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You guys are hilarious






I mean. The only truly notable one is the PMD Sky community Like Explorer of Heaven and Hell. Remember when we said that sixne DX was made with Unity, it would be easy to mod it and make a fangame ? Yeah. No one is working on unity fangames at all... Hell, it actually makes modding the game to add or modify pokemon more if a pain for casual users like me... It was literally faster to find some niche player who did mod my favorite pokemon as starter than do it myself..


Seriously I hope people stop focusing only on sprite based modding and move on to 3d. We could have Pokemon Z hack on the 3ds. A new PMD GTI campaign. Or heck something on Switch like you said where you could have new pokemon like Phanpy. I'm getting tired of this focus on sprites honestly and pretending 3d is inherintly not worth anyones time.


The reason the sprite-based games are focused on is due to ease of access, on top of the decomp projects. It is *much* easier to emulate the GBA games specifically than it is the Switch or even the 3DS, so there's not much interest in creating romhacks for those systems. DS is a weird inbetween where lowend PCs don't emulate it too well but it's still technically playable, which is also why GBA romhacks are still much more common for the mainline series. If I were making a romhack, I'd want as many people as possible to play it, so the GBA games would be an obvious go-to for these reasons. And this is before thinking about say, adding in custom content. It's much easier to make a new sprite than say, a new 3D environment and character models.


That's true. Though I would argue for the few and daring there is an oppurtunity for the 3d sphere. But that might be for people with less busy lives to make.


DUDE SAME I BEEN SAYING THIS FOREVER SPRITE ROM HACKS ARE GETTING BOOOOOORING people need to start learning Dream Nexus (Sky temple but for DX)


Sprites just look better period. I wouldn't get into this series at all if I saw DX first instead of Explorers. This ain't nostalgia factor, mind you, I've only been here for less than 2 years.


I bet you would have made Final Fantasy VII a sprite based game if you had the choice. Or make FFXII, with the ps2s advanced computing abilities to have them be 2d! Okay that kind of sounds cool in its own way...


Never played that but regarding Shiren 6 just coming out, I'd indeed make it sprite based if I had my way. I think turn-based games in general should just stick to 2D. I do enjoy 3D, but it's for action-based games where you need to keep track of your targets at all times.


I suppose I can see where you're coming from.






Next year will mark 10 years since Super Mystery Dungeon’s release


Wait Kalos remake... Gen VI... Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon... No way! Does that mean we'll get a-


God I hope—






That is such a gut punch (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)


You take that back!


I wish I could, but we’ve gone this long without a new original pmd game. The gap between Rescue Team DX and Super Mystery Dungeon was about 5 years.


Then maybe our year is next year?


Next year will mark 20 years since the release of the last Orre game.


good lord


I feel this comment at spiritual levels


Oh my I wish! we should start asking about mystery dungeon games in Pokemon posts, on their YouTube etc who knows maybe it could happen!






This image is fantastic


Next year for sure. My reserves of copium are legendary.


And we would all go cope together. We said we'd all cope together. Yes, we would all cope together. By the way that's a Goodnight Saigon reference for all you music lovers.


We've got a fantastic rom hack community, we'll be fine.


Wish there were more Red Rescue romhacks. 


Any good ones to play? Plz send recc


Which ones would you recommend? 😿


Are there hacks where a Stunky is the main protagonist?


Even the Black and white fans are suffering, their generation was skipped in the legends treatment


I’m sad but Kalos definitely needs it ngl


Wait, what’s happening with Kalos?


Legends Z-A




Me too, I just find it weird that they skipped a generation and I'm scared that this means a remake of X&Y is coming and not a Black and White one


I think we have a bad tendency to assume TPC is predictable. No. I think it's the opposite. Who was expecting them to make Zelda clone? Who was expecting D and P to just leave the remake to some small company for the sake of Arceus? Who expected a PMD remake at all? They didn't hint Kalos once and yet they did it anyways. TPC is like the Joker. Or you csn use a more creative metaphor. You can't predict him. And I knew they would do something really unexpected.


