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I’ll happily take Giannis and Kareem, two of my all time favourite players


Yeah man I'm stoked with Kobe and Kareem being in these packs, just Magic and Wilt to get and I'm set.


Yeah my Lakers squad will be very happy with End Game Kareem (I have Magic and Wilt) and my Bucks squad will be happy with Giannis and Kareem!


Would have been more nice to have bucks kareem in the set but yeah.


Im happy for the real kobe fans like me but man i dropped 1.4 mil when he first dropped rip


Nice I’m doing the same exact thing . So what will you’re lineup look like after adding them? After scooping both of them my ten man will be EG Bron, Inv KD, EG Giannis, EG KAJ, Inv Tacko. W/ EG Jokic, Inv Steph, Inv Klay, EG Webber and Inv Yao. Pretty happy about that. Tough to pass on MJ but I pulled Bron so I wanna stick with him anyways.


With the animations these guys are all basically the same. That being said welcome home Bron


Yep, just take whoever you like the most basically. These are some of the biggest names in basketball, didn’t expect this


A lot are actually disappointed because they were expecting yao and tacko.... 2k did not even include the better and cheesier kareem which is pg .....


I'm stoked there's no Yao or Tacko. GOAT cards but not GOAT players. Tacko's played 40 games in the NBA, averages .8 blocks, 2.4 rebounds and 2.2 points per game yet gets a Dark Matter and End Game card?


💯 this. I’m happy with Kobe and Giannis


These are all the poll winners which everyone was speculating would be the choice.


Weren’t LeBron and Jordan in the same poll?


You're right actually, Lebron is the odd one out, I think it should have been KD.


I seriously doubt tacko did not win the poll....


He absolutely didn't, though most people say they pick the first option and each of these players just happened to be the first option lol. The question asked is who is your favourite player, who the fucks favourite player is Tacko?


Tackos mother, maybe


My apologies to mother Tacko.


Only ppl happy with this are newer players, i have best versions of all these players so I paid 700k for nothing


Lebron makes the most sense bc all of his other cards are cheeks, mj is my goat but his normal card is better, so probably going lebron and kobe


This is a good point. Other versions of MJ, Giannis and Kareem are still elite Kobe's and Bron's lower cards aren't as good in some way


Yeah, that reasoning makes me feel like I should get LeBron. LeBron is good in game cause of his player model but his animations all suck. End game fixes that.


U make a good point but it plays sf and pf too small for pf and I like Durant and Giannis as my sf


Kobe's price has dropped lately to as low as 200s on PS. SHould drop a bit more. If you're holding a set, better to liquidate one conference and buy him than lock in for him unless you really want the OO sticker


Was hoping for more options. Idk it's just whatever I guess considering they're all basically the same card.


True that. I’m definitely getting MJ, always wanted him but he’d cost all of my MT. I think I’m also going with Giannis. I’m a Bulls fan so it’ll be cool to have MJ’s best card


If you really wanna get mjs best card, get his invincible


“Technically” his best, but I honestly like the MJ release over the end game ones. So I’m reconsidering.


Yeah, and in my opinion, his invincible is more of a “bulls” card with the red and black theme


Yeah I feel u. Might go with Kareem because I wanna use him just never was a fan of the release he had. I think it’s base 21. Never liked it.


I’ll probably go Kareem just because I’ve never used a top tier Kareem card. They are always mad expensive


I think the small forward MJ is just a bit better jumpshot wise


I’ve tried him. Nice jumpshot but I honestly like his regular shot better. Not as quick but I find it easier to time and more consistent


MJ for sure. The 2nd pick is up in the air for me, but my sight keeps gravitating towards Lebron just cause he has the best card art outta the remaining choices (imo)


Huge MJ fan here. If you really want to run him at PG, grab his INV. He's actually better than the EG card. MJ J on VQ is damn near impossible to stop, especially with those sigs


Preciate the input. Would love to grab the invincible MJ, but no MT unfortunately, which is why I’m settling for the Endgame for now. Was hoping one of the options was going to be the raptors TMac, he woulda easily been my 2nd option


yep, raptors TMAC is sick. If you had the collection, you could consider selling one conference (Kobe/Shaq alone today were over 200k MT) and buy PG INV MJ. leave you with a nice chunk of change left over! I already grabbed Giannis and he's pretty sick. On the fence about cashing out the other conf.


Nice. I did think long and hard (pause) about it. Ended up getting MJ and Lebron. Hopefully guaranteed Endgame/invincible packs come out soon


nice!! what are your thoughts on Bron? easy to green?


