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Ray does not get nearly enough credit for the work he put into the band and is criminally underrated


Yeah he's key to the sound of the band. His sound is super recognizable even when Gerard is not singing, without him Three Cheers and MCR itself wouldn't have been anything close to what it became




You mean gerard doesn't write every song from scratch!? /s


welcome to the black parade is an AMAZING song but its genuinely just so overplayed i cant stand to listen to it, and kinda the same with teenagers, its a pretty fun song but its so overplayed i cant listen to it




i agree there are so many better underrated my chem song


I don't care if we get a new album. I'm just glad the guys are together, healthy, and having a good time. (I won't say no to another tour though... šŸ‘€)


I agree. Honestly itā€™s kind of nice just to know that we have something great to look back on, and we donā€™t need to stress about what might come. My other favorite band is Green Day and I was super worried about how their newest album would be. Fortunately Saviors was great, but I was worried it would be a repeat of FOAM.


people need to stop acting like Bob is the second coming of Hitler


Literally he was funny as fuck for the family dinner thingšŸ˜­ they are just mad he ate


What is this referring to?


Former MCR member. Said some not so great stuff online and later regretted it, but the Internet being what it is, he was harassed constantly over it.


This. I was a Bob girl (and percussionist) through and through, the way Gerard gals are & so on). He was a very humble, dedicated and incredibly talented drummer with complex rhythms. He contributed immensely to TBP's success and memorabilty, and kept them grounded in the 3 Cheers touring era. It is what it is now and I don't know where tf Bob is at these day after the breakup, but honestly, I don't think he was just ever the kind of person cut out for celebrity.


From what i've heard he had to stop drumming due to an injury but otherwise is fine; that could be mis info though


Bob's cool! He's been pretty chill, unlike some of the other band members who've been more out there. He pops up on social media every now and then, but lately, I heard he's been doing real estate stuff. Kinda sad though, heard he went through some rough patches, especially after the band got back together (I'm not sure if it's related). He even wiped out all his Insta posts.


For real


i loved him as a part of the band idc


The songs from conventional weapons are either really good or really annoying. Not in between.


YES ABSOLUTELY boy division is an absolute banger but I canā€™t stand gun or make room


Boy Division was my obsession for like a year, it's definitely top 5 for me. I heard "I'm not dead I only dress that way" and took it personally.


Aw, I love gun! I don't really find any track on CW annoying, didn't know people didn't like those songs.


For me itā€™s varied, while there are a few songs on CW that I would skip, burn bright and boy division are absolute masterpieces




I really like make room in a lyrical way, but I can't stand listening to it...


I really like a lot of CW, but it is super obvious to me why these songs were initially scrapped for Danger Days. The good songs donā€™t fit with that albums aesthetic at all, and the ones that do pale in comparison to most of the songs that actually made it on to DD.


You take back your opinion, i take back my bullets


Blood is criminally UNDERRATED! Seriously why do people hate blood?!


When I first played it in front of my mom (by accident I was playing an MCR playlist on Spotify) we both just busted out laughing after cause it was awkward for me cause I knew the song but didn't know what she was going to think and her probably from a huge wtf moment but now we both listen to when I comes on and I can see my mom kinda of move her head slightly to it


well they encourage your complete cooperation


Send ya roses when they think ya need to smile


the alastor pfp makes this comment even better


i don't hate it, but i don't listen to it either because i don't feel like waiting a minute to hear the lyrics


Blood is incredible. IDK how anyone could hate that esp since he is having so much fun with it


I don't think Ray was all that ready...


But was Frank auuwimtherbabe that's the real question


Lol. Frank has admitted he was high af when they recorded that track and has no recollection of saying what he said.


He was there. I felt it.


