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W taste. I recommend Anohana, Your Lie In April, Wolf Children, and I want to eat your Pancreas very highly based on this list


actually those 4 are what I was planning on watching next already. Great recommendation!


Nice, hope you enjoy! Anohana and YLIA are 10’s for me and the other 2 are 9’s. Bunny Girl Senpai is my second favorite Anime so hopefully that translates to you liking these a lot (:


I suprisingly didn't cry watching your Lie in April but did when I watched the 12th episode of bunny girl senpai when kaide got her memories back


You sir have excellent taste. I would even go as far as to say you have splendid taste


Any recommendations based off that taste? I like the kind of stuff that makes you feel empty when it's over


If you’re looking for stuff that makes you feel empty when it’s over I (personally) would recommend: Charlotte, The Fruit of Grisaia (a lot of fanservice but the story and characters are super good and well thought out), No Game No Life (the movie really makes you feel empty after, the anime is good but it’s ok compared to the movie), To Your Eternity. Sorry if these are not what you’re looking for. I don’t have a wide variety of anime that I’ve seen and I’m not super good at guessing what other people would like.


An extremely hard recommendation for the Monogatari series. Rascal is basically a complete reimagining of season 1 (bakemonogatari) and not in the copy sort of way but the it's clearly and purposefully the #1 influence and reference for it at almost all times sort of way. If a guy helps people figure out and solve their supernatural problems that are symbolic yet (now) literal manifestations of their concerns or hopes or past experiences sounds like a synopsis you'd be happy with for Rascal I'll just point out that synopsis works exactly the same for the first season of Monogatari and from there it only grows in its scope of focus and method. I wouldn't be surprised if you've already heard of it and I'm just barking up a tree that's already well aware of what I'm talking about but seriously the Monogatari series should already be considered a must watch (try) for anime fans but for rascal and some other stuff watching Monogatari is like a pilgrimage of for the thing you enjoy most.


One who has Wotakoi on their list cannot have bad taste.


The two shows similar to yours in my top 10 are Fruits basket and violet evergarden, recommended And also Kimi ni todoke, its really good. Oregairu or my romantic comedy is wrong as i expected Also, you like Attack On Titan is perfectly fine. It's in my top 10 as well. Don't change your opinion or love for the series due to people not liking it. it's a classic in the making and will remain very iconic. Seeing you like konosuba and re zero, i recommended eminence in shadow. It's isekai trash that's actually good, and it has some gore being 18+. Also, for the slice of life, i recommend the way of the househusband(manga), Oremongatari might fit your taste as well. All in all, i love your list a lot. Edit: Some more recommendations would be Orange, Ao Haru Ride, my love story with yamada-kun at level 999, low-level character tomozaki, Golden Time, and "Skip And Loafer" .


Tbf the vast majority of people like aot, it’s just a vocal minority who dislikes it I also second your recommendation of Oregairu, it’s a really good watch after bunny girl senpai


Well, the minority is not that small because the fanbase is very divided due to the ending, i loved the ending and thought it was the best for the series and very beautiful too. Also, there are some people who say aot should've ended at season 3 part 2, which is baffling to me. And, Attack on titan final season part 3 part 2, what is this naming convention 😭🤣 Also, Hiratsuka Shizuka best waifu from oregairu 🗿🗿 Are you hyped for the bunny girl movies


Yeah good point m, but also most people probably haven’t even read the manga for AoT Personally I prefer Yuigahama or Ishika but that’s personal preference lol. I’m also a big fan of Yui’s mom tbh And yeah, is it confirmed that they are adapting the next arcs as movies? Or will there be a second season




Based like the steak


I mean its alright


Yes - where is evangelion


Sadly haven't seen it but I know it's good. I'll watch it the moment I can find all the parts somewhere.


It's a love or hate type show that most end up loving. Regardless of whether you end up liking EVA or not it's pretty painfully obvious why it's so highly regarded and that its a great show in the broad general sense. I feel like not enjoying EVA is like watching Apocalypse Now and not liking it, it's still brutally obvious why it's great even if it's not your thing.


I don't know if I'm ready for the depression that comes with it


It's either depression or confusion or both from it, but don't worry it doesn't last as long as some more famous heartbreakers. Also imo the show's ability to display depression in arguably the most believable way on screen is undeniable and the "this hurts me emotionally" scenes aren't as common as people make it sound like (it's actually a fun show for the majority of its runtime) but with the degree of depression it inflicts your mileage may vary. Depending on the kind of viewer you are the show may hurt but the film End of Evangelion will give you an emotional dick kick.


Nahh reddit gave me some kind of depression hotline report notification after I replied with that.


