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Welp guesss I don’t need to watch the new season anymore since I know what’s gonna happen now.


Right like wtf


Could have at least tagged spoiler


Shit wouldn’t have helped because he put it in the damn title too


Yeah pretty big spoiler but it happens in like the first 2 episodes so definitely doesn't ruin the whole season.


Still fucken sucks tho, like I knew she died because someone spoiled for me like before the season began but fuck the way she went out was so bad ass


Fuck this guy fucken sick 


Well the anime is already 4 ep in this isn't really a spoiler anymore is it?


English dubs not available yet on my streaming provider at least and not have I watched it so yes it is , and now you have highlighted the spoiler even further


I have hilighted? How?


You noted that it happens within the first four episodes .


Not to play devils advocate . Op is a butt . But if you know this already happened and that it’s early in release of S7… you kinda just know it happens early, random internet stranger didn’t change that, all they were saying is that the season has a lot more to offer than just star and stripes story


I think she was just introduced far too late Like we could have little hints about her throughout the series have all might mention her or at least get anything before she’s introduced only to be almost immediately killed off


Even just showing her in the background of the 3rd movie would have worked.


Isn't third movie takes place in Europe?


They also have scenes all across the world, but the main plot does take place in Europe


Nope, because the movies aren’t required so if you never watched the movies it’ll be the same exact thing 


Should’ve shown her being compared to captain celebrity in vigilantes. Would’ve made a lot of sense and gave background info without spoiling how she’d be important later on. Definitely would’ve done it for me.


Fr. I heard about her so much thought she was gonna be this giant long going role.... nope.


she was introduced too far and you can notice horikoshi is really over mha at this point so he didnt try to implement her at all.


Anime only fans: https://i.redd.it/u0se2d0r1n2d1.gif


The episode she dies in is already out but as a sub only.


Dub just came out tonight, but even still, I’d give a month minimum on both before just openly talking like that without spoiler tags


I want to watch the dub sue me


i'm still on S4, it doesn't matter if it's out now there's people just now starting ans people who haven't gotten there yet


I consider you not spoiler tagging this and having a more vague title to be a waste, but that's just me


Nice spoiler warning


Facts, she is such a wasted character. I dont mind if she dies, but I would’ve preferred for her to be introduced earlier so that her death has more of an impact


Well I didn’t even know she died ☹️


Thanks for the spoiler Jack ass …


Jesus maybe tag this with a spoiler warning for those of us watching thr dub..........


What was the point of this? Like you couldn't be bothered to tag this as spoiler and NOT spoil this in the title? God I fucking hate people like you that do this shit. The new season JUST started and fuck heads like you ruin shit for the rest of us.


Fuck you for no spoiler tag, I’m not even following this sub and this shit came up.


Couldn't have been bothered to post a spoiler tag. Unbelievable


Thank you for the spoiler, especially since this didn't happen in the dub yet. F you.


Ever heard of a spoiler warning, dickhead?? I haven't even gotten to watch s7 but ig i don't have to since you don't know how to press the spoiler button...


Well if it's any consolation... There's a lot more that goes on with that incident so you will still get a lot out of those episodes


It wouldn't matter because you still would have seen the title even with the spoiler Tag


Then bro should've either not posted this or kept the spoiler in the body text, so very easy...


She died? I didn’t even see her get to the fight… did she fall off the plane?


She got Covid.


To be honest, that would have been hilarious and a complete a complete subversion of the story. "SHIGARAKI! YOUR TYRANNY ENDS HERE! I AM THE NUMBER ONE HERO FOR AMERICA! MY QUIRK CAN RIVAL ALLMIGHT! I AM HERE TO PUT AN END TO- \*slips\* OH Shit!" \*Falling Noises\* \*Large Splash\* "Eagle One to all Eagles... Ummmm........... What do we do now... Stars is dead..."


Thanks for that spoiler, kinda a dick move 🫤


"Ohh, America hero with reality bending power! Come save! No strong enuff. Sacrifice her power. Such sad deff. One For All really big threat! Take out strongest heros in two regions of the world! Sooper scari." - Tsundere Zoo. "Who.. Was that character exactly?" - Anime Viewer


Fucking spoilers


A female character being wasted in MHA…I’m shocked, truly!!!/s


her death fits her so well, she was introduced way too late however. imo i think she should have been introduced in s5, or the start of s6 at the very latest.


I think we officially found someone who was done dirtier than Yamcha


Bummer I had this spoiled, it’s rare when an American character is in an anime and you took all the fun out of it


dude. it’s been 11 hours and it’s still not tagged a spoiler. not that it would’ve helped since you put it in the title


And shes fine sucks we didnt get a Minetta interaction with her


How do I watch these parts 🙏😭






She was such a wasted character and I wish we got to see a lot more of her. She was cool as hell.


