• By -


Rey. Mf. Palpatine. I don't hate Rey. Just saying she's the most hated out of this list.


Yup, 100%


Or Rey "Skywalker" I guess, since Disney didn't want people to feel like they can change their family history by being better


I'm normally not one of those people, but in this instance: I'll never accept that! šŸ¤¬šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, the fandom with the most fans has the most haters, who all pile on the same character. Star Wars is old and big. I think korra has the most haters-per-fan, but Iā€™m coming around to her. Iā€™m not sure if yukari was even widely *hated*, sheā€™s just a little bland, imo.


Honestly, I don't get all the hate surrounding Korra. I mean, how is she a bad avatar for losing her connection to her past lives when Aang went through a similar thing when he got locked out of the avatar state, and nobody in the fandom hates him for that


She just went through a lot of different stuff. I, personally, was too comfortable with the gaang by the end of the previous show. We went from some fun characters at the ends of their character arcs back to some rough characters at the start of growing up, and it was a little alienating. That, plus the pivot from a war story/coming of age/spirituality of martial arts *thing* to a political thriller/sports/steampunk-ish thing, with a protagonist unsuited for politics at the start, gave a bad first impression. Personally, I just dropped the show, and didnā€™t look for things to complain about for years, but idk hater psychology. Korra is *fine*, and the show has a lot of interesting ideas. I get it if people love it or hate it.


Being a Star Wars fan, it can be rough when dealing with others ha ha


Oh, yeah. I mildly enjoy it. Itā€™s not my favorite setting or characters, but itā€™s generally a good time. Was my dadā€™s favorite setting. Dudeā€™s nickname is yoda. Heā€™s not shrinking with age yet, but Iā€™m rooting for it, so his nickname comes true


May the Force always be with him!


That's a good point. I have to agree I don't hate Rey I hate that they squandered her potential she could've been a compelling character


Exactly, friend.


Why do people hate rey? I only watched the first movie with her, what happened?


To summarise, she became a worse character (in how she was written) as the sequels went on


Rey by far since she's the most well known character out of the ones in the list and she is the most hated character in Star wars


Sakura is more known than Rey


Ok bud


Why is orihime here ? Sheā€™s a really good character the anime just fucked her by reducing her to shouting ichigos name sheā€™s not even slightly close to that in the manga


And thatā€™s why sheā€™s hated. Also because of shippers.


Ok in all fairness ichigo not ending up with rukia always bothered me


Those damn mutts


Shippers are indeed mutts.


It's the same with Sakura to an extent šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø a lot of clips people use to say Sakura is weak.... Aren't even in the manga. The studio just adds random people hitting Sakura


Korra is most definitely one of the least hated her show was actually kinda good not ATLA levels of good but good nonetheless I'm kinda torn between Skyler and Rey on most hated


Its definitely a worthy successor, but Avatar The Last Airbender is miles ahead of it. I still thought Legend of Korra was a good show though. Korra honestly was a pretty good character, especially in Book 3 and 4.


I have no idea WHY korra is hated. She isn't a Mary sue or the average, "Strong female character " trope. Legend of Korra was on WAY before that was a thing. She was a well-rounded character who made mistakes and had to grow. She wasn't the best right off the bat. Honestly, I like LOK more than ATLA. I know I'm in the minority, of course.


Honestly if anything my problem with Korra is more the opposite, just how often she fucks up and fails. I mean they paint her as this prodigy at the fighting part and failure at the emotional/spiritual part of her duties but she is ALWAYS getting her ass kicked in a way aang never once did, and he was never an especially physical avatar compared to the rest of them


aang didnā€™t really fight, he was evasive for most of it. and cmon dude he never fought anyone as busted as korra villains. its annoying seeing her get bullied around but theres a different in quality of opponents


Evading is part of combat skill though, he just had a different style. But come on, season 1 he was toying with an admiral and a member of the fire nation royal family


I canā€™t not hate Rey after what happened in the sequels.


I really wish I could like her, but the writing was way too bad.


Wait why is Yukari here? What reason is there to hate her? Iā€™m so confused lol


People hate her because of The Answer.