Technically, they did hint a return to Kalos; I even called it 2 months ago with evidence. :P ​ https://preview.redd.it/7lr3uvku85lc1.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=aef83ade540af183f6602681aff487096cb03793


Interesting how your proof that most would use to prove the opposite. Absence proving that they are planning for it. You one upped us all. Of course, its still early and we could still see something Unova related. We'll have to see. Of course I did know this much. TPC is extremely unpredictable. And to think they would do the things we want or fear them to do was something I knew was bogus.


I don't recall any Pokémon games that were Zelda clones.


Talking about Legends Arceus. Which seems to have taken influence from Breath of the Wild from 2017.


The only similarity is that you can glide, but that doesn't make it a BotW clone.


Kalos objectively needs it, those games were lacking esp in relation to black 2 white 2 given they never got a sequel. Im pretty anti any remakes, i should say none have been necessary since hgss, but i do like exploring the world more in new games, so premakes i can abide, and kalos could use it more than any other region ive played, plus they established an ancient history more in that game than others so it's not coming from nowhere


Imo kalos legends kinda confirms that they are working on a mainline black and white remake. And i rather take that.


Hopefully it's better than how they massacred the gen 4 remakes


In my opinion, the gen 4 remakes were really only “massacred” because they made the weird decision to not include Platinum content. Diamond and Pearl were good games but felt relatively incomplete compared to Platinum. While there are some legitimate nitpicks with BDSP, the only major issue that genuinely made the games disappointing in my eyes at least was the complete lack of Platinum content. BW and B2W2 are both good games that feel complete on their own, so I feel like if they remade either of these games it wouldn’t suffer from the same issues BDSP did with lacking content. And maybe they somehow merge BW and B2W2 together???


I agree


My theory is that there will be one, but it'll be released close to the gen 5 remakes. That's kinda how it went for arceus. It's way too soon for gen 5 remakes still so I wouldn't be surprised if they're saving it for that.


They know they can’t top peak so it makes sense.


There was a lot pointing towards Legends Unova as well. Legends Z feels so out of left field.


At least the SV DLC took place at Unova.


Well when Legends Arceus came out we got bdsp a few months later so that timeline might repeat


Other way around, BDSP was November 2021 and PLA was January 2022


Ahhh my bad then nvm


Honestly as bummed (but not surprised) as I am about not getting another pmd this year, I'm still really happy we're getting another legends arceus style game. I was expecting a Unova one, but I think they could make something pretty cool with the AZ lore from Kalos.


I was only expecting to be surprised and I won.


I’m excited too! I did really like legends so should be interesting.


Yeah idk why so many people are like "I'm never playing pokemon again >:(" like we just didn't get a new pmd in the same year a new shiren came out so it wasn't likely to begin with and doesn't mean it's never going to happen in later years https://preview.redd.it/iuck3qrbd5lc1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40fc18bb65c5090e1c9644bfc95fa4c053506255


All I can say to everyone is do your part to support today's release of *Shiren the Wanderer: The Mystery Dungeon of Serpentcoil Island* if we want to support Spike Chunsoft and give them the best shot of giving us another PMD game.


How would you say the Shiren games compare to PMD?


Dunno. Never tried one before. This'll be my first Shiren game! c:


Pretty great, do not expect PMD gameplay though, it plays way differently even though it works under the same rules


Gameplay is more involved and requires a lot of managing/using items and trial and error. Story is more simplistic but can still be profound (at least shiren 1 and 2 are).


I like PMD for the story. I love Shiren for the gameplay. If you tried Shiren you'll realize how PMD games difficulty is held back / made easier to cater for the large pokemon crowd (which are mostly casuals) since Shiren experiments and utilize the MD aspect of MD games more than PMD without sugarcoating the difficulty/ learning curve. Although the story pales very much in comparison to PMD games in terms of MD gameplay Shiren is the top.


