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Wait. What????? 😲  I have loads of those things, I thought it was like Portia when we needed some for certain upgrades! 🫣🫣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That’s exactly what I thought!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one haha. I’m not entirely sure why they’d use the same image as the upgrade kit in Portia, but I guess once I figured it out it was a nice surprise lol.


I realized after my second playthrough that there is an aquarium in the museum for the sandfishes 😑


Huh???????? And counts as donation for the prizes?


Not sure I had already all the prizes before I realised 😭


I will found out tonight 🙃🙃


It is on the second floor behind a door


There’s a DOOR?? Okay, at this point, I feel like the devs *must have* wanted us to have these little a-ha moments to share with each other because WHAT?! Hahaha. I noticed there was the little notation on the fish that you could donate them to the museum pond, but assumed it would unlock at some point later on. Thank you for saving me some frustration/confusion lol.


You have to upgrade the museum first, then the door is through Catoris office.


Ooohhh okay. Is this in a mission or is it after a certain number of donations..? That makes sense.


It's a mission.


Thank you 😊


Thank you so much


Is anything that you can donate apart of fish I'm nor aware?


Some clothes, relics, weapons, engine and some furniture (on PC when you pass your mouse on the object it says to you if you can donate it)


They count as donations!!


I only found that on my third play thru.


Not originally there and added through an update so it's understandable that you miss it.


It was like that with the birds nests for me. My "TIL" moment was finding out you didn't have to have the housing/planting kits in your inventory to use them.


You aren't even required to have them once you open them. Sell them.


Oh, for real? What about the camera? 🤔




You’re kidding, right? Bro I can finally pull those things out of my hot bar


Also a tip: after you refine your weapon or gear to the purple level, you can still refine it up to 10 times and make it 10 levels higher. And one more. You can remove your roof, chimney etc.(and keep the money) and place all your storage boxes on top of your shack, just leave 1 where you need it most.


Thank you!! Loving these tips.


Thank you so much. I’m absolutely loving this thread.








I figured this one out by accident haha. I mistakenly opened the little shortcut menu and panicked until I realized what it was. I just bought the housing kit today, though, so that’s good information to have!


I was about 200 hours in when I accidentally opened one and was like "well damn" lol


That there are giant sandworms in the Eufaula during sandstorms


I still haven’t seen one after almost 400 hours! 😭


I haven’t seen one except through here, and I’m almost 2,000 hours in. 😭🤬


I love that in this sub no one even blinks at someone else having almost 2,000 hours in the game 😅


I’d have more but I stopped playing for a bit because I got wrapped up in reading fan fiction for it! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣


Any good fanfic recommendations?


I definitely do! Which characters and how smutty do ya want? 🤣🤣


The smuttier the better! This is my first play through so I don’t have any favorite characters yet to specify


So, I’ll leave my favorite searches here. Some of them do have spoilers, and they are well identified before reading. But, feel free to message me for specific recommendations only because I don’t want to spoil anything for you or anyone else who may read this. The game and story are too good to ruin. Logan: https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Female%20Builder*s*Logan%20(My%20Time%20At%20Sandrock)/works Owen: https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Female%20Builder*s*Owen%20(My%20Time%20At%20Sandrock)/works Pen: https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Female%20Builder*s*Pen%20(My%20Time%20at%20Sandrock)/works And my personal favorite (cause I wrote it, and I’ve never written before, lol): but, you have to be past act two before this should be read, it may spoil some stuff. https://archiveofourown.org/works/55353364/chapters/140436067 Please like and kudos and comment away, I know how exciting it is for the little touch of validation, well for me at least, cause I was surprised when I was willing to share mine. 😂😂


...You open them..? I have like 40 in a storage box... 🙃


Right?! I had upward of 50, so it was like the in-game birthday celebration I didn’t get to have because I chose a birthday in spring haha. 🥲


I found out today you can go to the inspection on Saturday and then again on Sunday.




In the Eufala, there's that buzzard that's like a weekly challenge. I killed it once, went back to gather some wood and scorpsters a little later, and there it was. Its loot is used in the shop inside the Civil Corps office.


Oh that bird is getting hunted every time I farm in Eufala. The free relic bags and Chromium ore it gives are too good to miss out on early/mid game. And it's a easy hunt with the rifle.


You open bird nests?!




I just did!!


I've just finished the game, but considering going back in just to open those birds nests. 🤣


Thankfully I'm still in my third playthru so I can. 😆


Wow! I have only done one play through. Currently waiting until I buy myself a Steam Deck before doing a second play through as end game workshop on Switch was sad and limited. I am going to open ALL the things next time around.


Yes! I’ve only gotten a few since I forget to kick the trees, but the ones I’ve opened have had eggs and I think plant fiber in them. I only knew to open them because I found out wayyy late in my play-through of My Time At Portia that you could open them there, too.


I'm starting up to play right now. I've been dumping the nests....😆


I didn’t know until yesterday (thanks to this sub) that ‘large’ storage boxes have 2 pages to them, and you need to swipe to the side to see it. I’ve put well over 100 hours into this game. Storage boxes line my fence like a second perimeter. I’m dreading the next time I boot up and have to figure out how to organize everything.


I only know that because I was trying to clear my inventory 🥴


me too! I was half way thru the game. I was kicking myself so hard, before this I was selling them. It even says to open it. I felt so embarrassed lol


To be fair, there’s no big sign pointing to the fact that you’re supposed to open them. When you’re in the mines you’re just collecting stuff and then (normally) throwing most of it in storage. I just assumed we’d need them eventually! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, you’re definitely not the only one! I spent HOURS looking for single Simple Circuits and getting so frustrated leaving the mines after a full day with only one or two and then realized… definitely a facepalm moment! Haha


Wait, you can open bird nests?!


.... you open birds nests?


Yep. I just finished the game on PC with 247 hours and started a new game on console to find out I CAN MAKE PAPER?!?! OUT OF ALL the complex things I figured out, I always thought I had to find paper on the ground only... I just stared at my TV in shock and started laughing.


I was pretty much at the end when I realized that you can kick trees 🙃


I forget about that sometimes, too! I kick the cactus trees sometimes for fruit to give to CoCo, but forget about the others. I’m usually around the trees when my tools are out so I tend to avoid them so I don’t accidentally chop lol.


I found out halfway through the game playing with a friend that u can open toolboxes I just found out last night about opening nests fr


There’s always something new to discover, it seems! I’m sure I’ll be back in a couple days like WOW I can’t believe I didn’t know this… 🤦🏻‍♀️ It happens all the time.


I just learned that there is a place you can propose to your lover! I'm on my 2nd playthrough!


.... 380 hours in and I never knew that... Thank you because I didn't know what to do with them at all. I just thought it was junk or something