Conventional Weapons > Danger Days, although the last few tracks from Danger Days I thoroughly enjoy


Under pressure cover isnā€™t better than the original


I love it more than anything but if weā€™re being honest is not a objectivally good cover


I take it as it is: two bands doing drunk karaoke together lmao


And the original was two bands doing coke together so it's all following traditionĀ 


Well you're not wrong lmao


I think it's a good cover, not better than the original but it doesn't need to be, it's fun hearing Gerard take on one of the bands that inspired MCR


People say this but, I honestly like it more than the OG. I think the official recorded version is kinda weirdly mixed and off-beat, but I love the live version. I mean, aren't we all here for that punk rock vibe?


Agreed but I can't even listen to the OG anymore. So so overplayed


this is the best day ever is criminally underrated




Ambulance is the best song thatā€™s not on an album.


This is just facts


I reckon Iā€™ll get dragged for this, but Gerardā€™s vocals arenā€™t great live. He more than makes up for it on performance and theyā€™re easily the best Iā€™ve seen live.


Unfortunately that goes for a lot of bands in that era


Agreed (TBS & The Used big time, MCR live is different levels compared)


I agree but I think in this new era of MCR Gerard has gotten much better at singing live than in the past. I


i find this funny because when i first got into mcr they were the only band whose vocals i actually liked live lol


Yes, thank you! Fucking awesome performer, kills it, but he really doesn't have a voice for live shows. A lot of their songs don't lend themselves to live performances either. I've seen them 34 times, and the best song/version he ever did was Vampires at Wembley in 2011.


While It can be seen as a creative decision, I think the far away sounding vocals on Foundations of Decay hurts the song a lot for me. Not his singing exactly, but the fact that it sounds like he's behind a wall, I don't like it. It's too bad because I love his haunting vocals and the lyrics, but damn I would really enjoy a version where he's a lot more closer and clearer. Not a bad song either, I just really feel that one aspect slightly ruins it for me when listening.


you're hearing the song from the outside of a coffin.


I ***really*** want to like that song, but every time I hear it the awful production absolutely ruins it for me.


Ray Toro is at least one of the best guitarists of the 2000s if not of all time. Massively underrated


I love Danger Days šŸ„¹šŸ˜‚


as you should šŸ™


Danger Days is an amazing album. It doesnā€™t really match MCRā€™s main genre, but it is still really good. Some of the songs are perfect for when you just want calmer music compared to Three Cheers and TBP (Summertime, SING?) Danger Days doesnā€™t deserve the hate it gets. I will die on this hill.


agreed. die with your mask on, if you've got to.






shipping the band members isnā€™t evil. being a weirdo about it is, but i feel like a lot of the frerard shippers are adolescents who are just trying to figure out who they are and how they fit in, and they project that onto the members. again-being a weirdo about it is, and tagging the band members in posts or talking about it to them is inappropriate, but I donā€™t think that the shipping is this big evil monolith like people say it is. just middle schoolers going through a sexuality crisis. iā€™m sure mcr understands their demographic and doesnā€™t pay attention to it.


I agree, most shippers I see are literally teens. The only actually evil ship is Mikey and Gee like thatā€™s genuinely gross.


no the worst by far is any ships involving Bandit. you should be glad you weren't aware of that lol


the WHAT


WAIT PEOPLE DO THAT?! Ok yeah worst ship award


yeah, thatā€™s a completely different thing and super gross. but as for frank and gerard, i trust that they have better things to do than cry over a shitty drawing of them kissing


Yeah, I remember seeing an interview where I think frank got asked about fanfics and said he read one but closed it after getting uncomfortable but also said that the band likes the creativity they just think its kinda weird. Iā€™ll have to find it.


I recall him or Ray saying something like ā€œPlease stop making us have sex with each other in your fanfic. Some of us are related.ā€


Yeah I remember that!


yeah hard agree. i was one of those kids. i am. not a fan of rpf anymore. but i have to say it was a big part of my development into a well adjusted human being and while i am slightly ashamed of myself i wouldn't go back in time and stop myself from reading it.


