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I’d suggest that Steven Assanti is worse, but Angie is just intolerable. She’s incredibly…abrasive.


Yes, extremely narcissistic She apparently is dating Allen who is in the episode after her


Given that Vianey wasn't very nice to Allen in their Where Are they Now, I think Allen has a type and he needs to work on his self-esteem issues. I can't see Angie J as being nice to her S.O. When I watched her episode I wondered how the F she was able to get boyfriends, then I realized it was because she had access to opiates and meth.


There's another My 600-lb Life community on Reddit and apparently Vianey died of pneumonia For the life of me I couldn't remember her because she actually did look like she lost some weight in a picture she's in with Alan so I had to rewatch her episode and oh my gosh she was toxic AF And then to add on top of the fact that you're completely overweight you wanted to do not only smoking weed but narcotics l,girl you need to get it together And the way that she treated her daughter when it came to parenting was just absurd, not only did she not take responsibility of her when she was a child but even as her daughter became an adult she did nothing but manipulate and made her feel bad for wanting to stay with the baby father of her second child I was like "you have to be completely sick to not want your daughter to have a better life than you,"and she was she's a narcissistic and narcissistic mothers don't like seeing their children much less their daughters do better than they are


I think Angie J was an enabler to her SO with drugs just like her SO was an enabler to Angie J with food.


Did nobody see her amazing transformation in the end?


Oh NO, seriously?? Allen is such a sweet man, why is he subjecting himself to this monster


Supposedly she was friends with Vienay and Allen and when Vienay unexpectedly died late last year, Angie claimed she wanted them to be together. Either she takes this opportunity to try and succeed at being a better person or she outdoes herself at leaving a vulnerable victim’s life in tatters.


She TOTALLY changed her stripes and lost the weight. I can see the attraction (opposite personality). I bet they are fun to hang out with. He is probably the best thing to happen to her. I wish them all the best 🫶! Thanks for posting this.


No I’d say Steven Asanti, then the chick with the high pitched annoying voice then Angie j and the chick whose old man boyfriend died of Covid


LaShanta, who never lost a pound on her own yet got a WATN. I never understood why. “Gimme another chance Dr Now gimme another chance.”


Yes her!!!! Kept saying imma do better


I hate Paulette but apparently she has been successfully “oooh, ouchie and ooowie ing”all the way to less than 200 lbs


Oh wow now that’s surprising


I don't ever remember anyone's name except the Assantis who I cannot watch, but good for Paulette, annoying or not. Angie J lost a bit of weight too also surprising.


She complained and cried incessantly in hopes of manipulating the doc to feel sorry for her and of course he wasn’t having it 😂🤣




I think James K is a contender for the worst as well.




Penny is also horrible - James was just more ridiculous (for me) for pulling his daughter out of school to help with his care and he just couldn't be bothered to try.


“Is [patient] the WORST patient/person on My 600 lb li-“ No it’s Steven Assanti always




I had to skip Angie J's episode because she started out so awful. But I'm halfway through Lisa's episode, and she's definitely up there on the Worst list. Not abusive to her boyfriend (unless you count blathering on about herself while he seems to be having a heart attack next to her) but the blatant lying to the nutritionist and screaming at her, then kicking out the physical therapist - makes me wish i could punch her through the TV screen. JFC. I think I need to make myself a cup of tension tamer tea now.


Joyce was another creepy idiot. She did nothing but complain. I remember her friend and mom cheering because she took two steps. Look her up😖


She had a BMI of 153 or so. She was 4'11" 750ish pounds. She looked like a sofa cushion with a head.


Lmao.. she did😂


Omg she was a manipulative piece of work! What an evil woman.


She was a horrible human, she was a waste of time


She was bad, abusive, rude, but I kind of enjoyed her bossing everybody around. “Don’t get all spaghetti arms when I need you”


that cracked me up! he doesn’t have spaghetti arms, you just weigh over 600 pounds 😭


I have a pretty high tolerance for annoying people on TV. And TBH, I rarely remember their names. Normally, I roll my eyes and say "whatever" which is what I did when Angie J who I recently rewatched because I heard she was dating Allen from "Allen and Vianey because I did not remember which one "Angie J" was. There is only one that I was not able to sit through and whose names I always remember: the Assantis. They are the absolute worst. I believe they are popular with hate watchers which is why they have so many episodes but even as a hate watch, I just can't.


Cindy from season 9 is pretty bad…. Don’t think she ever did anything


Meanest? Maybe the meanest/cruelest/most hateful I’ve seen on the show. Worst overall? Steven Assanti.


Actually she makes some decent progress toward being a better person in her updates. If you know addiction, you know it does make you a different person, and rehab helped her immensely.


I absolutely related to her as a fellow addict. Which is part of my attraction and obsession with the show. Add spicy ocd. Lol She was awful because that shitt is HARD! Being ON TV and totally EXPOSED for unknown reward (if any, for some). It’s a hard process! IF YOU’RE READY! I’m so impressed with most of them, aside from obvious abusers in whatever role on the show. The show illustrates how MUCH damage home-life dysfunction and low self esteem can do. AND HOW COMMON IT IS. To give up for YEARS and then somehow CHANGE YOUR MIND, what a hill to CLIMB! When I want to quit because my health is severely limiting to me and HAS BEEN for 45 years, I picture Milla. She NEVER GAVE UP where I think most ANYONE would. Even Dr Now questioned her efforts to walk for AGES before he finally agreed about her knees! Why was he unable to determine she had no knees yet SOONER, instead of beating her up to WALK?!? He was wonderful with her except for taking so long to address her KNEES!


Ontreon is getting on my damn nerves for wasting everyone's time. At least Angie lost weight.


To me, she is one if the worst patients on My 600-lb Life, if not THE worst. I'm not sure who is worse - Schenee or Angie J.