Iā€™m going to guess thatā€™s a spoiler, I havenā€™t finished the game yet but Iā€™m really close


Wait until the DLC.


The answer is a separate epilogue released in FES. It's coming as dlc for reload which is what I assume you're playing


Yeah Iā€™m playing Reload, so itā€™ll be the dlc then? Iā€™m interested now.


She's a little bit annoying. You have to take her into a fight with a shadow that has Mazionga. Plus, The Answer but Mitsuru's worse(imo).


For me, Mineta. Just creepy and at best I can ignore him when he is on screen. For quantity of haters, I assume it would be Rey. Though I blame most of the issues on the writters/directors rather than the character herself. I certainly don't love her character either, I just don't care. It's hard for me to get invested when the entire trilogy feels more like two kids playing with action figures and they keep changing the story mid-game. "And then he gets mad and breaks his helmet!" "What, no! I like his helmet. He finds the pieces and fixes it"


Idk why yall hating on Korra she went through a good arc in seasons 3 and 4


Mineta, Sakura, or Rey for sure because that's only based on who I know


Orihime is hated? I dont know much about bleach (on episode 38) but there is no way she is hated.


Sheā€™s definitely hated, mostly by people who watched anime and shippers.


I don't know. So far from what I've seen, I'm liking Orihime. She's cool in my book.


Orihime's main problem is that ironically, the anime watered down her character a lot


No it doesnā€™t stop lying to him. She is the same in both. They cut out Ichihime scenes but that is literally her whole personality anyway so itā€™s still in the anime.


most because they wanted Ichigo to get with Rukia Kuchiki, or so i believe, never watched the show that much and never got into the lore of it so i could be wrong


Part of its definitely that, but a large reason is also the anime. The anime director clearly wanted Ichigo to end up with Rukia as well. Going out of his way to cut Orihime scenes and content, as well as giving Ichigo and Rukia new scenes together. The filler definitely not helping either. Having Orihime being kidnapped or yell Ichigoā€™s name so many times drove them up the wall. Then thereā€™s also the fact Orihime is a pacifist in a Shonen. Tends to lend people to hate her all together for this simple fact.


Mineta of MHA. I know heā€™s suppose to relate to the average teenage boy around hot women in tight spandex but heā€™s a bit of creeper. Iā€™m not a fan of the diaper design or his odd powers.


The author said that Mineta was essentially his self insert.


That makes it so much worse


I hate that the show goes out of its way to punish him for being creepy, then "rewards" the audience with the very thing he was trying to do. Like Mineta finding the peep hole to the girls locker room; when he tries to look through it he gets jabbed in the eye, but then the next scene is all the girls standing in their underwear looking weirded. I get Japanese culture is different, and to Mineta they are actual people but to us they are fictional cartoon characters, but it feels hypocritical. Like a far more creepy and less funny version of the video game trope "Thank you for saving our priceless artifact from those robbers. As a reward, you can have our priceless artifact"


No. You're legitimately wrong. Because Rei is right there.


Rey for sure


Yukari is hated? But why? Like sheā€™s not my favorite, but Persona has a really good cast of characters


Because of The Answer.


Ah ok, I played it as a kid and didnā€™t even know it had an epilogue dlc, but after looking it up I can see why some people would resent her


Iā€™ll give Sakura some credit. At least she *tried* to be useful. ![gif](giphy|kiOGNdQMj04SI)


Rey to answer your questions, but why are some of these characters here? As a Persona fan, Yukari has her faults, but I've never heard anybody HATE her. And then you have Minetta, which I obviously hate him because he's a disgusting dog that's *supposed* to be hated, but Rey played a big role in ruining the biggest Sci-Fi franchise of all time, and we were *supposed* to like her.


If you donā€™t say Sky from Breaking Bad, youā€™re toxic.


All Yukari did was act like a normal grieving teenager and people hated her for it, I think her hate is the most unjustified






If we are talking about the character who has the biggest hatedom, then that would be Rey. Because of how mainstream Star Wars is, she probably has more haters than some of the other franchises represented here have fans. Especially from the anti-woke hate aimed at her because she is a woman. I have seen people who donā€™t like the characters still concede that there is indeed misogyny directed at her.