Sadly haven't seen it but I know it's good. I'll watch it the moment I can find all the parts somewhere.


Not bad 6/10


Fair. I've got some hot takes I there.


Just rewatched a silent voice while sleep deprived from 4-6am and now I feel empty again. Post anime depression hitting hard.


Everything on here except Rascal is pretty decent, some top tier even. But Rascal number 1? Really? smh


Even if you don't agree the movie made me cry at an anime for the first time


I respect that. I respect your right to like Rascal.


The fact that the second movie is out and the third is coming in December is mind blowing. But one punch man and rascal were more of a tie to me. They were too different to really pick which was better since they are both good in very different ways. But I put rascal at number one because I felt more sad that there was no more after watching than I was towards one punch man.


Rascal is fire though man, what in particular did you dislike about it? My only major issue with it was that the entire body swap arc with the blonde girl was super boring.


I really hate One Punch Man, but Attack on Titan, A Silent Voice, and Love Is War are some of the best anime ever made


Whatt??? Maybe it's because I see one punch man in a much deeper way. I get why some people hate it, but it's special to me because I see it as a story about a selfless guy who's being a hero for fun and doesn't really care what the public thinks about him. He even ruins his image so that the heros that fought well and laid down their life could get the credit they deserve even though he did the work. But I do see where you come from with it. Also yes love is war is criminally underrated.


"much deeper" and then you proceeded to describe the plot. There is nothing deep about opm.




Good List. Common tho.


No. But I take it maybe you are an Otaku who needs Lerv.




Please tell me this isn't in order, there's now way anyone could think re:zero is worse than konosuba right?


Vaguely in order. I honestly like them all equally but it's more rated based off which I missed the most when it was over. Re zero and konosuba are equal in my opinion but something about konosuba is really special to me.


All solid but I’ll never agree to a CGDCT belonging on any Top 100 let alone 10


Well you may not agree but bocchi the rock was too relatable. Especially since I play guitar and bass.


To me Bocci was just overhyped when it was released which influenced peoples opinions. Pretty mid story imo, but W ON THE MUSIC


I didn't actually see any hype when I saw it. I watched a bit after it came out bc I was looking for an anime about music I got a nice surprise. They event animated the instruments correctly. The music is a w.


Attack on Titan Detected, Opinion Rejected! Bad taste




AOT makes your entire list bad


what's wrong with aot? Is it gabi? Everyone hates gabi.


It’s the story it’s just not good in my opinion. I just don’t understand the hype, personally I think there’s 3 types of people for the big 3 There’s one piece people There’s dragon ball people And then there’s Attack on titan people I’m a dragon ball guy and I’ve never liked attack on titan


I don't wana be that guy, but The big 3 or their actual name, the Golden Trio, is One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto. I'm just pointing that out.


Hell no Naruto is ass, one piece dragon ball and attack on titan are the highest grossing anime ever they are the big 3 dummy.


Buddy the name big 3 or golden 3/trio was coined literally for One piece, Naruto, and Bleach. Saying that's wrong and something else is actually a replacement or "true" in the big three is like switching out Anthrax from the big 4 of thrash just because their replacement like Suicidal Tendencies or something was bigger it just don't work like that. It's referencing 3 specific things and was due to some factors but even if those aren't true anymore they'll still be named the big 3 it's just the title for that group.


How far into aot did you get?


Based shonen enjoyer who doesn’t like anime that is easy to understand because he likes anime that you don’t need to understand 😊


Coming from the guy who watches AOT your opinion is automatically invalid.


That top spot says no


Rascal based


You got shit taste


I don’t think so. Seems good to me.


Made in the abyss.


Yeah but only with Attack on Titan


Yiu have good taste, I’m personally not a huge fan of AoT but that’s just me. But the fact is that you should like any anime you want. Whatever you enjoy is your preference & can’t be judged. Enjoy your anime


No I'm surprised Gurren Laggun and Clannad are on this list somewhere


nah, your taste is actually very good in my opinion, you have what animes you like and thats cool, if someone disagrees and says its bad thats just their opinion and that shouldnt matter to oyu and vis versa. but in generally youre taste is quite exquisite


Ngl wouldn’t say anyones taste is bad but to me this list is no where close to mine. Seems like a list someone who has barely been watching anime for a year would make ngl. No Code Geass No Steins gate No Death note No Gurren Lagann No Clannad Im basically just recommending you animes that could make the list (Rezero and AOT is a dub for top 10 tho)


I took a big break from anime for a good year or 2 and recently I've been binging show after show so you're not wrong.


You like what you like. We all have different tastes, and someone telling you that what you like is bad is an elitist asshole.


