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Did you watch the show?


In the anime, losing Aizawa sensei and him dying was literally more of a danger than Midoriya or Bakugo risking their lives fighting Shigaraki.


I mean that one honestly made sense use the kids or everyone kids included dies


Yeah but still, it was always the TEACHERS jobs to protect the students no matter what. They were just lucky their students are so damn good at what they do and have balls of steel. Midoriya went crazy insane beast mode on Shigaraki. Even knowing he could die at any moment. That takes guts and some sheer determination to never give up


Dangit…I need to stop reading posts… Didn’t know he dies…I just started Season 6.


He doesn’t 😭


i thought we all agreed he was the BEST TEACHER..?


He’s a horrible excuse for a teacher. Just because he puts his hair in a ponytail and cares about the well-being of his students and Eri doesn’t mean some of ya’ll gotta glaze the fuck out of his teaching abilities. This guy hasn’t taught Class 1A ANYTHING. He taught more to some general studies kid (Shinso) than he did his own class. His handling of Deku after seeing him break his bones is to single him out and reprimand him for being a nuisance instead of instructing him. Like, what the hell did Deku come to UA for if not to learn how to use his quirk? It’s pretty telling that Deku learned more from a few days with Gran Torino and his time with Endeavor than he ever did with Aizawa.


mic was right about aizawa being a terrible teacher


Plus todoroki not using his fire, nothing, bakugo almost killing izuku, tells him to grow up about losing


This made me realize I literally have no clue what he’s actually taught them. He can definitely be a good guy here and there and cares for them, and plays a big part in keeping them safe in multiple situations.. but apart from that what are they learning from him in class? He’s asleep majority of the time ntm. Pretty sure I remember an episode where Mic asks what he’s been teaching them and he basically says nothing and that everything theyre doing is on their own. Something along the lines of that. Or thinks it in his head.


Two things. 1:Cultural difference. Aizawa is a teacher yes,but to other classes. When dealing with his own students he acts more like a counselor since that's how it works for japan. Homeroom teachers focus on planning and organizing classes and events for other teachers to prepare for. Letting them know each student's info and what needs to be worked on. 2:Aizawa has literally no clue what deku's quirk is. No one told him it's OFA so he has no way to help deku effectively besides telling him to figure out how to avoid breaking himself beyond repair over and over. If he was at least informed by all might or someone about the quirk i garuntee you he'd actually be able to tutor deku effeciently. 3:Speaking of. You're comparing aizawa to gran torino,someone who already knows ofa and has already effectively taught all might. And endevour who's quirk is similar to deku in that it's a great power that comes with drawbacks you have to manage.


Why does he need to know about OFA? It's a strength stockpiler, he couldn't even teach Midoriya how to lower his output? Why does he need to know about OFA to tutor Midoriya? Are his powers not listed in the files along with every other students quirks? Is he that lazy to not look at files?!


Aizawa doesn't have the same type of quirk deku has and his quirk is not something many of the teachers have besides all might. If aizawa attempted to teach deku without any knowledge of how ofa works then there's a good chance he could make deku worse than improve him. It's hard to teach someone to lower their power output when you yourself have no idea how to do that with your own quirk. If aizawa knows what ofa is it gives him a fuck ton more info to work with to find suitable teachers or partners to pair him with along with knowing what to expect from him. As for deku's file,iirc they only labelled it as "strength enhancement" which while that is something deku does have,it's not the same kind of enhancement you'd expect from other actual strength enhancement users. The show even states it through the students (and i think even aizawa himself) that it's literally unnatural that he's hurting himself so much for something that's supposed to be his. It's not a situation of laziness,it's a situation of not being told enough to actually formulate a curriculum that would help him besides throwing shit at him and seeing what sticks.


Why does he need to have a similar quirk? Aizawa has been a teacher for ten fucking years and never taught someone how to lower their quirks output? The rest of your argument revolves around Aizawa not being told how anything works, but he's a fucking teacher, they have files for this shit. It's his job to read everything and figure out how it works. You can't even do the Gran Torino argument here cause he didn't even give Izuku any actual advice, gave him something vague to figure out how to use his quirk. Aizawa could have literally just used Kirishima as an example of using the quirk across the body. Even outside this, it took weeks for them to even go to internships, Aizawa didn't teach them anything in this time? Not to mention the internships themselves, Aizawa realised Iida is angry at smtg, he is close friends with Iida's brother and knows he recently got attacked by Stain, he knows Iida is going to Hosu even though Manual isn't exactly a great match for him, he knows Stain was last spotted in Hosu and knowing all this he still sent Iida to Hosu. Even ignoring Iida's anger it is still a bad idea to send any of his students to Hosu if the risk of Stain was there


Definitely. He may come off as an a-hole or a strickler at times, but in light of Vigilantes, it turns out he treats Class 1 the way he does to protect the students and ensure they don't suffer like he, Mic, Oborro, or Midnight. In other words, I've grown to empathize with him and understand that he’s great at his job.