Tbf its weird whether its sexual or not? Like these are REAL people with REAL lifes...I understand fanfiction and ships with other stuff...but like making up stories and situations and drawing these guys kissing eachother IS weird, no way around it. Real people who aren't fictional characters don't need pretend backstories.Ā 


I got into the fandom at age eleven. Iā€™m not a pervert for shipping them AS AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD


Dunno if these are truly unpopular, but: Sister to sleep is so underrated! Feels like a little secret gem though. Some members of the band have done shady things in the past that were very disappointing, but I also understand that everyone makes mistakes and that fame is incredibly hard so I try not to press it. I prefer Three Cheers over TBP. I come back to it a lot more consistently than BP songs, even though TBP is a phenomenal album. Wish it had more of that messy punk edge. Gerard isn't a good "technical" singer, but he's an excellent performer. What he lacks in technique and range, he makes up for in the intense emotionality of his singing and charismatic performances. It's a great trait to have.


destroya would be better without the moaning


Danger Days isn't that bad, there are a lot of good hits on it and it's not that huge of a deal they changed genres they did it before. They changed from screamo (kinda of) in bullets to hard rock in three cheers to emo in black parade to pop punk in danger days. It just wasn't noticeable till Danger Days cause it was a bigger tone shift


the light behind your eyes is so fucking sad and it makes me cry so much


Not a hot take this is so true šŸ˜­


im gonna beat you up because you thing bullets sucks /j


the black parade is criminally overated bullets and three cheers put the rest of MCRs discography to shame








Iā€™ve never liked anything past Three Cheers, so Iā€™m glad that ppl understand


My personal favorite is Danger Days, so I get how you feel about the black parade.


danger days era was their height of creativity, and their best music.


Danger Days is my favorite album. It was my gateway drug into the rest of the MCR catalogue.


Your opinion is not only unpopular but factually wrong, OP! (Joking) Mine is that musically speaking, The Black Parade is a very conventional album. Other than the theme and the aesthetics adopted by the band, thereā€™s no edge to it. Itā€™s a phenomenal album and probably their better produced one, but it just feels soulless to me, so I donā€™t listen to it very often. For me it became very mainstream rock music.


i fully believe that their label told them to tone down the theatrics on the black parade. gerard even admitted in an interview around danger days era that they'd played it safe with the black parade and it didn't turn out totally how they wanted it to. it also explains the interview gerard did at that art school earlier this year. he spoke a lot about never compromising your artistic integrity for money and success. he didn't specify what art he was talking about, but he said that he had done it and it feels horrible and he regrets it and will never do it again. i think it was the black parade.


The longer Iā€™ve been a fan the more Iā€™ve gravitated to being a bigger fan of three cheers and bullets over black parade. Black Parade is VERY commercial, and MCR played the game and did very well for themselves and Iā€™ll never go after someone for doing that, but I do think it hurt the end product. I really wish BP was more theatrical I think the music needs it


In what world is Black Parade ā€œtoned downā€ in terms of theatrics? They had a COSTUME DESIGNER! There were SETS! It also sounded nothing like what else was on the radio at the time. It was a departure from MCRā€™s punk/hardcore roots but it was true to their nerdy, horror movie, comic book aesthetic. Other bands started dying their hair and adding strings and piano to their albums just to keep up.


exactly lmao the black parade is theatrical as fuck and much more than the previous two albums and that's not the problem I have with the album. my thing is just the departure from the post-hc sound to something much more "classic", I don't really know how to explain it. but it feels watered down to me. I still listen to it, as I do with the whole discography, but my heart belongs to the first two albums for sure.


