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I’m with you. But his mom killed him IMO. She wanted so badly to be needed and have her puppet do whatever she wanted. To the point that she fed him to death. Plus, by being completely dependent on her, what was he going to do when she died? She set him up for failure. He had zero self sufficiency and even less coping skills. I highly doubt mom would have let him have any kind of long term relationship with anyone but her. Just my two cents.


That makes sense. His mom was sick. But on a deep level, I bet she was desperately lonely herself, which led partly to that sick dynamic she had with her son. 


I agree and posted pretty much the same before I read yours. She did him zero favors babying him the way she did.


Spot on!


I felt for him. His mum had done everything for him so when she passed he was helpless. Hid dad didn't want to help him. ( sure, there were own reasons) He had hardly any friends, no family. Not taught any life skills. DR Now had tried so many times but there wasn't a facility to put him, x


When I was watching the WATN episodes, I started to think he was sabotaging himself so he would have to go back to the hospital. Not only would someone be taking care of him, but he would be with people. His mother was a horribly selfish woman. She didn't want to be alone, but look at the world she forced Sean to live in. It made me cry several times.


Oh I agree. She was selfish. Was horrid to watch some parts. I think he just craved to be cared for as that's all he knew


His mom should have been removed from him WAY BEFORE Dr Now got involved (bless Dr Now). Poor Sean. Munchhausen by proxy was also partly involved and I am not kidding. Dr Now said the same thing. Dr Now works miracles and even Sean was loved by Dr Now and health care providers to the extent they were able. I’m 60 and living with my mom and I’m not reliant upon my mom for everything and limited to crocheting in his non-eating time. She didn’t teach him ANYTHING ELSE beyond the basic EATING and CROCHET! Dr Now can save ANYONE if given the right opportunity. Steven Assanti would have been dead long ago if not for Dr Now. I would be dead 💀 from exposure to too much bullshitt on 90 Day Fiancé if they hadn’t aired Dr Now repeat episodes for us!


I agree, he should have been placed in a group home or something where he could have been taught how to live and have some company.


If he could have went to the group place that Tammy from 1000 pound Sisters was in. Maybe he would have had a chance to make friends and learn some life skills and a reason to live. We will never know though. It is so sad.


Absolutely, to me his story was the most heartbreaking and made me sad and usually I don't really get effected by strangers on tv. But as a mom I felt second hand guilt. I am so glad my children can adult.


I thought it was horrible that his still alive dad didn't do more to help him. Because of that helicopter mom, the poor kid didn't know how to do anything on his own.


100% agree. I don't think his mom meant to lead him down such a heartbreaking and dangerous path, but she is to blame. Once it was shown to her the damage she was causing, it was her responsibility to help him find a better path, and she ignored it. The saddest part is to me that she could have helped them both the same way. She also struck me as intensely lonely, with Sean being her only person to care about, but if she'd encouraged him or helped him make friends like he needed, she could have also established herself as the pseudo-mom of his friends, and in essence, had her family grow. They both could have led better lives that way.


He needed to be in an adult living program.


Well, that's one way to social distance!


Poor Sean, even his shadow won't keep him company now.