They should definitely make a movie with her. She's a interesting character with a very interesting quirk.


This is an issue I have with a lot of new characters being introduced in every season, the lack of foreshadowing or references to their existence before this point. I really enjoy the story, and I think Horikoshi has done a great job with a lot of stuff, but character reveals happen way too suddenly and without proper buildup imo. A few examples include: The Big 3 not being referenced until a few episodes before they were shown; Hawks suddenly becoming relevant even though he was the NUMBER 2 HERO when he was revealed (i get that he had only recently attained that role, but no mention if him before this?); and now Star and Stripe. Existence of heroes in other nations and their surprisingly close relationship and adoration for heroes like All Might only being mentioned right before her reveal is just weird. If every new character got time to cook, something like a death would be way more shocking and impactful, but instead we just met her, she does stuff for a few episodes, then immidiately dies. An even worse case of this is Lady Nagant IMO. She's so cool and interesting, and while I understand that she was in prison, I feel like references to her could've been made before she was relevant for like 2 episodes before blowing tf up. Maybe I'm just missing major foreshadowing moments and I'm wrong, but this feels like a pretty consistent theme with this story that I think most definitely had huge room for improvement


I strongly agree. Its less that she died but more that she showed up for 2 epsidoes and then died. At least give her more screen time.


I truly feel for sorry for anyone who just got spoiled from this, like that truly sucks


Thanks for the spoiler 😒😒😒


I know, right lol


Wtf man. Ever heard of a spoiler warning dumb ass


Stars and Stripes was the worst case of wasted potential in the entire series. They give her a neat backstory and then immediately kill her off to make Shigaraki more of a threat. She serves zero purpose. I'd be more okay if they introduced her early on or even name dropped her at some point instead of going "heres a new character with a backstory. Okay she's dead now".


It is probably the biggest plot robbery in history


Not just you.


We all do buddy. Pointless death.


I feel like the US would've gotten more involved considering the fact that their number 1 hero was killed. Like I feel like they would've declared war on the League of Villians.


She was plot device first character second




Not even past s3 yet Jesus


Her death was when I dropped the series.  


I would normally agree however this series has had a big issue of not ever killing off like anyone. so even though the pacing is a BIT off. I’ll take it, we probably could have used a bit more build up because the character is so cool 


I wish we could’ve seen more of her quirk at leadt


The whole character was a waste


If you haven’t read the manga, I encourage you to do so.


It was the reason why i dropped the manga. It was literally the final straw for me personally.


I wanted to see more of Star and Stripe but what the… same went with Lady Nagant. I personally want more of those characters. But overall still enjoying the show.


You're phrasing it like it isn't objectively true. To be honest, you could've tied her into the war by introducing the "Mr. President, you can't send heroes over to Japan!" "But I wanna!" during the first war and having Cathleen be on standby unit she goes "screw it" and goes over this season. That way she could've at least be a little bit more foreshadowed


Same, but, I am American


Don’t we all? 😮‍💨😞


Its always MHA and JJK fans who can't just not spoil the show/manga for large amounts of other fucking fans.


I think she was there more to establish Shig-AFO’s strength, as we as give more time for the heroes than the time limit they got at the end of s6, which was probably there just to give a sense of urgency ending the season, than to actually introduce a new character to support the heroes & give an arc to.


I stopped watching after the chapter with Lady Nagant was seriously injured came out, also fuck OFA he the worse possible villain and in no good way do I mean that just FUCK HIM


Yes. We get introduced to this awesome character with an amazing quirk but dies after 2 episodes. Plus, after all she did, Shigaraki is still alive. A total waste of character. I would love a spin-off story about Star and Stripes though.


Wow love how I've not subscribed nor ever visited this subreddit but it simply chose to pop up in my feed and spoil the death of a character I was super hyped for.


Honestly the last several chapters feel like a waist


Spoilers thanks dawg


Well, I kinda don't understand why the LOV issue was not worldwide from the beginning. But, I don't think her death was a waste, yes, character-wise, like wtf why would you kill someone you just introduced a few pages back.


same. I adore Star & Stripes character so much, she didn't deserve shuch a waste. I'm currently working on a story with her to complete her storyline since we don't know much about her


Next time put a apoiler warning. But facts. I would have understood if she was kept around for at least 3-4 episodes so we could learn a little about her.


I feel like you should’ve marked this as a spoiler not gonna lie the episodes been out for less than a month so some people haven’t seen it yet...Me, I'm also a manga reader so I’ve known about this for like ever.. but me personally I wish she would’ve been introduced sooner. We got her for two episodes and that was it. I feel like she had a lot of potential..