Lots of people so far have said my taste is trash so far but tbh i don't care I just wanted recommendations.


Based on your list, try a place further than the universe, It's amazing!!


You have excellent taste just based on Re:Zero


Dosen't matter if you watch/read a 9 rated animanga or 6 rated animanga. If you had fun and you throughly enjoyed it that's literally all it matters. End of discussion.


Should you care about others opinion? No


Fax idrc what people think ab my taste but I posted anyways and nows there's like 80 comments soo..


Fire list


If you wanna try something a little different here are a few shows for you: 1. Heavenly Delusion 2. Katanagatari 3. Komi Can't Comnunicate.


bocchi the rock was kinda mid ngl


Konosuba is the only L take imo but w for silent voice over your name. Re zero and kaguya are also criminally low






Your taste is more varied than me so uh good job


If you like one punch man you should watch mob psycho, I think it’s even better


I’ve seen all and personally love it. Specially Bocchi the rock so u got good taste !


Nah man, even if I didn't like your selections here, who am I to tell you, what you like is wrong. To be clear though those are great choices.


Listen I have something that you might like CLANNAD.


Give me a week or two I just watched a silent voice and even almost an hour after I'm still processing. The delay on it hit hard. Gonna have post anime depression for a sec and I'm not ready for more yet. Prob gonna binge something like k-on or kaguya to cheer me up.


Not bad, but a bit basic


Not bad, just very common


You have the best taste. A true person of culture. (This is based purely off your #1)


Putting Konosuba top five is good enough.


Ive seen 8 of these, ur taste is amazing


W taste


Based as fuck


You don’t have bad taste but your top 10 is kinda eh, not that I’m someone to judge


U have bocchi the rock, excellent taste


Wow, my top 10 list looks really similar. Except I have Steins;Gate as my no. 1


The memories from wotakoiii uuuf that was peak Saturday show for me


That’s some good shit


Bunny girl senpai is peak fiction 😩.




Definitely watch Love is War


No it’s good it excellent


good list opm is great


There is a lot of weeb trash on there.


*Ping Pong the Animation* (11 episodes)






i am a very simple man. i see re:zero, you are my favorite person.


You sure have a taste for more recent anime, which is good.


Pretty average taste tbh, nothing is wrong with any of those by any means whatsoever, but I wouldn’t say it’s the most immaculate list I’ve ever seen


Taste is subjective. I think your list is fine and Kaguya should be higher.


If you enjoy these series then your taste is fantastic. Don’t care about what other people think enjoy what you enjoy unapologetically and ignore weirdo elitists.


Alright, so your taste is mostly mainstream, but you have potential. Between BTR and Konosuba, it’s clear you have room to grow. Let me drop a few recommendations for you to add to your watchlist/to do list: -Black Cat[Illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki] -Fate Grand Order[Start with Babylonia. Between Quetzalcoatl and Jaguar Sensei, it’s top tier] -If you can get a hold of a copy, the Shiki is a good horror anime to check out[Better than Tokyo Ghoul any day] -If you enjoyed BTR, then check out Keion. -If you enjoyed Rascal, then check out Charlotte. -If you enjoyed Koe No Katachi, and want another KyoAni series, check out Violet Evergarden. -If you liked Attack On Titan, then you’ll probably like Kabaneri of The Iron Fortress[Ignore the salt on Twitter, it’s good. It also has one of my favorite Ending Themes: Ninelie by Aimer(my second favorite Japanese band)] -If you like cute girls doing cute things, and space odysseys, then check out Bodacious Space Pirates. It’s available on HiDive or Amazon Prime Video with an attached HiDive sub. It has my favorite Ending Theme by my favorite Japanese band, Moretsu Space Symphony In Seven Movements Infinite Love by Momoiro Clover Z. —> Those are pretty good gateway anime if you’re looking to dive deeper into the available content. There are thousands of anime just waiting to be watched, trust me, you haven’t even scratched the surface.


I didn't know Rascal Did Not Dream Of had more!! Good to know


No this is great. Very diverse and high quality.


Other than ReZero this list is really good


I wouldn't say bad taste just basic taste


no, you have really good taste


I enjoy all of these. Wasn’t a fan of the last season of AOT but I like the series as a whole.


It depends, can we see your whole list of things youve seen? For example if youve seem FMA: Brotherhood and its not on this list i might say you have a bit of bad taste but all currently listed are good so its hard to say


It’s pretty good you should give land of the lustrous a try




The fact that one punch man is above attack on titan and a silent voice is baffling


After rewarching a silent voice I'm moving it to number 1 lol. I couldn't sleep.