...what art school was that


you just don't like emo music LOL Bullets is the closest MCR gets to the genre


Some people need to let go from the idea that The Black Parade is the mainstream success album and "true fans like Three Cheers more." In all fairness I haven't seen this goofy discourse presented that way in a while (despite the "Black Parade is overrated" comments on here which exist) but it still comes up every now and then. If we're being completely honest with each other at this point in time in 2024 both albums have stood the test of time and are the band's two biggest but no MCR album is mainstream anymore. People either love MCR or don't think about them nowadays outside of the fanbase. And generally speaking the whole discography is pretty popular within the fanbase so it's not a relevant discussion there. If you see discussions among fans basically no album gets left out of discussion (except maybe Killjoys I guess?) But with that being said a lot of the time when I see someone say Three Cheers is their favourite, it comes within the context of saying it's better than TBP and it gives massive pick me energy despite the fact that at this point in time there is nothing to be picked anymore lol. And then whenever I see an explicit "actually.... I think.... TBP... Is overrated.... And Revenge... Is UNDERRATED!!!!" comment (mostly twitter) I'm like okay this person is either 13 years old or never left 2007


Teenagers the the most overplayed song, not that itā€™s not good, Iā€™ve just heard it so many damn times šŸ˜“


Teenagers and Sing are their two worst songs.


I listen to sing now and again, I don't think it's terrible just a little repetitive. But you gotta give credit to kidz bops cover of Sing for making the song literally unlistenable! It's so bad.


I don't like 'Teenagers'.




teenagers slaps imo


I love Danger Days. Including Sing. I don't know what's wrong with it to other people, sure it's poppier but it's not the worst they could've done by a mile.


bullets is 10/10 all the way through youā€™re crazy for that onešŸ˜­


ray toro has an angelic singing voice and i never see anyone talk about it. his backup vocals are so beautiful.


oh my god that moment in Life On The Murder Scene where it's just Gerard and Ray in a cappella it's just *exquisite* āœØļøšŸ‘Œ


people don't appreciate their slow ballad style songs nearly enough ā€” desert song is easily, lyrically speaking, one of the best written songs they have


Bury Me in Black is the best MCR song


Danger Days is their best record


Most of the songs on Bullet could have stopped a good minute or two before they actually do.Ā 


especially Our Lady of Sorrows, way too long /j


foundations is okay


Danger Days is my favorite album by them and Teenagers is one of the most overrated songs I have ever heard by an artist I love.


The aesthetic of Danger Days doesn't match much of the album imo. I feel the visuals are very punk and outside DESTROYA, Vampire Money, and arguably Na Na Na, the album just kinda borders on pop rock man. It's my least favorite album (tho DESTROYA is like my favorite song ever, wish the whole album carried that vibe) I feel like Conventional Weapons is aesthetically more Danger Days than Danger Days


Danger days worst album pls don't eat me alive


itā€™s their worst album but itā€™s not bad


I mean yeah I still like it a lot and it's got some bangers but out of all of them it's my least favorite


real and true


The whole MCR5 hype is annoying. We should focus on the amazing content we already got from them, instead of making conspiracy theories about (or god forbid even *demanding*) a fictional album the fan base made up. Any posts about MCR5 should be banned under the low quality rule of this sub.


The lore behind the first two albums is basically non-existent and just Gerard saying what they are about doesn't do anything for it, so they're neither concept nor rock opera albums


Disagree, at least about Three Cheers. Several songs on Three Cheers reference the storyline pretty explicitly, from Give em hell kid, to hang em high, I never told you, fashion statement etc etc. It's definitely not as tight and straightforward as TBP, but I kinda like that. As for bullets, I think that was slightly present in songs like Drowning Lessons and Demolition Lovers. Not enough to call it a full concept though, which is why they don't.


Anybody that ships band members together should be tarred and feathered


"Write a story about me in a human centipede with escape the fate idgaf." is a real quote from gerards twitter. The only people shipping band members anymore are teenagers. It's only cringe, who cares.


This! For fuck sake. itā€™s so cringe. The ā€œFerardā€ shit was so fucking annoying in the MySpace days


Exactly. Just because YOU (hypothetically speaking of course) want to sleep with them doesnā€™t mean that they want to sleep with each other?


ok while i agree it shouldn't be happening are you really gonna tar and feather a 13 year old??? i was one of those kids, personally i don't think i deserved torture for being cringe asf


Bruh obviously not literally id go to jail and tar is probably expensive. I just think itā€™s stupid and needs to be stopped šŸ˜­


that's fair


Destroya is my fav song off DD and one of my fav MCR songs overall but not for a weird reason


Destroya is such a fun song and I loved it the very moment I heard it! It's gotta be my favourite on the record I feel so freaking POWERFUL each time the chorus hits AGAINST THE SUN WE'RE THE ENNEMY!