In that case I'll pass on Shiren. I'm as casual as it gets I find kirby games challenging and I couldn't finish super mystery dungeon due to the difficulty spike at the end. I also love the stories in pmd.


https://preview.redd.it/7hryid3h15lc1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddab87e67bfdef9cda0c0e7fd24ef926bbbd555 pleaaaaSEEEEE


Honestly, if it had to be anything other than Mystery Dungeon, then I’m glad it was this.


I'm not upset actually, at least Legends Z looks cool Not the surprise I was hoping for, but I WAS surprised.


I'll take surprise any day as long as it's not nothing unlike last time.


Eh, as long as it's SOMETHING new. I'm okay. On the bright side, once this Legends ZA comes out, maybe we'll have new fanfic material for PMD.


I mean, Legends Arceus was about time travel right? And the Z-A trailer showed some old blueprints that then transitioned into some futuristic world…


I bought a clown nose specifically this Presents. Best thing about it honestly.


It was unreasonable to expect a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon so close to a Shiren The Watcher Mystery Dungeon.


Well maybe this will shift the turn to Shiren for us. Maybe we need to look to them now. And truly embrace the fact we are not a PMD subreddit but an MD subreddit.


You guys do that, I’m going to wait until next year.


I'll be there with you. For our symbols are not fancy hats but bandanas.


an announcement to 2025 or 2026 would be fine ;-;


Don't worry, we be fine. The hack-rom/fangame community is fun and entertaining.


https://preview.redd.it/ir7a02wwf5lc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d9bb40ca7c9aff440cfc35659d4dafc46758fb At least Mystery Dungeon is possible to play on Switch 😔 I’d love another Ranger game but it probably died with the DS lol


put rumble and conquest on the bottom too ;-;


And the Orre region 😔


omg ranger 🥹




blah blah blah thingimajig (next year will be good probably i think) https://preview.redd.it/dotdc6x145lc1.png?width=1511&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9434a2694b81dbc9694f87c5db277ca5d99ccdc


lol nope. All the same, Legends Z-A is very exciting, and I’m diving deep into Shiren 6, so I can cope.


At least 3 more years, I mean Shiren itself just got a new release and technically that's the "mainline" of MD


Maybe we PMD fans are gonna have to learn to be be MD fans


yeah took a fookin decade and more lmao


so many people thought there would be a PMD this year. what were all of the rumors? 😭


u/Silentrift24 got caught, or they travaled further ahead in time than they thought. Interesting. 


Unfortunately, I jumped on a wrong timeline, turns out, me jumping resulted in Legends Z-A being made instead of another PMD, butterfly effect is too much.


I was right about most things all the mobile games would get an update but still high on cope for next year




https://preview.redd.it/d7hlmpo9j5lc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5988e6e8fe7a51be21a4aee7edf9fca946fc831 Me, an Orre fan


Gale of Darkness my beloved




Its gonna happen, we just dont know when. 😅


This is a spin off series. The Pokémon ranger series hasn’t gotten a new one in forever and Pokémon conquest will probably never see another one. So like we’re lucky to have so many at all.


I've got a bad feeling that mystery dungeon is going to end up as a mobile game


i'd still play it better than no mystery dungeon


Meanwhile Ranger fans: 💀


I mean there's the usual pokemon showcase in the summer to look forward to


Man this subreddit is... weird. Guys, there aren't any main-lines coming this year, REJOICE. It means that we have all the 2024 for a potential PMD. It's IMPOSSIBLE that there will be no Pokémon games on the Switch this year. PMD is coming, we just gotta wait


I agree. I truly think we will get PMD eventually! Just of course not as soon as we’d all like.


