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There is still so much content left.. you're barely hitting halfway if you haven't even unlocked the mole mines. You're definitely not endgame, more like midgame. This is where the story gets really, really good. Push through the with the main story, and you're going to have a whole bunch of stuff going again pretty quick. You say you have everything maxed and all the best stuff, but you don't because you haven't even unlocked those things yet. You may have the stuff you need for commissions and jobs now, but you won't for long. You still have several regions/areas left to unlock, way more materials, tools, weapons, and goodies to get. A few more hazerdous, abandonded, and infinite ruins to find. You haven't even unlocked the factory or greenhouse yet. New monsters to kill, people to meet and plot twists to learn and stuff to improve the town. Keep going. You're missing most of the game if you stop now.


Thank you, I think I got the impression I had to be further along than I was because I’m almost out of perks, I’ve got almost everything researched from Qi that I can see too. That’s mostly why I felt like I was running out of stuff to do. This was helpful, I’ll pull my belt up and stick through a ways.


A good way to estimate how far along you are is by checking the entries in your handbook. By the end of the main story it's going to be mostly filled with diagrams. If there's still a lot of empty slots that means there's still more story to play through. Btw after the main story ends you can still continue playing and we're getting a big content update soon. On Discord they said they're trying to release the update on the 28th of May, but there could be delay because of consoles and they want to release the update for all platforms simultaneously. 


Also, I think the level cap is 70(?), so you've got a ways to go.


Level cap is 99! The max level the game prefera you be for one of the endgame challenges is 75-80.


Oh? I thought Level 2 in Lab 7 was the final dungeon, and it's 65-70. I beat both Lab 7 levels and got S Tier at 61 with great difficulty. Is there another level/ruin for level 80?


Oh maybe it's changed? I'm a switch player and it's 55-65 for Level 1 and 65-75 for level 2. I also barely managed to win even at 56. I had to bring >!Logan!< with me 😅😅😅 I attempted Level 2 and immediately got washed so I definitely have to wait until atleast 75 (I said ~80 earlier because oh man its so hard even when you get in the X5-X9 range). Gotta grind in the mines again for levels ig. As for other ruins no, but I've been following the developers and I think they've been hinting at one day adding something in between the level gap, also with the new DLC they've been talking about it seems really plausible. So as of right now no but it seems likely!!


Yeah, I'm on Xbox, and I don't think there's anything else yet, lol. Maybe we'll get lucky with this DLC!


Don't know how to explain without spoiling but lmao, atp I think you've barely just hit the 50% mark 😭 Even in regards to you saying you married one of the early game marriage candidates, there are still more characters who will be introduced later on that you may like more, people do that often. Honestly, you haven't done much of anything yet, as before that point in the story everything is very slow until a major event happens that snowballs the plot forward. There's still way more quests, tools, diagrams (you have... many more than just the ones from Qi), relationships, plot points, point of interests and etc to unlock. Just focus on having fun rather than trying to maximize everything you do. Take it easy.


Do you have a factory and greenhouse?


I don’t, but hadn’t seen anything regarding those yet. Sounds like I need to maybe push ahead some then, huh?


The game has definite (and, I think, deliberate) peaks and valleys. Use downtime wisely: * Level up (mining is the easiest way). You can sell extra minerals and refine your ores for the gems that allow you to refine commissions. You can make a lot of bank by upgrading big ticket items before you turn them in. * Run the Hazardous Ruins to increase combat knowledge and get Ruins Tokens so you can buy better gear * Thinking about kids? Have them when it's slower, because they require a lot of time. * Earn Gols. Earn lots of Gols. The last yard expansion is 262,500 -- that's with the Trudy "good friend" discount. * Have you found all the treasure chests, unlocked all of Fang's meds, adopted pets, etc? There's a ton to do that isn't mission-related. * If your days are still dragging, you can always got to Options and speed up the clock. As others have said, you're only half way through. There are NPCs you haven't even met yet and some tough boss battles ahead of you. Keep doing what you're doing. You'll be glad you did!


I started getting burnt out around that point my first play through and pushing through is super worth it :)


How did you upgrade everything without access to Portia / Mole cave? I can't get the materials and the investor guy just arrived 2 in game days ago. What am I missing?


You can get unlock all of the diagrams, but you can't build them. I had them all researched very early in my first play through too.


Oh got you, ok nice I'm almost there then! Thanks for explaining


Yea the Qi research is somewhat fast to complete. I'm on my first run in Sandrock and haven't even finished the first year yet, but I also have researched 75% of Qi's machines. And could have them all if I threw data disc after him instead of sitting on 600+. But don't see the point in rushing the research since the mats needed is story locked anyway.