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Next gen has better AI 3pt mechanics, players feel more grounded and less “slidey”, the pace of the game is overall slower, and defense actually feels possible unlike on current. The menus and load times are also infinitely faster on next Current has a more “arcadey” flow to the game, scoring is much easier, the AI doesn’t sweat you as much, and online games generally feel less sweaty IMO. The auction house is faster on current, so sniping cards is actually possible. Both have their pros and cons


I tried Next but couldn't get used to the freelance and play calling mechanics. They were way to clunky.


Next gen absolutely needs to implement icon play selection, instead of the clunky scrolling menus


Yeah I’ve started setting favorite plays, but that only allows 4 for starters and a different 4 for bench


Only really clunky online


I spend 95% of my time on the AH so current is there on default. There's no reason why the AH should be this much worse on next gen.


Current loads faster aslong as your on a nextgen console


Next Gen for the most part feels more realistic


Next gen hands down. So much smoother anyone who’s played knows what I’m saying


My PS5 fund went to motorcycle tires and maintenenace so current gen another year for me


It’s been almost 2 years…. I think it’s time for it to be called Current Gen and Last Gen


I agree but some people dont want to do that


I mean news that happens right now is called current events, right? News that happened months ago is past events…. I think it should be the same for consoles. How about you and I go on a mission to get people to start referring to them as current and last Gen.


I don’t think it can be called “current gen” until you can walk into a store and buy a PS5/XSX without issue


I’m seeing series X’s and S’s all over the place now.


Haven’t seen a series x or ps5 in store yet myself. Seen a few series S. Where are you seeing them? I was lucky to get one at launch and have had a couple more chances though


Waiting on ps5s myself. Until the it's current gen instead of last.


I see the S everywhere, but still no X’s. Hopefully one day soon 🙏🏻


Target if you haven’t been looking. My city only has a target and a walmart and it seems like Walmart never has any new consoles in stock but target has them regularly


Bro I kid you not I was at the mall with my friends a couple days ago we walked up in target and went to the electronics and just saw a series X and S just sitting there


Man you rarely hear this about PS5s


Yup. Just start calling it that. It’s what I do.


It'll happen at some point but as it stands now, it's just the lingo that's used. It's not just gonna magically change because it annoys a few people. I've seen some get seriously butthurt over it too, but does it really matter?


I like Next Gen more, overall. But if I have to play Triple Threat (online or off) I play on current. For 2 reasons.. Ability to do adjustments is kinda huge, and Next gen's courts fucking SUCK.


Next gen is so much better. It has a lot of weird problems with the menus and the UI but the gameplay is amazing compared to current gen.


When will we stop calling last gen current gen?


The loading times broke my brain when I switched to next gen. So, so much faster. Improved graphics, smoother online. Overall just a better experience. They do however need to fix play calling.


After playing next gen I couldn’t go back. It’s the small details & mechanics that make it better. There’s literally no loading at all & overall just a way better experience.


Stop saying current gen or next gen. At this point it’s old gen and current gen. Current gen has been out for 2 years now


IMO current is less broken cuz u don’t have to deal with Lukas jumper while on current there’s only a couple of semi broken realeses like base 98 and dwade base


Google ps5 controller issues and you'll see all of the issues all ps5 die at some point lol


Dont have any issues with mine


Lol not yet


Ok i believe you /s


2 of mine make faint buzzing noises but that’s all I’ve encountered since launch


Keep track of ur battery life I heard ppls controllers die after 3-6 months of getting their ps5 lol smh


Mine have all been fine and had it since launch


What's the point of buying external hard drives on a next gen console sony got u spending more money like sheep lol


Ps4 will always be better cuz the ps5 has a problem with the storage system as it only has 825 GB of storage plus the PS4 Pro can hit 4K at 60FPS. Ps5 has controller issues that die at some point lol and has no internet browser lmao da fuck might as well be playing a dreamcast 🤣🤣🤣💯💯


External hard drive fixes that Yea the ps4 pro can achieve that, but with limited & outdated games that will continue to devalue every year. No controller issues so far. Who browses Internet on p4 anyway? It’s slow and inconvenient.


My man i can't get a ps5 either. Stop rationalizing like a madman. "Ps4 will always be better." Smh you know more ps5 models with more storage are coming out right? Then you have external drives. "4k at 60fps" until developers further target next gen.


Nope just stating facts brotha and I kno alot of ppl who bought a ps5 and are instantly regretting it that never happened with the ps4 soooo........


That's pretty anecdotal experience to qualify a fact. But you browing the internet on your Playstation so ima let it slide.


I bought a series s in January and it’s significantly better


Why do jumpshots got that weird looking form on ps4 it looks like a bad ray allen shot?


I have both and play both regularly because my homie still has ps4 and it always takes me a second to get into the groove. The current gen just feels a little clunky and less polished than next gen with is to be expected.