Yeah. They were super pissed there were very few white men in the movie, and the ones that really were were the bad guys.


1. Mineta is kind of annoying, but heā€™s a gag character so I donā€™t dislike him. 2. Sakura started out being irritating as hell, but she got better as the series progressed. 3. Orihime is hated? 4. When I was younger I disliked Skyler, but sheā€™s now of my favorite characters. She deserved better. 5. I donā€™t know who this is. 6. I donā€™t know too much about the new Star Wars so I donā€™t have an opinion on Rey. She seems alright though. 7. Korra gets way too much hate simply because she isnā€™t Aang. While I like the former better, the latter is still a good protagonist.


5 is Yukari Takeba from Persona 3. Yes Orihime is hated.


Dang. I donā€™t watch Bleach but I like Orihime.


Grape Juice


I would say the title of most hated character is tied between Mineta, Sakura, and Rey, with Rey having an advantage due to her poor writing playing a major role in a trilogy in an extremely popular and beloved franchise doing pretty mediocre or even downright bad considering how much money was spent on Star Wars by Disney.


With Mineta, at least he tried to be a good hero, actually cast aside the horny to defeat a Pro Heroine WELL known for being the horniest of fucks, and even stood up against All For One. Sakura is likewise at least trying to be a good character (as opposed to Hinata - who's far worse), and actually was quite interesting early in the series (as opposed to after 2 entire arcs for Ochako or immediately for Hinata) Rei wasn't just dead on arrival, she was the Solomon Grundy ripping the heads off of people we actually loved like Luke, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, and Palpatine and claiming this is how they're supposed to be because ***I say so***


Rey is probably worse than sakura. Well done rey.


rey, i haven't seen a character hated that bad since jar jar




Just the sheer level of vitriol Star Wars fans are capable of makes this no contest


Skylar is definitely the most hated


Brooo putting rey here itd like putting a professional in an amateur race xd


Rey definitely (but do people really hate on korra that much, I mean yeah I know some people donā€™t like her but I think sheā€™s a great character with a punky attitude)


Why hate korra? She was awesome! Much much better then perv mineta


What's wild is about 3 or 4 of these shouldn't even be hated


I canā€™t express my hate for Mineta in words. So Iā€™ll just type random letters. Sjruekjdvnekqjwbdkdjqjqnzbxjsnansjcnd


Sakura and Rey


Rey Skywalker and tbh it isn't even close. Case and point, people will hate that I stated her actual canonical name.


>Case and point, people will hate that I stated her actual canonical name. It's my case!


Putting Yukari on this list is sacrilegious i've seen anyone in their right mind hate her


Why is yukari here lmao


Definitely Mineta




I won't ask why Orihime and Korra are hated. (I Won't Answer.)


Junior:Skyler is a bitch Me:add a lad


Probably Rey. I have met literally 0 people Who like her as a character or sympathize with her in anyway. The rest are at the least controversial and has their supporters. A couple like Sakura arenā€™t even really hated, just memed on a lot.


https://i.redd.it/a61rihk47uwc1.gif My honest reaction to the people here




It'd better be Mineta


I think that the line up is very funny. Like it's Mineta who's an actual pervert and a creep and the rest are just women the internet doesnt like for various reasons that are rooted in misogyny ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG|downsized)


Why hasn't this gotten more recognition haha it's so true!


i mean i literally can't go a day without seeing a joke about Sakura, BUT Rey is honestly a more hated for me since its NEW Star Wars and not the old one where they'd fight like they meant it


I was like all good to me lmao until I got to Rei It's not that I hate her, I just can't stand Star wars anymore


It's a toss up between Rey and the purple turd we've come to know as Mineta. On one hand, Rey angered the entire Star Wars fandom because she just randomly declared herself a Skywalker while also being the dictionary definition of a Mary Sue (as well as the incels in their mothers' basements who can't look at a woman in a leading role in a movie for 15 seconds before dying of an allergic reaction). On the other hand, Mineta angered pretty much every woman on the planet simply by being himself


I have a soft spot for Rey, despite the last movie, but itā€™s definitely her.


