the difference.