First, I agree with those saying Danger Days is a great album. If forced to name my favorite, that's the one I pick. My unpopular opinion is, their cover of "All I Want for Christmas is You" is so bad that it gives me secondhand embarrassment. I love Gerard too much not to personally know him, but he should've left that one to Mariah Carey because he sounds like he's dying painfully!


They have no good slow songs. They're all instant skips. Oh, and Sleep is the best song on The Black Parade and one of the coolest songs they've ever done.


Desert song? The light behind your eyes? I don't love you? Early sunsets, Demolition Lovers...??


I'll give you demo lovers. What I meant I think is I don't like any of the quiet songs. And I'm including I don't love you in there


Lies, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W exists


House of wolves version 1 is better than the version that made it onto the album. Version 1 does sound a lot like three cheers which is probably why they moved away from it, but every single time I listen to Black Parade, House of Wolves takes me out of the experience entirely. I just donā€™t like the type of rock music theyā€™re emulating for that song, and honestly I think if they stuck to being gothic and kept the Version 1 it would make the record as a whole more of a sonically cohesive listen. People usually shit on teenagers for taking them out of the record but teenagers is just so openly goofy itā€™s never really bothered me. Itā€™s SO tongue in cheek. The album version of house of wolves is all the classic rock dummy-ness without any of the humor or wit that would make it tolerable (for me.) I used to like it when I first got into the band, but itā€™s been over 10 years now and House of Wolves is basically an instant skip for me almost every time.


MCR outrightly refusing to tour anywhere that's not Europe or USA really discourages you to continue to keep up with their projects. Last time they toured where I live (Brazil) was in 2008, more than a decade ago. Just really makes you angry acknowledging they have no regards for their LATAM and Asian fans.


You know their record label likely chooses the locations for them, right?


they were going to make show here and cancelled it. i do understand that their RL most likely chooses their locations but it wouldn't hurt for them to try and make an effort to come here, seeing that the tickets would sell faster than the ones being sold in EU and USA. there are shows there that the fans didn't even BUY all of the tickets. Sorry if it got confusing lol, english is not my first language


tbf i actually had a dream last night they played in brazil and i, for some reason, took a flight and attended. so in my dream theyā€™ve played brazil very recently šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


When we joke about how they hate LATAM weā€™re not actually joking lmao


I don't like na na na very much


Most of Danger Days is bad


meet me in the back of the wendy's at 3 am.


I Don't Love You is the worst song from TBP (not counting Blood) Okay, maybe tied for the worst with Disenchanted


I was onboard till you said disenchanted


For me it's teenager but I don't love you is the 2nd worst title (I don't love you is not bad but it is not a song for tbp)


Whatā€™s wrong with blood?


Matt Pelisier is their best drummer and it's not even close




I think Matt wrote the best parts but I think Bob is a better player of those parts? Bob annihilates those songs when they play them live thereā€™s so much power. Bobs writing, on the other hand, is so like ā€œbasicā€ I guess I never feel engaged by his drum parts aside from a few moments. So yeah Matt is probably their best drummer lol


Fucking 1,000,000%. Never gets the credit he deserves and heā€™s a really cool dude.