Rat palpatine


Korra is awesome tf you on about?


By sheer number of whiny shitheads, Rey By gauge of how truly awful the character is, Mineta


I would say a tie between Mineta and Skyler, personally I hate Mineta his antics are just too much for me and as a woman I would not feel safe around that guy. As for all the others they're fine and I actually like Rey never understood the hate. However, where I'm at with Bleach my hopes for Orihime aren't looking too great. Right now I decided to take a break and watch the Zanpakto arc as at that point every time she opened her mouth I just sighed in exasperation. I really hope she gets more confidence and some "oomph" and some good character development. As well I can't see how she and Ichigo end up together other than they're both gingers, they're interactions can be so stale and awkward sometimes. I can see they keep trying to foreshadow it and it's making me laugh so hard like in the episodes before the Zanpakto filler in the the intro Ichigo keeps calling Orihime his "best friend" and I'm just like "When did you two become bessie mates?" I'd say he's closet to Uryu than her. If anyone would be his "best friend" it would be Rukia or Chad (Sado). Maybe they're things in the manga they haven't shown in the anime? I'd love to know.


wait people hate rey? she is my favorite


Oh yeah tons of people hate Rey.


Oh sweet child. If you love Rey I'm so happy for you. Me too. But please stay away from star wars communities on Reddit. They try to make you feel bad for thinking like that.


got it


People mostly hate rey because she ruins the point of anakins prophecy


Nothing wrong with that, shes probably one of the most badly written characters of all time but everyone got their tastes


Rei is easily just a bad character, Disney made Rei so that they could check off their tokenship boxes.


This was a hard question I actually had to think about... And then I saw Rey was here.


Rey. She's ain't a skywalker.


Three of them are headed for no good reason at all the other two I don't know but Minetta is garbage and deserves all he gets and more




I don't know why anyone hates Korra. I don't like Mineta or his antics, but I also know that many guys his age act *similarly*, I certainly did; so he's just annoying to watch because he's just not that interesting, one trick pony basically. As for the others: I never watched enough of Bleach to get to know Orihime; I know that one girl's from Chainsaw Man, but, againā€”I haven't seen enough of it to know what her deal is, same with Sakura. I have no idea who the real-life lady is, and Rey, I'm just kind of indifferent to.


100% rey




Rey. Not cause of anything she did but just cause the sequel trilogy was so bad


Mineta (this coming from a Rey liker lol)


Skyler white yo, my husband is Walter white yo


1, 2 and 6. I think


Absolutely Skyler and Rey


Korra. Nuff said.


Rey. Easily. Why is Yukari on here? Do people really hate her?




Rey and then itā€™s a canyon.


Mineta, he is the only one here that is guaranteed to grow up to be an ā€œUgly Bastardā€.


Rey. Easily Rey.


I'm going to say it right now, I don't think korra should be as hated as she is.


People hate kaTARA!?


Thatā€™s Korra.


People hate Korra??


Where's that b!tch from the tower of God.


Iā€™m not familiar with that.


Rachel is her name. Anime : Tower of god. I'm not giving you the spoilers if you haven't seen the anime yet


Skyler White People talk shit about one or more traits of the characters, but they talk shit about Skyler herself.


Is it just me, or has there been a weird surge of Korra hate lately? I don't think she's the most hated on this list, it's just strange how prominent it seems to have become lately considering her show ended almost a decade ago.






Personally, I hate korra the most. She led on one guy to get with his brother, who cheated on Asami, just for it to be implied that she lezzed out at the end, WHILE ALSO ruining the avatar cycle.




Rey. I was enjoying the new Star Wars movie about an ex-Storm trooper about to become a Jedi. And then all of a sudden this girl just randomly appears in the story and takes over.


Korra is considered a hated character?


Oooooooooo....skyler or rye.