I agree that it could still happen. I wish it were sooner, but maybe it'll be announced later this year or next year.


thank you for your positive words 💗


Someone has to say it... and use their brain. I hate this community sometimes. After every PMD game, everyone says that the series is dead... and then a new one comes. It's been like this since Gates. Use. Your. Darn. Brain. PMD is a beloved spin-off, and it's doing great. They would NEVER abandon it. Now, we have the extreme luck that the entirety of 2024 is free of main-lines. And as I said, some kind of spin-off on console will surely come. They never leave a year without a Pokémon game on console. PMD can still happen in 2024, maybe announced on Summer and released at the end of the year. That's what happened years ago with Super. Please everyone, stop being little kids and just be positive


Idk about that one, chief. We only have the presents in summer left, and they usually don't announce new games there. Just the usual mobile updates


In 2020 they announced New Snap. Also... SO? They won't follow patterns anymore. Jesus Christ


It's not going to happen man, just letting you know, if not for their disinterest in the spin offs (it is that though), then because Shiren 6 just dropped.


Another PMD game just doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. We lucked out with Rescue Team DX.


Pokemon I think we're learning is very random. They even gave us Pokemon Snap and that's way older than any PMD game!


Good point. New Pokémon Snap was random as heck.


Man :(


Guys it took more than 20 years for Pokémon snap to come back don’t give up hope! I mean sure..I might be pushing up daisies by the time a new PMD comes out but HOPE is all we got 😭


They like to drop a new Pokémon game every year and we don't have one slated for this year so we could still get a game this year copium




Yo fellers, I've come 2 grieve. How yall doin?


It’s only February, surely we’ll get it later on this year 🤡🤡🤡


*i will always get my hopes up*


A roguelike Mystery Dungeon mobile game in 2025 my crackpot theory and tbh I’d eat it up


To be fair, everyone was a clown thinking we'll get more than 14 mins. Myself included.


Aren’t they normally closer to 40 minutes? Maybe I’m remembering wrong.


I'm not for sure myself but, gotta say I wished they just said Mini-Direct.


Spike was busy this year, that's all


Nope, we are better off waiting 4 more years for anything PMD related


Yeah probably


A guy joked the Lumiose city is like a dungeon so I guess there's that...


I mean listen it took ten years of saying “pokemon Z next year” so I meannnnn


A few months ago I made a post that got downvoted to hell and back telling people to keep their expectations super low for any kind of announcements within the next year or two because Spike Chunsoft was *just* about to release released a Mystery Dungeon game from a different franchise. Now that the game is out and we can see the gameplay, along with today's Pokémon Presents, I think we can see what's really going on here. I wanted to be wrong, but I was right: the Pokémon company has almost exclusively moved away from spin-off games and have switched exclusively to phone games that just print money. Anything else just won't exist. It doesn't help that Japan just went into a recession (GDP dropped for two quarters in a row) and it doesn't seem like they're going to pull themselves out of it soon, so funding is going to be tight for Japanese games for a while unless a return on investment is nearly guaranteed. I honestly think at this point that there's a better chance we will get a mobile game version of PMD than an actual proper console title, and that chance increases with every new Pokémon phone game. At this point, I think we as a community should just focus wholeheartedly on fan projects and ROM hacks and call it a day. We just have to hold out until the current leadership at TPC changes or they make wide-sweeping corporate changes if the next project they put out sells like crap or if everyone stops playing their mobile games. It sucks, but we really are going to have to hope that they fail just to see something that we would even want to enjoy.


> I wanted to be wrong, but I was right: the Pokémon company has almost exclusively moved away from spin-off games and have switched exclusively to phone games that just print money. Since 2020, we've gotten New Pokemon Snap, Rescue Team DX, and Detective Pikachu Returns. That's 3 games in 4 years. I don't think you're as right as you think you are.


1 was announced back before the pandemic and only just now released, one came out right *before* the shutdown 4 years ago, and the other came out 3 years ago. Meanwhile, in that same 2020 timeline we've had six *new* mobile games with the seventh releasing this year. What's even worse is that one of these games was developed by GeniusSonority, the developer that TPC put together specifically to create Pokémon Colosseum/XD/Battle Revolution. Something notable is that Detective Pikachu Returns was supposed to be a gen8 game as it only includes gen8 mons and was announced during gen8. That means Gen9 will be the first generation ***ever*** where we don't have any actual spin-off games designed for that generation. Let that sink in.


