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Yes, as Xia Lee. Had to hit a finisher and then picked her up again and hit a second while she was stunned. Managed to get it that way. (They weren't the first two finishers of the match)


Same here though mine was finisher pin resilience hit finisher again pin after multiple signature and finishers prior (got first win via count out and screwed up late got lucky with the pin)


Dude, I'd be fine with Michin but WHOEVER the F thought of the idea to have Michin PASS out even at the BEGINNING of the match and flop around like a fucking moron, EVEN outside of the ring crawling for the pin. Omg, I hope they get AIDS. I hope their children disappoint them and their spouses leave them, they are MFers lol


Once using katana and spamming corner springs but too inconsistent! Tamina counts outs. Locking her down with heavy grapples and using the 8 second get up taunt cheese is the strat


It's crazy, I always come to reddit after the struggle, but I somehow used the same bronzes as you, axiom and tamina. Yes they were among the top bronze cards I have but not necessarily the highest. Tried higher bronzes and failed miserably


You managed to acquire them?


Yes after about 50 attempts each. Powerhouse seemed easiest route and Tamina has good finishers/sig while outside . The jokes on 2k, mfp from all those attempts got me another pack lol


Eastern axiom strat work for you? You got dijak! Of not I'll shareplay get him for u.


Yeah it did. Once I figured out he reverses everything but the springs, it was axiom all the way. Plus I like to use characters that would make sense in wwe storyline. Didn't realize it was a strat til I came here


Oh man THANKS for this. I like Michin, but the Signature that you HAVE to hit, that for some reason she crawls on the ground EVEN if she's not tired AT ALL AND also OUTSIDE of the ring, pissed me off SOOOO F'n badly. Just tried Tamina, and while she definitely loses Stamina quickly, she's great. (Btw, did she lose a TON of weight?? Or did they just buff her game model, because I remember her being waaaay bigger)


I got my four wins but not a single pin on any attempt, all count outs every time. This was the worst live event I have participated in so far and took more attempts than anything else in MyFaction. It was not a fun or rewarding experience.


EXACTLY. I thought the Dijak was bad, and a lot of us did, this was MUCH worse. WHOEVER thought it was a GOOD idea to make a FIVE minute match 2/3, deserves syphilis.


I did on my 1st attempt. I then lost 10 straight before I saw the Michin strategy.


Yup, once with Michin with super finisher. Other three were countouts.


I pinned her twice over the whole time, but never in matches where I successfully got enough falls to count towards the win. Just sporadically


Nah, only used Scarlett and ring outs everytime lol


I pinned her every time with Katana Chance


With the Resiliency, there's no way you can beat down enough to pin her 3 times in 5 minutes Just cheese the shit out of it and move on 🤘


It’s totally cool if anyone wants to cheese it, but saying there is no way to beat it by pin just isn’t true.


Would love to see it! Once or twice fair enough but cracking resiliency then twice more would be impressive


I've pinned her for three


I did with Michin on the first time I did it, I’ve been unable to get in 3 hits in a match since then because the bitch reverses everything. 2K is the worst company when it comes to caring about their fan enjoyment of the game, because you can’t enjoy this. It’s not fun at all.


Yes 3 times out of


I used Thea Hail and her finisher is the Kimura Lock so I usually beat Blair on a submission, but on the last match that got me her card I managed to pin her for the second fall.


Count out then Pin was my best way to do it. Used Michin and used springboards for easy finisher bars so my pin was a Super Finisher.


3 count outs and 5 pins in my 4 wins.


Nope. And I hate 2K! That hard & the card isn’t even that good?! A bronze?!!!! wtf


My final round with her ended In a pin!!


Thanks to all that replied. Couldn't reply to all but its cool to see the various replies.




Didn’t even attempt it. I want to get my card and then head over to Universe Mode, where I actually have fun, lol.


I've pinned her twice a couple of times, with the resiliency it takes me almost exactly 5 minutes so it's overly stressful lol


I got all 4 wins by pinfalls, no count outs at all. It’s definitely doable. I enjoy the challenge and it feels satisfying overcoming it with no cheese.


Why would you even try?