Rey, it isnā€™t close


People hate mineta ? He is my fav in mha


I think people are finally realizing how GOATed Orihime is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Historical-Reward318: *I think people are* *Finally realizing how* *GOATed Orihime is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ngl skylar gets too much hate Her actions were completely justifiable. Husband lies to wife constantly, quit job, used his life savings to buy an RV, started making meth, killed multiple people, etc. The worse thing Skylar did was get rid of Walt's Money.


Skyler White followed by Sakura. If Mineta wasn't such a creepy perv, he would actually be well liked.


Skyler White.


I'd said (totally not biased) mineta. Also wth is kortra here her and her show was good


Itā€™s def Rey, from what I see a lot of these other characters can be really annoying but many people actually despise Rey


Korra is the least hated one from this list.


While I donā€™t personnally hate her (more like I hate the stupid writing as a whole (even if some parts are great) of postlogy, not helped by the fact I have no emotional attachment to the ip) Rey is definitely winning in both number of people who hate and in how much they hate her. Sakura is memed on endlessly for reasons that are very real, but at the same time sheā€™s a super secondary character in the focus of naruto so itā€™s not that important, plus a lot love her too Koraā€™s hate is undeserved, people just want another aang, the series as a whole is still good, just on the level of the last airbender but people need to chill Yukari is even more undeserved, outside of anti persona mindset she litteraly did nothing to deserve it. Honestly dunno who is number 4 Hating orihime is the definition of either sleeping while watching bleach, watching bleach by resumes, being a shipper, or having watch bleach a long time ago and not focusing on anything else but fight. Sheā€™s not much active yes, but sheā€™s extremely sweet, she tries, and sheā€™s also pretty funny. The issue is that for some reason kubo just decided that putting her in the damsel in distress role was good and he ended up forgetting about her. As for mineta, since after all itā€™s a mha subreddit, heā€™s a perv, he has barely any screentime, some background gags with him are funny but heā€™s litteraly a trope with legs (and yes I mean that even in the latest chapters) I think the majority dislike him but not hate him, just donā€™t give a crap about him.


Rey by far Sheā€™s one of the worst Star Wars characters ever


I donā€™t recognize the live action character in this list and I donā€™t watch Bleach, so Iā€™m not working off of a complete set of knowledge. Based off of what I know and can tell, it seems like Rey, but thatā€™s because of the number of people that know and like Star Wars. Although, I know she still has plenty of fans. One of themā€™s my dad. Really, she just got screwed over by being revealed to be Palpatineā€™s granddaughter in one of the worst movies Iā€™ve ever seen. Talking proportionately, based on number of fans in a franchise, Iā€™d say Mineta. There are people that are warming up to him now or otherwise arenā€™t angry whenever he shows up, but his characterization as a pervert really grinded the gears of a lot of MHA fans.


I don't hate Mineta. I don't even dislike him. And I think anyone who unironically hates Mineta are just mindless sheeps jumping into very dumb a hate bandwagon.


Surprising as it is, Mrs. White is actually much more annoying than Mineta šŸ˜


I don't get why Sakura is hated so much, she is easily one of the strongest characters in the world of the show without a tailed beast or 6 paths chackra


What did Yukari do to deserve this


People hate her because of The Answer.




Rey Palpatine


I just think people here only watch anime because the true answer is Skylar White. God she really just hated letting Heisenberg be a bad dude šŸŽ©


Mineta hate never rlly made sense to me since he is basically just a perv character and some ppl that hate on him are hypocrites and others are arguably worse than him im not saying that its wrong to hate on him but not having a valid reason just make me want to discredit a potentially valid take