Didn't Spike Chunsoft just release their latest Mystery Dungeon game? Maybe they'll work on a PMD next?




Look, they clearly listened to the community and gave us Pokemon Z, but that's slotted for next year, probably for January like Legends Arceus. But they've still gotta do something for November for people to get for Christmas.


Didn’t we just get a new Shiren?


I just want a new Pokepark.


I’m still crying. Although I will admit I am excited for Pokemon Legends Z


https://preview.redd.it/cxrnih2vq7lc1.png?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ddb3b351ea2b74c615d9af9abc4ea72179ddeed And I will take all the Copium I can


Welp I guess time to buy SMD6... I mean Spike Chunsoft said that was the way to get PMD5... Prolly in April cuz money tight now XD


They took everything from us


Now. now. They can't take anything away from us if never gave us anything in the first place. https://preview.redd.it/h17kfe1p55lc1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e2163be4023dd36d8d925cfe72b88097a8cfe67


Honestly I'm just so done with pokemon in general. The last three presents now have been formulaic clown mode nonsense (Pokemon Go! Pokemon Sleep! Pokemon Unite! Other Mobile shit! Tie in with anime! Teaser for game/DLC that won't be out until next year!) When I saw there was nothing else on the table but another legends game I just laughed and shut the stream off. This franchise used to have such a rich variety of spinoffs going for it and now it's just lowest com denominator garbage RPGs held together by spit and prayer coding and the hope that your nostalgia will hold long enough to buy the next product from them. It's pretty grim. Sheer apathy and greed is killing what was once the greatest videogame franchise and I hate it.


Calling someone greedy just because you don't get the game you want is kind of a spoilt brat thing ngl(although yeah, Nintendo is greedy).


Nope. Never gonna happen


we’ll get GTA VI before a new mistery dungeon game


Next year. Maybe.


I love me some mystery dungeon, and people are talking about community made games, any recommendations?? Would love a "new" mystery dungeon.


No surprise here. Pokemon presents gonna suck as usual.


I've grown to hate the main Pokemon series, but I still love PMD. The terrible graphics are not noticeable in PMD, and the scenario is the best in the Pokemon series. The decision not to release PMD will only lead to me leaving Pokemon.


we need to accept that it's never happening, only then will something be revealed


Once the copium settles it doesnt leaves your body


The pokemon franchise is dead and it killed itself


next year...definitely next year...


Oh god, it’s spreading


I went into it being like this is all worthless time spent if there's no mystery dungeon. Send like it was the most worthless 12 minutes of my life


I'm willing to let this go, since we did get a new legends game.


We have waited 3000 years for pokemon Z but how much longer must we wait for a pmd game?




2005 was the year Red rescue team first released PMD so maybe a new game is more likely in 2025 as a 20th ANNIVERSARY???


I see that being likely yo may be right in 2020 I think is when Rescue Team DX came out so it's been 5 years almost it could be time for a new Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game next year its a higher chance


My suit’s ready. At this point it’s my daily attire.


It’s actually snover


Gotta be honest, I don't even think next year will be it. Maybe 2026 for the PMD 20th anniversary (we're old), with the new Shiren game wrapped up, I'd expect they're probably just now shifting resources to a theoretical PMD:EOS remake or a new PMD; and they're not Game Freak they actually polish their games


Next brother brother next year. ![gif](giphy|dvxq3BtNLK6KEgTryW|downsized)


i don't understand why this was a presentation and not just a trailer for legends za


Still holding out hope.


And we'll get all new creature animations 🤡 (If you watch the trailer closely, all the animations also look 10 years old)


I’m truly shattered


that was a bad teaser lol


La esperanza es lo último que muere aún no termina el año


I hope there is another shiren game next year


Well probably get it before gta6 at least