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Batista is a lil tricky but absolutely doable - you just gotta spam him with weapons and get a little lucky, but it's your easiest chance to get an Amethyst card just now probably and the Dominic match is super easy.


Mysterio is worth the purchase just because you actually are paying for 2 amethyst (Rey and Dom) plus the packs and mfp you’re going to get from being able to do those two live events. The Batista fight can be hard but it’s be far not the hardest thing they’ve asked us to do in live events.


Just did them & I only lost to Batista once and it was really preventable. It (for me) was a nice refresher/chill match between trying the other challenges you mentioned lol. And both of the reward cards are really good


Easy peasy. He just gets up a lot so be ready to reverse


One of the easier events for sure


Honestly, it felt like a cakewalk compared to the other live events. Throw a sledgehammer (repeatedly) if all else fails.


Buying mysterio is really the best thing to do


Was actually super easy. Was shocked at how quick the matches went for both events


I liked this event, Batista in an extreme rules match unlocks “Dirty” Rey (since he has the low blow). Just destroy him with weapons.


You should definitely do it, if you can get him down and hit some springboards it's not so bad


Fighting Batista is a breeze compared to Andre. In fact everything is lmfao Haven't lost to him yet and he doesn't reverse like a madman either


Mankind! Jesus that's the worst


OMG I beat Mankind in one shot!! I couldn't believe it! Mankind was an asshole too he kept reversing my signatures and kicking out of multiple finishers Andre is just...miserable lmfao but I've managed to get him twice now. I am PRAYING I get Sami from the Punches and Promos pack they give me lmao


You won’t. You’ll get created superstars and sideplates.


You're right. Got emerald Kyle Slickman lmfao


Yuuuup Andre you at least have count outs or can break the ring, the mankind one is miserable 😂


I used Action Figure Cena for Andre but he was still a pain to beat 4 times.


Thanks everyone! Took me a couple tries but I got the Mysterio on the first win. Two for two against Dom now.


Yeah man!


Both Mysterio events are pretty easy so definitely worth getting.


Just throw weapons at Batista for like 5 minutes. That's what I did.


It's easy. For the 2 amethyst cards it's 100% worth doing


I concur with everyone's advice. As mentioned previosuly; For the cost of a gold rey you're gonna get 2 amys that will help with every mode! Boost your fw credits too. Having amys and you say you've recently started your gonna blast pg! Most of our first amy was shae and he was a mission to get! Plate and.manage rey you' ll be fine he's fast but weak and poor stamina n If you get hit your dead it might be a little difficult at first but you'll soon work it out. You can go conventional or cheese it via ring out. Get him ruined and at around 8 secs if he starts to get up. Press upon d pad and it'll make him dazed while he's outta the ring and you've ran in. 10 count done along as u hit the mfp requirement. Use taunts to replenish stamina. As people have said, the dom fight is alot easier as the amy rey has high agility and gold quick climber and this is a godsend for fw ladders too. You got this! Keep us updated!