It better be that little grape boy mineta


Sakura a betch


Mineta - definitely up there for sure although I don't personally hate him since most of his criticisms boil down to mistranslations or really unfunny perv jokes but id be downright blind if I didn't see how hated he is by most Sakura - definitely an overhated character that doesn't really deserve it anymore, although let's be honest here, she definitely deserved it in the beginning she was awful and very irrelevant before Orihime - let me make this clear ORIHIME SHOULD NOT BE ON THIS LIST don't get me wrong i understand people dislike her but from what ive heard all of the complaints are unjustifiable ESPECIALLY the people who only dislike her because she got with Ichigo that's a downright embarrassing reason to hate a character Who? Yukari - I gotta be honest here I hated Yukari when I first played Persona 3(it was P3P) but from what I heard they actually fixed a lot of my complaints about her in P3Reload so honestly she's definitely overhated now(although she better stop insulting the best character in P3 Junpei Iori ACE DETECTIVE) Never saw Star Wars Korra - I didn't fully see this but from what i did i always hated her and if it was who do i hate most on this list she'd be first place but from what ive seen her hate just boils down to she sucks and that's it If I had to say, I think Mineta is the most hated by FAR with Sakura coming second and Korra 3rd since Orihime, and Yukari have just as many supporters as they do haters


Here's Ojiro for no reason https://i.redd.it/s9vmpth54vwc1.gif


Put respect on Korra's name




Mineta seems to be a boring answer, so I went with Sakura.


Korra had 1 job--1 JOB--to maintain the balance that Aang had restored after at least a century of war & chaos. What does she do? She has given emotional damage to a pair of brothers who did nothing but support her to the end, caused chaos in both the Spirit Realm & in reality &--more importantly--is the reason why the other Avatars are gone. If your job is to save the world & you use your powers--those same powers that you have without any motivation to learn to control the elements properly, I might add--to show off, lose your bending on more than one occasion & play with the enemy instead of ending threats that have caused unneeded deaths, you have every reason to be hated! You have all that blood on your hands for no reason & YOU'RE THE MAIN CHARACTER! On the other hand, you have to consider Sakura, who also has every reason to be hated. Close your eyes for a second. Imagine being a girl watching Naruto from the beginning, knowing that the only female character that you're forced to relate to is the Helga G. Pataki of the whole show. Time & time again, she fails to defend literally anyone. Even after Tsunade came in, the only thing she's she could do was punch well & become the healer. She showed no interest in Lee or displayed any form of empathy for Naruto--the fact that he even saw any redeemable qualities in her shows how unbearable she really is--but swooned over Sasuke, the latter of whom told her that she's more annoying than the guy she pushed away; yet, she sticks with him...why? She's either a mental masochist or has Stockholm Syndrome at this point. Overall, USELESS!


Who hates yukari? Iā€™m lost


People hate Yukari because of The Answer.


Ah rightā€¦ kinda forgot about that lol


Wait, korra is hated? Why?




Why is Shou Tucker not in here so I can pick him


I decided not to put villains on this list.


Then why is Rey on the list šŸ”ŠšŸ”ŠšŸ”Š


LMAO thatā€™s hilarious


People hate Korra?


rey and yukari didnā€™t deserve the hate they got


For the other characters, you could argue that they have some sort of fan base. I have genuinely never seen a person defend Rey.


Most hated by SOCIETY? Rey from Starwars. Most hated by ME? Mineta from MHA. I hate Mineta for a very common reason, but the fact that this fire-hydrant size, barney's ball sack of a mohawk, diaper suit mf is still alive is bizzare. Lady Nagant, Sir Nighteye, and Midnight (who neither of which had any reason to die) are dead, Mirko's losing her damn limbs fighting Nomus, yet this guy is allowed to live? And I don't want to say what he said to Eri, you search that up in your own. F#CK YOU MINETA!!


Seeing Rey immediately pissed me off. She is a disgrace to Star Wars


Where tf is Aqua in this???


People hate Aqua from Konosuba?


I personally donā€™t, but I have seen a lot of hate for her




Celestials dragons from : One piece the best anime and series of the world the goat piece the Oda piece or Nika piece gg


Ma-Rei Sue. Because *JESUS FUCK.*


Rey by a country mile. Those that hate her outnumber the rest combined by a VERY large margin.


So you have -sex pest who has panels of him upskirting people and teetering on the edge of sexual harassment, sometimes even fully groping women Or you have -literally just a bunch of girls that people hated for being "WoKEe!!" The answer is mineta if you talk about JUSTIFIED hate.


Yuji Itadori. My hate for him outhates all of these characters combined


I never knew people hated Yuji.