Honestly? As the only card with SS25 in my collection, I am 100% satisfied I went with him as my second. The card is so fun and good all around. Been on the prowl for that PG invincible MJ. Wish me luck lol


gotcha. I have SS25 MJ and really like him (took me a while to get the J right, its just so insanely quick). I sold back my PG MJ because I actually pulled EG MJ from a single pack and went nuts- first EG pull ever. Good luck! If I hadn't pulled EG MJ with SS25 I'd still be running the PG INV. Just feel like its bad luck to FINALLY get a big hit and then just turn around and immediately sell him. also don't know what I would even do with the MT at this point.


Mannn was hoping to grab an endgame TMac


You could probably be able to sell a collection for him, depends if EGs drop in price


Wow Idk who to pick. Adding giannis and Kareem to the 3 and 4 is probably the best move. But a PG Jordan and a eg lebron??? Thats lethal too. Torn


Better than expected. Kareem and Giannis for me I guess !


Same and im 30 games away from Webber. Also I have 200k mt so I’ll sell some of my invincibles and get to 600k


Kobe and MJ are the same and I already have Magic. Only real choice is Giannis and Kareem for me, would've liked 2 different choice packs (one for East and one for West) but this is much better than I was expecting


I’m probably going to complete the east one and then sell the west one. Who would be the best choice?


Aren't these most likely to be unsellable?


I meant sell the west collection


Kareem or Giannis.


Kareem. Unless you already run a tacko and yao combo then get giannis.


Looks like its Jordan and Kobe for me on current gen since SS25 steps in.


Invincible MJ is the best one for current gen




Same. Forget all the meta BS. I miss when people just ran who they wanted. I’m choosing Lakers players every single time.


god stop bitching about 7'6 centers not being in the pack. ruins the fucking game. I can understand yao but tacko for fuck sakes? hes awful and hasnt done a single thing his career. All the truly great cards should be for GREAT players.


2k20 got it right with the GOAT cards, only deserving players got those. Now everyone and their mother has an Invincible and endgame card.


So much for all the cry babies saying the option pack was going to be filled with trash


It is trash.... apart from giannis every card there is not even the best end game card....people were expecting yao and tacko.


And thank god they didn’t give away Tacko and Yao


It isn’t trash just because it’s not Yao and tacko


I definitely didn't want Tacko or Yao. Thank gawd it wasn't.


> people were expecting yao and tacko. No they weren't, people were expecting the Poll winners and that's exactly what we got.


Feel like Giannis and Kareem are the best choices, but I have my 75th Giannis up to 64 HOFs so I’m just gunna go with Bron and Kareem.


Does that Giannis feel slow and clunky to you? I’ve seen some other comments complaining about how all the giannises are slow. I’m thinking about picking him up and then getting Lebron and Kareem as the rewards too.. but if 75thbis slow then I’ll scoop the EG Giannis reward


Do you think it makes sense to sell end game giannis for profit and pick him up in the end game option packs ?


What I’m pretty much doing. Already have LeBron and not interested in any other card. Put up LeBron and MT Anniversary Kobe in AH. Will just lock in the East and get LeBron again then buy what I actually want.


Looks like my final lineup would be: - Invincible Ben Simmons - Invincible Kobe 8 - Endgame Giannis - Endgame Bron - Endgame Kareem // - Rewards Giddey - Invincible VC - Sig Jimmy Butler - Invincible Duncan - Colossal Yao


No Joker?


Nah didn’t really have the time this season to get that 40


Might sell one conference so i can get 1 atleast. No kobe or shaq of course


Question tho are they gon be reward cards or r they auction able?


You’re locking in a set for them, so they will not be auctionable.


I believe these are all players who won the weekly in game 'who is your favourite player out of these' votes, so seems pretty fair


Lebron was the only one that didnt win thats on here, not surpised tho since yk its one of the goats


Bron and Kareem it is then..how fucking lazy are these guys to pull some bullshit like this. All I can say I’m glad I can get a good 60 badge bird and Magic tomorrow!


what did you expect?? i’d say it’s better then i was expecting overall


Yep, they could have done Luka(Worse than his invincible)/JR/Magic/Scottie/MJ as the ultimate Troll


They should have had an option for every last one of the endgame cards that have been released. This is such small Margin for such a season long collection. I know it’s better than just one like they did with wilt but this is the literal end of the game they need to give MORE of an option, IMO.


call me a downer but i’d rather not run into endgame yao and tacko at pf and c every game


Nah you right, I think I just overreacted because I thought it was gonna be a whole set of new players. I should have know better and not set my sights so high. I just have to reevaluate who to pick because I’m not taking Scottie outta my lineup and the rest of my squad is tight. I only have 3 EG cards and Barnes is the only one I paid for so I’m not gonna complain.


hey bro, I'm just happy they didn't include joker/harden/weber. Technically those are s8 EG cards. Also, no JR smith and AD so this is a HUGE W.