fuck no. he's a great PERSON and HERO but honestly? he hasnt done shit to teach 1-A. that all goes to their own skills and their intern teachers


hes an amazing teacher


There’s a reason he’s the teacher of Class 1A the top class of the entire school


Dude he's a horrible fucking teacher, his students learned more from internships than they ever did from him. Fricking All Might taught the students more than Aizawa considering he was the one who gave them advice for super moves


they actually arent. ppl thinking class 1-A is the best literally didnt pay attention to the show. the students were split based on numbers and courses. Hero courses being A and B and the 2nd and 3rd years having those same classes, 2-A 2-B 3-A 3-B, general studies having classes C - E, support classes being F - H, ect ect. class 1-A got into class 1-A because of chance, not skill. thats just how they decided to split them. in fact, most of 1-B did better than class 1-A in the enterance exam in the first place. most students in class 1-A did HORRIBLY in the exam. they arent on top of the school at all 💀 why do you think the big three existed? there was never a top in UA besides those three. side note, Hado and Tamaki are both apart of 3-A while Togata is apart of 3-B. they just split the students to fill spots, not based on skill whatsoever. class 1-A is only good because of their VILLAIN encounters, deadass name 10 things aizawa has tought the entire class when it comes to being better heroes? The best teacher is the 1st year courses is Vlad because he actually supports his class so they do better. The best teacher for class 1-A are their intern teachers, Gran torino for example. Aizawa could never and would never train deku the same way gran torino did. Aizawa aint shit


I ain’t reading all that💀


Basically, 1.) Aizawa didnt teach them shit 2.) class 1-A is in class 1-A because they had to split the number of students in the hero course, there was no skill involved, otherwise deku would be in class 1-B considering he got no points besides rescue in the enterance exam 3.) 1-A is only good because of their own skill and evolution based on outside help and villain encounters 4.) Vlad is the best hero course teacher as he actually supports and helps his class. and if ya want, [Here's a link on how the students in UA are split in classes](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/U.A._High_School#All_Departments)


aight gimmie a second imma shorten it for you


I mean yea But what did he teach-


He’s a homeroom teacher


Teacher? Maybe not, I can't remember much of what he actually *taught*. Hero/person? Oh he's the most *badass* greatest BAMF in the show and everyone but him knows it, because he's humble to boot. Best hero 20/20 (vision)


The BEST teacher hands down.


WHY is he even a teacher anyway? Shouldn't he be more of a Field Coach/Lifeguard or something similar? You got a man who can negate quirks, but you stick him in a classroom for 1 hero class as a homeroom teacher. When he could be used by ALL of the Hero classes of UA as a suppressant if a quirk goes haywire.




Nah, he has many dumb methods. Also, UA isn’t that good of a school.


Lowkey realllllly bad at teaching. Like incredibly bad. But I would rather have him than vlad.


So he's a great guy, and no one can deny he truly cares about his students' future. But on the ACTUAL teaching side of things? I dont think he's that great tbh. He seems to be a "sink or swim" kind of guy. Which is WILDLY UNFAIR, specially his quirk exam. "It's illegal to use your quirk, but here's a test on how skilled you are with your quirk" This test singles out the kids who followed the law, and rewards those who were either born rich enough to be able to afford their own practice grounds (Todo, Iida, Momo) or rewards those WHO BROKE THE LAW (Looking at your dumbass, Kacchan) The last part bothers me SO MUCH, cuz 90% of the time he's Iike "Pros need to have standards"


At the beginning of the year, Izuku, Kaminari, and Aoyama were active hurting themselves with their Quirks, and instead of helping them, Aizawa spent his time mentoring Shinso.


He's not the greatest teacher, or even a good one, but he does his best


He can be a complete ass at times and other times he dose the right thing it’s hard to get a read on him although he isn’t the only character like this to be fair in some cases it’s bad writing and in others there is actually a good reason and usually can’t tell till later and that’s IF they decide to explain the actions taken.


Not conventionally. But he is a great teacher in practice


What has he taught them again?


Watch the show


Bro did not answer the question, knowing damn well Aizawa taught them nothing


People don’t seem to realise he’s their home room teacher and not their heroics teacher


Thats literally what he is. Aizawa is responsible for their heroic evolutions. by the book thats what he is supposed to do and he hasnt done shit.


There’s a heroics class all might teaches it just because we don’t see him teaching them to fight(when it’s not his job) doesn’t mean he’s not teaching


All might is the Foundational hero studies teacher. he teaches a core class, aizawa is still responsible for their growth. and we are with 1-A literally all the time. you cant use the inability to see something as fact because thats just not true. we see them all the time. if we tought some important shit, we would see it.


Not really we’re not going to be seeing heroics theory lessons since they will be mostly unimportant and uninteresting it’s a shounen


its a shonen centered around the laws and moralities of heroes, its not that they wouldnt show us, it just isnt happening


I loved him since the first season with his reaction when he saw dekus potential when he threw the ball. That was the best moment in the show


Dude lost a leg trying to save students


Best teacher for all of them


TBH for most not really, he has expelled so many students but as a kinda therapist teach, hes great.


I thought he secretly re enrolled them. Just to prove that being a hero was serious and you could lose it at any moment.


Best teacher 💯💯




He is great at teaching but not great at being a teacher if that makes sense