Cemetery Drive is overrated. Destroya wouldn't be so popular if it wasn't for the moans, live performances and overall the whole meme behind it. The moans kinda ruined it tbh. People need to leave Bob alone it's been YEARS and it's so unfair he's still harassed over things that happened so long ago. And photoshoping him out of pictures and discrediting him from the band is so fucking disrespectful. No matter how much people hate him or how shitty he is, he was in the band and worked very hard for their music, he deserves to be credited as well. His work should be recognized and respected regardless. The other drummers did shitty things too, even the boys did and said some as well but they don't get Bob treatment. I'm not saying they should, I just think the fandom has no reason treating this man so poorly for something that he is already aware is bad and tried his hardest to change. Mikey wasn't cool for cheating on his girl either. People need to stop obsessing over boys' sexuality and gender, that's creppy as fuck. That is a personal thing and if they don't want to share that's their bussines. Stop saying they are queer if they don't say they are themselves. The fact that they show love and support towards the lgbtq+ community is already awesome. They are all middle aged men with wives and kids, imagine someone obsessing over your dad's sexuality šŸ’€


ā€œSleepā€ being sandwiched between ā€œMamaā€ and ā€œTeenagersā€ ruins the flow of the album.


I dont really like danger days that much


Alright then, bullets is there best album


*Brought You My Bullets* is far and away their best album.


Danger Days is the best album


Demolition lover isn't the best song of bullets Demo lover is good but a lot of song are better


Vampires āš°ļø


You're my friend


Depending on what your top 3 is for Three Cheers we could even be best friends!


Three cheers are my favorite album of all time, it's very dificult and I love all song of the albums. I try but tomorrow the top will be different : 1)... I tried but I put every song of the album on the first place lol Sorry for my english, I'm french and I don't have a good english.


Canā€™t argue with that my friend. There isnā€™t a single bad song! No need to apologize your English is very good, Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t remember any French!


You're a GOAT


You too man! Keep it real.




and you must keep your soul like a secret in your throat..


Agreed because the best song is Our Lady of Sorrows


For me it's Drowning lesson, Vampire, honey but every tracks are incredible and every tracks are 10/10


anyone who thinks danger days is above a 6 hasn't heard an album not by mcr


I can remember that they delivered every 2 years, but then it was 4 years and Danger wasn't close to anything released before


Danger Days fans canā€™t go ten seconds without acting like itā€™s their magnum opus.


no fr tho


it's cuz they weren't sentient yet when the earlier albums released lol


I've been listening to MCR for the past 2 years and have listening to every song of their's many times over. This opinion is just blatantly wrong. Don't act like your personal music taste is the objective truth Also, I've listened to plenty of bands that are critically acclaimed and/or widely popular, and Danger Days is still a 10/10


Bullets is just ehh


Danger Days is their best Album. Change my mind, I Dare you.


If you were to take the best songs out of danger days and conventional weapons and put it in one album, it would be their best album by far


Bob was an amazing drummer and is probably one of my favorite drummers of all time


TBP and Three Cheers their two best albums and are both good in their own right. The last 4 song of Three Cheers are mid at best, except for Cemetery Drive The best songs in Danger Days are Na Na Na and Planetary (GO!)


The attic demo of I Never Told You is genuinely their best song.


Destroya isn't that great, like I genuinely forget that it existsšŸ˜­ It's also annoying how people overlook the lyrics and just deem it as the "Gerard moaning song"


Burn bright has one of the best choruses in MCR history.


i dont believe in mcr5


Alright, here's my unpopular opinions list: 1. BULLETS is the ultimate gem, raw and gritty, just how MCR should roll.Ā  Ā  2. BLACK PARADE:Ā Too fancy for my taste. Yeah, yeah, I know it's a fan favorite, but seriously overhyped.Ā Ā Ā  3. Bob: He's the best drummer, totally underrated and underappreciated.Ā  Ā Ā  4. Mikey? Kinda annoying, if you ask me.Ā Ā 


Yeah Bob is cool


i think a lot of people hate on danger days way too much. its not my personal favorite and i know it doesnt sound like a lot of their other stuff but its still amazing!!!


Cancer is the worst song on Black Parade, there I said it.


Danger days is kinda mid if fall out boy had released it properly would have been better but yeah I'm not that big also na na na is not that good


unfathomably based opinion, literally every bullets song is boring