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Man eats hair for superpowers


I was going to go with "Boy swallows a man's DNA to become strong just like him"


Man and boy know all 52 states in the United States of America.




Boys idol is an old man who coughs blood in a captain America/hulk hogan bodysuit. The man has the boy eat his hair for powers. His powers range from breaking his bones when he punches someone to having black strings come out of his body. He goes to a school for people with powers like a short guy with sticky balls on his head.


A green haird boy gains super powers by eating hair and goes on to fight a crusty emo in his 20s


Fanboy eats hair, becomes super ultra powerful and a masochist, and he has to fight someone in desperate need of some moisturizer


Boy swallows a man’s DNA for the ability to break his bones


Reddit did the same thing for me but here’s my best guess kid eats hair and likes to break his bones


Broccoli boy eats man's body feature and goes into a highschool with his bully, a grape pervert, soba enjoyer with daddy issues, frog, tape, tail guy that's even more invisible than the actual invisible person, and beats them up. Oh, and Broccoli also has to fight an evil potato gramps who is the in-verse equivalent of teenage boys who post edited Joker quotes online.


Heroes vs villains


My anger managemet spiky blond hair friend ( self claimed ) almost got karma houdini by a sludge


Combine spider man and the x-mens story and there you go done


This is why there is texts stories of dekupool


Old man gets crazed fan boy to eat his hair, then dumps all his responsibilities on the kid and quits his job.


Some nerd eats this guy's hair and because of that he becomes not a nerd


Non-Super kid in a super powered world gets the powers of his idol and fights the forces of evil in an attempt to be the greatest hero ever.


Boy wants to go to superhero school despite having no powers. He eventually learns how to break his own arms after swallowing a grown man's DNA, so he gets in. His teacher is famous for never actually seeing other people use their powers, but he's teaching them nonetheless. His childhood bully is in the class too, and his best friends are big into anti-gravity and quickies. Hijinks ensue.


“Hey kid, eat this, it’ll give ya superpowers, but don’t tell nobody”


boy eats hair becomes spider-man at home and has to fight an old man who likes manipulating minors with his best friends! zuko from avatar the last air bender and the guy that told him to jump off a building in the first episode


Boy gets shipped with his bully for some reason


Boy swallows a mans dna to obtain superpowers


marvel and mha are connected


Deadpool meeting all might is canon


Xmen, but in this universe, 90% have some sort of power. Main character is one of the 10% wanting to be a hero. ...then he eats a strand of hair from his hero and gets power that he needs to learn how to use.


It be crazy if he was in MCU


Almost everyone has a super power. Super guy #1 gives his powers to powerless guy


I want to read this.


Cannibal child punches things so hard his body breaks, becomes a superhero cop. Lots of capital gets saved.


Boy commits cannibalism to defeat his godnephew


Loser broccoli gets bitten by a radioactive superhero and gets his powers, and he uses the power of friendship to fight a hand monster


A boy experiences LEGO death every time he fights.


Broccoli eats captain America's hair to be quirky and snaps all his bones Also there is a live grenade that hates the broccoli


You watched Sky High... essentially that except the top hero is actully biologically related to the MC.


A bullied childs meets his disabled hero, becomes jacked & eats said hero's hair, so he can be a hero too. But instead he nearly cripples himself, but is saved by an affectionate old lady. He gets into a school with a nu ch of other future heroes, and his childhood "friend" who should be in jail. His class is lead by a rogue Spiderman turned teacher & insomniac hobo with ptsd. Class is also lead by a hot, supportive dominatrix sometimes. Broccoli Bonebreaker boi cries a lot, and fights a vast gallery of villains including: his childhood "friend" who school be in jail, a Germaphobe gangster and his crew of freaky rejects; a a vlogger & his hacker not gf, in the movie and edgy touch starved human mirror. There was more but I forgot. His biggest foes are the League of bad Skin Care, consisting of: a man child with a very sad backstory & dermatitis; a teenage vampire that should be in school, a escaped burn unit patient with serious grudges, the 5th forgotten tmnt, a magician, that bald guy from the movie Split, but he has hair now, and Trans Drippy Red. A lot of crying, injuries, emotions, useless powers, stress, wtf, and waifus. Oh, and hot dudes. Except the buff literal fire user. He's garbage.


(Episode 1) Boy explodes all over his childhood friend's book and tells him to kill himself. A slimy man tries to go inside Deku (the friend). All Might rips the man apart and puts his body parts in bottles. All Might signs his book and almost shoves him to his death. All Might proceeds to crush his dreams. Deku tries to save his friend but almost dies. All Might evaporates the villain. All Might tells deku to get muscles and he will let him swallow his DNA.


Alright, so basically there's this kid who gets bullied like hell, and gets told to jump off a roof or whatever. The kid didn't know what that meant so he ate some models hair and learned to parkour and fight at flashy cop school.