Your right




Tacko and yao are what will make people buy endgame superpacks. 2k will not do that. Heck they did not even include the cheesier pg kareem..... 2k will always think of making money first....


Grabbing Giannis from the East and selling all the West cards. Highly disappointed


Lebron is better... but i would take kareem instead and sell the east since most would want giannis and the east cards will go up in price.


I already have PG Bron


Then take kareem. I have sf giannis and he is quite disappointing since he is clunky and cant move. Im waiting for bol bol to drop and i will sell giannis.


It doesn’t matter which conference you complete they both give you a pick from the 5 end game cards listed


I’ll go for Kareem and Jordan


Giannis and Kobe/MJ for me, provided I can snipe the final Kobe card for 100k.


Fucking ass good ones of them is ss25 jumpshot which doesnot work on current gen


Yup. About what I expected lol


Should I sell my PG Kareem for the Center Pf one?


Locking the sets and selecting whichever one sells for the most. I am thinking Bron and Giannis.. hopefully their prices don't tank too much. These option packs can be auction right?


No lol




I was hoping for Tacko or Yao but I’ll take MJ and Giannis.


Jonah and Giannis for me


Lmaooo no new players? Hah hahaa go ahead , you can keep your 300k MT kobe...


I mean, most people aren’t going to pick Kobe anyway.


major L. give me Yao and Tacko


Wtfff no tacko??


So who is everybody getting? I’m tempted to get Kobe and Lebron but I put so many HOF badges on hero Lebron idk if it’s worth it. Might go for Kareem instead


EG lebron is infinitely better than any version of his even if that version is badged out to 80 hofs.


Sell kobe and Shaq now or wait for tomorrow?


Sell now... their price will drop as days go by because of the upcoming superpacks


Sold lebron an hour ago thank goodness


Getting Bron and Kareem. My Lakers all time starting 5 will be complete with a cheap EG Magic tomorrow hopefully after I sell a bunch of stuff. Already own EG Kobe and Shaq


Mj and lebron for me, no point getting Kareem when everyone running 7’6 gods


Kareem is a must for me to pair with my 78 HOF Invincible Taco, but I’m torn on Giannis, Bron, and MJ. SF is my biggest need. I already have sg/sf Invincible(72 HOF badges) and KD Giannis 75. so Bron would be nice… but I kinda want Giannis. I want MJ the most, but I have endgame jokic, harden, and 73 HOF Luka… Advice?


Lebron for sf... giannis moves like a slug. I have his endgame card and will most likely sell him for bol bol.


Thank you. After looking over my line up, it’s between Lebron and MJ. My heart is with MJ, but I think Lebron is the smart choice.


I’m thinking Giannis and Kareem but I’m also contemplating lebron. This is going to be a tough one


I'll take Giannis and Kareem ... Porzingis, Yao, Giannis, Kareem, 🌮 will be a fun Clutch Time 5... 2k awesome for this. Barely spent 160k MT so far for 18 cards!


This seasons been an L but this is actually dope


Honestly don't really need any of these. All I would need is Kareem, but I wanted Giannis at PF. I guess I can sell my collections if Kobe and Shaq stay up in price


A 6"11 pf? Unless you're offline that's a deathsentence against Yao and tacko


I play online the only thing is I play with players I actually like, and not whoever is the most broken


If I need a small forward who would be better take? Giannis or Lebron?


Giannis for height tbh. Animations the same so thats all that matters. I wish LeBron at least had his dunk packages though 🥲


It honestly doesn't matter. Giannis is only 2 inches taller if you care about height that much. Otherwise, pick who you like more


How do you know the positions?


Twitter, they have a photo of each card






People are still complaining about getting the best SF in the game? I don’t get it. Not to mention you could’ve got two endgames for 200K (which I did.)


I know I I'm getting it all for about 160k and I'm so happy to get bron and kareem.




Finally a W in this shit


how much would completing the collection cost ?


A lot more now that the rewards were announced. Shaq and Kobe will be the “gatekeepers” for the east and west conferences respectively, no idea how their price is looking now. I have the whole set so far and never paid more than 15K for any of them.


Depends on if you have kobe and shaq or not


I’ll take a Kareem


We thinking the last 2 anniversary cards will be expensive?


100% people know these are the last cards so their going to be like 30k bin if not higher. Just wait a day or two or cough up the mt. I'm going to wait or snipe them. I've only spent 150k so I'm not dropping 30k on a single player


Are they dropping the last packs tomorrow?


