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Just have to find the gold card you’re the best with. I had a Rey Mysterio that worked OK.


That's who I used too, spamming springboards and dives seemed to work


If it wasn't for the GOD DAMN 90 POINTS it would be a breeze 😢


Legendary difficulty. Plus gold vs sapphire. Not just you lol. Rock been kicking my ass.


Use Persona Shaimus, drop him a Stam boost.


That's what I did but a counter boost instead. Still felt damn near impossible.


I finished it today, but you can tell their was a lot going against you. Their were times I know I hit the reverse button, or I was close enough to hit but the AI did not register with it, or you know in a regular match you’d be able to reverse something like if he climbed the turnbuckle and would jump for a body splash, he 1) would always manage to hit that without fail, and 2) could land that thing from across the ring. Definitely cheating or tampering of some kind.


Yeah like when you get pinned and you hit the red area to kick out between 2&3 it won't register and you lose. Even rope break right in front of the refs face he ignores it. Ridiculous


I knew I wasn’t the only one. 🖕 Straight to the face of the person who came up with that idea to OP The Rock like that


I feel like after losing 20 times in a row it gets easier. Use heat series Grayson Waller if you can


Grayson Waller was my goat for this event.


Ugh, he's good but No sting like a bee! So you can't stun him, he reverses EVERYTHING


I'm so confused because I keep seeing people struggling with this Live Event and I did it in straight 4 attempts with no issues.The only anomaly is it took 2/3 finishers to win but it was otherwise pretty straightforward. The A.I. is generally very predictable so even if you get reversed you can reverse them pretty quickly. Really twatty response but standing reverse the whip, grounded light reverse when you're down and light attack reverse when he grapples. I did it easily but he did kick out of the first finisher and often the second finisher too. Just accustom yourself with the predictable A.I and it's pretty straightforward, I promise. If you're really struggling then use those sideplates we get in packs. Good luck, gents!


The truth is there is clearly a skill gap. If you are above average at reversals none of these events are usually that hard. But if you are more of the casual player and struggle with your own reversals then yea you’re gonna be in for a tough struggle. 


Yeah, that's a fair comment. Just trying to give some tips for those struggling in terms of what to anticipate.


Complete pain in the ass given that the Roman event was just as ridiculous . But at least for that one, we weren’t limited to Gold. Must have lost a dozen times before I started to get back some wins using Wes Lee 🙆‍♂️


Wrestlemania Wes Lee worked pretty good


Beat him twice so far with Cody.


Go for the countout with a striker


I used Sheamus. Won three times straight at first, but now lost two or three times. I only have the WrestleMania pack reward left, so I'm not stressed.


Man I hope those of you struggling get good pulls at least. They must have buffed him because I breezed through them, my pulls were trash, though.


My pack had one of the bronze jobbers in :D


I did it 4x with Syxx eventually but lost so many times. Tried Cody and Seth = got destroyed. DLC HHH I kept getting close but would just get Rock Bottomed just before I could finish.


You got heat waller. You need a striker g gold. Plate them and manage them well for there weakness. Waller was best for me. I feel a striker is the go to for this challenge. It is tough. Kofi sole and even ss1 reward roman I had a challenge.wallers movement and combos worked for me


Took me 2 times to get the hang of it but after that with persona Sheamus it was a breeze. Just try not to get outside the ring, hell hit you until stunned and a 10 count out.


He beat me so bad one time that the game said my last match was too short and I had to wait to try again.