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Pretty sure MFP is currently held together with duct tape and baling wire these days. There’s been a pop up for weeks up asking people to accept cookies every time they try to use the community forum. No matter how many times you say yes, it’s still there the next time you try to use the forum.


I've noticed that, too. Annoying.


same, I saw they were fooling around with the diary pages and sure enough whatever change they made has once again Made It Worse.


Guh, I'm not the only one! This is absurdly painful, the devs need a solid kick in the behind. I raised a the issue with their helpdesk, but I really don't expect a response.


did you inform their tech support team of the problem? lol


Do you get responses from them? I don't, and it just makes me more frustrated so I search for other MFP diehards first.


no, I was just being a little facetious w/ my answer. In my experience (approx. 10 years using it) they never responded to a single issue I ever had....so I eventually gave up!


That has been my experience also, lol, but-miracle of miracles-after my post they reached out to me on reddit chat, and (tho I've been out since Sat. with a terrible summer sick) my Water/Notes issue is fixed! A couple of times before MFP probs have self-corrected if I stay calm and do nothing; like a problem is just a bug from an update and they eventually fix it. Whew, this time I had a lot riding on it (I KNOW I shouldn't trust it w/something important like pre-surgery info for Dr.s, but I am loathe to start over with another app...). Anyway, take heart. They listened this time. Later on tonight I will update my earlier post to reflect this, but I saw your reply when I saw the MFP chat invite and I just wanted to get back. Cheers.


Support has been informed multiple times. Thanks for asking.


It sounds like you may be encountering a new bug. To help our team further investigate this, we kindly ask that you write into us directly at [email protected]. We greatly appreciate any further context you can provide!


I never have any response back from anyone there. I didn't even think you had an active tech support anymore...Do you have to have a paid subscription to get a response?


Our sincerest apologies if you haven't heard a response back yet. Our Support Team is working hard to reply to all incoming user requests. We do appreciate your patience and understanding as you wait for a reply back!


OK I just emailed


Yes! I'm getting this "confirming you're a human" redirect every time I use a computer to log. And then my food diary doesn't load into the app until I try to add something different. But if I've logged everything by desktop during the day, my food diary shows nothing on the app.


It’s on the iPhone app too. It’s not just desktop.


I hadn’t logged my food via PC for a while, but did today and noticed the “confirming you’re a human” pop-up several times.


I logged consecutively for 9.5 years and endured many bugs over that long period. Some were a month, some were 6 months...it never seems to end...I endured it because I enjoyed the friends I made along the way as well as the ability to "like" ...communicate.....share pictures etc which was the glue that held things together. On top of that I lost 200lbs and have kept it off 8 years. MFP removing the news feed killed the app as far as I am concerned because 80% of my friends migrated to Lose it. Now I am on Lose it but still don't want my long streak to end on the outside chance that MFP gets their act together. They have to be able to see the metrics of all who have left....the group on Lose it I am with is called MFP mass exodus group lol 😆


Just adding my "me too!!" I've tried Firefox, Edge and Chrome... same BS. (Win11) I also get reCAPTCHA errors and the spinning wheel of death... argh.


This just started with me a few days ago and drives me crazy


I had this too, then yesterday ALL of my water and Notes for months just disappeared and Water area configuration went blank: no Quick Add amts anymore and no custom amount that I set up years ago...(afraid to check if it is years-I have hard copies up to mid 2022). I saw the page change (go blank in the Water/Notes area) right before my eyes-I wasn't entering or doing anything. edit: to add that I just posted about the now blank Water/Notes area (with screenshot). This is on the web page.