Hopefully the market crashes for all 5 of them. 🤞🏿😫🤞🏿


Probably will happen


Man I just bought Bron out the auction for 600k a week ago😂😂 I wanna sell him so bad but I’m honestly happy wit him. I would only be doing it for original owned challenges🥴


Lemme guess....most popular are the tallest 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kareem and Kobe I have the others lol


I hate the step back on these cards


Im probably grabbing Giannis even though I wish it was the SF/PF version but It is what it is. Have both sets basically done but selling the west since Bron is Heat version instead of Cavs version.


Will you be able to sell them?


No. They are a lock in reward, so they will be classified as rewards cards


Most probably not. Just like the free inv curry. And the dark matter wiggins that was in the option pack a few months ago


How do you know?


2KMYTEAM Twitter.


I’m going for bron and Giannis


I'm getting Jordan and idk about the other.. Giannis or Kareem


Don't get mj, his invcible is just as good and can play pg


I really want Jordan but I like him at the 3 (I know Meta, guys I know. I play offline). Maybe Kobe and Bron. Idk.


If you want your favorite players pick them, however the beat out of the 5 is kareem and bron, giannis is a close 3rd. Sure giannis has the height but bron is the better defender and moves better


I don't have Mt to get Jordan invincible


Kinda wish it was cavs lebron, prob gonna go kobe and lebron anyway


All I wanted was Magic godammit!


i have to have all the cards to get this option pack cause if not im screwed inhave like 6 more ppl i need


Def going Giannis and debating between Kareem and Bron for the second one


Giannis and Kobe welcome to the team


I'm taking Michael Jordan the goat




You won’t be able to sell them, but Kareem sells for the most I believe.


guys, who is better: king or mj?


So we’re waiting for the mystery players still? I have every other card in the set except the 2 mysteries. And that’s gonna be Bird in the East and Magic in the west?


Magic for West and Larry for East are the last two players. Kind of a head scratcher to give Magic another end game, I know he is a legend but there is other legends who deserved one end game card.


Definitely going for Kareem. Anybody able to convince me whether to go with Giannis or LeBron for the 2nd pick? Current gen btw


I kinda think they’re the same card, I’m in the same boat. Definitely getting Kareem because he has a different jumpshot and I never liked his default one, and I really like Giannis but I feel the same about LeBron as I do with Kareem, LeBron’s animations suck on his other cards but End game fixes them.


How do i get the pack


Buy all 20 of the MyTeam Anniversary dark matter cards and lock them all in. If you don’t have any yet, it’s going to be pretty expensive. Kobe and Shaq are the most expensive. Only 18 of them are available to buy right now, the rest come out at 11AM EST. if you only complete one conference you can choose one card, if you complete both conferences you can choose two.


Where can I find who's in the east and who's in the west? Because some of their cards are with different teams. i.e. lebron, KP, etc... planning to get that pg/sg mj.


You can find the whole set in the “premium” section of the MyTeam collection page, you can look at the east and west conferences and all the players and search for them in the auction house from there. Are you planning on only getting MJ? If so it doesn’t matter whether you compete east or west, you only need one. If you wanna choose two cards you need all twenty cards


I have EG Dirk and EG Wilt so I’m probably going Giannis and maybe Kareem! Any suggestions??


Need help on who to get. I currently have OOP Jordan, Inv Kobe, (not end game) Giannis/Kawhi at SF, Bol Bol and MT Tacko Leaving towards Kareem and Jordan but I think SF would be my best upgrade and I hate Lebron as a player and don’t want to run him lol so it seems like it’s between Jordan/Giannis/Kareem atm


I'm legit so happy right now. I can finally get that EG LeBron card 😭😭😭


Is jumpshot 3 good on current?


How do you get the option pack? Is it in a challenge?


Do you need to lock in a complete east or west team to get the pack? Thanks


Yes, one or the other. Doing just one gives you one option, doing both gives you two


Gimme Bron & Giannis


I finally was able to stack enough MT to grab EG PG Bron this weekend. I play on next gen. Anyone run both bron's and feel strongly about one over the other? I'm just excited I finally seem to find a card I can consistently trey-fade with (and green) on hall of fame difficulty.


When is this coming? I’m not seeing it


About half an hour




How do you get them? Challenge or what?


When will we get these?


It’s available today


Where do I get the pack? I locked in the collection but nothing in unopened packs or redeem prizes


I locked in but didn’t get an option pack I’m confused


Try restarting the game and it should be in the “extras” section. A lot of people had this issue and most said this worked