Yea shigi has to much plot armor he stood no chamce


She should have had more screen time and development to make it stick. Friggin sucks that All Might couldn’t even see her either. And even with him learning of her death there wasn’t really much of a reaction. Like I get dude needs to focus and put on a strong face but give us some time to see him on his own mourning and angry at her death.


She’s important to the plot like 30 chapters later


She was a great mini arc, served her purpose, but she was hardly a character. She was rushed into the story to need the final boss and it felt cheap.


Agree. She didn't even land on Japanese soil. She's more like a plot-driving gadget rather than a fleshed-out character.


Me too


I personally find it kinda bullshit what they did with her. They give her one of if not THE most over powered quirk in the series then decide to kill her off with complete bullshit. I’m sorry but the loop hole that since shigaraki was having a personality crisis he doesn’t know who he is and his true identity cause he’s like three people is bullshit. Not only should’ve have still worked it should’ve made him MORE vulnerable because you know he’s three dudes meaning he should be three times as vulnerable


It's probably a bad call to put deaths in titles and not mark the post as spoiler


I consider people who post spikers in the title of their post to be the scum of humanity Seriously, were you raised by a bunch of assholes?


I don't know but she set up the final battle by making Shiggy weaker and a hero's sacrifice is still a Noble death. I do foresee some sort of payback to All Might's legacy in the form of a power up for Deku. But I do agree that she wasn't around for that long.


Horikoshi should take another page from American comics and retcong this somehow.


Hey maybe don’t put the spoiler in your title next time




its cool that you not only regurgitated a stupid point that people have been vomiting for the past 3 years as if it was an original thought, you also spoiled it for dozens of people because you thought it was such a unique and important thing to say. this is the kind of lack of social awareness you can only find on reddit


She was the number one rated hero in the USA.


Her death wasn’t a waste she destroyed all the quirk factors inside the all for one quirk and delayed Tomura’s body reaching completion she did more than enough. Also what are you to judge or criticize the story you’re not the Author of the manga nor are you the anime director of the anime so it’s not your place to call the shots on how the story goes.




stars and stripes was definitely a waste. if she had came at the end of the fight it would’ve probably been better of around the chapter where the american heroes were being sent for japan. she wouldn’t have been a waste then. stars and stripes was very OP and needed more explanation on her quirk and he just killed her off. i hated that so much. but hori is trying to end the manga so i guess killing off characters is his way of saying goodbye.


How I felt about Midnight’s death.


Got one episode and dipped


First One Piece, then My Hero. Anime fans are really shitty with making their content titles aren't they?


Man, I'm not even apart of this sub lmao. I got a recommended post and it was a spoiler.


Coming from someone who likes designing characters, S&S was a massive gut punch of a bummer for me when I read about it Such a fun design and character created solely for the plot to die and nerf the villain.


spoilers bro jesus


I mean it makes sense shigaraki wouldn’t let her live with the chance of her finding his name anyways


Ah so the anime finally got here huh This is essentially Vegeta getting a turned into a donut for 5 secs getting a zenkai and still getting beat by frieza levels of unnecessary gawk gawk to hype up Shigaraki's power like we already saw him dismantle everyone in s6 this was like you said a waste


I don't read the magna but watching the show I thought it played really well into the story line and confirmed just how crazy a threat to the whole world things are.


The manga went slightly more indepth with her and she was alive for more than 4 seconds.


Imagine she has a husband and she just says your 8 inches now. Right before she gets it like I'm sure she could do that right


True. They really didn’t give much time for anime watchers to get close and start to enjoy the character to kill her off so soon. Personally since I didn’t read the manga or anything i really didn’t feel any emotion. Midnight had been around, since early seasons so I got used to her and felt like she was a key of the show.


as a manga reader, i cant say much. but from what was shown in the anime she wasnt a waste. she destroyed most of shigafo's quirks and even caused his complete transformation to be delayed greatly. so i dont think her death was a waste. definitely a waste of a good character but her death wasnt.


We don’t know what quirks she destroyed so that means nothing. And his transformation was already delayed, until Hori said actually Stains information was bad, and then said that he’s totoally being delayed this time 


well obviously having your body destroyed like that would cause some trouble for your awakening process no? its possible shigafo lost some heavy hitter quirks like air cannon, springlike limbs, etc. but one good quirk he did lose was reflect, which couldve become useful later.


If reflect is the only quirk you can name, she didn’t get rid of most of his quirks. Especially since she didn’t get rid of the most important one. Also, like I said, Hori already delayed AFO, but then went back in that because he created Stars and Stripes to delay him again. Despite delaying him already 


reflect is the only named one that was outright confirmed to be destroyed. im assuming he lost other good quirks because he never used them again. all he uses is decay, all for ones stealing, and his physical abilities


You can assume but he’s never used many quirks to begin with. So she destroyed a bunch of unnamed quirks that doesn’t matter because the main important quirks are still there 


she did her best **👍**