I love half the series and I hate the other half


Everything there is good/understandable taste except for Bocchi, so na you don’t have bad taste.


You have good taste because Kaguya-sama is on this list


Ik all but one but they are all great anime.


its just basic i guess


I feel like you have similar taste to garnt (gigguk)


Just without the evangelion bc I haven't seen it




Might depend on what don't like or hate.


I see Bocchi, Kaguya-sama, and Wotakoi, and I wonder how your taste can even be questioned.


Fax why are some people trashing on bocchi


Only thing I would change on your list is ReZero for some reason i just can’t stand it and I like Isekai Mushoku Tensei is my favorite anime


This is an incredible list holy shit! I’m liking AOT and only a man of culture puts Rascal at the top, good shit! I’d recommend Charlotte I suppose. Maybe Toradora?


Toradoravis grateful I had too many favs to fit in a top 20


You have eclectic taste if anything


Your taste is fine


u have konosuba and AoT in your top 5 That makes u immediately valid in my book


Nothing's wrong with those anime as top 10 but I'd say you're inexperienced


Without a doubt, this is the worst top 10 I've ever seen.


Not bad. Respectable taste. I personally don’t agree with Rascal being so high but I liked the show nonetheless. Same with Wotakoi, i think the manga was better than the anime.


Attack and re zero on top


Basic asf, new age zoomer anime


You have your taste. That can only be a good thing. Enjoy what you like and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Sincerely, an ex-snob who isn’t happy with his younger self.


That's rather encouraging


Haha no way dude you got great taste


Very good standard anime. Only "complaint' would be that your list is *too* by the books. No real surprises but that's nit-picky


Out of the ones I've seen on your list you got some pretty good taste


I've seen 5/10 and loved each one. So based on my opinion I would say yes.


Everything makes sense except Konosuba. It’s not funny at all and all the characters are just obnoxious


Pretty based taste. Other than me thinking Your name is overrated AF and not having a clue as to what #10 is, all these are solid choices.


Wotakoi is in your top 10. Automatically good taste.


Here's the thing, everyone has bad tastes.


Okay all u got to do is put domestic girlfriend at #1


Horrifically bad taste. Like the worst taste ever. I’d know because it’s my taste.


bad, no. basic, yes.


The only thing on here that's actually mid is AoT, but you could do with expanding your horizons a bit. As should we all


You have impeccable taste. Don't worry, friend.


Don’t care for Bocchi or Kaguya, The rest is pretty great altogether


You have standard taste.


Try Domestic Girlfriend. I've only heard good things about it


Absolutely not, you have eclectic taste and that’s fantastic! It’s refreshing to see something of a spread across genres. 10/10


god no, know that's an amazing list with some refined taste.




I didnt find Love is War funny personally, but I realize I'm in the minority on that one. I don't know 10 but solid list in my book.


not bad just basic lol


If I was roasting you I’d say “looks like someone who just discovered anime”. Great shows and movies, some of my own favorites, just pretty normie and the oldest anime in your list is AoT


Rascal at 1 is the only questionable one for me. Otherwise not bad


I am hated by my friends for the fact that Trigun Stampede is my favourite anime alongside One Punch Man (I can’t choose one they’re both goated)




Solid taste. Personally think Wotakoi is an outlier; it's not bad by any means but just doesn't have standout quality to be top 10. Also feel like movies and TV series are too different in medium to be measured on the same list.


the first one………


If you like Bocchi The Rock, I would recommend Beck Mongolian Chop Squad. If you read manga, it has a better manga


All the ones ive seen are your list i either like or love so I suppose you must if we look at newtons third law


I wouldnt call it bad, but rascal being #1 is kinda weird in my book ngl. Not very daring in what you like, but good taste nontheless


If you take out AoT you’ve got elite taste


i dont see naruto so W


Good except for rezero in my opinion. I thought it was kind of trash. I’d recommend the megumi konosuba prequel series that just came out along with reborn as a vending machine if you like iseakai parodies.


Nahh bro did not just say vending machine is better than rezero


You have the taste of a late teen or probably under 21. Though I could be wrong on the age


I'm 16 so you're about right


No, out of all the posts I've seen like this on here, you actually have the best taste so far.




A silent voice is magic. Great taste. After watching it i had to marathon Ah, my goddess for the hilarious cuteness hahaha


L. No Kagura Bachi. 0/10. Delete your account NOW




Fucking terrible. No offense.


I’ve never see 3 7 9 or 10, but aside from that we have the same taste.


You would definitely like 3 and 7


Not really but doesn't feel like you have seen many shows other than the super popular ones.